Tetenova, M.A. (2024). Translation motivation and foreword by Charles Baudelaire "Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses œuvres" to the edition of E. A. Poe's texts. Litera, 2, 1–18.
Charles Baudelaire is primarily known as a French poet, the author of the internationally acclaimed poetry collection "Flowers of Evil" ("Les Fleurs du Mal"). However, he is also known as a translator: it was he who created the translations that changed the literary fate of the genius not recognized at the time – Edgar Allan Poe. He wrote a 24-page preface to the collection of his translations "Histoires extraordinaires", on the basis of which the author analyzes the poet's approach to translation, records his argumentation and motivation. Within the framework of this article, the author provides an analysis of the preface by Sh. Baudelaire studies why the connection between these figures has been repeatedly called absolutely exceptional by researchers. The subject of the study is the motivation of Sh. Baudelaire's translation of E. A. Poe's texts, which he explains both in the preface to the publication of the texts of the American writer and in personal correspondence. The object of the study is the preface under the heading "Sa vie et ses œuvres", written by Sh. Baudelaire's edition of E. A. Poe's texts in his own translation, published by the publishing house "Michel Lévy" in 1869. The main research method was a detailed analysis of the text of the preface by Sh. Baudelaire's "Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses œuvres" to the edition of E. A. Poe's texts in his own translation of 1869. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is a detailed study of the preface by Sh. Baudelaire as an artifact containing the formulation of translation motivation directly by the translator himself. The artifact is presented to the author all the more valuable because the translator is a famous poet with a special, recognizable style, which obviously leaves its mark on his translations. The main conclusions of this study are: the need to study the phenomenon of the Baudelaire translator not only from the prefaces to the translations, but also from his statements in correspondence, as well as in the study of the cultural era accompanying the creation of these translations and containing events such as the confrontation of the Romantics and the Parnassian school. The scientific novelty lies in the creation of a detailed analysis, based on which more specific episodes of the life and work of S. Baudelaire as a translator can be studied.
translator's note, linguistics, translation studies, Edgar Poe, Charles Baudelaire, preface, translation motivation, translation process, translation, translation strategy
Literary criticism
Novikau, A.V. (2024). Mark Z. Danilevsky's "House of Leaves": the Poetics of Simulacra. Litera, 2, 19–35.
The object of research of this article is a novel by Mark Z. Danilevsky's "House of Leaves" in the context of Postmodernism. The subject of the study is the concept of a simulacrum, which appears in the novel "House of Leaves" as one of the funding components of the poetics of the work. The "House of Leaves" is considered from the position of postmodern sensitivity, in which Danilevsky deliberately blurs the boundaries between habitual space and hyperreality, real and unreal, fact and fiction. A similar effect is achieved through the simulacrum based on the novel – the short film "The Nevidson Film" – which was originally programmed by Danilevsky to expand into reality, to capture reality, that is, to limitless expansion of simulation through both material media (books) and the Internet. As a result of the proliferation of simulation within the work, the poetics of the novel text itself undergoes mutation, where genre mixing occurs, and mutually subordinate relations are established for the participants of author-reader communication due to the features of novel poetics. The text based on the simulacrum is absorbed by the simulation and eventually becomes a simulacrum due to the continuous formation and spread of the simulation. As a result, the language environment turns into a means of control, manipulation, subordination, both of the author and the recipient: the totality of simulation replaces reality and includes the perceiving consciousness in its own boundless becoming.
genre, deterrence, hyperreality, simulation, simulacrum, postmodernism, House of Leaves, metatextuality, ergodicity, language
Li, Y. (2024). Dynamics of changes in the psychosocial characteristics of online media consumers under the influence of official information and rumors about COVID-19. Litera, 2, 36–44.
The purpose of this study is to study changes in the psychosocial characteristics of network users who spread online rumors on during the pandemic COVID–19. Special attention is paid to the psychological reaction of consumers to reports of pandemic in the context of infodemiñ. The subject is the peculiarities of the dissemination and perception of official information and rumors about the pandemic in network media. The object is information about the pandemic on two Chinese network platforms that posts with label "rumors". The research methods were Internet monitoring and statistical analysis. The entire early stage of pandemic is included in the research period (from January to March 2020). The author's special contribution is the analysis of the impact of social networks on the psychological state of consumers and the formation of public consciousness in the context of an infodemiñ generated by mass and contradictory information COVID-19. The main conclusions are the need to take into account changes in the mental states of the audience and communicative behavior in information activities, depending on the stage of attitude to the event, pragmatic motives and social interaction. Different requirements should be imposed on the information disseminated at different stages, taking into account the psychological state of the audience, also the existence of various languages of consciousness used by an individual in cognitive and emotional manifestations. Government departments can appropriately publish, clarify and disclose reliable and useful information in a timely manner to prevent the spread of rumors. The scientific novelty consists in analyzing the cognitive and emotional reactions of the mass audience to the flow of information about COVID-10 in all periods, deepening media experts' understanding of the relationship between the behavior of users and the spread of disinformation, determining approaches to developing strategies to combat rumors on the Internet.
Internet, user emotion, user information behavior, information overload, emergency situations, infodemic, network media, pandemic COVID-19, rumors, psychology of network users
Automatic language processing
Zhikulina, C.P. (2024). Alice's Tales: the transformation of the composition, fairy-tale formulas and contexts of the voice assistant in the skill "Let's come up with". Litera, 2, 45–64.
