Literary criticism
Moskvin, G.V. (2024). On the topic of the beginning of existential prose by M. Yu. Lermontov. Litera, 8, 1–8.
This article is devoted to study of M.Yu. Lermontov’s existential prose. Considering the issues of the formation of the existential paradigm in the first decades of the 19th century Russian literature, the author refers to Pushkin’s poem “A Vain Gift, an Accidental Gift” as an exemplary work expressing the problematic of modern literature, which is characterized by ideological and stylistic diversity as a result of the interaction of different intellectual systems in Russian artistic thinking (the ideology of late romanticism, the philosophy of objective idealism for Hegel and the existentialist concepts of Kierkegaard, and other thinkers). The development of the existential theme is found in Lermontov's lyrics and prose (“Princess Ligovskaya” and “A Hero of Our Time”). The main research methods used in this article are comparative, hermeneutic, axiological, and literary-historical. The novelty of the article is explained by the fact that the author formulates the main provisions of existential literature and clarifies their manifestations in the literature of the 1820s–1949s in Russian literature, compares aesthetic practices with modern, primarily Lermontov’s literature. Focusing on the demonic theme, the author argues that in the early period of Lermontov’s work (1829–1836), two trends in the evolution of this theme are observed: the first is called the demonization of the hero, ending in the mature period of Lermontov's work; the second is characterized by overcoming the demon in oneself. It begins with the first editions of the poem “Demon” (the work turned out to be decisive in the transition to the main theme of existential prose in Lermontov’s work), and reaches its culmination in “A Hero of Our Time” (1837–1841).
demonic theme, demonize the hero, human, life, the Russian literature, Kierkegaard, faith, Lermontov, existential, A Hero of our time
Professional language
Al- Anbagi, S. (2024). Business letter in the system of modern interpersonal communication (based on Russian and Arabic business correspondence). Litera, 8, 9–16.
The object of the study is the features of modern business correspondence in Russian and Arabic; the subject of the study is the place of modern Russian and Arabic business documents in the system of interpersonal communication, the features of expressing the author’s personality in a modern business letter. Attention is drawn to those transformation processes that are found in modern business writing in accordance with the change in the degree of manifestation of the author’s personality in it. Strengthening the personal element in a business letter is associated with the processes of democratization of communication, humanization of society, informatization of the communicative space. The scientific novelty of the study lies in revealing the specificity of the author’s image in modern business letters, reflecting the linguocultural characteristics of native speakers of Russian and Arabic. The research was carried out on the basis of general scientific methods of observation and description, analysis and synthesis using special linguistic methods (structural, typological, comparative, method of component analysis), as well as functional and psycholinguistic approaches. As a result of the study, it was revealed that in Russian and Arabic business letters the tendency to enhance the personal nature of correspondence manifests itself to varying degrees. Modern Russian business letters use a whole range of linguistic means, including the syntactic level, with the help of which the correspondence is given a personal, informal character. These are incentive, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, introductory words, definitely personal and two-part sentences. In Arabic business writing, the personal element is shown by authors occupying high positions, while the rest try to compose business letters in an impersonal manner. A conclusion is drawn about the connection of the observed features with Arab cultural traditions, with the predominance of the collective over the personal in Arab culture.
addressee, author, interpersonal communication, Arabic language, Russian language, business correspondence, business letter, official business style, personal character, email
Literary criticism
Selemeneva, M.V. (2024). Principles of cyclization in the collection of A.V. Ilichevsky "Dew Point". Litera, 8, 17–27.
The object of the research is the poetics of cyclization of epic texts in modern literature. The subject of the study is the structural and semantic aspects of the cyclization of small and medium prose. The collection "Dew Point" by Alexander Viktorovich Ilichevsky was chosen as the research material. The author of the article examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the way of expressing the author's position through the image of the narrator synthesizing the action, the spatial and temporal organization that ensures the unity of perception of the sections of the collection, and the leitmotif structure that semantically binds the epic text of different genres. Special attention is paid in the article to the title-nominative complex of the collection, which reflects the main techniques of cyclization, and the autobiography of the narrative, which determines the selection of spatial images, plot structure, value orientations and determines all the substantive aspects of cyclization. The author turns to the geosophical foundations of the collection in order to reveal the dependence of the ideological content of key spatial images on the spiritual quest of the narrator. Intercultural interrelationships are considered as an important tool of cyclization, which are conveyed by the author through literary allusions and a cross-cultural approach to reflecting the modern world. The research is based on a systematic and holistic analysis of a literary text with elements of structural and comparative typological analysis. The cycle is considered by the author of the article as a supra-genre unity, the techniques of cyclization of a structural and meaningful nature are revealed. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the revealed principles of cyclization, including the principle of autobiography, the principle of parallelism of states of nature and the inner world of the individual, the principle of intercultural interrelationships, the principle of leitmotifism. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is to clarify the principles of cyclization of the epic text in modern literature. The author conducted a systematic and holistic analysis of the poetics of the epic cycle in the works of Alexander Ilichevsky on the example of the collection "Dew Point", revealed the compositional and ideological and semantic foundations for the synthesis of various genres of epic texts into a single work of art. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a methodology for the study of the poetics of the epic cycle in modern literature; in the development of a methodology for the study of the poetics of the epic cycle as a supra-genre education; in identifying the basic techniques of cyclization of A.V. Ilichevsky's prose based on the collection "Dew Point", in systematizing the artistic foundations of the epic cycle, including leitmotifs, ways of expressing the author's position, spatial and temporal structure.
locus, leitmotif, narrator, autobiography, headline-nominative complex, cyclization, cycle, spatial images, supranational unity, cross-cultural relationships
Character in literature
Oktyabr'skaya, O.S. (2024). Archetypal and modern in studying grandparents in Y. Kuznetsova's books about Varya and Olya. Litera, 8, 28–36.
