Comparative-historical studies of literature
Kuteko, D.A. (2023). Italian «erudite comedy» in the sociocultural and linguistic context of the 16th century. Litera, 8, 1–16.
The Italian «erudite comedy» was an important stage in the development of the Western European theater, a kind of mediator between ancient dramaturgy and the dramaturgy of the New Age, and although its artistic merits are ambiguously assessed, its appearance and flourishing in the era of the formation of the literary Italian language give to the modern researcher a happy opportunity to get acquainted with different registers of the Italian language during this period. Thus, the subject of this article is the development and the peculiarities of the genre of «erudite comedy» in the Central regions, in the North and in the South of Italy in the XVI century. The purpose is to identify the main trends of its formation. The main research methods are the comparative method, the method of linguistic and cultural interpretation and sociolinguistic methods. Earlier comedies often became subject of literary analysis, but were not used as a source useful for sociolinguistic research. The results of the work consist in generalizing existing and obtaining new information about the development of «erudite comedy» in different regions of Italy and can be applied in further sociolinguistic research because to present the linguistic situation of the XVI century in its entirety it is necessary to take into account both its participants and data about them – territorial features, regional characteristics, level of education.
sociolinguistic analysis, sociolinguistic situation, speech characteristics, dialect literature, parlato-recitato, evolution of the comedy genre, Italian language, Italian comic theatre, 16th century theatre, erudite comedy
Solovyeva, A. (2023). English terminology of aircraft engines: lexical-semantic, structural-grammatical and pragmatic features. Litera, 8, 17–26.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the English terminology of aircraft engines. The subject of the study is the structural-semantic and pragmatic features of the terms. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to analyze terminology in semantic, syntagmatic and pragmatic aspects. The tasks can be formulated as follows: 1. Determine the structure of terminological units, find out from which components it is formed. 2. To identify how synonymy and ambiguity are inherent in terminology. 3. Identify the pragmatic component based on the structural components of the terms. The relevance of the study is due to the growing public interest in the aviation industry. The work was carried out using statistical methods, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. The novelty of the research lies in the attempt to use a comprehensive (three aspects) approach to the study of a highly specialized group of terminological vocabulary. During the analysis, it was found that the terminology describing aircraft engines (types and design) is represented by multicomponent (mainly three- and four-component) terminological phrases. A number of syntactic models participate in their formation, each of which is one or another variant of the combination of adjectives, nouns and numerals. Adjectives, nouns and numerals should be recognized as carriers of terminological information that has pragmatic significance. This significance lies in the fact that information, being correctly orienting, guides specialists in their professional activities and promotes effective communication.
pragmatics, syntactic, aviation, semantics, terminology aircraft engines, aircraft engine, gas turbine engine, term, terminology, english terminology
Kondrasheva, E.V. (2023). The concept of "love" in the artistic world of V. Tokareva: the specifics of the embodiment, varieties and connection with the conceptual sphere of A. P. Chekhov. Litera, 8, 27–37.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of LOVE as a macro concept of the artistic world of V. Tokareva, which includes many layers and varieties, which contributes to a deeper penetration into the artistic conceptual sphere of the writer, helps to understand the internal laws by which the characters of the work live and act. The research is based on the material of the writer's stories published in different years. The research methodology is based on a component analysis of the text, conceptual and functional methods, there are elements of comparative and descriptive methods. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the author for the first time attempts to analyze the artistic concept of LOVE in the works of V. Tokareva from the point of view of its content and varieties, and also traces the continuity with the conceptual sphere of A. P. Chekhov at the level of this concept. The results showed that the concept of LOVE is explored by the writer not only at different levels of human relationships, but also at the level of love for creativity. The concept of LOVE organically combines the individual author's perception with the ideas of the predecessor author. The practical significance lies in the fact that the research materials can be used in the practice of university teaching of special courses devoted to the problem of the functioning of artistic concepts in the works of Russian authors of the second half of the XX – first quarter of the XXI centuries, as well as in conducting seminars on the history of Russian literature. The relevance of the research is determined by the interest of modern literary criticism to the artistic concept, as well as the fact that the work of V. Tokareva from the point of view of the content of the artistic concept of LOVE has been studied incompletely and requires further development.
