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About the Journal

The quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal (double-blind peer review) publishes the results of research in the field of philology - linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies and art history. In addition to original articles, reviews of monographs are accepted for publication.

Online edition ISSN 2409-8698

Editor–in-Chief - Irina Sergeevna Yukhnova - Doctor of Philology, N.I. Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University, Professor of the Department of Russian Literature, 4 B. Panina str., 128, Nizhny Novgorod, 603105, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod, yuhnova@yandex.ru


Indexing and abstracting:


- Modern Language Association International Biography,

- Crossref,

- Google Scholar 


Publisher (owner): Aurora Group S.R.O. 

Company identification number (IČO): 44190549;

Company value-added tax number: SK 2022743514;

Koceľova 937/9, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic





Additionnal information about publisher (owner) can be found here https://aurora-journals.com/view_page_47.html