Automatic language processing
Zhikulina, C.P., Kostromina, V.V. (2024). Computational creativity of neural network Midjourney in a polymodal space. Litera, 6, 1–16.
This article deals with the polymodal space in the field of computational creativity in neural networks. The object of research is a polymodal environment that integrates a series of heterogeneous codes to express a common idea, and the subject is the possibility of creating polymodal digital art using text and voice prompts in the generative network Midjourney. The aim of the study is to prove that computational creativity can be detected and described based on the results of iterations in the process of creating images, which in turn will allow us to talk about a complex polymodal system as a separate digital category of polymodality. We used the continuous sampling method when collecting linguistic units as they occur in the analysis process; contextual analysis for the systematic identification and description of the verbal and non-verbal contexts. It was necessary to conduct an experiment with the generative network Midjourney to identify patterns in the creation of a graphic space through text and voice data input, and then compare and contrast the results of iterations with the original image. The scientific novelty consists in the lack of research on the polymodal space in the context of neural networks and their generative ability. During the experiment, we obtained the following results: the term ‘polymodality’ in the context of the generative network Midjourney and its ‘digital art’ is due to the presence of three channels: verbal, visual and voice; tests have shown that the ability of the neural network to create images through prompt is at a high level, however, there are rough technical errors that do not allow users to fully approach the desired result when they generate an image; the summarization of the data allows us to talk about the presence of features of computational creativity in generative networks.
Midjourney, neural network, transformational creativity, computational creativity, artificial intelligence, polymodal space, polymodal text, iteration, prompt, summarization
Hao, X., Labush, N.S., Wei, Y. (2024). Analysis of values reflected in "People's Daily Online" from 2020 to 2022. Litera, 6, 17–27.
In this study, the object is the official website "People's Daily Online," and the subject is the values represented in the materials published on this site from 2020 to 2022. When examining the values in "People's Daily Online," we identify the following key values from contemporary Chinese values: "patriotism" and "collectivism," which prioritize the interests of the state and the collective; the spirit of "selfless service"; "friendliness" as a combination of "respect, tolerance, accommodation, care, and mutual assistance"; "diligence and frugality" as family values; professional values based on "devotion to work" and aligned with the demands of the times (in this study, we use the term "people pursuing their dreams," proposed by President Xi Jinping, to denote professional values). Ideas that contradict these core values include "selfishness," "malice," "laziness," "greed," etc. The study of values and value conflicts in "People's Daily Online" (2020-2022) involved collecting and classifying materials, identifying keywords using Anaconda, conducting a quantitative analysis of term frequency and co-occurrence, as well as a qualitative analysis of articles to determine their value orientations. The scientific novelty of this study lies in a comprehensive analysis of values reflected in leading Chinese media, using the example of "People's Daily Online" from 2020 to 2022. The research holds significant political and social importance as it contributes to a deeper understanding of the value orientations of the Chinese government and its information dissemination strategies. It reveals the mechanisms through which media shape public opinion and social identity. From an academic perspective, the study enriches media and communication theory, especially in the context of its application outside the North American environment. An international perspective can serve as a guide for other countries, helping them better understand and effectively address the challenges of information dissemination and value competition in the era of globalization. The findings of the study show that "People's Daily Online" actively fulfills the role of a leading media outlet in shaping a favorable ideological atmosphere within a socialist framework.
Collectivism, Patriotism, Social values, Official media, Values, People's Daily Online, Hard work, Selfishness, Cultural dissemination, Mainstream media
Literary criticism
Tetenova, M.A. (2024). Edgar Allan Poe's journey to Russia: fiction and reality. Litera, 6, 28–36.
This study highlights the history of E.A. Poe's work on the Russian literary scene, shedding light on the cultural, historical and editorial factors that determined its existence in Russia in the nineteenth century. In analysing the translations, we have resorted to the study of existing studies on the subject, archival materials of the Russian press, literary criticism etc. The aim of the study was to reconstruct the specific context and the specific conditions under which the work of Poe penetrated into Russia, which would also allow us to illustrate the key role of translators in the presentation of Poe on the Russian, French, and world literary scene. The subject of our study was the special conditions that determined the penetration of Poe's work in Russia. The object of the study was the biographies written by different people in different eras, as well as documents that influenced his image. The main method of the study was a comparative analysis of texts that tell about Poe's life and personality. The main result of the research is the reconstruction of the ‘route’, following which Poe's work came to Russia, as well as the identification of all the key persons, without whom Poe's work would have to wait for its time. The article also contributes to our understanding of the historical and cultural context that determined the appearance of Poe on the Russian literary scene, as well as names the most important writers, researchers and translators who paved the way for Poe to come to Russia. Scientific novelty is provided by creating a synthesis of existing studies on this topic in Russian, French and English, which allows to make the most complete three-dimensional picture and chronology of the existence of Poe's work which also provides theoretical significance of the study.
intercultural interaction, biography, Griswold, Sazonov, Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe, translation, literary studies, reputation, translation studies
Makarova, M.S., Turunov, D.M., Smirnova, E.D., Osipova, A.A., Korti, M., CHzhao, I., Klimova, E.A. (2024). Features of building communication with international students using modern online media. Litera, 6, 37–48.
This article explores the influence of online media on the process of adaptation of foreign students in educational institutions. The study was carried out in relation to the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and some other universities of the Russian Federation that actively use international educational and academic exchange. The authors analyze the main barriers students face when transitioning to a new learning environment, such as cultural, linguistic and academic differences. The authors of the article discuss the role of online media in overcoming these barriers, emphasizing their importance in the process of exchanging information, developing communication skills in a foreign language, and creating trusting relationships. The contribution of online media to the integration of different cultures and traditions is considered, which contributes to the formation of cultural understanding, tolerance and respect for the diversity of worldviews in the educational environment. An analysis is made of how students use online resources to obtain additional information, develop relevant skills and deepen their knowledge, as well as an analysis of existing research on the topic of adaptation of foreign students and the role of online media in education. In addition, the article covers the following subtopics. Features of collecting data on the experience of foreign students and their use of online media. Conducting interviews with foreign students, teachers, and university administrations to obtain high-quality information about adaptation problems and the role of perception of Internet resources and their impact on the adaptation process. The novelty of this study lies in the following characteristics of the work performed. Focuses were made on a specific university or region. The specifics of different groups of students were taken into account. The analysis was carried out taking into account how online media is used by students from different countries, with different language levels, different specialties, etc. The influence of specific types of online media was studied: for example, social networks, educational platforms, chatbots, specialized applications for international students. The analysis of the influence of online media was explicit on various aspects of adaptation through such sections as academic performance, psychological well-being, social integration, cultural adaptation and others. The project ends with a presentation of recommendations developed by the authors of the article on the use of online media to increase the effectiveness of adaptation of foreign students in other countries or universities around the world.
cultural integration, inclusive educational environment, globalization, intercultural communication, adaptation, linguistic barriers, international students, social networks, online media, social communication
Mukhortova, I.I. (2024). Linguistic and extralinguistic specificity of Russian and English texts of ethical codes in the diachronic aspect. Litera, 6, 49–57.
The subject of the study is linguistic, extralinguistic and linguoculturological features that determine the specifics of English and Russian-language texts of ethical codes of banks in a comparative aspect throughout the XXI century. To analyze the specifics of the texts of ethical codes of banks (based on the material of English and Russian languages), descriptive and comparative methods are used in the article. The methodological basis is determined by a systematic approach based on the principle of consistency of linguistic phenomena, system analysis, as well as descriptive, inductive-deductive and comparative methods. In accordance with the systematic approach, the interrelation of structural, genre-content, linguistic and cultural features of the texts of banking discourse on the material of English and Russian languages is actualized.The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive study and a systematic description of the structural, genre-content, linguistic features of the texts of ethical codes of leading English-speaking and Russian-speaking banks. For the first time, the analysis of the specifics of the texts of the banking discourse in a comparative aspect was carried out, as well as the specific structural, genre, semantic features of ethical codes as a new artifact of modern textual culture, and their transformation during the XXI century against the background of the realities of reality, namely before the 2020 pandemic and after. Thus, based on the analysis performed, it can be argued that bank texts in both languages, due to the active digitalization of society, are characterized by identical key structural, genre-content and language features. Nevertheless, Russian-language texts have made a huge transformational leap in terms of digital content and can be distinguished by a large spread of semiotically complicated polycode systems and the presence of creolized texts.
creolized texts, ethical codes of banks, language features, genre-content features, structural features, extralinguistic specific features, Linguistic specific features, diachronic aspect, english language texts, russian language texts
Karakhanian, N.J. (2024). The semantic potential of the concept "faith" in Maxim Gorky's novel "Foma Gordeev". Litera, 6, 58–67.