The subject of the study is a spontaneously generated text by the voice assistant Alice when it is creating a fairy tale together with the user, and the purpose of the study is the transformation of the structure, fairy-tale formulas and context in terms of the selection of linguistic elements and meanings using artificial intelligence technology. Particular attention has focused on the skill "Let's make it up", which became available to users in the spring of 2023. The collision and interaction of folklore canons with the realities of the 21st century give rise to an ambiguous reaction to the interactive opportunity to play the role of a storyteller together with a voice assistant. The main research method was a continuous sample, which was used to distribute the steps, stages and actions when it is creating a fairy-tale plot together with a voice assistant. In addition, methods such as comparative and contextual analyses were used to identify similarities and differences between traditional Russian fairy tales and a spontaneously generated fairy tale plot. To obtain the data and subsequent analysis of the components, a linguistic experiment with the voice assistant Alice from Yandex was conducted and described. The rapid development of neural network language models allows us to talk about the scientific novelty of the material under study, since this area is unexplored and is being modified too quickly. It is important to emphasize that to date, the texts of spontaneously generated fairy-tale, their structural division and the correspondence of fairy-tale formulas in them to folklore canons have not been studied. The main conclusion of the study is that the user's share in creating a fairy tale with the voice assistant Alice is greatly exaggerated.
spontaneous text generation, context, spacetime, folklore formula, composition, neural network, GPT, voice assistant Alice, artificial intelligence, communication
Chen , X. (2024). Television documentaries of the People's Republic of China (using the example of CCTV). Litera, 2, 65–73.
Television documentaries in China, especially on the largest national television channel China Central Television (CCTV), is a unique object of research reflecting a wide range of socio-cultural, political and technological aspects of the development of Chinese society. CCTV is not only an important information and entertainment source, but also a powerful tool for influencing public opinion, forming national identity and promoting public policy. The analysis of the history of the development of television documentaries in China reflects the influence of political events and socio-cultural changes on its evolution. Starting from the early stages of the development of Chinese television, when it served as a tool of state propaganda, and up to the present, when new topics and genres appeared, the study will help to understand how television documentaries have become an important element of cultural heritage and a means of public communication. The organizational structure of CCTV, as a key player in the Chinese media space, plays a significant role in shaping content and influencing public opinion. The method or methodology of the study. The methodology of this study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of television documentaries in China with an in-depth examination of the example of China Central Television (CCTV). This methodology is based on a comprehensive study of historical, cultural, political and technological aspects of the development of television documentaries in China. The study of television documentaries in China, with a focus on the example of China Central Television (CCTV), provides a significant contribution to understanding the diverse aspects of the formation and impact of this media format in the context of Chinese culture and society. The scientific novelty of this study is manifested in several key aspects. Firstly, an extensive historical analysis reveals the evolution of television documentaries in China over various periods, emphasizing the influence of political changes and socio-cultural factors on its development. Secondly, the structural analysis of CCTV reveals the organizational mechanisms that form documentary projects. Considering the interaction between the structure of the channel and the content of programs makes it possible to understand what factors influence the formation and implementation of documentary initiatives, as well as how these factors are related to public policy. The third important achievement is the thematic analysis, which highlights the main themes and directions of documentary on CCTV.
social topics, information policy, cultural topics, state control, media industry, documentaries, cctv, China, television documentaries, political documentaries
Literary criticism
Wang, C. (2024). On the reasons for the removal of A.T. Tvardovsky from the position of head of the editorial office of the magazine “New World”. Litera, 2, 74–83.
The subject of the article is the activities of the “New World” journal in the 1950-1960s. The author examines the role of the magazine at the beginning of the reform of Russian literature; the position of the editor-in-chief of “New World” regarding the function of literature designed to reflect reality; the reasons why A. Tvardovsky was removed from the post of editorial director. The work indicates that A. Tvardovsky served as editor-in-chief of the “New World” for 16 years, but during his career he faced dismissal twice. The article reflects the direction and main ideas of liberal thought of the New World magazine, which in the 1950s and 1960s was under the leadership of the editor-in-chief A. Tvardovsky. When studying the problems associated with the magazine’s position on the need to provide literary creativity with a certain freedom. When considering the activities of the magazine and its editor in certain historical and sociocultural conditions, a comparative historical method was used. The main conclusion of the study is that A. Tvardovsky, through his activities as editor-in-chief of the publication “New World” and his principled position on the freedom of literary creativity, made it possible to outline the beginning of the Thaw period in the Soviet literary process. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article systematizes information about the reasons for the removal of A. Tvardovsky from the post of editorial director and proves the role of the periodical in question in the process of making a turn in Russian literature towards the realistic tradition. A. Tvardovsky even published those works that were rejected by other leading journals due to the discrepancy between the author’s ideas and the ideas of the ruling party.
removal of Tvardovsky, Tvardovsky's editorial activities, cultural thaw, the little man theme, realism of literature, literary works, liberalism, literary aesthetics, New World magazine, Aleksandr Trifonovich Tvardovsky
Literary criticism
Oktyabr'skaya, O.S. (2024). The genre of the holiday story in the literature of the XXI century for children and teenagers. Litera, 2, 84–94.