succession links, concept formation, the specifics of the incarnation, artistic concept sphere, figurative content, concept LOVE, artistic concept, A. Chekhov, Victoria Tokareva, the connection of creativity
Kha, T. (2023). Current concepts of political discourse in modern Russian and Chinese media. Litera, 8, 38–46.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the most important concepts of political discourse in Russian and Chinese media for the modern society of these two countries. The article discusses various approaches to the interpretation of political discourse in Russia and China, reveals their similarities and differences, analyzes the key concepts of political discourse and draws conclusions about the specifics of their functioning in the context of modern leading print media in Russia and China. The relevance of this topic is due to the importance of analyzing and understanding the media environment in Russia and China, which nowadays plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and broadcasting state policy both inside and outside the country. The subject of the study is the most relevant concepts of the mass media of the Russian Federation and China, as well as methods for creating political discourse in these countries. As a result of the study, a list of relevant concepts of Russian and Chinese media is proposed, a list of common and distinctive features of the political discourse of the two countries is given, and the reasons for the uniqueness of the national political discourse of Russia and China, due to their national characteristics, political system, ideology, and finally, cultural differences between the two peoples, are indicated. At the same time, an analysis of the publications of the leading media in the Russian Federation and China showed that the common topics of articles in the two countries are the role of language and state ideology in the life of modern society.
concept, language contacts, non-verbal means of communication, verbal means of communication, language unit, notion, mass media, Russia, China, political discourse
Shagbanova, K.S. (2023). Binary opposition heaven-earth in Russian and English. Litera, 8, 47–56.
In the article, the author explores the semantic behavior of representatives of such fundamental concepts as "heaven" and "earth" in the Russian and English language spaces. This binary opposition, despite its ancient origin, demonstrates both interaction with relevant concepts and a tendency to nominate phenomena of a universal or particular nature. The pragmatics of each lexeme is determined not only by the realization of connotative potential, but also by the projection of actual meanings on a fragment of the universe. It should be noted the priority of differential characteristics that verbalize the functionally demanded spectrum of the semantic field. Each semantic derivative of the sky lexeme is characterized by a set of implication connections motivated by hypo- and hyperonymy phenomena. In the logical and meaningful space of English linguoculture, the concept of "sky" implements the values of the visible space above the earth and the equivalent-the religious name paradise, which illustrates the unification of each case of the development of the original meaning by a sign of height, location in the supramundane space. The linguosemiotic variation of the concept of "earth" in the English language picture of the world is associated with its functioning in topographic, legal and agricultural discourses. In the conceptual sphere of the Russian language, the mental unit of the sky provides information of a religious, spatial, physical or climatic nature, while the earth nominates phenomena of an astronomical, administrative-territorial, linguistic, ideal nature. This behavior of each of the pairs allows us to talk about nomination processes motivated by understanding the processes and phenomena of the universe through the prism of naive consciousness, as well as the desire of the language to use existing lexical units to express as many meanings as possible through association mechanisms.
webization of concepts, linguoculturology, typology, comparison method, contrastive linguistics, content, concept sphere, semantic behavior, comparative historical linguistics, binary opposition
Literary criticism
Guseva, E.V. (2023). The poetics of the author's situativeness in the story "The Sisters of the Cross" by A.M. Remizov. Litera, 8, 57–67.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the poetics of the author's situativeness in the story "The Sisters of the Cross" by A. M. Remizov. Methods (historical and literary, structural, semantic) and methodological basis of the research are the works of Russian and Western scientists in the field of philology (M. M. Bakhtin, B. O. Korman, Y. M. Lotman), Russian theology (N. O. Lossky, P. A. Florensky, L. I. Shestov) and remizology (I. A. Ilyin, Greta Slobin, A.M. Gracheva, E. V. Tyryshkina, etc.). The result of the work is that the situations in the story "The Sisters of the Cross" were highlighted, their classification and a detailed analysis of the poetics of the author's situativeness by A.M. Remizov were made. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the poetics of the author's situativeness is analyzed in detail within the framework of a global problem in the work of A.M. Remizov – the author's duality. All this allows us to conclude that the author's situativeness of A.M. Remizov is the author's individual view of the world order and man, it is a reflection of all the extra–textual factors that influenced the writer in different periods of his life and found artistic embodiment on the pages of the writer's works. The practical scope of the results of the work is seen in the possibility of using this material for deep understanding and studying such courses as "Literature of the Russian abroad", university historical and literary courses, during independent research work of students, when writing term papers and diploma projects.
the fortune-telling situation, poetics, the author 's duality, the situation of prayer, author's situativeness, author, Remizov, a miracle situation, chronotope, the story
Ilin, A.A. (2023). History and modification of modern cinematic vocabulary. Litera, 8, 68–78.
