Zigmantovich, D.S. (2024). Destabilizing factors in simultaneous interpreting (using the example of oral syntactic features in speeches delivered by French politicians). Litera, 9, 1–10.
Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is one of the most complex types of cognitive and communicative activity. Such factors as the simultaneity of speech perception and speech production, multichannel nature of data received for processing, high speed of interpreting, etc. dictate the need educate highly qualified interpreters. This also indicates the importance of determining the criteria that must be taken into account while selecting speeches for the step-by-step mastering of the technique of SI. The subject of the study of this article are the factors influencing the handling of information in the process of simultaneous interpreting and embodied in the individual syntactic features of the speaker's speech. These features determine speeches' translatability and can either represent some destabilizing factors for simultaneous interpreters, or contribute to a more accurate and high-quality interpreting. The author analyzes the syntactic features inherent in the speeches delivered by two presidents of the French Republic – N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande. The article provides a comparative analysis of written texts and delivered speeches and a linguistic analysis of the text in order to identify syntactic features and to describe the impact they can have on the work of interpreters. The author of the article came to the conclusion that the analysis of such features can help in the selection of authentic speeches at the initial stage of mastering the technique of SI and for practicing and automating certain skills at a more advanced level or in the selection of speeches for intensive training in the language combination "French – Russian". The results of the research can be used in the study of texts produced by other speakers and / or in other languages. The results of the research can find application in educational and pedagogical activities, as well as in real interpreting practice.
French, interpreting didactics, speech compression, destabilizing factor, syntax, syntactic features, orator, simultaneous interpreting, interpreting, French political discourse
Kuznetsova, E.M. (2024). Onomatopoeia-occasionalisms as a feature of Japanese colloquial speech. Litera, 9, 11–19.
In this article, the author analyzes occasional forms of onomatopoeia in Japanese colloquial speech. Being a flexible system that stands out for its negligence, expressiveness and direct relation to the context, colloquial speech accepts breaking of language rules that are crucial for codified literary language. The form of onomatopoeia is short, however, such words can describe a huge variety of meanings. Therefore, onomatopoeia, including its occasional variants, is common in colloquial speech, making it more vivid. Japanese onomatopoeia often involves in word creation process, however, the topic of its occasional variants has not been studied thoroughly yet, which determines the scientific novelty of this research. The object of the study is Japanese onomatopoeia. The subject of the study is its occasional variants. The article examines daily dialogues of ordinary Japanese people and analyzes onomatopoeia they used (its occasional variants on different language layers and possible reasons behind the choice of such onomatopoeia usage). After the analysis, we found out that onomatopoetic occasional variants could be seen on phonetic, morphologic and syntactic levels. The Japanese can use in onomatopoeia unrepresentative for Japanese language sounds, significantly prolong vowels and consonants. Extraordinary combinations of onomatopoeic roots also take place, and some onomatopoetic roots, which end with prolonged vowel, can add geminate. Furthermore, some onomatopoeia serve as an attribute in a sentence and add unusual affix «–na» of nominal adjectives. As a result, we have observed that these methods increase emotionality and vividness of the speech, gain attention of the interlocutor and give the information in a shorter form.
semantic analysis, loanword, neologism, word creation, colloquial speech, occasionalism, onomatopoeia, the Japanese language, lexicology, uncodified vocabulary
Literary criticism
Li, J. (2024). History of the study of the Petersburg Myth in China in the classical period of literary studies. Litera, 9, 20–32.
The author considers the stages and main directions of research of St. Petersburg myth in China from 1980s to 2010s. The history of the study of St. Petersburg myth in China has more than 20 years. The study of St. Petersburg myth in China has gone through several stages. The end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century is the classical stage of the study of St. Petersburg myth in China. The object of the article is Chinese works on St. Petersburg myth and St. Petersburg texts during this period. The article summarizes the specific characteristics of Petersburg Myth in China. The main findings of this study summarize the situation and characteristics of Chinese studies on Petersburg myths from 1980 to 2010, and demonstrate the uniqueness of Chinese studies. The main features of this stage of research are the familiarity and interest of Chinese scholars in the theoretical study of the Russian school of mythology at the end of the 20th century, during which the theoretical foundations of St. Petersburg urban myths were formally studied. During the same period, studies of the relationship between Russian literature and religious spirituality and folk mythology began. The second stage is the first decade of the XXI century, when literature related to St. Petersburg began to be studied as a whole, and mythological symbols in these works began to be interpreted purposefully. The terms “Petersburg myth” and “Petersburg text” officially appeared in Chinese academic circles. By 2010, the primary phase of Chinese research on St. Petersburg myth had come to an end, and it had moved to a deeper level. The novelty of the study lies in a detailed examination of the ways and means of researching the Petersburg Myth in China, and the presentation of material in Russia.