The article explores the genre features of a vacation literature about a children's health camp of the late XX – early XXI centuries. Both the traditions of the story about the pioneer camp of the twentieth century and the original features of modern literature for children and adolescents are revealed. The article actualizes the topics of the relationship between adolescents and children in a new team, the problems of growing up and socialization. A fairly extensive typology of child and adolescent characters relevant to modern reality is presented. The significance and importance of this article is due to the importance of the problems posed, as well as modern and practically unexplored research material, which are the works of V. Krapivin, T. Kryukova, M. Panteleeva, T. Mikheeva, etc., which are only included in scientific circulation. To understand these aspects, the following research methods are used in the article: comparative, hermeneutical and comparative typological methods. With the help of a systematic approach, an analytical study of the ways of communication between children and adolescents, their socialization and self-realization in a vacation story is provided. The main result of this work is the study of different types of characters of children and adults, ways of their interaction and ways of self-realization. The study of practically new and little-studied artistic material that arouses genuine interest among teenagers themselves becomes relevant in this article. At the same time, the following tasks were solved: identifying key aspects of growing up and socialization of a child / teenager; analyzing the relationships of children in the novels of V. Krapivin, T. Kryukova, M. Panteleeva, T. Mikheeva and other writers; determining the features of the development of the main storylines and the imaginative system of the analyzed stories, as well as the genre originality of the works under study. The key aspects of the article were questions about the genre nature of the stories, the typology of child and adolescent characters, and the moral aspects of growing up a child.
children's literature, developmental psychology, psychological story, modern children's story, children's detective, typology of children's character, growing up of a child, teenage literature, pioneer camp, vacation novel
Chernykh, A.S. (2024). The influence of Chinese idioms on the grammar of the modern Malay language. Litera, 2, 95–103.
Malaysia is a multiethnic country in Southeast Asia with a population of 33.4 million people, where Chinese make up 22.6%. This article focuses on the grammatical structures that have emerged in the Malay language (ML) as a result of Malay-Chinese language contact. The object of this study is colloquial ML. Previous research has noted that due to the influence of Chinese idioms in "low" spoken varieties of ML, new structures have emerged that break traditional Malay grammar rules. The impact of colloquial and slang forms on modern ML leads to a simplification of its grammatical constructions. It is observed that Chinese idioms primarily influence spoken ML, while in the standard or literary variant, their influence is limited to the lexical sphere. This study examines the usage of such structures in the standard and coloquial variants of modern ML. An analytical approach was applied to analyze data from prescriptive (grammars, dictionaries, textbooks) and descriptive (corpora) sources, as well as conducting experiments with ML speakers. The results of the study indicate that the previously described changes in "low" ML variants have exceeded their boundaries and are actively used in modern colloquial language both orally and in written form. The findings contribute to the analysis of the degree of simplification of grammatical structures in ML due to language contact with other idioms, helping to determine the direction of ML development in terms of the synthesis-analytic spectrum: moving away from the typical Austronesian language structure characterized by rich verbal morphology. The results of the article can be used for developing educational materials and teaching methods for Malay, as well as be useful in studying interference phenomena and language evolution processes.
standard language, grammatical structures, colloquial language, language evolution, Chinese idioms, Malay language, interference, language contact, analyticism, synthetism
Jia , J. (2024). Spatial Concepts within Syntactic Structures: The Topology-Imagery Hypothesis. Litera, 2, 104–118.
The aim of this study is the creation and implementation of a groundbreaking syntactic structure typology, anchored in fundamental cognitive processes. This involves an in-depth classification and analysis of a variety of sentence types, integrating imagistic and spatial categories. This methodology promotes an in-depth comparative analysis, facilitating the discovery of distinctive syntactic features among the languages examined. The research is dedicated to a thorough exploration of sentence structure's topological aspects, scrutinizing the configuration and interplay of linguistic elements. It places particular emphasis on sentences within three diverse linguistic frameworks: Russian, Chinese, and English, thus enabling a comprehensive analysis and the identification of both cross-linguistic similarities and distinctions. This research adopts a multifaceted approach, combining theoretical analysis with comparative study. Such integration of methodologies allows for a nuanced comparison of sentence structures and their semantic roles in Russian, Chinese, and English, highlighting linguistic and cultural differences between these languages. The novelty of this study lies in the cognitive approach to sentence structure analysis and the development of a classification based on three cognitive models: (i) a single main container, (ii) dual main containers without a defined trajectory, and (iii) multiple main containers with distinct trajectories. A key principle of this classification is the integration of topological and imagery elements, underscoring the diversity of syntactic structures against a backdrop of a unified cognitive base, shaped by cultural and linguistic specifics. The findings reveal that sentences in Russian, English, and Chinese exhibit both shared and unique syntactic characteristics, reflecting cultural-cognitive differences, including the Chinese cultural concept of harmonizing opposites, the Russian cultural notion of segmenting the whole into parts, and the English cultural stance situated between these extremes.
cognitive grammar, English, Russian, Chinese, culture, topology, imagery, syntactic structure, container, trajectory
Safaralieva, L.A., Tutova, E.V., Shevchenko, V.A. (2024). Comparative analysis of the conceptual features of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD in Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures. Litera, 2, 119–129.
