Zhu B..
The Evolution of the New Year's Gala Concert in Chinese Media
// Litera. – 2022. – № 9.
– P. 10-18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.9.38682.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.9.38682
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Abstract: In 2023, the world's largest broadcast by the number of viewers of China Central Television "New Year's Gala Concert", timed to coincide with the Spring Festival, will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Since its launch in 1983 The "New Year's Gala Concert" has undergone many changes reflecting the global transformations of Chinese media and Chinese society as a whole. The object of our research was chosen by the PRC television, and the subject was the "New Year's Gala Concert", on the example of the evolution of which we analyze the formation and development of modern Chinese media in the context of national and global media processes. The author's main contribution to the study of the chosen topic is a unique selection of key events defining the history of the "New Year's Gala Concert", on the basis of which the main stages of the modernization of Chinese television were determined: the Taiwanese pop wave, the "cultural thaw" and the crisis of censorship of the CPC in the mid-1980s; the advent of the era of advertisers and the rapid commercialization of Chinese media of the 90s-00s; strengthening the role of the state and the activation of ordinary viewers in the formation of a nationwide media campaign of the 2010s. The stages of the evolution of the "New Year's Gala Concert" highlighted in the article characterize the historical process of development not only of Chinese television, but of the whole country as a whole.
Keywords: Mass Media, PDA, xiangsheng, Evolution, Media, Spring Festival, PRC, China, CCTV, New Year's Gala Concert
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Dai Jinhua, Invisible Writing: A Study of Chinese Culture in the 1990s, Peking University Press, 2018. Internet sources
Link to YouTube playlist with recordings of the Gala C
Kikteva K.D..
Don Juan and His Servant: Twins and Antipodes
// Litera. – 2018. – № 2.
– P. 201-207.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.25839.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.25839
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Abstract: Three well-known interpretations of the plot about Don Juan in European literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries serve as material for the research: the play by Tirso de Molina “The Trickster of Seville”, a comedy by J. Moliere “Don Juan, or the Stone Guest”, opera V. A Mozart's "Don Juan" on the libretto of L. da Ponte. The creator of the image of the seducer, Tirso de Molina, introduced into the text, in addition to the main character, several important characters (Catalinon, Commander), who later migrated to different interpretations of the plot, in particular in the texts of Ponte and Moliere. The main subject of research in the article is the figure of the servant of the seducer, her role in the most iconic European interpretations of the myth and the main functions that it performs. The basis of the methodology is a comparative analysis of texts that exist within a single tradition. The historical-culturological method is also used to explain the changes that are being experienced in the same way within the framework of different literary trends and countries. The key conclusion of the article is the idea that the image of the servant (along with the images of some other characters) is an integral part of the plot about Don Juan (Spanish - Juan) Tenorio only at relatively early stages of its existence. Starting from the Romantic era, with greater freedom in dealing with national myths, the figure of Don Juan’s companion often disappears from the narrative, and its functions (responsibility for the comic, resonance and the affirmation of traditional morality) become irrelevant or carried out in another way.
Keywords: master and servant, interpretations of the plot, Romanticism, European literature, mocker and seducer, cultural myth, Don Juan, duplicity, antipodes, raisonneur
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Ovchinnikova O..
Subculture of French Metropolises: Performance Features and Patterns of Enriching Vocabulary of Youth Argot
// Litera. – 2018. – № 1.
– P. 85-90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25579.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25579
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Abstract: Today nonstandard becomes a marker of social, political and cultural changes in the life of the society. Nonstandard is typical for metropolises and their suburbs, young people being the main part of population there. Youth argot plays an important role in nonstandard as a system. Representatives of this reference group try to stay aloof from the other part of the society so they have their own subculture. At the same time, youth quickly assimilates new trends of the society. The analysis carried out by the author demonstrates that this reference group tends to a fast yet full communication of ideas as it is required by the fast pace of their life. This is why youth word creation is mostly focused on the play upon the appearance of the word. The results of analysing empirical material selected from specialized sources of uncodified speech using the continuous sampling method demonstrate that French youth do not only assimilate existent words and patterns of vocabulary enrichment in accordance with their needs and purposes but also create their own method of writing to communicate through messangers and SMS. The importance of youth vocabulary is growing as a result of extended cross-cultural communication and international contacts. Young people are open for everything new and quite vively respond to changing realities. Thus, analysis of their vocabulary allows to better understand world views and picture of the world of young people and to adapt to the environment they live in.
Keywords: internet communication, borrowing, abbreviation, truncation, metropolis, youth argot, subculture, nonstandard, messenger, SMS
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Kirichenko N.R..
Linguistic Manifistation of the Concept of Immigration in the English and American Press
// Litera. – 2017. – № 3.
– P. 106-114.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.23935.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.23935
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Abstract: The article aims at examining the concept of immigration in the American and English linguistic consciousness, conceptual immigration metaphors and their manifistation in the English and American press. The subject of the work is linguistic means which verbalize the above mentioned concept in the English and American linguistic consciousness. The object of the work is the concept of immigration. The analysis of the concept has been carried out in the framework of the conceptual metaphor theory. By analyzing the language material and describing metaphoric models the author has defined attitudes to immigration at the modern state of society's development. The research is based on the continuous sampling method applied to English and American press examples. Kirichenko has also used the definition analysis method. Immigration is a key concept of a modern political discourse. The content analysis of the lexeme immigration, which verbalizes the discussed concept, has been made. Three models representing the concept of immigration have been described in the article, namely anthropomorphic model, the model of nature and artifactural model. The analysis reveals that these models have negative connotation.
Keywords: immigrant, artifactural model, the model of nature, anthropomorphic model, metaphorical model, conceptual metaphor, immigration, definitional analysis, concept, lexeme immigration
Immigration to Switzerland: the case of the former Republic of Yugoslavia. URL: (accessed: 11.05.2017).
