Otsomieva Z.M..
Lexical manifestation of the image of man in the Avar toponymy
// Litera. – 2020. – № 12.
– P. 210-216.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.12.34748.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.12.34748
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the semantics of toponymic lexemes, methods of their formation, semantic relations of nominations in the lexical-thematic group “characteristics of man”, and their propensity to reflect the worldview of the Avar dialect speakers. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of various characteristics of man captured in toponyms, which is expressed in determination of lexical composition of nominations that describe man by certain personality traits, behavior patteerns, appearance, types of activities, property status, etc. The article also reveals the role of units that characterize a person from different perspectives, and reflect certain qualities of a man, which allow depicting his behavior pattern and lifestyle in the toponymy of Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky, and Khunzakhsky districts of Dagestan. The scientific novelty consists in determination of unites in the toponyms that characterize a person from different perspectives. Analysis is conducted on the Avar toponymic lexicon that reflects various characteristics of man. This work is a valuable and public source for information retrieval and further research within the framework of studying various aspects of the image of man. The author’s special contribution to the research of Avar toponymy lies in determination and systematization of the corresponding lexical-thematic subgroups in the context of broad theme “the characteristics of man" in the indicated dialects.
Keywords: dialect vocabulary, toponymic models, characteristics of a man, lexico-semantic means, regional toponymy, geographical terms, language picture of the world, toponym, microtoponym, semantics
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Question-Answer Series as a Type of Dialogic Text (Based on Modern English-Speaking Press Briefing)
// Litera. – 2017. – № 1.
– P. 67-75.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.22023.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.22023
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Abstract: The article explores a press briefing question-answer series as a special type of verbal interaction. In recent years research of dialogic forms of interaction has much intensified. It is one of the main research objects in communicative paradigmatic linguistics which provides a theoretical framework for the analysis in this paper. A briefing is a complex dialogue unit with its grammatical, stylistic and compositional peculiarities which are conditioned by the aims of political communication. The interactants’ speech is considered from the point of view of politeness and cooperation principles. The main differences between the dialogue in briefings and political interviews are described. Extensive language data available have been studied according to the approaches of contextual, pragmatic, structural and dicteme analyses. The research results reveal that press briefings are highly conventional with a particular allocation of communicative roles. The interactants distance themselves from each other using a range of lexical, grammatical and syntactical means in their speech. Violation of politeness and cooperation principles in press briefings results in non-cooperative communication.
Keywords: politeness principle, distancing strategy, occurseme, dicteme, briefing, interview, cooperation principle, thematic question-answer series, dialogue, non-cooperative dialogue
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