mythology, Myth, St. Petersburg, Moscow-Tartu Semiotic School, Petersburg literature, Vladimir Nikolaevich Toporov, Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman, St. Petersburg text, St. Petersburg myth, semiology
Literary criticism
Zykova, G.V., Tszou, S. (2024). Three translations of one poem by Ai Qing as representations of the three epochs in Russian poetry. Litera, 9, 33–43.
The subject of the study are Russian poetic translations of the Soviet era as a phenomenon of Russian literature, their dependence on the dominant ideological and aesthetic attitudes, as well as – in some cases – on the artistic trends. The object of the analysis is the poem "I Love this Land" (1938) by Ai Qing, that belongs to Chinese cultural canon, as well as three Russian translations of it made by representatives of different generations: poet A. I. Gitovich (the text was published in 1952), sinologist L. E. Cherkassky (1978) and psycholinguist Yu. A. Sorokin (1981). The translations are compared with the original text and with each other; the nature and extent of the transformation of the original text are evaluated; the translations themselves are considered in the cultural context of their time. A comparative analysis has showed how modernist features of poetics are smoothed out in the 1952 translation (by Gitovich) (verlibre is rendered by rhythmized verse, some cause-and-effect relationships are clarified, etc.), Chinese poem is "domesticated" by introducing cliches; some elements of the original content are eliminated as not corresponding to the "correct" picture of the world. Cherkassky's translation, which is closest to the original, reveals the results of the translator's consistent and creative attention to modernist Chinese poetry, that became possible during the "Thaw". Sorokin's translation, polemically opposed to the traditions of translating Chinese poetry, turns out to be the most radical, which makes it possible to see in it a reflection of the aesthetic trends of the "second avant-garde". In the works devoted to Ai Qing's poetry rendering in Russia, some transformations to which his poems were subjected have been already noted; in our article, an attempt is made not only to to describe such transformations consistently, but also to offer their explanation.
Chinese poetry, L. E. Cherkassky, Yu. V. Sorokin, A. I. Gitovich, Russian poetry, modernism, problems of poetic translation, vers libre, Ai Qing, literary contacts
Pavlov, D.N. (2024). Narrative strategies of Media discourse: motivating content of TikTok and YouTube visual platforms. Litera, 9, 44–58.
The article introduces a previously non-studied category of motivating content in scientific discourse and substantiates its reception by the audience from a practical and functional point of view. Using the example of the representativeness of six TikTok videos (vertical content) and You-Tube (long horizontal content) platforms, the specific features of the audience's reception are considered. Firstly, for the first time in the article, through the prism of various approaches, a stereoscopic picture of the phenomenon under study is formed, namely: the composition of the videos, the reception of the viewer. It is also proved that their structure is based on the actualization of the narrative archetypes of fairy tales considered by V.Y. Propp. Secondly, the motivating content defines the sequence of narrative elements and highlights the key features of the syntagmatic plot unity. Thirdly, the author defines the means of artistic expression functioning in the narrators' speech, tropes and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of sentences and affect the viewer's reception. The author also defines the functional feature of motivating content, which consists in a psychological and therapeutic function. As a research method, the author revives the theoretical textbook postulates of the fairy tale narrative, based on the decomposition of material to identify narrative matrices. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the significant role of motivating content in the media space is substantiated, and the motivating content itself is analyzed as a separate formal and meaningful type of content, the originality of which is determined by literary-narrative, psychological components. In conclusion, the study identifies the main features of building motivating content on the You-Tube horizontal long videos media platform and TikTok short vertical videos service.
fairytale narrative, magical fairy tale, media discourse, media narrative, narrator, viewer's reception, media content, motivating content, narrative, media space
Danilina, O.V., Safronova, A. (2024). The use of thematic presentation as an audiovisual linguocultural means of language learning. Litera, 9, 59–71.
