Borunov A.B..
Variety of Speech and Methods of Measuring It in a Text (Linguostatistical Analysis)
// Litera. – 2017. – № 4.
– P. 81-86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.4.20751.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.4.20751
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Abstract: This article is devoted to particularities of using statistical methods in linguistic researches of natural language. The main purpose of the research is to describe the main methods of linguostatistical research that serve as criteria for speech variety in a text. The provisions of this research can be used in future research of both Russian and foreign languages to define and prove stylistic variety of speech using statistical models and formulas. The linguostatistical analysis described in this research completes traditional linguostylistic analysis. The methodology of this research involves analysis of research literature on the matter, descriptive method and destructive analysis method. The research provides brief but logically grounded formulas of speech variety that are usually called variety oefficients. In addition, the article presents the method of stylistic variety of both verbal utterance and written text as well as the method that describe results using mathematical formulas that define speech variety coefficients.
Keywords: linguostatistical analysis, standard value of the coefficients, syntactic variety, lexical diversity, diversity of speech coefficients, richness of speech, linguostatistical approach, mathematical approach, quantitative linguistics, linguostylistics
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