The purpose of the article is to identify the semantic potential of the concept "faith", to show its role in the disclosure of the ideological and philosophical layer of the story, in the system of characters. The subject of the research is the analysis of the functions of the concept "faith" and the ways of its actualization in the first major work of M. Gorky's novella "Thomas Gordeev". The main form of realization of the concept is the monologues of the heroes addressed to the main character in order to inspire their own idea of faith, as well as in his internal monologues and dialogues with opponents.The prospects for the study of the concept of "faith" are connected with the analysis of its functions in other genre forms created by the writer, which allows us to trace the evolution of the artist's worldview. The scientific novelty lies in the proof of the position that the concept of "faith" in the plot of the story expands the peripheral spectrum of meanings revealed in the process of educational monologues of characters addressed to the main character, his internal monologues and dialogues with opponents. The expansion of the peripheral zone of the concept occurs in its speech representation: the use of the concept under consideration by the actors allows us to judge the character of the hero, the moral atmosphere of the era.The result of the study showed that the use of typological, historical and functional methods, conceptual analysis allowed us to determine the associative space of actualization of semantic units characterizing the concept of "faith". The results obtained can be used in the course "History of Russian literature of the XX century", in special courses on Gorky's work.
the associative background, the dialogue, the monologue, the periphery of the concept, the connotation, the system of characters, the concept of the faith, the structure of the narrative, Foma Gordeev, Gorky
Nemkina, N.I. (2024). The multimodality of Chinese folklore images. Litera, 6, 68–78.
This scientific article examines the phenomenon of multimodality based on the material of Chinese folklore images. The object of the research is the images of fictional characters of Chinese folklore works, and the subject is the analysis of images of Chinese folklore works in their multimodal expression in modern adaptations. The purpose of the study is to show how modern discursive practices, characterized by a high degree of multimodality, affect the development of the concept of the image of a folklore work in the recipient's mind. The tasks that were solved within the framework of this study: 1) description of the phenomenon of multimodality in the context of modern multimedia technologies; 2) analysis of image concepts in mobile game, cartoons and TV show; 3) assessment of the influence of multimodality on the peculiarities of the development of image concepts and their perception in the recipient's mind. The methods used are the continuous sampling method for collecting the analyzed material, as well as methods of semantic, contextual and conceptual analysis. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the fact that for the first time are studied the various images of Chinese folklore works in their modern interpretation. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: multimodality affects the degree of perception of an image in the recipient's mind in different ways, on the one hand, it leads to a simplification of the understanding of meanings, on the other hand, to a complication of systems for creating these meanings. One of the manifestations of this complication is the existence of a high degree of intertextuality, which can undermine perception of fictional characters, lead to the false assumption of some characters for others. The desire to get closer to the preferences of the modern viewer leads both to a slight difference in the basic features of the concepts, and to their complete opposite, which also affects the process of perception of the image. Nevertheless, despite the significant degree of adaptation of images that cause different user assessments, the social and cultural-historical processes of a dynamically changing world require compliance with the conditions of functioning of modern discursive practices.
image perception, multimedia, degree of transformation, fictional hero, Chinese folklore images, adaptation, conceptual core, concept, multimodality, discourse
Lekomtseva, I.A., Vyunova, E.K., Abdulmanova, A.K. (2024). Recurrent grammatical errors in student Russian-to-English consecutive interpreting. Litera, 6, 79–90.
Interpreting student errors have little been accorded full-scale treatment. The objective of the article is, then, to provide a classification of and explain some of the most recurrent grammatical errors made by students in Russian-to-English consecutive interpreting. Our findings suggest that all grammatical errors in student consecutive interpreting fall into four groups: errors in the use of articles; errors in the use of tenses; errors in the use of voice; and errors in the use of number. Among the key sources of grammatical errors in consecutive interpreting are inadequate linguistic competence and performance, i.e. tendency to transfer grammatical patterns specific to a native language into a foreign language, unpredictable syntax, quick speech motor actions; and psychological and cognitive factors, i.e. principles of analogy, severe time constraints. Error analysis in student consecutive interpreting can make a positive contribution into the practice of training interpreters as it reveals the problem triggers. Additionally, inquiries in error analysis can make valuable contributions in a linguistic typology of interpreting errors in typologically and structurally different languages, i.e. language-specific and language-pair specific errors.
teaching consecutive interpreting, grammatical aspect, developing a skill of interpreting, erratology, typology of grammatical errors, consecutive interpreting, sources of errors, theory of interpreting, error analysis, interpreting errors
Literary criticism
Albulanee, A.H. (2024). The Phenomenon of “the Other" in the context of the American Dream in American Proletarian Literature and Left-Wing Political Discourse of the 1920s and 30s. Litera, 6, 91–107.
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The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic generated serious social upheavals, intensified the politicization of the literary process and awakens literary discourse, highlighting the “enduring reality" of national identity and social class. The proletarian literature of the USA of the 1920s and 30s and the left-wing political discourse of this period echoing it are a vivid example of understanding these issues in American society and in the life of the common man. This article aims to analyze and summarize the most fundamental aspects of American proletarian literature, as a phenomenon of the 1920s and 30s, and left-wing political discourse, shedding light on the relationship between two phenomena directly related to American identity – the "Other" and the "American Dream". The themes of identity and otherness in American history and literature of this period were critically analyzed using the example of historical documents, literary texts and theoretical studies. The novelty of the study lies in its synthesizing nature; the important aspects and patterns have been identified that combine a body of sources of various scales on the topic of the American Dream and the concept of the Other, relating to individuals or groups who are excluded from the idealized vision of success due to the existence of systemic obstacles to access to the same opportunities and results that the mainstream or dominant culture possesses. The results of the study open the way for further literary studies of the broader socio-political contexts that shaped the production and perception of proletarian literature, and their significance for the modern understanding of American society and the social challenges that it faces.
Alienation, Mainstream, the Other, Identity, American Dream, Political Discourse, American Novel, Proletarian Literature, Comparative Research, Marginalization
Literary criticism
Fang, X. (2024). Features of the manifestation of the carnival principle in N.V. Gogol's novella "Nevsky Prospekt". Litera, 6, 108–117.
This article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of carnivalization in N.V. Gogol's novella "Nevsky Prospekt". The paper analyzes the key manifestations of carnivalization in the story, such as the creation of a game atmosphere, blurring the boundaries between the real and the fantastic, the metamorphoses of the characters, the use of the grotesque and the combination of the comic with the tragic. Special attention is paid to the image of Nevsky Prospekt as a carnivalized space where various social strata, masks and roles are mixed. The article also examines the parallel storylines of Lieutenant Pirogov and the artist Piskarev. The study demonstrates how Gogol masterfully uses elements of carnivalization to create a multifaceted and ambivalent picture of life in which the high and the low, the tragic and the comic combine and interact with each other. Along with general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, descriptive and comparative methods are used in the work. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the consideration of the death scene of the protagonist of the story by the artist Piskarev, in the aspect of the theory of carnival. According to the results of the study, it was found that in the story "Nevsky Prospekt" the key features of carnivalization are vividly manifested: the creation of a playful, festive atmosphere in a specific space of Nevsky Prospekt; the erasure of hierarchical and social differences between the characters; the intertwining of the illusory and real worlds; the use of grotesque images and the combination of the ridiculous with the tragic. Special attention is paid to the analysis of Piskarev's suicide scene, which is considered as the culmination of a carnival action, where the tragic event acquires an ambivalent character and becomes a kind of symbol of the collapse of the romantic illusions of the hero. Carnival imagery allows Gogol to convey his own vision of St. Petersburg as a city of contrasts, where the high borders on the low, and beauty turns into vulgarity. Thus, the study makes a significant contribution to understanding the role of carnivalization in the artistic world of the story "Nevsky Prospekt" and expands the understanding of the creative method of N.V. Gogol.
ambivalence, metamorphosis, laughter, image, carnivalization, Gogol, Nevsky Prospekt, carnival grotesque, comic, tragic
Literary criticism
Wang, F., Galai, K.N. (2024). The study of female images in modern Chinese literary works. Litera, 6, 118–128.