The article explores the archetypal nature and the author's content of images of grandparents using the example of modern books for children and adolescents written in the 2020s. The article is based on Yulia Kuznetsova's trilogy about Varya and Olya. The different psychological types of the older heroes of the trilogy are revealed, their manifestation and influence on the child heroes, as well as the ratio of the archetypes of older relatives with the specific realization of the character of each of the heroes in Kuznetsova's books. The psychological characteristics of this age group, as well as their individual nature, are revealed. In this work, the topics of communication in the family, friendly team, neighborhood relations, as well as problems related to overcoming old grievances and restoring friendly ties are updated. A rather original typology of the characters of grandparents, relevant to modern reality, is presented. The significance and timeliness of this article is due to the importance of the problems posed, as well as modern and practically unexplored research material, which are the works of Yu. Kuznetsova, only included in scientific circulation. To understand these aspects, the following research methods are used in the article: comparative, hermeneutical and comparative typological methods. With the help of a systematic approach, an analytical study of the ways of communication between older adults and grandparents with grandchildren and their friends is provided. The main result of this work was the study of different types of characters of grandparents, ways of their interaction with each other and with the younger generation and ways of their self-realization. The research of practically new and little-studied artistic material, which arouses genuine interest among both the addressee's peer and the adult reader, becomes relevant in this article. At the same time, the following tasks were solved: identification of archetypal, individual personal characteristics of images of grandparents; analysis of friendly relationships, friendships and enmity-competition in Y. Kuznetsova's stories about Varya and Olya; identification of the features of the development of the main storylines and the figurative system of the analyzed stories, as well as the genre originality of the works under study. The key aspects of the article were questions about the typology of the characters of older adults and the peculiarity of their influence on the generation of grandchildren.
developmental psychology, children’s psychological story, modern children’s story, typology of characters, grandmother archetypes, growing up of a child, Children’s literature, visual, personality types, mentor-educator
Literary criticism
Demakhina, A. (2024). The image of the court of Amour in Martin Le Franc’s “Champion of Ladies”: courtly space and Christian love. Litera, 8, 37–45.
The paper examines the features of the image of a typical courtly space (the court of Amour) in the context of the Christian concept of love (charity) expressed by Martin Le Franc in his poem “The Champion of Ladies” (c. 1441–1442). The court of Amour (an allegorical figure representing courtly love) was usually described as a garden. However, Martin, a cleric, prefers Christian values to courtly ones; love for him is a symbol of harmony, an absolute ideal. The purpose of the study is to identify differences in the description of the court of Amour in this poem from traditional medieval allegorical poems descriptions; determine the basic principles of organizing the space in the text and their connection with the author's views on love; explain the role of this episode. Methods of comprehensive and contextual text analysis, as well as descriptive and cultural-historical research methods are used in this paper. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the analysis of space in “The Champion of Ladies” is carried out sequentially for the first time. Also, this French allegorical poem has not been studied in Russian literary criticism. The analysis reveals the following features: the space of the court of Amour becomes more complex; the court of Amour has its double in Venus’s domain; the contrast between these spaces is based on a number of oppositions (top-bottom, light-dark, etc.). Space gets a moral characteristic, there are more Christian motifs, the images of the described locations reflect the images of Amour and Venus and refer to two sides of love (ideal, Christian and deceiving, sensual love). A typically courteous episode serves to attract the attention of the public, as Martin seeks to convey his views to a wide range of readers from the aristocratic environment.
Amour, ideal space, charity, courtly love, allegorical poem, allegory, medieval French literature, Martin Le Franc, Venus, querelle des femmes
ZHAO, Q. (2024). Media coverage of migration issues in the context of Chinese ideology. Litera, 8, 46–58.
The main purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of Chinese ideology on the presentation of migration issues in the media. As part of the work, a content analysis of 40 texts of Chinese news publications for the period 2004-2024 was carried out. The main topics are highlighted, such as emigration from China, outflow of talent, immigration to China, illegal immigration and emigration of elites. The analysis showed that the coverage of migration in the Chinese media is closely linked to the state ideology based on Marxism with Chinese characteristics, collectivism and absolute subordination to the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The new Chinese nationalism also plays an important role, including within the framework of the concept of the "Chinese Dream". The articles show a tendency to present Chinese emigrants not as traitors, but as part of the Chinese nation. The study reveals the unique features of Chinese media policy in the context of migration and allows us to compare it with international approaches. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were used. We can identify several areas of media work that journalists need to pay attention to when publishing materials about migration. Firstly, with the growing popularity of self-media (new media distributed on social media platforms) and the increasing complexity of migration problems under the influence of multiculturalism, the mechanism for verifying media reports on immigration based on Chinese ideology needs to be significantly optimized. This will make it possible to further promote aspects such as the power of the CCP, Marxism, collectivism, Chinese nationalism and the "Chinese Dream" in media materials, providing readers with reliable and ideologically verified information about migration processes in the country, thereby regulating a sensitive topic for the country, allowing to avoid unplanned shifts in public opinion.
trend, PDA, policy, Chinese dream, Chinese media, ideology, media, China, migration, social attitude
Literary criticism
Yu, L. (2024). Chinese text in the short stories "The Concrete Ones" and "Lu" by Vladimir Sorokin. Litera, 8, 59–68.