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The subject of this article is a presentation for a thematic lesson, which is a modern audiovisual tool widely used in the educational process. Audiovisual means develop listening skills, expand students' vocabulary and cultural knowledge, and increase interest in studying the functioning of the language. The interest of the Chinese audience in the use of various multimedia resources and the effectiveness of working with them is noted by many modern Chinese scientists engaged in research in the field of Chinese Russian studies. At the MSU-BIT University in Shenzhen, the use of thematic presentations pursues the following linguodidactic goals: increasing interest in Russian culture; mastering not only linguistic, but also paralinguistic aspects of communication; developing listening and speaking skills. The topics of the presentations are primarily related to memorable dates that are significant for both the Russian-speaking and the world community, as well as Russian holidays that are nationally specific. Methods of observation and description revealed that when creating a presentation, a careful selection of linguistic and cultural units is carried out. To resolve the issue of minimizing material in accordance with lexical minimums, cutting video/audio files is actively used. As an example, the article examines the presentations “Leo Tolstoy” and “Maslenitsa”. The article concludes that the use of thematic audiovisual presentations brings interest, playful and creative elements to the lesson, enhances motivation for learning the language, awakens in students the desire to react more actively and emotionally to the material, develops sociocultural and social competencies of students, improves skills and abilities in all types of speech activity. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the fact that it examines current approaches to the use of audiovisual means inc lasses and suggests some types of modern, interesting tasks for presentations.
critical thinking, innovative technologies, cutting of files, minimization of material, activation of the emotional background, authentic materials, creolized text, selection of linguistic and cultural units, audiovisual means, thematic presentation
Fang, H., Sadchenko, V.T. (2024). The concept "Fear" in the Russian dialects of the Amur region (based on the material of verbal vocabulary). Litera, 9, 72–80.
The subject of the study is the description of the conceptual field of the linguistic activity in the Russian dialects of the Amur region, distinguished by local conditions of interdialectal contact. It is argued that the verbs can act as representatives of the picture of the world of native speakers of Russian dialects: the meanings of dialect verbs revealed in the process of analysis reflect the worldview of dialect speakers, the peculiarities of their life, interests, inclinations, psyche, behavior, the idea of native speakers of dialects about relationships between people. The use of the field method, as well as elements of the cognitive commentary technique and quantitative comparisons made it possible to identify the features of the verbalization of culturally significant concepts for native speakers of the Amur region, and also allowed us to describe the concept "Fear". The relevance and novelty of the study lies in the fact that the specifics of the verb vocabulary in dialects remains poorly studied; For the first time, an attempt was made to study the dialect picture of the world of the inhabitants of the Amur region based on the material of one of the lexical-semantic groups of dialect verbs recorded in the "Dictionary of Russian Dialects of the Amur Region". The main conclusions of this study summarize that the concept "Fear" in the Russian dialects of the Amur region has a structure: it consists of a core, a center and a periphery. The concept of "Fear" is expressed by synonymous verbal lexemes, which represent a gradational series with the meanings "to experience a state of fear" and "to bring to a state of fear".
dialectal language picture, fear, picture of the world, concept, Russian dialects of the Amur region, dialects, micropole, conceptual field, verbs of mental activity, verbal verbalization
Iordani, N. (2024). On Some Means Expressing Imperative Semantics in Middle Russian Business and Household Documents of the 16th – 17th Centuries. Litera, 9, 81–90.
The article is devoted to the use of verb forms (imperative and subjunctive mood) and syntactic constructions (dative subject + infinitive and dative subject + infinitive with a particle by) used to express imperative semantics in Middle Russian business and household sources of different genres. The paper studies such business sources of the 16th – 17th centuries related to clerical records management were investigated: ukaznaja gramota containing orders from the central secular and spiritual authorities to local officials; pamjat' reflecting the interaction of administrative persons and institutions. Household writing is represented by materials of private correspondence, which was informal and had no legal status, therefore, phenomena characteristic of a oral speech and not reflected in official documents are recorded in such sources. The paper uses a comparative method, which consists in comparing the contexts of the use of means of expressing imperative semantics. It was found that the verb forms and syntactic constructions expressing this meaning were distributed differently in the texts of different genres: ukaznaja gramota is characterized by the use of the subjunctive and imperative mood and the infinitive with a particle by. The forms of the subjunctive mood and the infinitive without a particle by with 3rd person subject are widely represented in pamjat'. The infinitive with the particle by appears in pamjat' in contexts with the 2nd person, as well as the forms of the subjunctive and imperative mood. Household sources are characterized by a high frequency of imperative mood compared to an infinitive with a particle by. The article presents a quantitative analysis of verb forms and syntactic constructions used to express imperative meaning in texts of different genres.
clerical office work, source study, imperative semantics, subjunctive mood, imperative mood, infinitive with by, infinitive, Middle Russian, business writing, household writing
Gurushkin, P.Y., Korneeva, K.V. (2024). Artificial intelligence in media communications and creative professions: threats and opportunities. Litera, 9, 91–101.