This article is devoted to the diachronic modification of the cinematic vocabulary of the modern German language. The relevance of this study is determined by the insufficient study of the formation and development of German film lexicon in the XXI century, which contributes to new research on this issue in modern linguistics; as well as the need to study the process of formation and evolution of the German language film lexicon to identify linguistic and cultural features of this area of vocabulary.The purpose of the study is to determine the semantic features of the lexical units of the German language, representing the cinematic vocabulary in the framework of the historical development of the language. To achieve this research goal, the following tasks were set and solved: 1) the modern scientific linguistic literature has been studied and analyzed in order to form a theoretical basis for this research problem; 2) the semantic field of cinematography has been considered and the analysis of individual lexical units of German cinematography has been carried out and the modification of lexemes in the context of the historical development of the language in relation to modern trends has been described; 3) the nature of borrowing in the German language of film terms from other languages and the analysis of their structure is made. The article discusses the interpretation and definition of the semantic content of the German language film lexicon. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the grammatical and lexical modification of the German language film terminology based on the diachronic aspect is described for the first time in Russian linguistics, as well as the synchronic correlation of film vocabulary with modern trends is traced. As a result, it was revealed that the semantic group denoting the professions of performing skills in modern German is represented by the word composition of nouns, as a rule, one of which is a verbal noun. The German film language tends to use borrowed synonyms for the original word in communication, the vast majority of these borrowings came from Latin, French and English.
borrowings, film terminology, film lexicon, diachrony, film course, semantic analysis, semantics, cinema, German language, linguistics
Cherednichenko, L. (2023). Interactive documentaries: definition of the concept in Russian and foreign studies. Litera, 8, 79–94.
The article provides an overview of modern Russian and foreign studies considering the concept of "interactive documentary" (interactive documentary, i-docs, idoc) and related terms: "web documentary" (web documentary, web-doc, webdoc), "interactive documentary". Theoretical foundations are given, approaches to the definition of these concepts are briefly described. The study uses descriptive, informative, comparative and structural-functional methods to solve a scientific problem. The research material was the works of Russian, American, British, Spanish, Turkish and Chinese scientists from 2011-2023. The most common, frequently cited and used definitions were selected for the review. The author of the article draws attention to the terminological uncertainty in the field under study, identifies the problems associated with defining the boundaries of the concept of "interactive documentaries", highlights the most promising aspects in identifying the characteristics of this new phenomenon and outlines directions for further research. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that due to the multimodality, complexity, openness and dynamism of the form of interactive documentaries, it would be appropriate to designate this phenomenon as a meta-genre. The proposed research lays the prerequisites for further search for the most accurate definition of interactive documentaries, corresponding to the current level of media development, accumulated theoretical and creative experience.
multimedia, hybrid media, interactivity, new media, interactive documentary film, web-doc, i-docs, web documentary, interactive documentary, meta-genre
Myth and mythemes
Savvinova, G.E. (2023). Mythopoetics of Images in Olonkho "Nyurgun Bootur the Swift" by K. Orosin and P. Oyunsky. Litera, 8, 95–107.
The article is devoted to the mythopoetics of images in the Yakut heroic epic olonkho "Nyurgun Bootur the Impetuous" – an archaic version of the storyteller K. G. Orosin and the author's version of olonkho "Nyurgun Bootur the Impetuous" by the Yakut writer, poet P. A. Oyunsky. Comparative analysis of archaic and author's olonkho texts does not involve consideration of the volumes of olonkho, which differ greatly in the style of presentation and detail in them; there is no goal to determine the algorithm of comparative characteristics, since the texts have different chronological, historical conditions of creation.The purpose of the study is to determine the role and significance of the mythopoetics of images in the olonkho "Nyurgun Bootur the Swift" by K. G. Orosin and P. A. Oyunsky. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of traditional images in Olonkho. The scientific novelty of the presented research consists in an attempt to analyze and compare the images in the olonkho "Nyurgun Bootur the Impetuous" by K. G. Orosin and P. A. Oyunsky with the definition of their significance in the conceptual picture of the world reflecting the ethical and aesthetic representations of the people, their ethno-cultural consciousness. It is known that in the epic science of the same name olonkho K. Orosin and P. Oyunsky are assigned to the group of the central local tradition of Yakutia. At the same time, the conducted research has shown that olonkho has a complex historical origin, as evidenced by the revealed differences in the creation of mythological images-characters.
history, writer, Yakut literature, the picture of the world, myths, characters, mythological image, research, poetics, olonkho
Literary criticism
Prikhod'ko, K.O. (2023). The Image of a Fountain in the Selected Lyrics of Pernette du Guillét and Maurice Scève. Litera, 8, 108–118.