The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of Sinoisms and other markers of Chinese culture in Vladimir Sorokin's short stories "The Concrete Ones" and "Lu", from the collection "Feast" in 2001. The author examines in detail the Chinese motives in the above-mentioned stories, as well as analyzes the perception of the image of China in the socio-cultural context in Russia. Recall that in the previous novel "Blue Lard" the author's interest in China is already evident. The influence of Chinese culture on Sorokin's work is also noticeable in the stories "The Concrete Ones" and "Lu". Based on the Rabelaisian gastronomic hyperboles, the writer continues his linguistic experiment, based on the idea of Russian-Chinese symbiosis in the futurological world. It is important to note that Sorokin always kept up with the times, "absorbing" the spirit of the era. Thus, his work reflects the geopolitical idea of Dugin's "neo-Eurasianism" of the 1990s, as well as the growing interest of Russians in Chinese culture. Adhering to a postmodern aesthetic, Sorokin in his texts deconstructs the historical process itself, hinting at a possible "Chinese hegemony" in the future. In addition, Sorokin's interest in Chinese philosophy is evident in both stories. For example, the Taoist idea of the transition of opposites into each other can be correlated with the opposition in Sorokin's work of the aesthetics of the ugly to the beautiful. The analysis of the writer's works using structural-semiotic and cultural-historical methods that allow a deeper understanding of Chinese motifs reflected in Sorokin's work. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of the Chinese "elements" in the mentioned stories, which, on the one hand, allows us to illustrate the features of the creation of the "New Russian" language by Sorokin, his creative method, on the other hand, reflects those socio—cultural trends that were not uninteresting to the author and were reflected in his work. Using the gastronomic hyperbole of the Rabelaisian type and typical postmodern techniques as a stylistic dominant, Sorokin deconstructs history and predicts "Chinese hegemony" in The Feast. As a result, it is shown that Chinese culture plays an important role in Sorokin's work and consciousness: the writer depicts a clash and dialogue between different cultural civilizations, trying to find a way out for Russia through an "alchemical marriage" with China.
postmodernism, totalitarianism, image of China, taoism, transculturalism, Chinese text, Chinese borrowings, Lu, Vladimir Sorokin, The Concrete Ones
Bystrov, N.A. (2024). Verbal-representative characteristics of «Civil War» conceptual field as a linguistic analysis (textual level). Litera, 8, 69–77.
Political discourse is an extremely dynamic and constantly changing phenomenon, the main purpose of which is to convince the recipient of his own rightness, as well as to create a system of emotional images in addressee’s mind that affects the interpretation of the surrounding world and, accordingly, his or her behavior. These images are hidden behind conceptual structures, which, interacting with each other within the framework of discourse, create conceptual complexes aimed at solving a common conceptual problem. This discourse’s feature actualizes the task of studying the communicative and pragmatic parameters of conceptual structures verbal representation. The purpose of this work is to analyze the verbal-representative characteristics of the “Civil War” concept verbalization at textual level in contemporary American political discourse, utilizing methods of discursive, contextual, conceptual and definitional analysis to identify the features of the context given and to analyze conceptual structures functioning within this context. The study demonstrated that concepts can find their representation in separate structural and substantive elements of a text aimed at achieving a single communicative and pragmatic task to influence the process of interpretation by the addressee of such a text. The novelty of the research is due to the involvement of conceptual analysis elements in the study of the communicative and pragmatic potential of the text and an attempt to consider the textual whole as a representative of the content area of the concept. The further development of linguopragmatic and conceptual approaches to the study of national political discourses is the theoretical significance of the study. The results of the research can also be used in the development of textbooks on text linguistics for philology students, as well as specialized language learning manuals for students of translation and political science profiles.
discursive analysis, conceptual analysis, conceptual sphere, interpretation, Civil War concept, communicative and pragmatic task, coherence of the text, cohesion of the text, text pragmatics, political discourse
Literary criticism
Lochmelis, E.R. (2024). Traditions of the 19th century ballads in the songs of the band "The King and the Jester". Litera, 8, 78–89.
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This article deals with those features of the literary ballad genre, which are reflected in such songs of the group “King and Jester” (Andrei Kniazev is the lyricist) as “Fred”, “Faithful Wife”, “The Forester”, “The Hunter”, “The Bear”, “The Men Were Eating Meat”, “The Widow and the Hunchback”, “Necromancer”, “Reflection”, “The Master of the Forest”. The purpose of the article is to prove that “King and Jester” rely on genre tradition and classical examples, which means that their texts can be considered as an experience in reconstruction of ballad forms. Methodological basis: the work of the punk group “King and Jester” is examined using literary methodology (the author analyzes the lyrics of songs, identifies genre features that allow them to be classified as literary ballads). The author comes to the following conclusions: the rock poet turns to the romantic ballad due to the crisis of his worldview, since this genre, in addition to narrative and fantasy, carries an elegiac tonality, as well as a motif of the tragic insolvability of life’s collisions, the fatal doom of the hero who finds himself internally congenial to the world of the “scary fairy tale”, from which he appears on stage. The scientific novelty of the article is associated, first of all, with the subject of the study: it is shown that punk rock does not break with tradition, but, on the contrary, relies on it and preserves the constant features of the ballad genre, reveals a hidden craving for cultural dialogue and integrates into tradition. The article contributes to the study of Russian rock poetry as a phenomenon of modernity, and also deepens the understanding of the mechanisms of the ideological, thematic and cultural dialogue into which the rock poet enters with the classical tradition that precedes him.
romantic ballad, literary ballad, inversion, rites of passage, rock poetry, punk rock, genre characteristics, genre transformation, romanticism, ballad
Liu, J. (2024). The "machine translation + post-machine translation editing" model on the YiCAT platform: using the example of the discipline "Stylistic post-machine text editing" for first-year graduate students of the Higher School of Translation of Moscow State University. Litera, 8, 90–99.