In modern linguistics, research is actively developing aimed at cognizing the surrounding reality, verbalized by linguistic units of a particular language. At the same time, of course, interdisciplinary research, including both linguistic and extralinguistic data, is of particular value. The relevance of our article is the comparison of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD as fragments of the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian-speaking and Spanish-speaking peoples based on the synthesis of linguocultural and linguocognitive approaches to the study of concepts. The purpose of the work is to identify and compare the conceptual features of the above-mentioned concepts in Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures based on lexicographic sources and using extralinguistic socio-demographic data. The results obtained can find practical application in lexicographical activity. In our study, the conceptual features of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD were reconstructed based on the data of explanatory, encyclopedic, etymological dictionaries of the Russian and Spanish languages. The conceptual features of the mentioned concepts were identified by understanding the semantic scope of the names of the concepts: the lexemes youth, young in Russian and juventud, joven – in Spanish. Despite the fact that the concept of YOUTH was previously the subject of scientific analysis in the works of Russian linguists, a comparative study of the conceptual features of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD in Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures has not been conducted before, which is the novelty of the article. It was revealed that the coinciding conceptual features include: 1) a certain life stage of a person between adolescence and adulthood; 2) characteristic of youth; 3) the first stage of life / existence (about an animal, plant, phenomenon); 4) younger in age or time. It was also found that the period of youth for speakers of Spanish linguoculture covers a greater number of years, compared with the same period in Russian linguoculture, which is due to extralinguistic factors – a longer life expectancy in a Spanish-speaking society. In addition, for native Russian speakers, YOUTH is often associated with ‘immaturity, weakness’, while in Spanish linguoculture JUVENTUD is perceived as a period of ‘flourishing, strength, energy'.
Spanish language, Russian language, comparative analysis, conceptual features, concept, semantics, Cognitive linguistics, linguistic culture, youth, the linguistic picture of the world
Oleinikov, S.V., Granevskii, V.V., Nikonov, S.B. (2024). The threat of intellectual decadence in the context of the deactualization of formal logic. Litera, 2, 130–139.
The subject of this research is formal logic in the structure of higher professional education. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of reducing the volume and quality of teaching formal logic in higher professional education, especially journalism. An attempt is made to analyze the role and significance of formal logic in the structure of media knowledge from diachrony to synchrony. It is shown that formal logic in historical retrospect was subjected to certain persecution and harassment, which negatively affected the level of critical thinking of university graduates, their ability to analyze and synthesize new knowledge, establish causal relationships, and defend their beliefs. The authors see the solution to these problems in increasing the status and social significance of the discipline "formal logic" at all levels of education. The main methods used in this study include comparative historical and dialectical, which allowed us to consider the role and importance of formal logic in various historical periods with an emphasis on the specificity of a particular socio-political situation, as well as to identify the cause-and-effect relationships of the periodic displacement of formal logic from the educational process. Higher education has always been and remains a source of knowledge, thanks to which the intellectual level of a person not only increases significantly, but also helps to become successful in professional activities. In many ways, the success of university education and professional activity depends on the level of development of students' logical thinking, which consists in the conscious application of logical operations (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, systematization, classification, etc.) and logical forms of thinking (concept, judgment, inference) in accordance with the laws of logic and in the construction of mental actions taking into account these laws. The development of logical thinking in the learning process involves the development of the following skills among students of the educational programs "Journalism": to interpret various types of concepts, competently use situational words (concepts), clearly understand the essence of the second form of logical thinking – judgment, possess the logic of proof and refutation in order to avoid difficulties in modeling a thought experiment, operating hypotheses.
de-actualization of logic, Journalism, cause-and-effect relationships, interaction with the audience, journalistic education, interpretation of social reality, Journalistic competencies, critical thinking, formal logic, Situational words
Belozerova, E.Y., Ginzburg, O.V. (2024). Modern phraseology of the English language: the world of fantasies, dreams and hallucination. Litera, 2, 140–146.
The article examines phraseological units of modern English from the perspective of expressing the meaning of dreaming, fantasizing and making things up. Examples of the use of phraseological units from modern English dictionaries served as empirical material. The relevance of the study is due to the emergence of a secondary nominative meaning for the word hallucinate for the purpose of further analysis of phraseological units and their possible similarity in meaning. The object of study in the article is phraseological units used in the examples presented in dictionaries to correlate the original meaning of the verb hallucinate with the presented phraseological units. The subject of the study is the communicative and pragmatic functions of the received phraseological units to describe dreams, fantasies and inventions in a state of conscious and unconscious. The purpose of the work is to study and analyze the received phraseological units. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the quality of the material (modern phraseology and vocabulary of the English language), as well as the analysis of the relationship between the meaning of the word hallucinate and the presented phraseological units. The main research method is an inductive approach to the analysis of empirical material, in which conclusions are based on the analysis of specific phraseological units. To identify derivational transformations in the structural-semantic organization of phraseological units, the work uses structural-semantic analysis. The result of the analysis reveals a number of phraseological units, the meaning of which does not correspond to the original meaning of the word hallucinate. However, one phraseological unit has been identified which can be considered as a synonym for the word hallucinate. This study contributes to the development of the study of phraseology of English, its enrichment, as well as its understanding in a broad approach.
English phraseology, idioms, contemporary phraseology, author’s formations, derivation, modern phraseological units, communicative task, pragmatic function, phraseology, hallucination
Literary criticism
Tsaregorodtseva, S.S., Pinaev, S.M. (2024). The Russian historical and literary context of the novels by Guillaume Musso and prose by Marina Tsvetaeva. Litera, 2, 147–159.