The article is dedicated to the image of a fountain – or a spring – in the lyrics of the poets of the Lyon School Pernette du Guillet and Maurice Scève. A clear spring as a symbol of love became widely known thanks to “The Romance of the Rose”, a French allegorical poem of the 13th century. The article provides a comparative analysis of selected lyrics by Pernette du Guillet and Maurice Scève, mostly from poetry collections “Rymes” and “Délie”. The purpose of the study is to compare the artistic motifs and imagery built by the poets around a fountain, which is a significant topos of courtly poetry. For this purpose, detailed comparative analysis of the lyrics of Maurice Scève, the head of the Lyon School of Poets, and Pernette du Guillet, his student, is carried with the help of poems with the image of a fountain. The novelty of the study is attributed to the fact that the lyrics of Pernette du Guillet with its problems and interpretation are practically unexplored in Russian literary studies. “Délie” by Scève is analyzed and interpreted in the dissertation of V.P. Avdonin dated 2013. The lyrics of Lyon poets' and the comparison of the concepts of love philosophy are topical themes in Russian literary studies. A fountain has several guises in the studied poems. The first is the healing from the fire of pernicious passion that can be found in its waters. While the water does save the lyrical heroine of Pernetta from the flames (as can be seen in the elegy plot), Scève pictures inextinguishable flames (continuing to burn even in water). They both – in their own way based on their gender roles – touch upon the motif of a naked lady bathing, which traces back to the myth of Actaeon. The fountain water is a soul mirror and a vessel of divine wisdom, it is an intermediary between a lover and a loved one.
Rymes, The Romance of the Rose, Marsilio Ficino, Francesco Petrarca, The Lyon School, Maurice Scève, Pernette Du Guillet, Délie, Neoplatonism, Petrarchism
Literary criticism
Pisarenko, A.Y. (2023). Motives and Images of Medieval Mysticism in the Works of Nikolai Gumilyov. Litera, 8, 119–126.
This scientific article is devoted to the study of the influence of mystical motifs and images of the Middle Ages on the work of the Russian poet Nikolai Gumilev. The central task of the study is to analyze the specific works of the poet, in which the influence of mystical themes is most clearly traced. The article draws attention to various aspects of the interaction of mysticism and creativity, including structure, rhythm, language and images in Gumilev's works. The article uses methods of comparative analysis, textual interpretation and cultural and historical contextualization. Particular attention is paid to the reception of mystical elements in Gumilev's work among his contemporaries and critics, such as Marina Tsvetaeva and Anna Akhmatova. One of the conclusions of the study is that mystical motifs and images not only enrich Gumilev's creative world, but also serve as a key factor in the formation of his unique style. This, in turn, allows us to consider him one of the most significant and interesting authors of Russian literature of the early XX century. The novelty of the study is a detailed analysis of mystical elements in the context of Gumilev's general style and aesthetic principles, which was not previously considered in such completeness. These results may be useful for further study of the influence of mystical themes on Russian literature in general and on Gumilev's work in particular.
symbolism, silver Age, contemporaries, criticism, medieval mysticism, poetry, Russian literature, mysticism, Gumilev, duality
Kirova, M.M. (2023). Genre-Thematic Originality of F. A. Iskander's Animalistic Works. Litera, 8, 127–140.
The subject of the study is the genre-semantic specificity of F. A. Iskander's animalistic prose. The object of research is four of his works: "Rooster", "Uncle Kazim's Horse", "The Story of the mule of the old Habug" and "Broad–brow". The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of the functioning of animal images, as well as fable and novelistic features in the poetics of Iskander's animalistic works. The influence of the novel genre determines the interest in the unique and the presence of affective contradiction. Hidden didacticism, expressed in the recurring motif of separation of man and animal, and poorly structured detailing refer to the genre of fable. Special attention is paid to the genesis of the above-mentioned phenomena. The author made the following conclusions. Firstly, the animalistic images of Iskander do not have obvious folklore roots: animals do not perform the function of a magical assistant, their intelligence is not connected with the cult of ancestors or werewolves. Secondly, the allegorical nature of the narrative is destroyed due to psychologism in the description of animals. A special contribution of the author to the study is the comparison of Iskander 's animalism with the works of Ch. Darwin. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that several well-established positions among Iskander scholars have been reinterpreted. Firstly, the analyzed works of Iskander are not just short stories, but are a synthesis of a short story and a fable. Secondly, the analogism of animals and humans, the ability of animals to metaphysical reflection are not an individual feature of Iskander's poetics, but are due to the influence of the works of Ch. Darwin. Thirdly, an attempt has been made to challenge the well-established opinion that animals in Iskander's works are more moral than people. In fact, they are true to the natural laws that people have stopped following. Iskander portrays the political regime as an aggressive biological environment, to which it is more difficult for animals to adapt than for humans. The analysis of Iskander's work clearly shows that Darwinism gives scope for new interpretations of literary animalism.