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on modern journalism in the system of digital media communications. Both threats and opportunities introduced by new neural network technologies are under consideration. The article presents the results of a survey conducted among representatives of creative professions, the purpose of which was to find out the attitude to artificial intelligence and its role in their professional activities. The article focuses on the need for further research and regulation of the use of neural network technologies to minimize risks of their use in media communications. To conduct the study, a survey method was chosen that allowed to collect quantitative data on the opinions and perceptions of AI by representatives of the media industry. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the systematic analysis of opinions and perceptions of AI among representatives of professions that receive their main financial income through creative and intellectual work, such as journalism, advertising and public relations, design, music, etc. Unlike most existing studies that focus on the technical aspects of AI, this study focuses on the social and ethical aspects of its application. This allows us to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role of AI in society and identify key factors influencing its perception. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can be used to develop recommendations for integrating AI into various spheres of life, as well as regulating issues of control over the use of neural network technologies in modern society. The results can also help analyze public sentiment and expectations, which will allow making targeted and effective decisions in the development and implementation of AI technologies.
Ethics, Job Displacement, Machine Learning, Creativity, Automation, Neural networks, Creative professions, Media communications, Artificial intelligence, Survey
Kirillov, D.V. (2024). Research of ressentiment in the media communication space: opportunities and limitations. Litera, 9, 102–110.
The article is devoted to the review of research on ressentiment in the media communication space. The subject of this article is the study of ressentiment in the space of media communication. Ressentiment is a phenomenon that includes feelings of anger, ressentiment, envy, indignation, directly expressed on the media communication platforms. The purpose of the study is to study the role of ressentiment in shaping public opinion and strengthening political polarization through media reports. The text describes the historical and philosophical reflection of the concept of "ressentiment" in the scientific works of German philosophers F. Nietzsche and M. Scheler. The author has identified and analyzed three areas of research of the Nietzschean concept of ressentiment in mass communications. Firstly, it is a study of ressentiment in social networks, secondly– the mediatization of political ressentiment, and thirdly, the representation of ressentiment in cinema. The article uses the theoretical foundations of sociology, media studies and cultural studies for a comprehensive analysis of ressentiment in the field of media communications. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the consideration of ressentiment in the context of media communication. By integrating the three aspects presented, the study expands our understanding of ressentiment in the space of media communications. This study examines the role of ressentiment as part of a shift in structural power relations, evidence of a crisis in interpersonal relationships and the inability of individuals to fully control their actions, offering insight into how media reports can shape public opinion and fuel political polarization in the modern communication landscape. In conclusion, it should be noted that this research article contributes to a broader understanding of ressentiment by analyzing its manifestations in the media communication space. Considering ressentiment in social networks, its mediatization in political contexts and representation in cinema, the study sheds light on the possibilities and limitations for future research in this area. The results of this study provide a valuable insight into how media communication forms and reinforces ressentiment, contributing to a deeper understanding of its impact on society and public discourse.
sociology, cinema, communications, media communications, cinematography, mass communications, Nietzsche, Scheler, ressentiment, social networks
Kuptsova, I.A., Vladimirova, T.N. (2024). The text of mass communication in the modern media cultural space. Litera, 9, 111–118.
The article presents an analysis of various theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the essence and content of modern mass culture, media culture, media text and media education. The key role of the axiological approach in the creation of media texts distributed by mass media is revealed. The structure of media texts is considered in the context of the value-semantic aspect of their creation and representation. Using the example of photography, the process of creating modern media texts and their role in the structure of mass communication is analyzed. Separately, the issue related to the development of artificial intelligence as a means of creating and replicating media products in the context of the dominance of new media was raised. Media education is presented as a system of training media professionals and ordinary users to interact in the context of digital media communications. The special role of the value approach in the formation of media professionals is noted. The methodology of the research is determined by an axiological approach in combination with a system-functional and semantic analysis of the stated problems. The main conclusions of the article are the following : 1. mass culture acts as a condition for the development of mass communication media and determines the nature and content of the media texts represented; 2. mass communication media form a global sphere - media space, which is characterized by transformational processes caused by the development of new media 3. texts of mass communication in the modern media space are created by both media professionals and users who do not have special training. At the same time, the share of content created without the participation of professionals dominates the media space; 4. Neural networks act as a new type of "authors" of media content, creating both text materials and visual content, the quality of which is rapidly improving, competing with professional materials; 5. Media education plays a key role in training not only media professionals, but also any user. It should be based on a value-semantic approach that determines the content of the created media materials and the choice of ways to distribute them.