Illegal Immigration Is Not Immigration – It’s an Invasion. URL: (accessed: 15.05.2017).
Common Arguments Against Immigration, Addressed. URL: (accessed: 15.06.2017).
Forget the Greek crisis or Britain's referendum, this tidal wave of migrants could be the biggest threat to Europe since the war. URL: (accessed: 12.05.2017).
How Hungary Managed to Erase Illegal Immigration in Just a Few Months. URL:
Izotova N.N..
The Concept of 'Money' in Japanese Paramiology
// Litera. – 2017. – № 1.
– P. 135-143.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.20201.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.20201
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the representation of the concept 'money' in Japanese paramiology. The empirical basis of the research is the selection of units from lexicographical sources such as definition and etymology dictionaries, and dictionaries of collocations, proverbs, sayings and idioms of the Japanese language. The 'Money' concept does not only actualise the sphere of commodity-money relations but also the entire scope of morals and values that determine the need for existence and self-realisation. Analysis of the language material nominating different features of money in the Japanese language allows to better understand behavioral patterns and mentality of Japanese people. Using the method of cognitive and cultural background interpretation as well as the axiological approach allowing to define one's attitude to existence and surrounding world, the author of the research studies the aforesaid concept in terms of the language culture diachrony. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the 'money' concept in terms of verbalisation in Japanese phraseology taking into account national and cultural views and attitudes as well as general and specific features thereof. As a result of the research, the author discovers the ambivalent nature of how the aforesaid concept is reflected in the linguistic consciousness where negative connotation paroemias prevail.
Keywords: values, mentality, Japan, language speaker, phraseology, Yojijukugo, cultural linguistics, paramiology, money, concept
Bykova S. A. Iapono-russkii frazeologicheskii slovar'. – M.: ID «Muravei-gaid», 2000. 272 s.
Vasil'eva I. A. Den'gi kak fenomen kul'tury: k voprosu o granitsakh kul'turfilosofskogo issledovaniia / I. A. Vasil'eva // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta № 3, 2011. S. 12-18.
四字熟語事典,大修館書店, 2004. 560 p.
四字列語, 新潮社,1999.123 p.
例解 慣用句辞典―言いたい内容から逆引きできる,創拓,1999,625 p.
実用ことわざ新辞典,高橋書店,2015,368 p.
明鏡 ことわざ成句使い方事典–大修館書店, 2007.658 p.
Buzuk L.G..
Translation and Interpreting Studies: Methodological and Theoretical Research
// Litera. – 2017. – № 1.
– P. 144-148.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.21863.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.21863
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Abstract: In the modern world due to the global expansion of international relations any person who knows a foreign language in fact acts as a translator or an interpreter. As a result the popularity of involving non-professional translators or interpreters in the translation process reduces visibility of the work of professional translators and interpreters in the society and influences on the quality of the translation. The purpose of this article is to find answers to a number of issues the modern translation and interpreting studies faces with, for instance, language problems and different interpretations of texts, or possibility or impossibility of text translation, etc. The basis of this article lay down the work of J. Ortega y Gasset , P. Ricoeur and F. Schleiermacher. The results of this article will be of great interest to both professional and non-professional translators or interpreters because the tasks of translation and interpreting studies are specified, problems with interpretations of the translated texts are pointed out, criteria for evaluation of a translation are proposed as well as the methods of “paraphrase” and “retelling” appropriate use of which improves the skills of an interpreter or translator and avoid tricky situations.
Keywords: assesment criteria for a good translation, teaching methods, method of retelling, linguistic hermeneutic, method of paraphrase, translator, translation and interpreting studies, author, reader, language
F.D. Schleiermacher On the different methods of translation: a lecture delivered on 24 June 1813 // the Moscow University Herald. Ser. 9 "Philology: Scientific journal. 2000. № 2. 127-145 P.
Ortega-and-Gasset J. What is philosophy? M.: Nauka, 1991. 408 p.
Ricoeur P. the Paradigm of translation. Lecture delivered at the faculty of Protestant theology in Paris in October, 1998 / Ed. M. Edelman // Esprit. Paris, 1999. No. 253. 10 p.
Faritov V.T..
Elements of folk-laughter culture of in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche (Nietzsche and Bakhtin)
// Litera. – 2016. – № 3.
– P. 60-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19305.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19305
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Abstract: The subject of the study of the present article are the philosophical aspects of folk culture of laughter as a source of conceptual and figurative content philosophical literature works. Object of research are elements of folk culture of laughter in his book "Thus Spake Zarathustra" Friedrich Nietzsche. The author, based on the conceptual development of MM Bakhtin analyzes the main features of philosophical ideas and poetics of the main work of the German thinker. The main attention is paid to the phenomena of laughter, the carnival attitude, buffoonery and body. The paper used to install and methodological principles of comparative literature and comparative philosophy. Used poststructuralist methods of work with texts. The main conclusion of the study is a thesis about the embeddedness of ideologically-shaped structure "Thus Spake Zarathustra" in the tradition of folk culture of laughter. Author substantiated the position of the accessories of the work of Nietzsche to genres carnivalized literature. The article reveals the connection of phenomena of laughter, carnival buffoonery and body with the ontological phenomenon of transgression.
Keywords: body, fool, laugh, carnivalization, transgression, Nietzsche, Bakhtin, Rabelais, folk-laughter culture, ambivalence
Faritov V.T. Transgressiya i kul'tura v "Rozhdenii tragedii" F. Nitsshe // Kul'tura i iskusstvo. 2016. № 1. C. 55-64. DOI: 10.7256/2222-1956.2016.1.16935.
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