anthropocentrism, the great chain of being, Charles Darwin, fable, allegory, short story, animal studies, ecocentrism, Fazil Iskander, organicism
Pavlov, D.N., Golovanov, A.N., Tyrkalova, V.V. (2023). Media Narrative: On the Question of Structure and Functions. Litera, 8, 141–156.
As a research task, the authors made an attempt to analyze the phenomenon of the media narrative in the structural and functional aspect. The selected research material includes the following phenomena: Soviet posters, publications in the mass media (MSK) and videos (motivational content) posted on the TikTok platform. The subject side of the study includes narrative motifs presented in the relevant materials. The relevance of this scientific research is due to the fact that the media narrative has a large "manipulating resource" and can affect the individual or society. The manipulative "power" of the media narrative is increasing in direct proportion to the development of information technologies in modern society. The research methodology is based on the narrative theory of V. Ya. Propp, which involves the decomposition of the plot into composite invariant motifs. The analysis showed that the motive of struggle in the studied media narratives is the key one, it is repeated in all plot constructions - from the narrative of the Soviet poster to modern narrative forms. The importance of this motive is explained by the fact that it is associated with the goals of media exposure, and the recipients begin to reproduce the motives from the materials studied by the authors in reality. That is, we can say that the audience, consuming information containing this kind of media narrative, begins to become a part of it itself, but in reality.
social networks, motive, poster, manipulation, fairy tale, smk, mythology, Propp, media, Narrative
Bylevskiy, P.G. (2023). Culturological approach to the development of a general civil culture of Internet communications security. Litera, 8, 157–167.
The problem solved in this article is to determine the possibilities and advantages of a culturological approach to solving the problem of developing a general civil culture of Internet communications security. The subject of the study is the structural and functional features of this culture, and the object is the evolution of the formation of the corresponding complex of beliefs, knowledge, skills and abilities. The topic of expanding from a highly professional to a general civil culture of Internet communications security is considered. The increase in the share and importance of socio-cultural aspects compared with technical factors is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the substantive aspects of the general civil culture of Internet communications security: the insufficiency of methods for broadcasting rules and relevant examples to a mass audience, as well as the underestimation of the formation of intuitive caution, the ability to recognize threats in a timely manner and respond correctly to incidents. The novelty lies in the postulation of the high representativeness of the security culture of financial Internet services, due to the combination of the mass nature of civilian users and transactions with funds that are highly attractive to intruders. It was here that mass Internet crime was first formed, threats and methods of attacks and, accordingly, security tools evolved. The conclusion is made: the experience of countering "social engineering" in the field of mass financial services is useful as a basis for the formation and development of a general civil culture of Internet communications security, including socio-cultural threats: fake news, disinformation, destructive and prohibited content, and others.
destructive content, disinformation, social engineering, socio-cultural threats, mass civil culture, information security, Internet communications, fake news, hybrid warfare, safety culture
Literary criticism
Tyunyaeva, O.D. (2023). The reception of "Sketchers of a hunter" in USA, or I.S. Turgenev against slavery. Litera, 8, 168–175.
The following article contains a research of the reasons for Turgenev's "Sketches of a hunter" popularity in XIXth century USA. It is considered the general reasons for the interest of Russia and the United States in each other, and the immediate reasons for Turgenev's popularity in America in the 1850s. The author analyses early American reviews on this book and finds out that the cause for such popularity was the common social problem of slavery in the USA and serfdom in Russia. The first few reviews of Americans on Turgenev's book indicate that the author of "Sketches of a hunter" was initially perceived in the New World as a writer who raises only social problems. Some of Turgenev's texts were compared with the works of American writers, for example, with Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe's “Uncle Tom's Cabin”. The aesthetic meaning of "Sketches of a hunter" became clear to American critics only in the late 19th century due to some Turgenev-influenced American writers, such as George Cable, Hamlin Garland, Sherwood Anderson. At this time, the first complete English translation of "Sketches of a hunter" was made by Constance Garnet.
short story, reception, Russia, literary critic, XIXth century, America, serfdom, slavery, USA, Turgenev
Literary criticism
Balabaeva, A.S. (2023). The works of M. Y. Lermontov in the religious and philosophical criticism of V. S. Solovyov, D. S. Merezhkovsky and V. V. Rozanov. Litera, 8, 176–188.