the text of mass communication, media education, popular culture, media and cultural space, mass communication media, media text, media culture, artificial intelligence, media, visual text
Dorskii, A.Y., Ma, X. (2024). The Virtues of Confucian Philosophy in Modern Public Relations. Litera, 9, 119–132.
The subject of the study is the importance of Confucian ethics of virtues for public relations. The authors consider the history of the study of the ethics of virtues as explaining the ethics of PR theory. It is stated that the study of the role of Confucian teaching for modern market relations has been actively conducted over the past decades both in China and in a number of other countries, but the ratio of Confucian virtues and PR principles has not yet become the subject of special research. The aim of the work is to provide theoretical support for the development of more effective communication strategies. A comparative study of the "five constants" (benevolence, righteousness, decency, wisdom and trust) is being conducted classical Chinese Confucian philosophy and modern ethical principles expressed in PR practices. After the reconstruction of the content of each of the five virtues, its manifestation in communicative business practices should be considered. The authors have demonstrated that Confucian virtues contribute to the harmonization of public communications, improve the image and reputation of companies, and ultimately increase their capitalization. In conclusion, the authors point out the positive and negative importance of Confucian philosophy for the development of public relations. In particular, it is noted that the radical opposition of kindness to benefit prevents the spread of market relations, and the emphasis on personal relationships does not contribute to institutional order. Nevertheless, the authors believe that the study of the ethical teachings of Confucianism contributes to better intercultural interaction with representatives of East Asian cultures, and following this teaching in general can contribute to the harmonization of public communications and increase the moral status of public relations on a global scale.
trust, wisdom, decency, righteousness, benevolence, communication strategies, virtues, PR ethics, Confucianism, tradition and modernity
Yang, L. (2024). Comparative study of the ways of euphemisms formation in Russian and Chinese languages. Litera, 9, 133–141.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the use and methods of euphemisms formation in Chinese and Russian. Russian and Chinese belong to different language systems, but there are a huge number of euphemisms in Russian and Chinese that are widely used in many fields, and there are similarities in the ways of expressing euphemisms in Russian and Chinese. The object of the study is euphemisms in Russian and Chinese. The comparative study of the ways of expressing these euphemisms mainly from linguistic and cultural points of view are the subject of research. The research methods in this article are descriptive, classification method, deductive, comparative historical and comparative. The novelty of the article lies in the comparative analysis of euphemisms in Russian and Chinese. Russian euphemisms are presented in the works of Zhang Chang "Euphemization in Russian and Chinese: linguoculturological and linguopragmatic aspects", V. A. Akbash "Comparative analysis of national and cultural characteristics of the origin and functioning of euphemisms in Chinese and Russian languages", as well as a study of euphemisms associated with coronavirus, presented in the work of M. A. Akbash. S. Belova and E.A. Kindler "Structural and semantic features of euphemisms and dysphemisms (based on German-language articles on the topic of coronavirus) and Starshinova P.P. "Euphemisms in journalistic discourse (based on materials from English-language media devoted to coronavirus)", while there are prospects for comparing methods of classification by semantic features and methods of euphemism formation in Russian and Chinese. It was revealed that the linguistic ways of forming euphemisms are divided into phonetic, lexico-semantic, and phraseological ones.
semantics, phraseology, vocabulary, a comparative study of languages, phonetics, linguistic ways of formation of euphemisms, euphemism, Russian, Chinese, language and culture
Timofeeva, M.N., Fedyurko, A.A. (2024). Naming of characters in computer game discourse as a factor in the development of translingualism and transculturality in the world (based on the material of the game Genshin Impact). Litera, 9, 142–152.