The purpose of this study is to identify the Russian historical and literary context in Marina Tsvetaeva's prose of the emigrant period and in the novels of Guillaume Musso. The modern French writer Guillaume Musso is the author of two dozen novels, which (except for "Skidamarink", 2001) were translated into Russian and published in Russia. In almost every one of these novels, one can "discover" the Russian historical and literary context. This will be the main object of our research in the framework of the article (the analysis of the entire multicultural contextual complex of G. Musso's novels requires a more extensive consideration). The main subject of the article is a trilogy of novels about writers: "The Girl and the Night", "The Secret Life of writers" and "Life as a Novel", as well as the adjacent novel "Paper Girl", the main character of which Tom Boyd is a famous writer. Since in the novels Musso refers to meta-narrative, the creation of a meta-text, which involves commenting on the novel by the author, inviting the reader to his creative laboratory, and also requires identifying the historical and cultural context. The novel "The Girl and the Night" by G. Musso is considered in comparison with the "Tale of Sonechka" by M. Tsvetaeva and requires an appeal to the vital biographical context. Russian historical and literary context of the "writer's" cycle of novels by Guillaume Musso and prose by Marina Tsvetaeva" for the first time revealed intertextual connections of novels by the most popular French writer Guillaume Musso with works of Russian literature: emigrant prose by Marina Tsvetaeva, works by F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev and other writers. The authors of the article pay special attention not only to the intertextual connections of Russian and French prose of the XX-XXI century, but also to the peculiarities of the plot structure of modern literature. This study attempts to identify the main trends in modern literature and trace their reflection in the works of G. Musso. The main conclusion that the authors of the article make is that in Musso's prose, the Russian text can be identified at all contextual levels: vital-biographical, literary, historical, cross-cultural.
installation composition, metatext, vital biographical context, intertextuality, historical and literary context, mass literature, Vladimir Nabokov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Guillaume Musso, The Silver Age
Literary criticism
Shalagina, O.V. (2024). The distinctive genre of 9/11 literature about children. Litera, 2, 160–170.
The article explores the genre specifics of American 9/11 novels about children. The genre features of 9/11 literature include a modification of the classic educational novel. Such genre elements as the hero’s growing up process, their journey beyond ordinary life, and their return as changed individuals, still form the primary narrative focus of these works. However, the temporality and the impetus for action development are altered compared to the classic educational novel, which is typical for the subgenre of the initiation novel. The main catalyst of the plot becomes the traumatic experiences of the characters, representing either the trauma of loss or mental traumatization of a loved one. The interplay of road motive and motive of search symbolizes personal development and introduces elements of a detective quest, while romantic motives are linked to the outcome of the initiation trial and the formation of the character’s personality. To implement the tasks set, this study employs cultural-historical and comparative-typological methods with elements of structural analysis. The scientific novelty of this work consists in conducting a study of the genre features of literature about children and teenagers thematically based on the events of September 11, 2001, on a little-studied corpus of artistic material. For the first time in Russian science, the author of the article attempts to identify and summarize the characteristic genre features of this body of works. The main results of the study lie in revealing of hybridization of genres: the initiation novel is supplemented with elements of detective and romance novels. An important aspect here is the presence of motives of travel and heroism, coupled with the problem of the trauma of not-knowing, traumatic experiences of loss, and orphanhood. This article deepens scientific knowledge on the issue of the specificity of 9/11 literature, highlighting the process of transformation and enrichment of traditional genre elements in the context of historical events that have been reflected in the literary work of the representatives of contemporary culture.
motive of orphanhood, motive of search, road motive, quest, initiation novel, educational novel, genre, nine-eleven literature, childhood trauma, child character
Lazutova, N.M., Semenova, V.S., Vodzinskaya, V.V., Tope Aranda, K. (2024). Hip-hop Subculture as a Media Phenomenon. Litera, 2, 171–182.
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Subcultures are of significant interest to researchers in the humanities. The processes of digitalization and mediatization, when media network activity and media activities globally affect basic social institutions, suggest a systematic study of subcultures in the context of communication theory. It is noted that the formation and further stability, up to the rooting in the general culture, is characteristic of the youth subculture of hip-hop. The authors of the article set a strategic goal - to find out, on the basis of theoretical and methodological approach, due to what systemic (formal and content) characteristics hip-hop has spread among young people, what communicative characteristics of this subculture determined its flourishing in the period of digitalization. Among the tasks that were solved are the following: characterization of the hip-hop industry as a network media phenomenon is given, the dynamics of its changes at the level of subsystems is considered. The authors for the first time put forward and proved the hypothesis that hip-hop reflects all five stages of development of the system of mass communications. The analysis reveals the rhizome-like nature of the hip-hop subculture as the main reason for the systemic stability of this media phenomenon. The article comprehensively considers the totality of components of the hip-hop subculture as effective communicative practices: graffiti, breakdancing, DJing, rap (rap battles). The tendency of active entry of some subcultural processes and products into mass culture is noted. The peculiarities of hip-hop slang are outlined. The article brings the media-communication approach into the agenda of further scientific research of youth subcultures (primarily hip-hop) and actualizes it.
informal association, subcultures, slang, youth communication, rhizomorphism, Russian rap, hip-hop, rap battle, media, subculture
Literary criticism
Demidov, N.M. (2024). Cyclic forms as a way of presenting existential issues in A. M. Remizov's story "Sisters of the Cross". Litera, 2, 183–192.