In this article, the author analyzes the process of machine translation and post-machine editing by Chinese students in classes on the discipline "Stylistic post-machine text editing" using the YiCAT translation platform, which uses a model of combining machine translation and post-machine editing in order to organize the educational process and allocate study time. In 2017, the Russian government approved the "Digital Economy Plan of the Russian Federation", as a result of which the digitalization process gradually penetrated into all scientific spheres. The author of the article concludes that Russian universities should pay more attention to teaching machine translation and post-machine translation editing. In addition, the article presents the idea that the translation departments of modern universities should focus on the introduction and application of translation technologies and the latest translation tools in the framework of teaching translation skills. There are only a few hundred articles in Russia dealing with the specifics of machine translation. Most of them are devoted to the study of existing limitations, development opportunities and ways to improve machine translation systems. At the same time, there are extremely few articles dealing with the features of post-machine editing of the translation text. The number of such articles does not exceed several dozen. Thus, there are many challenges in the field of post-machine translation editing research that should be addressed as soon as possible so that the field of post-machine translation editing can correspond to the era of artificial intelligence. At the same time, Russian universities should pay attention to the teaching of disciplines involving machine translation tools and post-machine editing skills. Large translation faculties should actively use translation technologies and machine translation tools in the classroom, add new academic disciplines implying the familiarization and application of such technologies and tools by students, as well as integrate such disciplines into the framework of existing training programs for specialists in the field of translation. All this will allow universities to form a reliable basis for the education of modern and qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the new era.
translation activities, learning translation skills, the era of artificial intelligence, Higher School of Translation, the new translation model, specialist training plan, translation platform, Chinese-Russian machine translation, post-machine translation editing, A new era
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Semenov, V.B. (2024). Paths of genre evolution of the Constance Saga in the second half of the 14th century. Litera, 8, 100–111.
The subject of this article is the evolution of the plot in historical perspective. The material is the unity of medieval Western European works with similar plots, known as the Constance Saga. The study involved its samples dating back to the second half of the 14th century. The aim of the study was to determine the evolution paths of the generalized plot of the Saga in the noted period relative to its state in previous periods. Along the way, the task of deriving a plot formula covering all the examples of the Saga with detailed specification in the form of selected motives was solved, which in turn are combined into two main plot situations and two motive complexes corresponding to these situations. Also, taking into account the derivation of a general formula of the Saga specific works of the indicated period were subsequently identified. The leading research method was motive analysis, and the methodology was historical poetics and literary comparative studies. These formulas of Sagas help to better understand the structure of plots, their similarities and differences, and they also show in which direction the plot tends to change, for example, what genre elements can actively penetrate the original plot and give the event material a new coloring. Medieval literature is well formalized, like examples of folklore, and the technique of presenting plots in the form of formulas for a more visual comparison of various literary texts, what allows achieving significant results in comparative historical research. This is the novelty of the presented study, since until now the selected works were compared to search for individual motivic correspondences, but there were no attempts to derive a general formula for the entire set of works of this group.
medieval romance, calumniated wife, accused queen, Lion de Bourges, Emare, the Constance Saga, lay, chanson de geste, motivational complex, plot situation
Literary criticism
Denisov, A.Y. (2024). Anton Chekhov in school and university teaching in the 2000s−2010s: discussion in the "Chekhov Herald". Litera, 8, 112–123.
The subject of the study is the features and main content of the discussion on the problems of teaching Chekhov's creativity in post-Soviet secondary and higher educational institutions presented on the pages of the information and bibliographic publication "Chekhov Herald" in the 2000s and 2010s. The problem of the need to create new educational and methodological manuals adequate to the post-Soviet socio-cultural situation, as well as the problem of spreading scientific knowledge about the life and work of A.P. Chekhov attracted the attention of leading modern Chekhov scholars, prompted them to create new educational materials, organize special conferences and, in general, to discuss this problem. The discussion allows us to judge both the latest problems and challenges of both academic Chekhov studies (and literary studies in general) and the school practice of teaching Chekhov's work and literature in general. The analysis of the materials presented on the pages of the information and bibliographic edition of the Chekhov Bulletin allows us to see the peculiarities of the dynamics of this discussion and modern Chekhov studies in general. The main conclusion of this analysis is that with the change in the socio-cultural situation from the turn of the 1990s‒2000s to the end of the 2010s, the challenges that the community of Chekhov scholars tried to answer, also changed. At the beginning of the 2000s, the appearance of new textbooks at the same time was accompanied by the problem of their inaccessibility, especially in the provinces; the widespread use of the Internet by the end of the 2000s – early 2010s partially solved this problem, but created a new one: the inaccessibility of high-quality information as the main problem was replaced by a decrease in the level of culture of reading and critical thinking among schoolchildren/students and, often, teachers, a decrease in the general cultural level leads to a widening gap between academic literary studies and school practice and an intensification of the intergenerational cultural gap, attempts by Czech scholars to influence the school study of Chekhov and Russian literature in general face the problem of unpopularity, lack of demand for scientific humanitarian knowledge in society.
education system, literary education, post-soviet Russia, reading, school literary canon, Russian classical literature, textbooks, teaching literature, Chekhov studies, Anton Chekhov
Li, J. (2024). Translation of non-equivalent vocabulary in Chinese political speech into Russian. Litera, 8, 124–137.
The article is devoted to the analysis of ways to translate the speech of the Chinese political leader into Russian. The author focuses on the transfer of Chinese-language lexemes with deep cultural meaning by means of the Russian language in the translation of speeches of the political leader of China. As a result of the research, the methods of translating neologisms, specific concepts, national realities, proper names in the speeches of the Chinese political leader into Russian were described. With the increase in contacts between China and Russia in the political sphere, the need for Chinese-Russian translations, including speeches by political leaders, has increased. They embody the features of national political discourse, serve as an example of the linguistic implementation of basic political principles and state ideology. All equivalent vocabulary in the political speech of the Chinese leader can be translated into Russian, while the choice of the translation method determines the degree of translation equivalence. The study of the Russian translation of non-equivalent vocabulary in Chinese political speech was carried out in stages using comparative analysis, semantic component analysis, with the help of which lexemes containing cultural information were selected, and analysis of translation correspondences. The equivalence of the translation and the original text was also assessed using specific examples, and preferred ways of translating non-equivalent vocabulary were identified. The scientific novelty of the study described the ways of translating neologisms, specific concepts, national realities (including paroemias), proper names in speeches of the Chinese political leader into Russian. It was found that when transmitting proper names (in the form of transcription), specific concepts, the images of which can be understood by the recipient, the use of direct translation is widespread, which allows to achieve equivalence of content. When transmitting neologisms and nationally specific realities, idioms, proverbs, sayings, as well as specific concepts based on which images do not correspond to the Russian language picture of the world, descriptive translation is used, which allows achieving primarily functional equivalence. All the non-equivalent vocabulary in the Chinese leader's political speech can be translated into Russian, while the choice of the translation method determines the degree of translation equivalence.
translation theory, political translation, language tools, translation methods, Russian language, Chinese language, equivalence, non-equivalent vocabulary, translation, political speech
Literary criticism
Lin, T. (2024). Influence of the Cycle "Don Stories" by M. A. Sholokhov on Mo Yan. Litera, 8, 138–147.