This article is a study of female images in modern Chinese literary works. The author analyzes the evolution of representations of women in modern Chinese literature and their important role in the democratization of society. Through an examination of the works of authors such as Lu Xun, Lao She, Chen Zhongshi, Yu Hua and others, the article reveals diverse aspects of women's experiences, including social injustice, discrimination and exploitation. In addition, the author highlights the influence of literature in shaping public opinion about the role and rights of women, and discusses possible paths towards creating a more equal and inclusive society in the future. The subjects of the study are the works of modern Chinese writers and the female images of these literary works. The main research materials are the modern Chinese literary works of various genres and movements, including novels, short stories, poems and essays. Research methods – analysis of literary sources on the research topic, comparative analysis, content analysis, interpretation of texts, historical method. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate ideas about female characters in modern Chinese literary works, taking into account their influence on the processes of democratization of society. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that it represents an initial research look at female images in modern Chinese literature and their influence on the processes of democratization of society. The work is based on the analysis of contemporary literary works and includes the study of various aspects of women's experience in the context of Chinese culture and society. As a result of the study, new trends and patterns in the representation of female characters will be identified, as well as new approaches to understanding and solving the problems of gender inequality and social discrimination in Chinese society will be formulated.
Political changes, Women's emancipation, Social justice, Literary analysis, Modern Chinese society, Gender inequality, Democratization societies, Chinese literature, Women's images, Inclusive society
Feng, W., Perfilieva, N.V. (2024). Characteristics of Chinese translation of drug names in advertisements. Litera, 6, 129–139.
In recent years, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation among countries in the medical field has become increasingly important. Cooperation continues to develop, and more and more foreign products are appearing in the pharmaceutical market. This has led to an increasing interest in changing drug names to another language, especially Chinese. This article analyzes four methods for translating traditional Chinese medicine terminology in advertising: phonetic method, semantic method, hybrid method, and semantic method, while considering the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine. The research object is the particularity of translating foreign medical terms into Chinese. This article aims to analyze the methods of translating medical terminology into Chinese. In addition, a new translation method – a semantic approach with the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine – has been proposed. The research materials include medical terms and their Chinese translations. This article provides an example of a method for translating medical terminology into Chinese and proposes a new method for translating medical terminology – a semantic approach that takes into account the unique characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine.People have found that names translated using phonetic methods are usually associated with Latin words. When using semantic methods, select these hieroglyphs to indicate the exact action of the drug. The use of hybrid methods to translate drug names not only preserves the sound of the original language, but also includes information about the usefulness of the product. When translating into Chinese, English words with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics are usually added. When translating European drug names, considering the particularity of traditional Chinese medicine, the reality of Chinese language and culture is often added to make the operation of drugs easier for consumers to understand. Translation is usually supported through visualization, which refers to Chinese idioms and traditional cultural images.
Drug name, hybrid methods, semantic methods, phonetic methods, medical terminology, traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese, medical advertisements, translation methods, Translation details
Professional language
Al- Anbagi, S., Shaklein, V.M. (2024). Specifics of syntactic structures of Russian business writing (compared with Arabic). Litera, 6, 140–148.
The object of the study is the syntactic features of modern Russian and Arabic business correspondence; the subject is the specific features of the syntax of modern Russian business documents, which become more obvious in comparison with Arabic business writing. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the features characteristic of Russian business writing at the present stage of its development, and comparing these features with the features of Arabic business letters. Also a certain novelty is the connection made by the author between the history and culture of Russian and Arab official business correspondance styles and the transformations that they are actively occurring. One of the author’s tasks was to find out why new features of business correspondence, spreading under the influence of globalization, manifest themselves differently in different languages. The study was carried out on the basis of structural-semantic, comparative and functional approaches using methods of component analysis of the text of letters, interpretation of their structure and content, observation, description, comparison. Syntactic structure of modern Russian business writing is currently actively developing. The personal nature of a business letter increases, the ways of expressing imperativeness change, the level of emotionality increases, and all of the above is reflected in the types of syntactic structures used. In Arabic business writing, transformations are less pronounced, which is due to the history of its development and the characteristics of Arab culture. In electronic business correspondence, the syntax of Russian and Arabic business letters has similar changes. It is concluded that Russian and Arabic business writing are influenced not only by globalization processes, but also by their original ancient history, as well as Russian and Arabic culture, which determines the differences in the syntactic structure.
email, imperativeness, personal character, Arabic language, Russian language, business correspondence, business letter, official business style, syntax, syntactic constructions
Kulakova, D.V., Oleinikov, S.V., Puyu, A.S., Gromova, L.P. (2024). Axiological foundations of a journalist's professional activity. Litera, 6, 149–157.
The professional activity of a journalist has a clearly expressed value character, reflecting the ideological and ethical principles of this field. This article analyzes the following values of journalism: 1. The principle of humanity, based on humanistic ideals and responsible attitude towards people. 2. The principle of truthfulness, which implies the accuracy of information transmission and interpretation of facts as a professional duty. 3. The principle of honesty, which assumes not only the prevention of misleading the audience, but also the refusal to harm people. 4. The principle of responsibility, which includes a set of requirements for professionalism, text quality, objectivity and balance. These value orientations represent ideal entities existing in the world of due and target orientations. Being rooted in the philosophical tradition, they streamline and fill the professional activity of journalists with evaluative content, determining its orientation towards serving society and affirming humanistic ideals. The following methods are used in the work: 1. Theoretical analysis of philosophical and scientific literature on the problem of axiological foundations of journalism. 2. A comparative analytical method used in comparing various concepts of values in the philosophical tradition. 3. An interpretive method used for meaningful analysis and evaluative filling of the value principles that form the axiological basis of the professional activity of journalists. Summarizing, we can say that the value system of journalism is characterized by the principles of humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility. These values reflect the ideological and ethical basis of the professional activity of journalists. The analysis allows us to conclude that the values of journalism are ideological and ethical. The key value principles in this professional field are humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility. These values represent the normative guidelines of journalists' consciousness and behavior, which streamline and fill their professional activities with evaluative content. Rooted in the philosophical tradition, they are interpreted as ideal entities existing in a world of due and purpose. Thus, the axiological basis of journalism determines its orientation towards truth, service to society and affirmation of humanistic ideals. This value system sets the ethical vector of media communications, making journalism a socially responsible profession.
ethics, mass media space, axiological analysis, professional activity, principles, axiology of mass media, journalism, ontology of journalism, value content, information
Character in literature
Liu, Y. (2024). Female images in A.P. Platonov's fairy tales. Litera, 6, 158–168.