The article discusses literary and critical articles by representatives of religious and philosophical criticism dedicated to M. Y. Lermontov. The works are united not only by the subject of analysis and the commonality of methodology, but also by the internal controversy that unfolded against the background of increased interest in the personality and creativity of the poet at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The author analyzes how the ethical work of V. S. Solovyov influenced his idea of Lermontov's "three demons", how the religion of the Third Testament of D. S. Merezhkovsky determined his search for Sophia, Eternal Femininity in Lermontov's work and how pantheism and anti-Christian sentiments of V. V. Rozanov were reflected in his analysis of the poet's God-fighting and demonic motives. The main conclusions of the study are the following: each of the three interpretations is based on the philosophical beliefs of each of the critics. All three are united by the desire to actualize Lermontov's work in the context of his modern era, moreover, they all view Lermontov's personality and work from neo-Christian positions. V. S. Solovyov interprets Lermontov negatively, due to the fact that he sees in him the ancestor of Nietzscheanism, which spread at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, including in Russia. Merezhkovsky, on the contrary, sees Lermontov as a model for inspiration when creating a renewed, "improved" Church of the Third Testament – with attention to the issue of gender, to the ontological equivalence of Good and Evil. Rozanov also assesses Lermontov positively from the point of view of the need to turn to the pagan-Jewish foundations of religion, as opposed to traditional Christianity.
third Testament, demonism, Lermontov, eternal femininity, religious philosophical literary criticism, Rosanov, Merezhkovsky, Solovyov, God-fighting motives, pantheism
Literary criticism
Kuts, N.V. (2023). E. F. Rosen in Pushkin's Sovremennik. Litera, 8, 189–197.
The subject of the study is the literary relationship of Baron E. F. Rosen (1800-1860) – poet, playwright, translator and critic, author of the libretto for the opera by M. I. Glinka "Life for the Tsar" (1836) – with the Pushkin circle. The object of the study was the history of Rosen's collaboration in Sovremennik (1836). The material was Rosen's publications in the Pushkin magazine and his correspondence of the 1830s. Special attention is paid to Pushkin's assessments of Rosen's work. Rosen's works published in Sovremennik are analyzed: the article "On Rhyme" and a fragment from the historical tragedy "The Daughter of John III". It is considered which of the writer's materials Pushkin printed and which he rejected, in accordance with the magazine's program. The novelty of the research lies in a holistic analysis of Rosen's participation in Pushkin's Sovremennik, which has not been conducted before. As a result, it turns out that Rosen is close to Pushkin and his entourage in some literary assessments (the problem of rhymeless verse, the work of N. V. Kukolnik). It is shown that Pushkin did not accept Rosen's acrimonious articles, not wanting to turn Sovremennik into a platform for magazine abuse. At the same time, Pushkin was genuinely interested in Rosen's dramatic work. He placed in the magazine an excerpt from the tragedy "The Daughter of John III", in which John III and Aristotle Fioravanti are having a conversation about politics, probably noticing in it a roll call with "Boris Godunov".
literary relationship, rhyme, literary criticism, Kukolnik, Kireyevsky, magazine, Pushkin, Rosen, Ivan III, Boris Godunov
Al-Lami, F. (2023). Linguistic picture of the world on the example of the diplomatic discourse of the Russian and Arabic languages. Litera, 8, 198–205.
Cultural differences are exacerbated when relations between ethnic groups are not uniform and ideal. In today's uncertain political environment, especially taking into account the Middle East, it is usual to use various methods and strategies to create clarity and confidence to exit the "emergency" in communication processes, regardless of specific political events and circumstances. The author notes that the genre of political discourse has its own vocabulary, which includes certain routine lexical devices and clichés. However, in modern languages (including Arabic), words lose their uniqueness and become polysemic, given the globalized environment and the world in which modern man lives. The study of some languages used in political discourse and the identification of linguistic features in this area are important for linguistics due to the small number of scientific studies in the field of political discourse in Arabic and Russian. It is also noted that today there are few scientific works devoted to some aspects of modern diplomatic issues. The study notes that some linguistic activities aimed at studying and clarifying the meaning of the form of political discourse are important, especially those related to the linguistic picture of the world, Arabic and Russian languages and methods of studying political discourse.
linguistic anthropology, international relations, political diplomacy, intercultural communication, translation, cultural specificity, Arabic language, Russian language, diplomatic discourse, language picture of the world
Ivanova, E.V. (2023). Greek borrowings and glosses in the translation of "Epitomy" by Constantine Harmenopoulos, made by Epiphanius Slavinetsky. Litera, 8, 206–218.
