Golami H., Mahmoodi Amirabad F.A..
General symbolic meanings of the zoonym "dog" in the phraseological units (provrbs and sayings) of the Russian and Persian languages in the linguo-cultural aspect
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 9.
– P. 57-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.9.44019.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.9.44019
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Abstract: This article aims to analyze the symbolic definitions of the zoonym "dog" in Persian and Russian phraseology (proverbs). The leading research methods were analytical, descriptive, classification, and comparative methods. The purpose of this work is to identify the common symbolic meanings of the word "dog" in Russian and Persian phraseological units in the linguo-cultural aspect. Based on research conducted by other authors, Olga Gennadyevna Yablonskaya and Fakhte Nakhavali, on Russian and Persian phraseological dictionaries, "dog" holds the top position in terms of frequency in the Russian language and the second position in Persian, following "donkey". It is important to study these phraseological units with the lexeme "dog" because the images created by this zoonym possess attributes that people can relate to, such as devotion, hunting, wildness, and noisiness.
Despite the cultural and social differences, the main semantic characteristics derived from the name of this animal, like devotion, noisiness, wildness, and others, are almost the same in both Russian and Persian.
Keywords: proverbs, sayings, frequency, phraseological units, connotation, linguo-cultural aspect, dog, phraseology, Russian language, Persian language
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Ñoncept of POLITENESS in comparison of Russian and German language cultures
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 9.
– P. 44-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.9.43911.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.9.43911
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Abstract: Axiological linguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies ways of expressing the speaker's assessment of the object of utterance, options for classifying assessments, as well as determining general cultural and nationally marked values through language analysis. Evaluation, according to the definition of N.D. Arutyunova, is a special cognitive act, as a result of which the attitude of the subject to the object being evaluated is established in order to determine its significance in the life and activity of the subject. Evaluation activity can be determined not only by philosophical attitudes, but also by the commonality of subjective and objective factors – moral norms, social practice, value orientations, level of education. Therefore, within the framework of the definition of the axiological aspect, the speaker, with the help of language and certain linguistic elements, can transmit, in addition to the information message as such, also his own evaluative connotation in relation to the object of the utterance. Concepts, as linguistic signs of the reflection of the picture of the world in the mind of the subject, fix the meanings inherent in this culture. The study of the semantic potential of the corresponding concepts leads us to the study of value-significant concepts and cultural dominants in the language. The purpose of this article is to study politeness as a significant concept of Russian and German language cultures. Now the phenomenon of polite is being rethought in both cultures.
Keywords: evaluation, German language culture, Russian language culture, phraseological units, language signs, linguistic axiology, language, value, politeness, concept
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Galysheva M.P..
Impact of F. M. Dostoyevsky’s novel “The Idiot” upon the F. Mauriac’s novella “The Lamb”: the problem of an atoning sacrifice
// Litera. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 53-65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.4.30157.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.4.30157
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the F. Mauriac’s novella “The Lamb” viewed from the perspective of impact of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” upon it. The goal is to establish and describe the coincidences and similarities between the texts on the level of poetics of the plot and literary details, as well as methods of creating the characters and psychologism, interpreted by Mauriac as conscious borrowings. The author attempts to determine the key points of the religious-philosophical polemics between Dostoevsky and Mauriac. The focus of this research is the central for Mauriac’s novel and just one of the difficult themes in Dostoevsky’s novel question of the atoning sacrifice of a beautiful, “Christ-like” person. The main conclusion consists in the fact that Mauriac structures the protagonist’s storyline leans on the impossibility for Dostoevsky’s heroes to resolve the question on reasonableness of the atoning sacrifice: if “The Idiot” ends with a tragedy and total fiasco of a positive and beautiful character, whose sacrifice became deleterious, the sacrifice of Xavier became salvific and filled with sacred meaning. At the same time, the visible artistic reality and harmoniousness of Mauriac’s creation is possible due to simplification and unification of problematic of the Russian precedent text.