This article examines female images based on the material of A.P. Platonov's fairy tales. The purpose of the study is to expand the understanding of the author's literary heritage, as well as to show important aspects of human nature, human relations and the role of women in history and culture. The tasks that were solved within the framework of this study: 1) to analyze the role of women in Platonov's fairy tales; 2) to study the image of women through the prism of the socio-cultural context; 3) to identify the types of fairy-tale heroines found in the works of A.P. Platonov. The heroines of fairy tales are represented by such female images as the "heroine-savior" or "warrior woman", "evil stepmother", "good fairy" or "sorceress", wise "old lady". The methods used are literary analysis, typological analysis, cultural approach, structural method and others. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the fact that for the first time the material of analysis is female images in A.P. Platonov's fairy tales. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, the following conclusions were made: the study of female images in Andrei Platonov's fairy tales allows us to see a variety of typological images of women, socio-cultural features inherent in his works, features of domestic life, motherhood and other aspects related to women. Studying these aspects helps to broaden the reader's horizons. The heroines also serve as a critique of social norms and values, to identify problems of inequality, discrimination or injustice. Studying these images helps to understand the difficulties and challenges faced by women, their role and position in society, their rights, responsibilities and limitations. The author uses female images as symbols or metaphors to convey certain ideas or concepts, they help to expand the understanding of the text and discover hidden meanings.
iction, reality, metaphors, symbols, hero, gender roles, sociocultural features, feminine power, female images, fairy tale
LUO, D. (2024). Values in the protocol genre in the official business substyle of the religious functional style. Litera, 6, 169–177.
The subject of the study is the specificity of values in the official business protocols used in the religious documents. The object of the study is the protocols of the religious style. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the category and compositions that form the valuable potential of the protocol genre in the religious sphere, focuses on key axiologems reflecting traditional religious attitudes. Special attention is paid to the category of composition of the protocol genre, which reflects the development of the topic and, accordingly, assessments in a religious functional style. The composition of the protocol in the religious style almost completely coincides with the explication of the composition in the secular version of the official business style and includes the following parts: a statement, or substantive (listened to), in which the topic is stated, and a final, or certifying (decided). The difference between the compositional structure of the protocol genre in the official business substyle of the religious functional style consists in the presence of a variable stating part of the judgment. The research is carried out using the categorical-textual method developed at the Ural Scientific School of Linguoculturology and Stylistics. The textual categories of composition and evaluation are explicated in the studied texts in a certain specific way, which makes it possible to attribute these texts to the genre of protocol. The main conclusions of the study are that the protocol genre reflects axiological religious attitudes in a religious style, including gratitude, respect for life, care for vulnerable groups of the population, the spirit of self-sacrifice, anti-discrimination ideas, mercy, forgiveness, etc., which are concentrated in the compositional stating and final parts of the text. The novelty of this study largely lies in the lack of knowledge of the genre of protocol in the religious functional style. The Church, as a public organization, needs to record information about key events and decisions taken. To this end, the church uses the protocol genre as a tool to ensure the completeness of the stored information. However, there are practically no studies devoted to the genre of protocol, which to a certain extent limits our knowledge of the religious functional style. The present study aims to eliminate this shortcoming and fill the existing gap in the description of the protocol genre in the religious sphere. The study of the protocol genre in the religious sphere on a categorical-textual basis is being carried out for the first time.
Russian Orthodox Church, religious attitudes, categorical-text method, composition, theme, axiologeme, official substyle, religious Style, protocol genre, value
Passichnik, S., Melnik, G.S., Blochin, I.N., Baichik, A.V. (2024). Disinformation and "hate speech" in the online media of Kazakhstan (results of monitoring 2022). Litera, 6, 178–187.
The article examines the problem of using the "language of hostility" and disinformation in the media texts of the Kazakh media, as well as the problem of stuffing fake news during the political events of January 2022 in Kazakhstan. The goals of disinformation are determined and the effects on the mass audience are evaluated. During the tragic events at the beginning of the year, the Internet was turned off in the country, which led to an information vacuum. After the restoration of communication, a stream of fake materials of various formats (audio, video, images and messages on social networks) began, the purpose of which was to incite fears among the population. The platforms WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram and VKontakte were investigated. Case analysis of texts was also used as part of the analysis. The materials were selected by random sampling. Various criteria were taken into account for the selection of publications, including attendance, the toxicity of comments, the number of articles and posts in online publications and social networks, as well as genres of materials and the presence of elements of hate speech. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze the destructive consequences of disinformation recorded in the Kazakh and Russian media during the attempt to forcibly seize power in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The following methods were used: critical analysis of scientific literature, media monitoring, discourse analysis, and the method of comparative analysis. Case analysis of texts was also used. In 2022, Kazakhstan faced new geopolitical and information challenges: armed border conflicts, disinformation and "hate speech". All these risks have led to an even greater polarization of Kazakh society, socio-political tension and a decrease in the level of trust in the official media. The key factor in changing the situation may be increasing the information literacy of the population and its promotion through cooperation with civil society institutions, the implementation of universal media education programs. Given the volume of data and the amount of information processed, it is difficult to fit the whole situation and analyze how the discourse of "hate speech" and disinformation was built. The repeatedly disseminated unreliable and contradictory information significantly increased the tension of the network media field, contributing to a greater polarization of opinions about the extraordinary event and the aggression of participants in the information exchange.
information space, media, Kazakhstan, terrorists, unrest, fake news, disinformation, hate speech, journalism, international journalism
Spalek, O.N. (2024). Linguistic and cultural images of Moscow and Warsaw in Russian and Polish language parodies. Litera, 6, 188–198.
The subject of this study is the parodies of the Russian and Polish languages, containing ideas about Moscow and Warsaw. The material was proverbs and sayings recorded in the dictionary of V.I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people" and the collection of Y. Krzyzanowski "Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich". The Paremiological Foundation plays a special role in preserving the cultural memory of the linguistic community, expresses the most important and stable stereotypes of national consciousness. At the same time, the ideas verbalized in the parodies can have both a universal, timeless character, and fix the features of the socio-historical context, the material and spiritual culture of society in a certain epoch. In the course of the research, the author identifies, analyzes and compares the components of the linguistic and cultural images of Moscow and Warsaw, verbalized in the parodies of the Polish and Russian languages. In this work, the method of synchronous description was used, as well as methods of semantic and linguistic-cultural analysis. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the multicomponent analysis and comparison of the expression of the image of Moscow and Warsaw in Russian and Polish paremiology. In the course of the study, it was possible to establish the multicomponence of linguistic and cultural images of Moscow and Warsaw. Russian and Polish parodies contain ideas about these cities as the centers of economic, political and cultural life in Russia and Poland. At the same time, the parodies express the traditional attitude towards Moscow and Warsaw as rich, beautiful cities with a high standard of living, developed trade, but at the same time expensive and dangerous. The parodies characterize the residents of Moscow and Warsaw, their habits and mores, and also refer to the role of individual streets and districts in the life of cities. The study also found that the Russian language parodies contain ideas about Moscow as a city associated with important events in the history of Russia, a city with rich architecture and certain relief features. The above-mentioned ideas about Warsaw were not recorded in the Polish language parodies.
comparative linguistics, aphorism, proverb, Russian, Polish, stereotype, linguistic worldview, phraseology, paremiology, linguoculturology
Chilingaryan, K.P. (2024). The problems of the theory of the reference of signs in modern linguistics. Litera, 6, 199–216.
The subject of the study is the history of the development and current state of the theory of reference, which reflects a variety of approaches and concepts. Some researchers believe that reference is a purely semantic phenomenon, while others emphasize the importance of context and pragmatics for understanding referentiality. The issue of the influence of cultural and social factors on reference in various languages is also being actively investigated. The history of the development of the theory of reference began with the works of Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell at the beginning of the 20th century. Frege introduced the concept of semantic reference, arguing that every word has its own referent in the world. Russell developed this idea by proposing a theory of descriptions, according to which words indicate objects by describing their characteristics. The works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Donald Davidson played an important role in the further development of the theory of reference. Wittgenstein proposed the concept of language games, arguing that reference depends on the context and use of a word in a certain situation. Davidson developed the theory of truth, according to which reference is determined through the connection between language and the world. The pragmatic and cognitive aspects of research methodology are important for the successful conduct of scientific research. The referential nature of signs plays a key role in this process, ensuring effective presentation and communication of research results. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive examination of the classical works of philosophers, semiotics and linguists, including Plato, Aristotle, Charles Pierce, Ferdinand de Saussure and Umberto Eco, on the theory of reference. One of the key concepts in the study of sign systems is referential. Referentiality allows to associate words with specific objects and understand their meaning. One of the most relevant areas of research in the field of reference is the study of ways in which linguistic units interact with the context and situation of communication. This allows for a deeper understanding of the processes of notation and interpretation in language, as well as the development of new theoretical models explaining these processes. Thus, scientific novelty in the study of the referentiality of signs continues to be relevant and important for the development of linguistics and related disciplines. The author's contribution in this area may lead to new discoveries and understanding of the mechanisms of linguistic communication.
symbol, conventionalism, iconism, referentiality, sign relations, natural signs, prototypical words, conventional signs, indexicality of signs, interpretant
Panova, E.V. (2024). The place of the climate agenda in modern global communications. Litera, 6, 217–226.