This article examines the influence of video games on the interpenetration of world languages and cultures. The object of the study is video game discourse. The subject is the naming of video game characters as an element of the development of translingualism and transculturalism in the world. The material of the study is an onymic of one of the most popular video games – Genshin Impact. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the emergence of key research concepts – translingualism and transculturality, video games as an artistic text, mechanisms for translating cultural values and linguistic features of a global audience through naming and the consequences of their impact on the linguistic picture of the world of gamers.The purpose of the study is to analyze the naming of the Genshin Impact video game as one of the mechanisms for the spread of translingualism and transculturality, which determines the formulation of the following tasks: 1) identification of the principles of naming Genshin Impact characters and their classification; 2) selection of names of Genshin Impact characters to illustrate the highlighted naming strategies; 3) consideration of the influence of game naming on the linguistic personalities of gamers. The following methods were used in the study: a functional analysis of the mechanisms of "naming" the characters of the video game Genshin Impact, a selection of character names, an analysis of the influence of naming the game on the linguistic personalities of the players. The relevance of the research is due to the study of translinguism and transculturalism – important phenomena of modernity due to changes in the structure of society and the dynamics of cultural processes. The analysis of the names of the characters in the game Genshin Impact, which is an example of a transcultural product, will reveal how the linguistic and cultural features of naming affect the perception of the game world and form multicultural competence among players. The research will reveal the mechanisms of translation of cultural values and linguistic features through naming in the context of a global audience, which is important for understanding the process of cultural exchange in the modern world. During the experiment, we obtained the following results: 1) there are four strategies for nominating Genshin Impact heroes: reflecting the appearance of characters, precedent phenomena, unique game mechanics, as well as tracing paper; 2) the names of heroes reflect the linguistic and cultural realities of different countries (China, Japan, Germany, etc.); 3) naming the Genshin Impact video game promotes the development of translingualism and transculturality of players from different countries.
precedent name, game discourse, Chinese language, linguoculture, Genshin Impact, video game, game, transculturality, translinguality, precedent phenomenon
Literary criticism
Korobeinikova, Y.S. (2024). The artistic space in the fantastic story with the prerequisites of O.I. Senkovsky's fantasy "Satan's Big Exit". Litera, 9, 153–164.
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The subject of the study is the spatial organization of O.I. Senkovsky's fantastic story "Satan's Big Exit". The object of the research is the artistic space in fantasy literature. The author examines in detail the features of the artistic space in such a genre of fantastic literature as fantasy, which begins its formation in the XIX century and has a direct impact on the formation of Russian fantastic prose. Special attention is paid to the types of artistic conventions (according to the classification of E.N. Kovtun), which set the specifics of the artistic space and define the genre variety of a literary work. E.N. Kovtun considers fantasy as one of the independent types of artistic conventions, along with rational (scientific) fiction, fairy tale, mythological, satirical and philosophical conventions that form the corresponding genre structures. Descriptive, comparative and analytical methods were used in the process of exploring the artistic space. Approaching the question of the specifics of the spatial organization of O.I. Senkovsky's fantastic story "Satan's Big Exit", we turned to structural, descriptive and comparative methods that allowed us to identify the heterogeneity and ambiguity of the genre of this work. The conducted research of the artistic space in the fantastic story of the XIX century allows us to talk about the heterogeneity of the genre varieties of Russian fantasy literature of the XIX century. In addition, the spatial organization of O.I. Senkovsky's novella "Satan's Big Exit" correlates with the spatial organization of works of the fantasy genre. Thus, the specificity of the artistic space of this work took a dominant place in the literature of subsequent eras. The main conclusions of the study are that the presence of a fantastic component determines the genre variety of the work; the features of the fantasy genre are embodied in the story of O.I. Senkovsky, influencing the plot and narrative of the work; the structure of the artistic space as a whole correlates with the structure of the fantastic space. In the organization of the artistic space, the functions of the artistic space, the basic techniques, the principle of two worlds, spatial oppositions formed by such traditional spatial images as home, antidom, path, road and border play an important role.
varieties of fantasy, a fantastic element, spatial image, the functions of the art space, Russian literature, fantastic prose, fantasy, Senkovsky, fantastic literature, art space
Mel'dianova, A.V., Bogdanovskii, G.V. (2024). Linguistic peculiarities of English civil aviation texts. Litera, 9, 165–172.