The cycle "Don Stories" by M. A. Sholokhov was translated into Chinese in the first half of the 20th century. Since then, the stories have enjoyed great popularity among Chinese readers and have had a significant influence on a new generation of writers. This article is dedicated to the influence of "Don Stories" on the literary work of Mo Yan. The author discusses the evolution of the translations of "Don Stories" in China and briefly analyzes the folkloric motifs within the cycle. Special attention is given to identifying and analyzing the typological connections between Sholokhov's novel and Chinese works, particularly Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum" (1986), demonstrating that despite differences in national identity and historical context, both authors address similar ideological tasks through folkloric elements. The typological similarities in the use of proverbs, sayings, oral poetry, and customs in the works of Mo Yan and M. A. Sholokhov are analyzed. Based on the theory of comparative literature by A. N. Veselovsky and V. M. Zhirmunsky, the most notable works of both authors are researched, focusing on the comparison of the functions, images, and symbols of folklore in their writings.
Don stories, sayings, proverb, Shandong Folk Song, Cossack songs, folklore, Mo Yan, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, Red Gaolian, typology
Orlova, M.V. (2024). Verb-nominal descriptions in modern oral Russian speech: the experience of analysis. Litera, 8, 148–167.
The article analyzes the use of verb-nominal descriptions (combinations of a desemanticized verb such as do/do, give/give, lead/conduct, etc. with nouns such as step, action, response, etc., naming action, based on the material of 100 podcast releases (audio broadcasts distributed on the Internet) recorded in the 20s of the XXI century) in modern Russian oral speech. The widespread idea of the exclusive belonging of such constructions to the book variety of the literary language is questioned. The reasons why speakers prefer descriptive names of an action are investigated: in particular, descriptions that do not have a correlative verb are highlighted; descriptions with a definition or a quantifier word in the name; descriptions with an indefinite meaning. The cases when a sentence with a descriptive turn can be transformed using a one-word correlate (verb) are analyzed separately. In the podcasts of the conversational genre, which involve a free dialogue of several interlocutors and differ in the number, gender and age of the presenters, the use of verb-nominal descriptions is noted and analyzed. The article for the first time examines verb-nominal descriptions based on the material of modern spontaneous oral speech, which allows us to draw conclusions about the real use of such constructions by native speakers of the Russian language. It is concluded that descriptions are regularly used in modern oral speech, if necessary, to give additional characteristics of the so-called situation, to describe its quantitative nature or to eliminate a number of participants from the description of the situation, for example, an object. In addition, the article for the first time proposes a scale of the actionality of predicates, which can be used to describe various ways of designating a situation in terms of its processality or "objectivity" — depending on the communicative intention of the speaker. This scale also allows to evaluate the probability of using a verb-nominal description in a given utterance.
verb categories, quantifiers, non-isomorphic words, semantic grammar, actionality, deverbatives, grammaticalisation, light verbs, light verb constructions, syntax
Lyrics and the character in lyrics
Musaeva, A.M. (2024). The nature of the symbol, its role in a literary text (using the example of yellow color symbolism in poetry of the XX – XXI centuries). Litera, 8, 168–176.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the nature of the symbol in a work of art. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to study the theoretical foundations of the symbol, to consider this concept from different points of view, to determine the nature, signs of the symbol, to analyze the color symbolism in the lyrical texts of the authors of the XX – XXI centuries, using the example of yellow color. The object of research is the nature of the symbol, its role, and analysis in poetic texts of the XX – XXI centuries. He examines in detail such topics as: consideration of different points of view on the nature of the symbol; definition of the symbol, its properties in works of art; polyphony and dualism of the symbol; analysis and interpretation of color symbols in poetic texts of the XX – XXI centuries, using the example of yellow and its shades. The research is based on synthesizing, comparative methods, as well as on the analysis of a literary text with elements of comparative typological analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that it analyzes the nature of the symbol in Russian poetry of the XX – XXI centuries on the basis of color symbols, namely yellow. The main conclusions of the study are: the symbol is closely related to the sign and the artistic image, but it is absolutely not identical to them, the symbol is multifaceted. The nature of the symbol is both dualistic and polyphonic. The dualism of the symbol lies in the fact that it consists of two components: material and spiritual. A material object, phenomenon, or condition hides an abstract concept that is not always related to the meaning of the object itself. The polyphony of a symbol consists in the fact that it can acquire a different sound and meaning in each artistic text, visual and expressive means help the reader to interpret a particular symbol. It can perform several functions in a work of art, and may have different meanings in each context.
polyphony, yellow colour, dualism, lyrics, lyrical hero, colour symbolism, modern Russian poetry, symbolism, Silver Age, symbol
Slavin, B.F., Zarovniy, D.A. (2024). The journalistic ideal in the context of agenda theories. Litera, 8, 177–185.