The subject of our research is the climate agenda as part of the environmental policies of states. The author's attention to this issue is due to the instability of the international system, which is influenced by current crises and conflict relations between countries. It was important for us to consider how strongly the processes of instability affect the fulfillment of their obligations by global players. We also identified key factors influencing the adoption of current strategic documents. We analyzed the main documents approved at the UN on climate change, adopted in 2021-2023. Scientific novelty manifests itself in several key aspects. First of all, decisions are considered from the point of view of making political decisions and building communication processes. The second aspect is related to the identification of factors influencing the implementation of environmental policy. And finally, we looked at how global crises affected the climate agenda and whether it was transformed on a global scale. The result of the study is the conclusion that the problem of climate change remains key. Moreover, attempts are being made to strengthen the “natural resources – climate change – responsibility” link, which is reflected in plans to introduce a complete phase-out of fossil fuels. Serious steps are being taken to involve developing countries in this process through the provision of financial and other support. Young people have been identified as the main driver of the fight against climate change, which indicates the long-term nature of key decisions. Moreover, international agreements involve further transformation of the existing system through adjustments to national goals, diversification of the energy sector, economic reforms and changes to existing financial systems aimed at achieving climate goals.
globalization, environmental responsibility, climate strategies, sustainable development, the international cooperation, environmental policy, communications, climate finance, emissions, climate change
Cai, J., Han, C., Chen, P., Grabelnikov, A.A. (2024). Formation of national image and translation practice of Chinese political discourse in the context of the digital age - on the example of Chinese diplomatic communiqués. Litera, 6, 227–243.
This study aims to analyze the impact of Chinese political discourse translation practices on the formation of state image in the digital era, using Chinese diplomatic documents as illustrative material. Diplomatic documents, including diplomatic communiqués, play a crucial role in political propaganda and international communication, holding significant strategic value in international relations. Analyzing the processes and strategies involved in translating diplomatic documents allows for a deeper understanding of how different translation methods influence the portrayal of a state. The accuracy and cultural adaptation of diplomatic translation directly affect the perception of Chinese policies and the image of the state by foreign audiences. While literal translation may preserve the accuracy of the original, it does not always convey cultural context and political intentions. In contrast, free translation and cultural adaptation contribute to a better understanding and acceptance of political information and the state's image by the target audience. Thus, the translation practice of diplomatic documents is not only a linguistic process but also a crucial strategy for shaping the state's image. This study employs textual analysis methods and is grounded in translation theory to analyze the use of vocabulary and sentence structure in the translation of diplomatic documents. The research aims to identify translation strategies used and to uncover hidden national images. The findings indicate that different translation strategies significantly influence the formation of the national image. Literal translation maintains the accuracy of the original but may miss cultural nuances. Paraphrasing enhances the perception and understanding of the text. Cultural transformation facilitates better adaptation of the text to the local audience. The scientific novelty of this research lies in its empirical investigation based on the translation of political discourse to reveal the formation of the state's image. The research results can be applied in diplomacy, international communications, and intercultural interactions, providing empirical support and guidance on translation strategies to enhance the national image. The study underscores the importance of translating political discourse for shaping the national image in the digital era. Under the influence of national ideology, the translation of political texts requires reevaluation and a forward-looking approach. In the digital era, the translation of political texts should aim to maintain and strengthen the national image.
state image formation, political text, diplomatic communiqué, translation strategy, translation practice, digital era, Chinese political discourse, national image, textual analysis, translation of a political text
Chen, K. (2024). Characteristics and translation of metaphorical language in traditional Chinese medicine texts. Litera, 6, 244–252.
This article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of metaphorical language and its translation in the texts of traditional Chinese medicine. The research subject of this article is metaphorical language in TCM texts. The characteristics of the metaphorical language of TCM texts determine that translation should focus on cross-cultural communication and meaning interpretation. The purpose of the study is to investigate, learn how to accurately decipher metaphorical language and convey the connotation of these metaphorical expressions, so as to promote the effective dissemination of TCM culture in intercultural communication. And also - to reduce misunderstandings caused by cultural and linguistic differences, to improve the quality and accuracy of translations of TCM texts, to build a better linguistic bridge for TCM to the world. In terms of research methodology, this paper uses the method of literature study - extensive collection of relevant information and detailed interpretation of typical metaphorical expressions, as well as the method of comparative analysis - comparing the differences in the use of metaphorical language in different literatures. Scientific novelty is reflected in the in-depth interpretation and translation of TCM metaphors. Through an in-depth study of TCM theories and practices, the scientific principles underlying metaphors are revealed and presented to readers in a clearer and more accurate way. At the same time, innovative translation methods such as the method of literal translation with commentary, the free translation method, etc., allow readers to better understand the unique meaning of TCM metaphors. Through in-depth analysis, it is found that metaphorical language has important characteristics such as imagery, cultural relevance and polysemy, and is an important cognitive approach and tool in Chinese medicine and at the same time not only embodies a special description of physiological phenomena, but also a unique cognitive marker of alternative psychophysiological communication.
characterization of the TCM metaphor, decipher, TCM texts, intercultural communication, translation methods, cognitive linguistics, TCM metaphorical language, cognitive metaphor, metaphor, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Literary criticism
Minasian, S.V. (2024). Russian writers in french press at the turn of the XIX-XX century. Newspaper “L’Aurore”. Litera, 6, 253–266.
The subject of the study is the interest of the French socialist press at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries in the spiritual and political position of Russian writers (using the example of the socialist newspaper "L'Aurore". The article is devoted to an urgent topic – Franco-Russian cultural ties based on the analysis of the Russian literature Since 1870. The purpose of the work is to analyze and generalize the semantic content of published texts from the perspective of determining their adherence to a given political course and the idea of engagement. The material was selected by the method of directional sampling, collection and classification of articles, taking into account the editors' particularly close attention to such writers as F.M. Dostoevsky, Lev Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky. The research methodology is complex and includes content analysis using biographical, historical, cultural and comparative methods. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the explication of the close attention of the Western press, especially of the left, to the position of Russian writers, which served to attract the interest of the mass reader to their works. However, the main conclusion of the author is that the driving incentive for the press to address the names of great thinkers was the affirmation of socialist ideals and the idea of the writer's engagement, his unity with the people and opposition to power. The novelty of the work is determined by the scrupulous selection of relevant material and the practical development of this topic, which has so far remained outside the field of research by other authors.
engagement, The Dreyfus case, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Maxim Gorky, Leo Tolstoy, the turn of the century, Russian literature, newspaper “L’Aurore”, socialist press, French periodicals
Literary criticism
Hao, J. (2024). The hero's existential dilemma in the story "First Love": the Hamletian question. Litera, 6, 267–279.