The object of the study was the Greek phrases used in glosses in the Slavic literature of the second half of the XVII century, the subject is their implementation in the translation of the Epitomies by Konstantin Armenopoul, made by Epiphanius Slavinetsky, and the relationship with other works of this scribe. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the use of Greek phrases in glosses in this translation. Particular attention is paid to the compilation of their own classification of marginalia based on available research. Adapting glosses, foreign-language equivalents to Slavic variants in the main text are considered separately, the characteristics of glossaries are given, the data are compared with the material of lexicons that were used by scribes. The novelty of the research consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of manuscripts not previously considered by scientists in the linguistic aspect. The main results of the analysis are to identify the role played by marginalia in the translation of "Epitomies": some of them are aimed at adapting the text for the reader, some are aimed at bringing the text closer to the original and are due to the Greek orientation of the translator. The description of the specifics of the work of the Moscow reference man with marks also clarifies the methodology of editing and searching for a more accurate translation, and also sheds light on the lexical and grammatical features of translations of the Chudovsky Book School of the second half of the XVII century.
translation studies, Old Church Slavonic Language, translations from Greek, Nikon's book reforms, Chudov`s book school, glosses, marginalia, greek borrowings, Constantine Harmenopoulos, Epiphanius Slavinetsky
Character in literature
Gaipova, N.U. (2023). Images of women in the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky. Litera, 8, 219–225.
The article examines the evolution of female images and suggests the continuation of the conversation about the study of the social portrait of women in A.N. Ostrovsky's dramaturgy. The growing interest in the study of female characters is the most important direction in modern Russian literature. The object of the study is the dramatist's plays written in different periods of creative activity. The purpose of this work is to identify the transformation of the way of thinking and family life of a Russian woman against the background of gradual social development in the XIX century. To achieve this goal, the work uses cultural-historical and comparative methods, the method of analysis and generalization. As a result of the conducted research, the types of female characters were identified as, victim, moralist, ideologue, fighter, Protestant and educated woman. The analysis showed that A.N. Ostrovsky is the creator of versatile characters of Russian women, who are distinguished by an exceptional moral appearance and spiritual purity. The conclusions can be used in subsequent analyses devoted to the Russian literature of the XIX century, the dramaturgy of A.N. Ostrovsky, gender studies. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the socio-psychological and spiritual characteristics of female images are revealed, as well as the factors that most influence the formation of personality and the predestination of fate.
morality, values, sociocultural changes, relationship, dramaturgy, play, personality, fate, hero, image
Xiuqing, C. (2023). The Role of Cognitive Metaphor in Chinese and Russian Languages. Litera, 8, 226–234.
Communication refers to cognitive activity, therefore it is necessary to comprehensively investigate its individual aspects. The purpose of this article is to study the role of cognitive metaphor in Russian and Chinese. The subject of the study is cognitive metaphor in Russian and Chinese languages. The object of the study is the meaning of cognitive metaphor in Russian and Chinese. The author used methods of deduction and induction, comparative, contextual analysis. The author examines in detail the stages in the study of metaphor. Translation is a special act of retransmission in the form of international communication, in which the transfer of thoughts, feelings, and cultural experience is especially important. Through language it is possible to reflect the system of spiritual culture. The main content of the moral foundation of the Russian cultural tradition is the principles of Orthodoxy. Chinese traditions are based on a powerful moral experience, the basis of which are the ideas of Confucianism. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of specific examples of cognitive metaphors in the text materials of Chinese-Russian intercultural communication. The concept of metaphor is investigated, its characteristics in the cognitive approach are revealed. A metaphor is a universal sign that performs an epistemological function in the process of transmitting information. Cognitive metaphor allows you to know and describe the unknown through acquired experience, is a key element of the thought process. Cognitive metaphor is of great importance in economic and political international translations. Most concepts in the commercial sphere are multi-component and difficult to perceive. The specific examples of cognitive metaphors in the materials of Chinese-Russian intercultural communication are analyzed. Practical recommendations on the correct understanding and use of cognitive metaphors in the translation process are offered.
transmission of information, russian cultural tradition, spiritual culture, retransmission, linguistics, language theory, Russian-Chinese communication, intercultural communication, metaphor, cognitive metaphor
Artamonova, M.V., Mambetov, A.A., Tulina, E.V. (2023). Chatbot as a translation tool. Litera, 8, 235–253.