This article raises the question of the ideal of journalism at a time when the scientific community is increasingly turning to theories of "producing" an information agenda. The authors of the article turn to the roots of agenda theories, their main provisions, the role of the media, which the theorists assign in their hypotheses, and the main ideas about the journalistic ideal that have developed over the course of the research. This topic is relevant within the framework of Agenda-setting theory, Agenda-building, the theory of "echo chambers" gaining popularity, as well as the emerging problems of information determinism as a philosophical view of the role of journalism. The methods of the research were comparative-content analysis of scientific sources, systematization and synthesis of data. The novelty of the study is formed from the approach to considering the issue of the ideal of journalism in the system "State – Mass Media – Recipient". The question of the journalistic ideal in such a context is raised for the first time. Apologetics of the agenda theories cuts the dispute about the ideal into objective and subjective sides. The article comprehensively examines these two branches of the journalistic ideal. The main conclusion of this article is the thesis that the agenda theory, the changed media landscape and the development of information technologies of the day are reforming the view of the ideal of journalism. At the same time, objectivity remains a professional norm in the perception of information, the role of the subjective in journalism is growing. But this should not be condemned by the community and researchers. Only a conscious symbiosis of these two branches of the ideal can lead a professional journalist not only to effective professional work, but also to trust the audience.
information determinism, objectivity, subjectivism, echo chambers, agenda-building, agenda-setting, journalism, ideal, Agenda, journalistic ideal
Nerents, D.V. (2024). Specifics of Artificial Intelligence Application in Modern Media Space. Litera, 8, 186–198.
In 2023 the disputes and discussions about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in different spheres of life have flared up with renewed vigor. As the indisputable advantages of the use of automated systems and algorithms in the media are efficiency (the ability to quickly and accurately search for information, create template texts, check data), comprehensiveness (the ability to analyze any topic, to work with any direction), convenience (when properly configured does not require extra effort from the media specialist), learning (the ability to quickly absorb new knowledge and to analyze the needs and demands of the audience). The disadvantages are a noticeable number of errors and inaccuracies, fears of job cuts (especially in newsrooms), limitations in communication, lack of legislative regulation of AI, dependence on technology, the ethical aspect of work. The scientific and professional communities are increasingly drawing attention to the serious threats posed by the use of neural networks and computer algorithms. The article raises questions about the risks and challenges of using artificial intelligence, analyzes its capabilities regarding the threats to media safety (both the creation of fakes and deepfakes and the exposure of such content). Special attention is given to the methods of applying neural networks in the media space, which seems especially relevant nowadays, when IT developments have become one of the central themes for discussions at many international venues. Possible options for the further use of these technologies in the near future and the consequences of this application are presented as conclusions.
journalism, algorithm, audience, media content, media safety, fake, neural network, mass media, artificial intelligence, media
Bulgarova, B.A., Chinennaya, T.Y., Zyukina, Z.S., Kozlovskaya, E.S. (2024). Interdisciplinary digital ways of researching political media discourse. Litera, 8, 199–211.
Digital methods of political discourse research make it possible to expand the range of data on the statistics and replication of references to a particular issue in media space, the popularity of lexical units or other content disseminated both through the media and among the readership through comments and posts on personal accounts, and, as a result, to determine the specifics of the representation of certain political processes in mass media. The object of this study is various methods and tools of digital study of political media discourse, as well as relevant software. The subject is the results of content analysis of political communication obtained by foreign (J.-M. Eberle, P. Tolochko, P. Jost, T. Heidenreich, H.G. Boomgaarden) and Russian (E.I. Beglova and O.Y. Shmeleva) specialists. The aim of the paper is to identify the most effective way of working with media material by comparative study of manual and automated methods of content analysis. The main method of research in the article was a comprehensive comparative analysis of the conducted studies: from manual content analysis to digital content analysis with the use of mathematical algorithms and the method of ‘digital footprint’, theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the identified problems, descriptive and comparative methods, interpretation of the obtained results. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the comparison of different digital methods of content analysis. The identification of their strengths and weaknesses and the prospects for the application of digital methods of content analysis in the media industry in Russian science are poorly studied and need to be developed. New digital methods of content analysis are more objective, operational, structured, diverse and verifiable, unlike manual ones;the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies makes its own adjustments to the methodology of analyzing political media discourse.
strategies, application, method, communication, social media, content analysis, political media discourse, digital modes, results, research
Pak, L.E. (2024). On the issue of the gender specificity of the sports news narrative. Litera, 8, 212–224.
The aim of the work is to identify the gender specificity of the sports news narrative. The object of the study is a sports news narrative. The subject of the study is the gender aspect of the sports news narrative. The relevance of this work is due to several reasons. Firstly, the research topic corresponds to the methodology of modern language science, since the scientific tools of narratology allow us to apply the categories of narrative intrigue, worldview and events with a high degree of effectiveness, to identify their correlation. Secondly, in the era of globalization and the participation of a significant number of people in sports events, the broadcast of sports news releases from the event site and the publication of news articles on the Internet, the study of the specifics of communication in the field of sports seems very timely. Thirdly, in relation to gender analysis, the sports news narrative makes it possible to identify the feminine and masculine specifics of verbal behavior in different cultures. The research methodology is based on an integrated combination of linguistic narrative, discursive and gender approaches. The main methods of this work are discourse analysis, linguistic narrative analysis and descriptive-comparative method and quantitative method. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative gender analysis of the features of the sports news narrative is carried out. A two-stage methodology has been developed to identify the gender characteristics of sports news narrative texts. Conclusions: The common features of the feminine and masculine sports news narrative are a diegetic narrative strategy and a truncated narrative sequence. In the feminine sports news narrative, female authors arrange the elements of the statement so that the subsequent part becomes more expressive, richer and more impressive than the previous one (menopause). Male authors include extra-fictional elements in the text that delay the development of the image of the event, stimulating the curiosity of readers (retardation). Female authors implement an accusatory and emotive orientation. By implementing their communicative attitudes, they strive to assess the events taking place, declare their feelings and emotions, and strive to attract the addressee to empathy. The masculine sports narrative has a provocative and ironic orientation, male authors strive to establish and maintain contact with addressees, speech is characterized by a diverse set of vivid lexical and figurative means that can also have a paradoxical connotation, there is a desire to create an interesting and creative image to activate the attention of readers.
gender specificity, focus of the sports narrative, narratological sequence, narratological strategy, narratology, news narrative, sports narrative, feminity, masculinity, linguo-narrative method
Akasheva, T., Zharkova, A. (2024). Modern literary museums: from an exhibit to visualization (using the example of the Moscow Dostoevsky house). Litera, 8, 225–232.