The current article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic features in English texts related to civil aviation. The subject of this research is the stylistic peculiarities of texts on civil aviation, which are achieved through certain language means. Research in the article is done on the basis of scientific and technical styles. From the point of view of linguistics, stylistics, grammar and vocabulary are considered in relation to scientific and technical literature. In the research, the author applied the following research methods : a descriptive method used to identify, interpret and classify linguistic means characteristic of the aviation texts, a contextual analysis method used to reveal the peculiarities of functioning of different means belonging to various language levels in scientific prose. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the conducted for the first time complex study of stylistic, lexical, morphological and syntactic features inherent to English-language texts on civil aviation. There are no monographic works devoted to this topic. The study, conducted in the article, revealed that English civil aviation texts are characterized by the presence of clearly defined causative-consecutive connections, as well as by accuracy, clarity, the author’s objective attitude to the facts, and the information richness of the material, which is expressed in the text with the help of various language means. These language means may not have direct correspondence in the translating language, thus cause difficulties when translating specialized texts, and require special professional skills of translators. Knowledge and mastery of these language tools will allow to feel competitive at the international market.
non-finite forms, terminology, general technical vocabulary, syntactic constructions, morphological peculiarities, lexical means, language means, civil aviation, scientific and technical text, attributive groups
Serebryakova, Z.A., Chimitova, I.Z. (2024). Reflection of the nature of interethnic relations in the literature of Buryatia. Litera, 9, 173–180.
The subject of the article is the reflection of interethnic relations in the works of Buryat writers narrating about different periods of Buryatia's history (the novels "The Steppe Woke Up" by J. Tumunov, "Singing Arrows" by A. Balburov, "Stolen Happiness" by D-R. Batozhabai, "Steppe Roads" and "The Year of the Fire Snake" by Ts-Zh. Zhimbiev, "Alar-Gol" by P. Malakshinov, "The Righteous Path" by B. Sanzhin, Ch. Tsydendambaev's dilogy about D. Banzarov, the novels "My Little Marikan", "The Path of Samagir" and "Beyond the Gorge of Seven Wolves" by M. Zhigzhitov). The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of interethnic relations in Buryat prose. The methodology of the work is based on the application of complex, socio-historical and comparative approaches to the analysis of the representation of interethnic relations in Buryat literature. The results of the work are confirmed both by the volume of the studied literary material and by the literary analysis based on the significant works of regional philology. The article proves that the theme of interethnic interaction is most thoroughly revealed by the authors when depicting the turn of the XIX–XX centuries and the Soviet period. Meanwhile, the works about the era of Peter the Great and the events of the first half of the XIX century also convincingly show the nature of interethnic relations. The results of the study contribute to a fuller understanding of the history and dynamics of interethnic relations in such a multi-ethnic region as Buryatia and Eastern Siberia in general. The results of the study can be used in teaching classes on the history of Buryat and other Siberian literatures in universities and colleges, as well as in the preparation of educational and awareness-raising activities. Buryat prose convincingly shows typical manifestations and the essence of interethnic relations of the peoples of Buryatia. They are characterised as friendly, good-neighbourly, due to the similarity of basic values and orientation of representatives of different nationalities, who have become closer over a long time of being on a common land.
Russia, Buryatia, history, character, writer, Buryat novel, Buryat literature, Russians, interethnic relations, Buryats
Mass literature
Fan, T. (2024). Chinese Modern Science Fiction Literature: Translation and Acceptance in Russia. Litera, 9, 181–196.
The subject of the study covers the process of translation and distribution of Chinese science fiction literature in the Russian book market. The main attention is focused on the peculiarities of cultural and literary interaction between Russia and China. The study analyzes the methods and strategies used in the translation process, examines their effectiveness and identifies potential problems. Cultural nuances that play a key role in the perception and adaptation of Chinese fiction by Russian readers are also considered. Through a quantitative analysis of translations and reviews, the article seeks to understand how the attitude towards Chinese science fiction literature has changed in Russia since the beginning of the XX century to the present day. The main conclusions of the study are identification of the steady growth in popularity of Chinese science fiction literature in Russia, as well as emphasis on the features and difficulties associated with the process of translating and promoting these works, taking into account cultural nuances. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is a deep analysis and systematization of translation techniques used to preserve the culturally specific features of the source text, as well as an assessment of their impact on the perception of the Russian audience. The novelty of the research lies in the multifaceted analysis of the interaction of Chinese and Russian literary traditions, the consideration of the evolution of the perception of Chinese fiction from the beginning of the XX century to the present, and the identification of key factors determining the successful promotion of Chinese science fiction literature on the Russian market.
translation strategies, cross-cultural communication, literary research, distribution, world culture, acceptance, translation, China, Russia, science fiction literature