Kosteeva D..
Linguodidactic discourse: the student as a subject in teaching foreign languages
// Litera. – 2022. – № 7.
– P. 164-174.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.37233.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.37233
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Abstract: In this paper, an attempt is made to differentiate pedagogical, didactic, methodological and linguodidactic discourses in the field of teaching foreign languages in order to highlight the special position of linguodidactic discourse. A review of research shows that in the field of teaching foreign languages, related types of discourses are used without a clear definition of the grounds for their differentiation. To define the boundaries between discourses, the paper uses an approach based on the definition of speech genres by M. M. Bakhin and genres of discourse by V. I. Tyupa. Thus, the main parameters for the differentiation of discourses are the positions of subjects and strategies of their interaction. The analysis of studies addressing pedagogical, didactic, methodological and linguodidactic discourses, based on these parameters, allows us to distinguish between related types of discourses in the field of teaching foreign languages. In comparison with them, the specificity of linguodidactic discourse allows us to take into account, on the one hand, the fact that in it language functions simultaneously as a material and as a means of teaching. On the other hand, it covers the widest, in comparison with other discourses, the field of options for communicative strategies of interaction between subjects — the teacher and the student. As a result, in addition to the one-sided strategy of teacher-student interaction for pedagogical, methodological and didactic discourses, linguodidactic discourse makes it possible to include interaction strategies reflecting the new active role of the student as an equal subject of discourse, as well as those strategies that previously belonged to different types of related discourses.
Keywords: communication strategy, subject, genre of discourse, boundaries of discourse, types of discourse, methodical discourse, didactic discourse, pedagogical discourse, linguodidactic discourse, teaching foreign languages
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