The article analyzes the forms of cyclization in the story "The Sisters of the Cross" by A.M. Remizov and their role in the realization of the existential problematic of the work. The originality of Remizov's creative consciousness and artistic method, his interest in the ontological foundations of personality are emphasized by a special narrative structure, which is characterized by the strengthening of the corresponding motional structures. The religious and mythopoetic understanding of reality, inextricably linked with the artistic method, allows us to talk about the cycle as a broad category, according to the concept of I. Pospisil, which implies, along with motives, the unification of various forms of lexical and semantic repetitions in order to actualize important issues of being for the writer. The author of this article believes that the logic of the writer's strategy and its embodiment in the composition of the work are unthinkable without understanding the elements of the cycle as contextually updated units of content that need active interpretation by the reader, which is necessary for a holistic perception of the work. This understanding of the cycle is complicated by the grotesque characterization of the motifs and their correlation with both the metatext of Remizov's early work (the concept of the "artistic ensemble" by E. Tyryshkina) and the metatext of the Russian novel, the evolution of the plot structure of which is associated with the complication of the existential aspect. Based on the tasks set, the article uses structural-descriptive and descriptive-functional methods to analyze the system of cyclic forms of the writer and their functions. Taking into account the large-scale content coverage of the existential issues in A. M. Remizov's novella "The Sisters of the Cross", when considering the forms of cyclization in the work, it is necessary to take into account not only the hierarchical levels of the text (lexico-semantic repetitions and motivic structures as part of the composition of the story itself and from the point of view of the metatext of Remizov's work) and the different functions of these forms, but also common features cyclical trends in the narrative. Thus, one of the aspects of Remizov's poetics receives a proper theoretical understanding. The analysis of the story shows that a broad understanding of the cycle allows us to group the heterogeneous elements of the composition in terms of their general content orientation, which in further research may be useful in a holistic analysis of Remizov's work, his writing strategy, as well as the author's place among other masters of ornamental prose in Russian literature.
composition, repetition, mythological, grotesque, existential issues, Remizov, cyclisation, motif, modernism, narration
Vazir, S. (2024). Style and language of television news on the Iraqi issue on TRT and RT. Litera, 2, 193–206.
Interest in mass media discourse has increased significantly in recent decades, which is confirmed by numerous studies that are aimed at studying the features of the language and style used on news channels, the manifestation of the manipulative function, the rhetoric of the sender of the communication message and the reaction of recipients. TRT and RT are major international news channels. Having a similar mission (24-hour daily updates of news from politics, business, finance, sports, science, culture...), these TV channels actively use modern digital technologies in their activities, which allows them to take leading positions in the rankings in their niche. Already at the end of the twentieth century, there was a regular change in the forms of speech styles of communication due to the development of communication and other technologies. The information revolution and the subsequent technological development gave a new impetus to the journalistic profession, bringing it to a completely new level of the digital space. Research methods used in the article: systematization, generalization, critical analysis, discourse analysis, stylistic analysis, pragmatic analysis. Television which occupies an important place among the media due to its wide coverage acted as the subject of our consideration. The authors identified a common feature among many researchers of the language and style of television news - anxiety about their ambiguous influence on the broad masses of the population, as J. Bloomer talks about. This concern stems from concerns about the power of the media to influence modern democratic societies, the protection of various freedoms, and the dangers of propaganda tools and information manipulation.
network broadcasting, the Internet communication environment, The Iraqi issue, the stylistic level of the language, language features, media discourse, language manipulation, democratization of the language, TV news, the language of mass communication
MICHURINA, D., Larina, N.A. (2024). Systematization of Methods of Masking Unethical Content of Advertising Content. Litera, 2, 207–217.
The authors discuss the methods of masking the unethical content of advertising. The authors emphasize that, despite the long period of exploitation for advertising purposes (about 20 years), stories with sexual and offensive content, although they cause mainly negative emotions in the audience, but still continue to attract attention, and therefore are widely used by advertising specialists. Analysis of advertising content is carried out on the basis of the practice of considering complaints about the content of advertisements of the Advertising Council under the FAS of Russia. All of the above determines the relevance of the study of the main methods of masking unethical components of visual and semantic nature used by advertising specialists. The authors see the purpose of the article in demonstrating the experience of systematizing the types of masking the unethical content of advertising content: its text and visual components. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the systematization of methods of masking the unethical content of advertising content, which can become the basis for the methodology for conducting an examination of advertising content in expert councils at the FAS of Russia. Among the main conclusions reached by the authors of the article, it is necessary to highlight the need to formulate requirements for the vocabulary of advertising messages: preventing the use of swear words, vulgar, "swear" words and images in advertising at the level of legislative acts of the FAS of Russia as a regulator, whose functions include control over the content of advertising content. The significance of the study from a theoretical point of view is determined by the systematization and classification of techniques used to mask unethical components in advertising content. Practical significance is the demonstration of examples of unethical advertising based on the practice of the FAS of Russia, which will help advertising specialists to avoid mistakes in practical activities when creating advertising content.
advertising complaints, morality, obscene language, offensive images, disguise of swear words, systematization, advertising, ethics, advertising law, public analisys
Bulgarova, B.A., Tabatabai, S., Elias, R., Jomaa, K. (2024). Formation of scientific-analytical and communication skills among students of humanities at the international university (Generation Z Humanities Students at an International University). Litera, 2, 218–229.