The article is devoted to the existential dilemma of the hero in I. S. Turgenev's story "First Love", which goes back to the eternal Hamletian question. The traumatic experience of the hero of the story is analyzed, in the image of which it is possible to find moral and psychological traits peculiar to Hamlet, transferred in the context of Russian cultural tradition. The object of the study is the political and ethical dilemma of the hero in the story "First Love". The subject of the study is the unusual love experience of the protagonist of the story and the social and family relations connected with it. The main purpose of the work is to analyze Shakespearean reminiscences in the story, to identify the Hamletian question behind the hero's tragic love. The following research methods were applied in the work: the method of holistic analysis of the artwork, descriptive, comparative, as well as the method of linguocultural interpretation. The research shows that I. S. Turgenev presents the story of the young hero's first love as a socio-political allegory, an allusion to the existential dilemma of the young generation at a critical period. It is the inability to resolve this dilemma that leads the hero of the story to a tragic finale, which should be seen as a warning from the writer. The results described in this article will contribute to a deeper understanding of the late work of I. S. Turgenev, as well as can be introduced as a scientific material in the educational process at the Faculty of Philology. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the paper is the first to study in detail the Hamlet question in Turgenev's story, which is usually paid little attention to, and to discover the reason for the formation of the Russian Hamlet from the double dilemma (political and ethical) of the protagonist.
socio-political allegory, psychological trauma, William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Oedipus complex, ethical dilemma, political dilemma, the Hamletian question, First love, Ivan Turgenev
Literary criticism
Muromtseva, A.O. (2024). Seasons in the lyrics by Alina Podgornova. Litera, 6, 280–289.
Seasonal imagery allows not only to reveal the chronotope of the lyrical text, the psychological state, and intentions of the lyrical subject, but also to reflect the specifics of the author’s reflection of the surrounding world, the peculiarities of his worldview. A dynamic and transforming motif-shaped cluster, the seasons are endowed with a symbolic load, semantic diversity, consonant with the historical and cultural era, and moral and ethical preferences of society. In this regard, the study of Mordovian women's poetry in the aspect of seasonal imagery is recognized as a productive research direction, since it allows us to present an objective picture of the level of aesthetic development of the national artistic discourse. Turning to the classical imagery (winter, spring, summer, autumn), female authors endow it with a wide range of different meanings. The seasons acquire original semantic content in the lyrics of the Erzya poet Alina Podgornova. The subject of research in the article is the functional-semantic features of seasonal imagery in the author’s poems. The purpose of the work is to analyze a number of the poet’s works, identify the most frequent seasonal images and motifs, reveal their semantic shades, meaningful connotations of images of winter, spring, summer, autumn. The methodological basis of the work is determined by the method of holistic analysis of a literary text, through which the structural and content components of a lyrical work are described and the semantic and symbolic organization of the poetic image is revealed. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the aspect of seasonal imagery in A. Podgornova’s poems is analyzed for the first time. The article argues that the author's lyrics present an original interpretation of seasonal images, endowed with a variety of semantic shades and connotations.
motive, lyrical heroine, Alina Podgornova, poem, Mordovian women's lyrics, modern Mordovian literature, seasonal imagery, images of the seasons, symbol, semantics
Literary criticism
ZHANG, Y. (2024). The evolution of artistic conflict in the work of V.S. Makanin. Litera, 6, 290–299.
The subject of the study is the artistic conflict in the works of V. S. Makanin. The object of the study is the evolution of this conflict during various periods of the writer's work. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the impact of social and historical changes on the structure and content of artistic conflict. Special attention is paid to the analysis of three key stages in the development of the conflict: the period of the Soviet era, the time of social reforms and the modern stage of the integration of Russian literature into the world literary context. The main thematic and stylistic changes that took place in literature in response to social and cultural transformations are analyzed. The research is of interest for a deep understanding of the specifics of Russian literature of the late XX – early XXI century, as well as for studying the interrelationships of the literary process with historical and social changes in the country. The research methodology includes a morphological analysis of the structure of Makanin's works, stylistic analysis as a culture-specific code of the author, and a modeling method for predicting literary trends and creating variations of texts. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the identification and analysis of the three-stage development of artistic conflict in the works of V. S. Makanin. The first stage reflects the transformation of Soviet and Russian society, the second – the spread of social tolerance in the last years of the USSR, and the third – the modernization and integration of Russia into world culture since 1991.The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is an in-depth analysis of the changes in artistic conflict in the context of sociocultural transformations of society. The study shows how external social and cultural changes affect the inner world of characters and the structure of literary texts. The novelty of the research lies in a multidimensional approach to the analysis of artistic conflict, which allows not only to consider it within the framework of a literary structure, but also to reflect a wide range of relationships between a literary work and changes in society over various historical periods. This allows us to better understand the mechanisms of interaction between literature and society, as well as to evaluate the individual contribution of the writer to the reflection and interpretation of these changes through the prism of artistic conflict.
Post-Soviet period, Soviet literature, Sociocultural changes, Literary trends, Evolution of literature, genre, prose structure, Makanina, artistic conflict, Russian literature
Literary criticism
Orlova, V.V. (2024). Literary reception of A. N. Ostrovsky's work in the comedy "Over the Oka River" by A. D. Simukov. Litera, 6, 300–309.
The subject of the research in the article is the analysis of A. D. Simukov's comedy "Over the Oka River" in 1959 for the connection with the work of A. N. Ostrovsky, in particular, with his plays "The Storm" and "Talents and Admirers". The materials of the study were the draft and final version of the play by the Soviet playwright as well as the reviews of the production. In the course of the study, such features of the genre of plays-paintings used by A. D. Simukov are highlighted, such as a vivid description of everyday details and the playwright's attention to all the characters of the play. A brief historical and literary digression of the role of the "theatrical" theme in the drama of the XIX century is given. The main themes and ideas of these works are highlighted in order to compare them with the plays of the XX century. The attitude to the work of A. N. Ostrovsky in the XX century is revealed. Cultural-historical and comparative-historical methods, as well as the method of literary hermeneutics, were used in the research. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the lack of the research of the work of A. D. Simukov, whose plays were popular in the middle of the XX century, and the addition of knowledge about the perception and interpretation of the work of A. N. Ostrovsky in the XX century. The article concludes that the plot of the Soviet play is antithetical to the context of the original source of the selected quotations. A parallel is drawn with the plot of "Talents and Admires" through the image of Katya, a young actress dreaming of fame. The example of her fate shows the difference between the social conditions of the XIX and XX centuries. The reception of a play is evaluated as a game in a game. It is concluded that A. D. Simukov in "The Storm" highlighted the idea of thirst for life and beauty, the need to awaken the human soul and expressed it in his play through the characters' contact with the world of art. Author compares the draft and the final versions of the play, as well as the work on the images of the main and secondary characters. It is concluded that the literary reception of A. N. Ostrovsky's work is expressed in many ways in the plot, as well as in figurative, ideological, textual and thematic aspects of the work.
interpretation, literary allusion, Soviet drama, Talents and Admires, The Storm, Above the Oka River, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, Alexey Dmitrievich Simukov, The play in the pictures, Soviet comedy
Yan, Y. (2024). Analysis of the characteristics and condition of folk songs of the north of Shaanxi province and their translations into Russian. Litera, 6, 310–318.
The aim is to substantiate and analyse the features of folk songs of the north of Shaanxi Province (China) within the framework of the concepts of linguistic picture of the world and linguistic realities and to identify the qualitative indicators of their translation into Russian. In order to achieve this goal, the main task was to find a translation way to convey the content of linguistic realities within the framework of understanding the linguistic picture of the world and thus ensure the quality of their translation into Russian. In addition, we had to solve a number of specific tasks, including the following: to select theoretical and linguistic material; to analyse and develop the general state of Shaanxi Northern folk songs and their translation; to identify the current state of research on the theory of linguistic picture of the world; to identify the relationship between linguistic realities, linguistic picture of the world and translation activities; to conduct inductive analysis of selected translations of Shaanxi Northern folk songs and analyse the manifestation of linguistic realities in them. Thus, the material for the study was songs from the north of Shaanxi Province. The subject of the study is to analyse the translations of these songs. The novelty of this work lies not only in the choice of original material, but also in the fact that by analysing the poetic and aesthetic characteristics of the folk songs of the north of Shaanxi province, at the same time we have tried to prove for the first time that the translator's ability to interpret this artistic phenomenon requires a broad background knowledge and poetic taste. We attribute the practical significance of our present study to its results, which may be useful in the dissemination of Chinese folk culture, particularly Chinese Shanbei songs among Russian-speaking peoples.
translators, linguistic culture, russian, Chinese, translation principles, translation, folk songs, linguistic reality, linguistic picture of the world, Shaanxi province
Alimov, T.E. (2024). Linguistic and cultural specificity of euphemistic gender nominations (on the material of Uzbek, Russian and English languages). Litera, 6, 319–332.