This article is devoted to new forms of representativeness of the cultural and historical values of a literary museum on the example of Dostoevsky's Moscow House. The modern concept of museum complexes offers not only the preservation and demonstration of exhibits, but also the possibility of joint participation, cooperation and emotional interaction. The aim of the work is to consider the importance of visualization as a trend in the development of museums to create a completely new museum product and attract young people. Relevant today is the search for new formats of expositions in literary museums in order not only to preserve the heritage, but also to introduce more people to books, literature and spirituality. Today "Moscow House of Dostoevsky", which opened on November 15, 2021 after restoration, is an integrated complex that combines all types of perception. The novelty of the work lies in the description of modern trends in the development of museums and the search for their reflection in the museum of F.M. Dostoevsky. The study used the search method, analysis and observation. The empirical material is based on the authors' personal impressions of visiting the Dostoevsky House in Moscow. The result of the work is a description of the modern exposition of the museum with elements of visualization and complicity of visitors. The authors came to the conclusion that this museum can serve as a successful example of a project to preserve the heritage of the Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky and attract more visitors at the state and professional level.
project, Russian literature, heritage preservation, Dostoevsky Moscow House, modern concept, museum business, exhibit, literary heritage, literary museum, visualization
Gurushkin, P.Y., Druzhkova, V.I. (2024). Mediatization of corporate conflict in the context of digitalization. Litera, 8, 233–240.
The study analyzed the role of online media, social networks and other online platforms in the formation and dissemination of information about the conflict, as well as its impact on the interaction between commercial companies and their customers. The object of the study is the process of mediatization itself, which plays a significant role in corporate conflicts, having a significant impact on public opinion, the image of the company, determining the course and consequences of the conflict. With the development of information technology, digitalization and the spread of the Internet, the mediatization of corporate conflicts is becoming particularly important. The subject of the study is the system of communication practices of a large commercial company during a period of mediatized crisis. Corporate conflict is considered as an important aspect in the decision-making process in the management of the brand and reputation of the organization. The main research methods are: survey – collection and analysis of data from participants in the conflict, as well as a case study method, which allowed us to consider a specific case in detail through analysis of the key problem, factors influencing the conflict and management decisions made. The study of the phenomenon of mediatization of corporate conflicts has revealed new aspects and trends in the development of complexly regulated contradictions in the Internet space. In addition, the impact of mediatization on the reputation management of commercial companies in the context of corporate conflict was studied. The process of mediatization of corporate conflicts was considered as a multidimensional phenomenon, which includes not only the use of media resources to highlight conflict situations in organizations, but also the transformation of the nature of the conflict itself under the influence of the media. The results of the study showed that mediatization helps to accelerate the escalation of conflict through the instant dissemination of information. At the same time, well-organized interaction with the media allows companies to control information flows, minimize damage and manage public opinion.
anti-crisis communications, reputation management, conflict management, media, digitalization, social conflict, corporate conflict, mediatization, marketplace, management
Uryupina, A.D. (2024). Functioning and translation of English and Russian architectural terms in academic discourse. Litera, 8, 241–251.
The study provides the analysis of architectural terminology in English and Russian in academic discourse. The object of the study is the terminological system of architecture. The subject of the study is the specifics of the use, functioning and translation of English and Russian architectural terminology in academic discourse. The classification and systematization of architectural terms, their hierarchical structure and functional types in academic texts are considered. In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of the architectural sublanguage is emphasized, which intersects with terms from the fields such as engineering, architecture, construction, art and design. The paper also identifies existing difficulties and problems that arise when translating English and Russian-language architectural terms, including differences in the linguistic structure of languages, semantic ambiguity, the need for a high degree of specialization of the translator for the correct interpretation of the term, the use of idiomatic and figurative language to describe some architectural terms, etc. The study uses a comprehensive methodology, in particular, methods of comparative and component analysis, as well as methods of corpus linguistics used to study semantic fields, hierarchical relationships and functional types of terms. The research results emphasize the importance of standardization of architectural terminology, understanding of cultural and historical background, as well as technical knowledge to ensure effective communication in the global architectural community. Analyzing the corpus of texts, including dictionaries, architectural reviews and academic articles, the author explains how specific terms function in academic discourse. This study makes a special contribution to the development of linguistic research in the field of architecture, offering an in-depth analysis of semantic fields and their role in structuring architectural vocabulary. The novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of the functioning and translation of architectural terms, which allows to identify the difficulties associated with the interdisciplinary character of the terminology. The results of the study will be useful not only for teachers and translators, but also for international experts in the field of architecture.
English terminology, translation, terminology systematization, LSP, academic discourse, architectural terminology, architecture, terminology, term, Russian terminology
Literary criticism
Nefedova, O.I. (2024). The Motif of Predestination in the Novel "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut. Litera, 8, 252–263.