Today, recruiting organizations, when selecting potential candidates for vacant positions, emphasize the importance of university graduates having developed communicative and scientific-analytical competencies, which are the main components of "soft skills" for students of the humanities cycle, more conducive to the formation of professionalism than "hard skills", due to the shift in society's priorities towards democratization and humanization socio-psychological principles of performance of official duties within the framework of professions. The purpose of this study is to identify methods and techniques for the formation of scientific, analytical and communicative skills at the international University among students of humanities. Intercultural communication in the context of the educational process, on the one hand, complicates the development of these competencies, on the other hand, requires improving the principles of teaching in the context of cultural dialogues, which determines the formation of the studied skills, taking into account the national and cultural specifics of the studied language and communication of the university where the foreign student is studying. These aspects are a prerequisite for successful integration into a potential professional environment. Research methodology: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the issue under consideration, content analysis, descriptive and comparative methods. The novelty of the research is due to modern trends in improving the "soft competencies" of representatives of all professions in harmony with the global scientific space through the prism of effective intercultural communication. The results of the study indicate a mutual correlation of scientific, analytical and communicative skills, the synthesis of the main components of which contributes to the formation of metacognitive characteristics of students. It is advisable to form the studied competencies through role-playing games, memes, situational tasks, communicative professionally oriented trainings, the method of active problem-situational analysis ("case-study")
student, generation Z, meme, communicative, teaching methods, active, soft skills, competencies, international university, scientific and analytical
Nacharova, L.I. (2024). Event marketing as an effective tool for the advertising campaign of the social network "VKontakte". Litera, 2, 230–236.
The subject of this article is event marketing as a tool for the advertising campaign of the social network "VKontakte." It provides an analytical perspective on current trends in advertising and offers specific recommendations for the effective use of marketing tools in the evolving advertising environment. The main focus is on the importance of the social network's interaction with its audience through the organization and sponsorship of various events, as well as the optimization of feedback analysis and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in the context of digital technologies and social media. The article proposes a theoretical and practical justification for the feasibility of conducting not only online events and activities (forums, discussions, educational courses) but also offline events (concerts in clubs and open venues), as well as organizing events in collaboration with cultural and educational centers in the country. An example of the advertising campaign of the social network "VKontakte" serves as illustrative material to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The scientific relevance and novelty of this article are manifested in several key aspects. Firstly, the work considers event marketing as an innovative tool aimed at creating "viral messages" and improving the interaction of the promoted social network with its audience, opening new perspectives in brand promotion and consumer interaction. The second aspect is related to the reverse effect in this case - the influence of social networks on the effectiveness of event marketing. Given the complexity of the nature of social networks, as they simultaneously act as service providers to their users and media channels, the combination of these two functions in the activities of such market participants allows them to leverage many advantages associated with the complexity of their nature, which increases the importance of analyzing the theoretical foundations and possibilities of advertising campaigns.
network theory, innovative approaches, effectiveness of advertising campaigns, audience interaction, media communications, promotion, marketing, advertising, social network, Event marketing
Lekomtseva, I.A., Kulikova, M.N., Abdulmanova, A.K. (2024). Unique items hypothesis: a case study of student Russian-to-English translations. Litera, 2, 237–244.
The subject of this article is the unique linguistic means of expressing the meaning given in the original in the interlanguage and translation perspectives. The object of the research is a contrastive study of original untranslated texts in the target language in order to identify unique linguistic elements, i.e. typical, idiomatic linguistic means of expressing the meaning given in the original in the target language. Special attention is paid to the corpus approach to the functional contrastive analysis of original untranslated texts. The authors consider the possibility of applying semasiological and onomasiological approaches to the contrastive analysis of parallel texts. The purpose of the article is to test the hypothesis of "unique elements" and the degree of their representation in the texts of translations made by graduate students. "Unique elements" means typical, idiomatic, regular linguistic means of expressing a certain meaning in the target language, which do not have structurally equivalent linguistic means in the source language. Research methods: functional contrastive analysis; corpus analysis; retrospective analysis of the source text and the translation text. The main conclusions of the study are the assumption that student translations do not present unique linguistic means in the translation language to express the meaning given in the original. These results were obtained through the use of contrastive functional analysis of parallel texts, i.e. original untranslated texts in the original language and the target language. A special contribution of the authors to the subject under study is that the latest methods of contrastive functional analysis and corpus methods are used for translation purposes. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that in Russian translation studies, for the first time, the hypothesis of unique linguistic elements and their non-representation in the translation text was considered as one of universals.
translated language, literary translation, students training, trasnlated texts, parallel texts, corpus-based analysis, contrastive analysis, translation universals, unique items, translation
Polonskaya, O.Y. (2024). «Coronavirus Pandemic» Conceptual Framework: Analysis of Verbal Representation in the English-Speaking Media. Litera, 2, 245–252.
The article is devoted to the study of the "coronavirus pandemic" conceptual framework. The new conditions of existence could not but be reflected in the language — through the appearance of new words and phrases, as well as through the actualization of previously existing lexical units as a result of their transition from special spheres of functioning to general use, which in turn are united by one conceptual framework îf "coronavirus pandemic". The relevance of this work is determined by the constant development of the English language, the emergence of new lexical units that directly affect the expansion of vocabulary. This paper presents a selection of lexical units that verbalize the conceptual framework of the "coronavirus pandemic" in the English linguistic consciousness. The object of the study is the conceptual framework "coronavirus pandemic". The subject of the study is the lexical means of representing the concepts that make up the "coronavirus pandemic" conceptual framework. The purpose of this work is to study the linguistic ways of representing the conceptual framework of the "coronavirus pandemic" and to identify its structure. The empiric material is lexical units obtained by continuous sampling from English-language websites and online magazines for 2020-2022. The scientific novelty of the study lies in an attempt to study and model the conceptual framework of the "coronavirus pandemic" and consider the means of its representation. In this study, the following methods were used: continuous sampling method, analysis, synthesis, cognitive modeling method, contextual method, word-formation analysis, as well as quantitative analysis.
discource, conceptual framework, representatives, coronavirus, pandemic, periphery, core, concept, linguistic sign, COVID-19
Kirichenko, N.R. (2024). Some Peculiarities of the Representation of the Manipulative Potential of the Discourse Personality of a Teenager in the American Communicative Space. Litera, 2, 253–260.