The research work is devoted to euphemistic nominations, created according to the pragmatic principle of politeness, which contain national and cultural information. The object of the research work was the euphemisms of gender (about 100 units), obtained by continuous sampling from the most representative explanatory dictionaries of the Uzbek, Russian and English languages. The subject of the research work is the linguistic and cultural specificity of euphemistic nominations of gender. The purpose of the research work is to identify the linguacultural specifics of euphemistic gender-related nominations. Since euphemistic substitutes are used in a particular community and are influenced by socio-cultural factors, they are strongly marked by socio-cultural features used by male and female representatives of Uzbek, Russian and English society. Using the cross-cultural method, we found that in addition to the idiosyncratic national context, there are phenomena in language systems, both universal and differential, including semantic universals and linguo-pragmatic maxims. The novelty of the research work lies in the comparative analysis, which makes it possible to identify universal and differential approaches to the use of euphemistic nominations in different cultures and social contexts. This is an innovative approach that contributes to the understanding of how sociolinguistic factors influence the formation and use of euphemisms in different languages. The results of the research work showed that gender-polite euphemistic nominations that arose within the framework of politically correct ideology contribute to the preservation of the communicant's cognitive space, recognizing the rights of women and expressing respect. They prevent insults but are not necessarily sincere expressions of sympathy and interest, rather, as the analysis of the study showed, these are formal and etiquette constructions. It has been proved that the specifics of the national culture and lifestyle of the Uzbek (in family relations, male family members refer to the female gender by certain word forms), Russian and English peoples, as well as the unique features of their mentality, are the basis for using euphemistic nominations to describe the gender-thematic group.
linguo-pragmatic maxims, political correctness, gender indicator, key cultural concept, national mentality, linguacultural factors, politeness category, pragmatic principle, euphemistic nomination, concept
Alimov, T.E., Kupriyanova, M.E. (2024). Communicative and pragmatic peculiarities of euphemisms in Russian and Uzbek languages. Litera, 6, 333–346.
The object of the research is the linguistic means of explication, namely euphemisms, which were collected by continuous sampling from English and Uzbek dictionaries, encyclopedias and other reference and journalistic publications. The subject of the research is the communicative and pragmatic peculiarities of euphemistic units containing information about the moral values and ethical prescriptions inherent in society. The purpose of the research is to identify the communicative and pragmatic peculiarities of euphemistic nominations in the Russian and Uzbek languages, taking into account the national and cultural specifics of the compared languages. With the help of the cross-cultural method, we found that in addition to the uniqueness of the national context, there are phenomena in language systems, both universal and differential, including semantic universals and linguo-pragmatic maxims. The novelty of the research is a comparative analysis of the communicative and pragmatic peculiarities of euphemisms, taking into account the national and cultural aspect, which indicates the scientific novelty of the study. The results of the research showed that euphemism is not just a lexical substitute, but a broader concept, a form of discursive maneuvering. It has various strategies that perform the function of non-proximal manipulation of the discursive space, through which the speaker tries to increase the symbolic distance between himself and the mentioned event, on the one hand, and on the other hand, in certain situations, the use of a euphemistic unit may be due to the desire to mask real circumstances. The research work also shows that there is no relationship between the choice of euphemism strategy in the compared languages. Another important discovery is that Russians and Uzbeks resort to taboos when dealing with death and lies, but almost never sexual relations in Russian. Euphemistic language is influenced by the cultural and religious beliefs, lifestyle and norms of its speakers, especially in Uzbek, as we found when describing sexual relations and when addressing elders.
semantic uncertainty, distancing principle, politeness principle, taboo, national and cultural specificity, euphemistic nomination, pragmatics, communication, conceptualization, discursive manipulation
Vinogradov, S. (2024). Paradigmatic class as an element of the language system. Litera, 6, 347–356.
The subject of the research in the article is the paradigmatic class (PC), considering as a set of variants of language units united by an invariant. The purpose of the research is to characterize the structural and functional properties of the PC as a compound unit of language that unit performing cognitive functions (problem formulation and choice of solution alternatives). The formulation of the problem involves the formulation of an invariant, which is a sign unit denoting a set of PC elements. Research methods are general linguistic methods of observation and description, methods of discursive and cognitive analysis, semiotic methods and methods of language modeling. The following results were obtained. The PC elements that are in interchangeability relation form a fuzzy set. The membership function of this fuzzy set is determined by the discourse in which the PC and its component parts function. The results of the study can be used to analyze the content of texts of various subjects when solving a number of communicative tasks (teaching, editing, writing creative works, etc.).The new results of the work are the consideration of the PC as an observable part of the universal set of language units. At the same time, there may be elements in the PC that have a small value of the membership function, and in the unobservable part of the universal set, there may be elements that have a large value of the membership function when they appear in the PC. The formation of a set of PC elements and the creation of an invariant are determined by the discourse of language functioning which is illustrated in the article by the text of A.P. Chekhov's short story "Horse surname". The realization of the discursive situation "difficulty in remembering the desired surname" leads to the creation of a paradigmatic class of "horse surnames", and the choice of the desired surname is non-trivial, creative and requires the involvement of elements of a universal set that at first were not included in the PC.
language functioning, content of text, discourse, fuzzy set, sign units, language modeling, cognitive functions, invariant, choice of variant, paradigmatic class
Davtyants, I.I. (2024). Lexical pragmatic indicators of conflictogenicity in the information field of migration: Mexico - USA (based on Mexican social media). Litera, 6, 357–365.
The purpose of this study is to systematize the lexical pragmatic indicators of conflictogenicity (LPICs) used in Mexican user-generated content in the context of migration. The growth of anti-American attitudes caused by the speeches of D. Trump and his followers, as well as the socio-economic consequences of the influx of relocants from the USA to Mexico and their arrogant behavior contribute to the further formation of the image of the “Alien” in the Mexican linguistic picture of the world by the linguistic means of the conflictogenicity category. The study is based on user comments posted on the Mexican segment of Reddit, a popular online platform that combines the features of a social network and a forum where people can discuss various issues. About 3,000 comments posted over the past six years have been analyzed. The succession of two U.S. presidents during this period has had a great impact on the U.S. migration policy and its relations with Mexico. The LPICs were selected by the solid sampling method. Contextual method, method of communicative analysis, methods of component and pragmasemantic analysis were used too. As a result of the analysis, for the first time, the LPICs involved in the linguistic objectification of the image of the “Alien” in Mexican user-generated content – an English-speaking light-skinned foreigner – were identified and systematized. Both LPICs that initially have a negative connotation (invective and non-invective words of negative-evaluation): arrogant, greedy, invader, racist, disrespects Mexico, and LPICs that acquire it in ethno-cultural, socio-economic and personality-oriented contexts: Americans, English, English speakers, Mexico is a cheap country, etc. The increase in the density of LPICs used when discussing certain topics indicates the growing level of social tension in this sphere of public life.
we-they opposition, linguistic picture of the world, cognitive base, virtual communication, social media, user-generated content, comments, migration crisis, conflictogenicity, lexical pragmatic indicators
Character in literature
XU, Y. (2024). Character conflicts in the work of Dina Rubina. Litera, 6, 366–376.