American literature and culture has its roots, among other things, in the religious views of the early settlers, so that many themes and motifs important to Christianity are touched upon and reinterpreted by writers in their contemporary realities. Such national motifs often reflect the core foundations of culture, the systematic analysis of which in diachrony is one of the important problems and represents the scientific novelty of this study. The subject of this study is the peculiarities of the realization of the predestination motif in Kurt Vonnegut's novel "Slaughterhouse-Five", or, "The Children's Crusade" (1969). The American writer considers predestination as an attitude to time and life philosophy and tries to reveal the relevance of such a vision of fate of people within the context of consumer society after the Second World War. The aim of the article is to reveal, through the analysis of character images, symbols and allusions, the essence of the predestination motif in the novel "Slaughterhouse-Five". The methodology includes a complex combination of comparative-historical, cultural-historical, structural and biographical methods with elements of motive analysis and psychological approach. The images of robot aliens from the planet Tralfamador and Billy Pilgrim, who had a traumatic experience in the war, are the expression of this motif. As a result, the researcher concludes that the characters' belief in predestination and in the fact that nothing can be changed allows to a certain extent to ignore the negative emotions that stimulate uncontrolled travel through the time loop of memories, but cannot get rid of them completely. At the same time, avoidance as a defense mechanism of the psyche keeps one from being involved in one's life and allows cruelty to occur. Ê. Vonnegut does not agree with this approach and proposes to return to the present moment and set the boundaries of what is possible to change and what is not, relying on humanistic values.
time, postmodernism, avoidance, memory, agency, war, PTSD, trauma, predestination, motif
Literary criticism
Gong, A. (2024). Koan and its implementation in V. Pelevin's prose. Litera, 8, 264–271.
The philosophical thought of Zen Buddhism is widely used in the work of Victor Pelevin, it becomes an integral element of his early works. The most important and typical feature of Zen Buddhism is the use of "koan" to understand the philosophical thought of Zen Buddhism. The original meaning of the word "koan" is a judicial document of the ancient Chinese government. Later, the term "koan" was borrowed by Zen Buddhism, and its content is usually a story about a Zen master, a dialogue between the master and his disciples, questions and hints from the master. This article examines the implementation of koans in V. Pelevin's novel Chapaev and the Void. The object of the study is the poetics of V. Pelevin's work, the subject of the study is the koan and its implementation in the writer's prose. Within the framework of this work, comparative typological, cultural-historical, structural-poetic methods are combined. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the works on the methodology of intertextuality, religious studies and narratology. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it shows and analyzes the process of artistic realization of Zen Buddhist koans in Victor Pelevin's prose. Existing studies have focused more on the interpretation of the concept and philosophical thought of Zen Buddhism in Pelevin's works, they do not study the implementation and adaptation of Zen Buddhist koans in the writer's prose, and ideological differences between different Zen schools are also ignored. It is shown that these koans are realized in V. Pelevin's novel Chapaev and the Void through dialogue and the behavior of the characters. The plot of the novel follows the sequence of the enlightenment process in the koan of Zen master Qingyuan Xingxi. The Zen practice experience of the protagonist Peter the Void is a constantly improving game, and the standard of evaluation in the game is the degree of understanding of the koan.
The Butterfly Dream, Linji school, Heart Sutra, philosophy, enlightenment, Chapayev and Void, zen buddhism, koan, Victor Pelevin, collective unconscious
Sereda, D.M. (2024). Prefix ot: semantic class "Deprivation of functions" in the Russian language of the XI-XVII centuries. Litera, 8, 272–283.
The proposed article is devoted to the formation and development of the semantic class "Deprivation of functions" of verbs with the prefix ot- in the history of the Russian language of the pre-national period. The object of the study is derivatives with the prefix ot–, which have the meaning of ‘deprivation of functions’. The subject of the study is the mechanisms of the development of polysituativity in the analyzed lexemes. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the historical processes of the origin of the semantic class "Deprivation of functions" in the Old Russian language, as well as its further development in the Old Russian period, where, depending on the nature of the negative impact and the characteristics of the denotative structure, it is divided into three subclasses: 1) "the impact of a negative state", 2) "causative effect" and 3) "negative impact on oneself". Special attention is paid to the analysis of the denotative and word-formation level of the verbs under consideration. Studies of prefixal verb derivation in the framework of cognitive linguistics are an urgent area of modern word formation. To analyze the semantics of verbal lexemes, a method of polysituative analysis developed by N. B. Lebedeva is proposed. The denotative structure of the verb is considered as separate propositions (situations) that are related to each other by various spatial, temporal or logical relationships. The novelty of the research lies in determining the main components that make up the denotative structure of derivatives of the semantic class "Deprivation of functions", analyzing their transformation in the history of the Russian language and identifying possible options presented in three subclasses: "the impact of a negative state", "causative effect", "negative impact on oneself". The word-formation specificity of the analyzed derivatives is determined.
denotative structure, the method of polysituative analysis, the verbal prefix from-, semantic class, semantic network, verbal word formation, Cognitive linguistics, The situation, the Old Russian language, Old Russian language
Zhang, L. (2024). Light in Rasputin's prose. Litera, 8, 284–298.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the use of words denoting light and its shades in the works of V. G. Rasputin. The paper uses methods of structural-semiotic analysis using elements of cultural analysis, and also uses the method of interpreting an individual text and analyzing individual stylistic elements. The methodological basis consists of the works of scientists on the study of the poetics of the work, and the artistic world of V. G. Rasputin’s prose. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the features of light designations in the works of V. G. Rasputin have been identified and described. Shades of color associated with lighting are an important part of the artistic world. In the prose of V. G. Rasputin, this is light, sparks, brilliance, radiance, sparkling and flickering. Light in the works of V. G. Rasputin is carried by the sun, moon, stars, and electric light. The absence of light becomes symbolic and embodies doom, loss. Light is used in landscapes that contrast with the state of the character. In portrait descriptions, light details of appearance mark positive characters. In descriptions of the details of the material world, light emphasizes the beauty of works of human labor. Shine, sparkle, flicker and radiance emphasize the beauty of nature, while the stylistic feature of landscape descriptions and objects in the works of V. G. Rasputin is the simultaneous combination of several light shades when describing pictures of nature, as well as their use in a metaphorical meaning to describe states of the characters. Brilliance in the portrait of characters, and radiance in the description of the details of the material world, are associated with the author’s negative assessment of the character or situation.
Details of the material world, Portrait and landscape, Individual author’s meaning of light shades, Light painting in literature, Light and its shades, Artistic world of the work, Writer’s style, Poetics of the works, Short novels and stories, Creativity of V. G. Rasputin