The article is devoted to the study of adolescent discourse in the linguopersonological aspect. The subject of the study is the linguistic and communicative-pragmatic characteristics of the discourse personality of a teenager. The object of the study is a set of linguistic means of implementing manipulative strategies and tactics by a teenager. A discourse personality is considered as a participant of certain communicative events, the communication scheme of which determines the choice of linguistic means – lexical, grammatical, stylistic. In the research quantitative, descriptive-comparative, contextual and situational-interpretative research methods were used. The article examines the role of the intention realized by a teenager in two discursive dyads while communicating with peers and with adults. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that for the first time a study of communicative strategies and tactics of manipulative influence of adolescents in interaction with the environment is conducted on the material of television series. A discourse personality in television series is a reflection of a real teenager. As a result, it was found out that the behavior of a manipulative teenager is determined by gender parameters, as well as anchoring to the zone of discursive space. Dominant communicative strategies and tactics of a discourse personality of a teenager are the following: tactics of blackmail, verbal insinuation, threats. It seems promising to study typical discourse personalities in other types of communication, as well as a more detailed description of the gender aspect from the standpoint of gender linguistics.
communicative space, communicative strategies, discursive space, discourse practice, communication, communicative tactics, adolescent discourse, discourse personality, anthropocentric linguistics, speech manipulation
Arguneev, E.P. (2024). Realization of the Diachronic Emergence of the Text Space (Using the Example of a Creolized Text). Litera, 2, 261–269.
The subject of this study is the specifics of the implementation of the diachronic emergence of the text space on the example of hypertext. From the point of view of psycholinguistics and linguosynergetics, scientific interest is the result of understanding the text space. In this regard, the relevance of the research topic lies in the ambiguity of the movement of the text space, manifested in the increment of meaning as a result of prompting an individual to speech activity in order to project emotionally significant information. Such a process in linguosynergetic science is commonly called emergence. This phenomenon is the result of the perception of a creolized text, and also structures fragments of semantic and associative semantic fields. The article presents the results of a directed psycholinguistic experiment that demonstrated the process of increment of meaning formed as a result of the perception of a complex text formation. The methodology of the organization and conduct of experimental work is described. The scientific novelty of the research is reflected in the use of a new approach to the study of the specifics of the development of meaning. The directed psycholinguistic experiment made it possible to determine the role of emergence in the formation of the dynamics of semantic text space. Along with this, the possibilities of the phenomenon under study are highlighted, which are revealed in the formation of new systems, which is a demonstration of the movement of the text space. As a result, two groups of emergence components have been identified: the first is represented by comments developing the main idea, distributed by topics; the second is contradictions, which are logically contradictory statements that do not correspond to the topic of the stimulus material. In the course of the implementation of the information flow of the text, new meanings, thematic ramifications arise, the potential possibility of anticipating which is significant for diachronic emergence.
linguosynergetic process, perception, psycholinguistics, hypertext, creolized text, linguosynergetic experiment, emergence, increment of meaning, psycholinguistic experiment, applied linguistics
Lastochkina, E.G. (2024). Criteria for distinguishing homonymy from polysemous words (psycholinguistic method). Litera, 2, 270–277.
The subject of the study are homonyms and polysemous words. The problem of homonymy and polysemy always raises many questions, because sometimes there is no clear boundary where ambiguity ends and homonymy begins. Indeed, the boundary between homonymy and polysemy is unstable, permeable, it is constantly violated, and not only by polysemy, when, due to the loss of an "intermediate link", the connection between the individual meanings of a polysemantic word is lost, and it splits into two different homonymous words, but also (which is noted by only a few authors) by Homonymy is when, due to the action of various kinds of reasons, a semantic connection arises between two homonymous words and these words merge into one polysemantic word.The purpose of the article is to distinguish homonyms from polysemous words using an experiment between native speakers, by identifying homonymous words among respondents. In this article, special attention is paid to the differentiation of these phenomena by the psycholinguistic method. The author also uses a descriptive method when conducting research. The lexical richness of any language is words that are related to each other, but have different meanings and perform different functions. In colloquial speech, some words are close to each other in meaning, while others are opposite in their semantics. Some words, while not being close in content, can be similar to each other in appearance, shape, spelling and pronunciation. A group of such words in the lexical system of the language is commonly called homonyms. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author for the first time made an attempt to distinguish homonymy and polysemous words in the Mari language using a psycholinguistic method. The main conclusions of the article are that the conducted associative experiment is one of the most effective ways to distinguish between two lexical phenomena. Of course, the nature of associations is influenced by age, geographical conditions, a person's profession, as well as the level of proficiency in the Mari language, but, nevertheless, the opinions of respondents mostly coincide with lexicographic data.
mari language, semantics, associative experiment, lexical homonyms, homoforms, homographs, psycholinguistics, lexicology, polysemy, homonyms