The subject of the study is the conflicts between the characters in the works of Dina Rubina – "Lubka", "On the Upper Maslovka", and the object is the work of Dina Rubina as a whole. This article analyzes the conflicts that arise between the characters in the literary works of the famous Russian writer Dina Rubina: "Lyubka", "On the Upper Maslovka". Through the clash of characters, the author of the article discusses how Rubina reveals the complex vicissitudes of human life, emotional experiences and psychological drama. Readers can follow the development of conflicts, their impact on the fate of characters and how they help to reveal the main ideas of each work. The thematic aspects of Dina Rubina's works and their relationship with conflicts between characters are also highlighted. Special attention is paid to the analysis of psychological aspects and the depth of characterization of the characters, so that readers can fully sympathize with them and plunge into the unique world created by the author. Research methods include the analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, critical analysis of texts, comparative analysis and generalization of the data obtained. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that it is aimed at identifying and systematizing character conflicts in Rubina's stories and represents the first experience of a comprehensive analysis of this issue. Summing up the impact of conflicts on the artistic value of Dina Rubina's works, we can say that they create realism and depth of works. The conflict allows us to reveal the complexity of the inner world of the characters and put them in front of a serious moral choice. They help to show conflicts in social issues and family relationships, as well as promote understanding and acceptance of different points of view. In general, the conflicts in Dina Rubina's works contribute to their deep content and reflect the complex reality of modern society.
fate, literary creativity, skill of the author, psychology of characters, analysis of the work, characters, conflict, On the Upper Maslovka, Lyubka, Creativity of Dina Rubina
Osadchaia, O.N. (2024). Historical and etymological aspect of the conceptual triad mercy-indifference-cruelty in English and Russian. Litera, 6, 377–387.
The object of the study is the linguocultural triad mercy-indifference-cruelty in English and Russian. The subject of the study is nuclear lexemes that verbalize the linguistic and cultural concepts of mercy, indifference, cruelty in the compared languages. To reveal the essence of the concepts studied, etymological analysis of the lexemes-representatives, data from etymological dictionaries of English and Russian languages were used. The purpose of the study is to establish universal and idioethnic characteristics of the representatives of the conceptual triad mercy-indifference-cruelty in English and Russian. The following methods were used in the work carried out: semantic method, etymological method, comparative method, external reconstruction method. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the study of the linguistic and cultural concepts of mercy, indifference, cruelty in etymological perspective, which have not previously been studied in triadic relations when comparing English and Russian languages. As a result of the conducted research, we received information for the first time that nuclear lexemes verbalizing the concept of mercy in English and Russian at the initial stage of their functioning in the compared languages have similar motivation due to the presence of the first root of the Proto-Indo-European language. We have found evidence of a semantic shift in the perception of linguistic units representing the concept of indifference in English and Russian linguistic cultures in diachronic terms. A characteristic idioethnic feature of the representation of the concept of cruelty in the minds of native speakers of the Russian language is its ambiguity and dependence on casual attribution.
diachrony, comparison, Russian linguoculture, English linguoculture, cruelty, indifference, mercy, linguocultural concept, etymology, dictionary
Theodoridou, E. (2024). A comparative analysis of the usage of Greek and Russian proverbs in everyday communication. Litera, 6, 388–400.
The purpose of the research is to determine the linguistic status of proverbs and sayings in everyday speech of Greek and Russian native speakers. The results highlighted that both Greek and Russian speakers are well acquainted with a large number of proverbs and sayings (more than 50), but rarely use them in everyday life. Everyday paremiology is passed down from generation to generation and plays a key role in preserving cultural heritage and shaping the spiritual and moral image of society. The research also underlines the purpose behind the usage proverbs and sayings in everyday communication. It was concluded that most Greek speakers use proverbs and sayings to make information more understandable and convincing. At the same time, most Russian speakers use proverbs and sayings to express irony and relieve tension in communication. Thus, the purposes of using proverbs and sayings in everyday speech among these two nations are different. To conduct the study, the methods of sociological survey and comparative analysis were used. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the frequency of use of proverbs and sayings was determined, which reflects the characteristics of the speakers’ national identity. The practical results the research help to better understand the cultural characteristics of Greek and Russian native speakers, which helps improve the quality of intercultural communication. The above pilot data helped us to recognize the fact that the understanding and interpretation of proverbs indicate the way metaphor is used in everyday communication. Proverbs and sayings exemplify how humans use language to convey complex ideas and values through metaphorical structures. They help not only to communicate, but also to understand the world through the prism of culture and language, which is an important aspect of human thinking and cognitive abilities.
paremiology, proverbs and sayings, Greek, Russian, everyday communication, survey, comparative method, sociological survey, comparative analysis, linguistic picture of the world
Viderker, V.V. (2024). The term «neo-mythology» in the foreign humanities discourse of the XX-XXI centuries: the specifics of its existence. Litera, 6, 401–411.
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The article is devoted to the specifics of existence of the term «neo-mythology» in the foreign humanities discourse of the XX-XXI centuries. The foreign texts, which contain the term «neo-mythology» as a key word, have become the focus of research for this article. The genesis and semantics of the idea of «neo-mythology» in foreign research papers are the subject matter of the research. The origin matters of the term «neo-mythology» in the Italian cinema of the 1950s-1960s are overviewed in detail. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the main tendencies of the development of the notion «neo-mythology». Russian and foreign researches touching upon contemporary mythology differ both in the content and in the usage of the term «neo-mythology» crucially. The following research was inspired by the necessity to find the terminological equivalents in Russian and foreign scientific works on modern mythogenesis. The research is based on structural-semantic and semantic-cognitive methods. Traditional methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization are used. The results of the research enabled us to make conclusions on the peripheral role of the term «neo-mythology» in foreign scientists’ works and conclude that their preferences lie within the terms «contemporary/modern mythology». The term «neo-mythology» in the foreign discourse is mostly used in works, which are either devoted to the research of some aspects of mass culture or closely connected with Russian humanities. The usage of the term «neo-mythology» in foreign research of mass/pop culture reflects the background of theoretical analysis of modern mass consciousness turning to myths. The conclusions made in the research are supposed to help Russian scientists work with foreign studies of contemporary mythology more productively.
peplum, cinema, Vittorio Cottafavi, mass culture, discourse, mythogenesis, contemporary mythology, term, neo-myth, neo-mythology
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Semenova, L. (2024). Representation of Sources of the Conceptual Metaphor of 'Love' in Chinese and Russian Fiction Texts of the Postmodern Era (a comparative aspect). Litera, 6, 412–422.
The proposed article examines in a comparative aspect on the material of postmodern Chinese and Russian literary texts the representation of the conceptual metaphor of feelings, namely love. The subject of the study is the sources of the conceptual metaphor of love, representing the scope of the goal of the metaphor in the analyzed texts. The aim of the work is to clarify the similarities and differences in the representation of the sources of the studied conceptual metaphor in Chinese and Russian texts. During the study, the following methods were used: the method of semantic analysis, the comparative method, the method of conceptual analysis. Comparative analysis showed the presence of similarities in the representation of the studied metaphor in the areas of the source "Fire", "Disease", "Light", "Reservoir", "Material value". A distinctive feature of the Chinese texts is the representation of the metaphor in the "Plant" area, and the Russian texts – in the "Living Being" area. The practical value of this work is seen in the fact that these materials can be used in classes on the interpretation of artistic texts of the Chinese language in universities. The works of such a plan create a good prospect for the further development of one of the new areas of linguoculturology, namely comparative linguoculturology, within which there is a comparison of heterogeneous unrelated languages. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that for the first time it reveals similarities and differences in the representation of the conceptual metaphor of love using the material of postmodernist fiction in Chinese and Russian. In the course of the work, it was found that in languages of different structures, Chinese and Russian, the presence of more similarities in the representation of the sources of the conceptual metaphor "love" indicates the universality of the formation of this metaphor in the minds of native speakers, which indicates the prospect of developing universalogy in the context of comparative studies of unrelated languages.
literary texts, Russian language, Chinese language, metaphor source, comparison, Chinese postmodernist texts, Russian postmodernist texts, conceptual metaphor of love, conceptual metaphor, linguistics