Keywords: artistic detail, expiation, sacrifice, Christ, Christianity, Mauriac, Dostoevsky, belief, confession, borrowings
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Kudryavtseva R.A..
The Theme of Bread in Terms of the Axiological Potential of Contemporary Mari and Chuvash Prose
// Litera. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 69-75.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26942.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26942
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Abstract: Within the axiological paradigm of modern literature in the Volga region, an artistic solution to the topic of bread in Mari and Chuvash prose is considered. The subject of the concrete analysis is the value nature of the image of bread in the stories of the Mari writer Yuri Artamonov “A weighty loaf” and the Chuvash writer Eva Lisina “A piece of bread”. The article reveals the value-semantic potential of the topic of bread in its universal, ethnodirectional and individual authorial expression of it; considered some aspects of the poetics of works, actualized in the framework of their axiological content. The research methodology is determined by the structural-semantic and comparative analysis of works. The results of the study can be in demand when building a modern scientific strategy of comparative literature in the Volga region and its practical implementation. It is proved that in both works an important component of the author's concept is the idea of bread as the source of life and happiness. But if, in the story of Yu. Artamonov, this thought gives rise to the image of an almost ideal hero-worker creating this value, then in the story by E. Lisina, inserted into the context of the artistic description of an absurd world, it, while retaining its moral component, is combined with a humanistic appeal.
Keywords: Eva Lisina, Yuri Artamonov, Chuvash literature, Mari literature, axiological paradigm of literature, literary comparative studies, the theme of bread, story, poetics, artistic sense
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Periodization of Finno-Ugric Literature in Terms of Comparative Philology
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Abstract: The present article is devoted to the Finno-Ugric literature community as the subject for comparative analysis as well as the general periodization of Finno-Ugric nations as the problem of comparative philology. The rationale of such periodization is caused by both the artistic creative practice of Finno-Ugric writers with their real interest in national identity sources and modern status of the literature theory, especially in the Urals-Volga region that demonstrate a strong interest towards issues of comparative methodology. The author pays special attention to such typological aspect of Finno-Ugric literature research as the literature in terms of its relation to folklore. This article is of theoretical and methodological nature. Therein the author applies analytical, systems approach, comparative methods of literary studies. in her research Kudryavtseva analyzes all Russian and foreign philological approaches to the systems research of the history of Finno-Ugric literature of Russia and the other world from the point of view of their importance and application as part of the modern academic strategy of Finno-Ugric comparative literary studies.
Keywords: Mari literature, literature and folklore, periodization principles, periodization of literary history, typological criteria, Finno-Ugric literature community, national literature, regional (local) literature, comparative method, comparative literary studies
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Nils-Nietzschean. Nietzschean motives of tale S. Lagerlof
// Litera. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 114-142.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.3.16871.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.3.16871
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Abstract: The subject of the present article is to study the philosophical content of the geographic tales S. Lagerlof about the journey of Nils (1906-1907). The author provides an explication of philosophical ideas of Nietzsche in the text of the Swedish writer. It focused on the problem of the will to power as a central point the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche. The specificity manifestation of the will to power in nature and in human existence. Also, the phenomenon of Dionysian beginning, the problem of the relationship of being and becoming, and the problem of morality. The present study used the methodological principles and guidelines of comparative literature and philosophical analysis of a literary text. The main result of the study is the explication of Nietzschean tale S. Lagerlof "Amazing Adventures of Nils Holgerson with wild geese on Sweden". The author revealed the parallels of the test of a literary text with the philosophical writings and rough notes of the German philosopher. Thus disclosed heuristic potential of the conceptual development of Friedrich Nietzsche and the philosophical significance of fairy tales S. Lagerlof.
Keywords: Niels, Lagerlof, Nietzsche, the will to power, transgression, Sweden, journey, philosophical reasons, Swedish literature, geographic tale
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