This article is devoted to the study and analysis of modern technologies, namely artificial intelligence as an auxiliary tool in the work of a translator. The purpose of the study is to find out whether chatbots based on GPT–3.5 technology can be used in translation activities. The article compares the capabilities of chatbots and online text corpora, as well as checks their analytical abilities and ability to rhyme. Dialog assistants are given a task to find information or analyze it based on a query given to them. At the same time, it is checked whether chatbots developed by different companies provide the same information. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the attempt to find a universal tool that can automate the routine work of the translator. A special contribution of the authors of the study is an attempt for the first time to compare and analyze the rapidly developing functionality of chatbots in the context of translation activities and to identify key problems that do not allow the effective use of this technology in translation. As a result, it was determined that the modern GPT language model has many limitations and disadvantages that stop chatbots from becoming a reliable source of information and an efficient translation tool. Problems were identified, the solution of which would make it possible to use Chat GPT and other chatbots in translation activities.
Chatsonic, Sage, Perplexity, text corpora, pre-translation analysis, neural networks, Computer-Aided Interpreting systems, Chat GPT, artificial intelligence, chatbot
Yan, Y., Mitrofanova, I.I. (2023). The concept of "glory" in Russian and Chinese proverbs and sayings. Litera, 8, 254–261.
This article discusses the concept of "glory" in Russian and Chinese sayings and proverbs. Fame is one of the most important topics for a person, it has been said for centuries, and occupies a significant place in our lives. In the article we compare and analyze the differences between the Russian and Chinese concept of "glory". The purpose of the research of this article is to identify the concept of "glory" in sayings and proverbs against the background of Russian and Chinese linguistic and cultural traditions. The subject of this study is the idea of the concept of "glory" in Russian and Chinese proverbs and sayings. The scientific novelty of the research is that this article examines and analyzes the concept of "glory" in sayings, proverbs, idioms in Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world. This paper presents the results of the analysis of stable expressions, proverbs, sayings of two languages. Comparing and analyzing the concept of "glory" in Russian and Chinese, it can be noted that the concept reflects the linguistic and ethnic culture of Russia and China, which reflects the national characteristics of the peoples. This is of great importance for researchers of Chinese and Russian languages, and at the same time provides a good prospect for further research in the field of intercultural communication.
differences, linguoculturology, similarities, Russian, Chinese, linguistic picture of the world, adage, proverb, glory, concept
Gerasimova, A.A. (2023). Modern Arabic Scholars on Stress. Litera, 8, 262–280.
The article comments on the most significant phonetic works, which describe: • theoretical provisions on the physiology of percussive sound generation, • its acoustic features and parameters of the vowel component – syllabic carrier, • rules for placing stress in Arabic words, • Peculiarities and differences in the generation of stress in different idioms of the Arab world. The aim of the paper is to describe the basic concepts of Arab scholars regarding the stress in the Arabic word. The authors take a different look at the articulatory mechanism and acoustic characteristics of stress, highlighting various parameters of the stressed syllable, such as effort, exhaled air volume, intensity, tone, duration and distinctness. The purpose of the description is to identify the common features of Arabic stress. The article examines the works of Ibrahim Anis, Muhammad al-Nuri, Tamam Hassan and Ahmad Mukhtar Umar – authors of the 20th century, when experimental phonetic studies among Arabic linguists were not yet carried out, therefore, the paper describes a purely theoretical study of the issue. As the main factor of the stressed syllable, Arabic authors choose the effort applied for its implementation, as well as the tone – this is noted in the works of all the listed linguists. Two authors highlight the characteristics of distinctness and duration. According to all authors, intensity makes the least contribution to the stress of a syllable. All factors are associated with great effort at the stage of articulation. The article describes the history of interest in stress in Arabic grammatical monographs, as well as the main provisions and approaches to its definition, which made it possible to further experimental study of the issue.
Ibrahim Anis, distinctness, tone, effort, Ahmad Mukhtar Umar, Tamam Hassan, Muhammad al-Nuri, Arabic, stress, duration
Studenikina, D.G. (2023). Linguacultural prerequisites for the creation of new lexical units in dystopias (on the example of the lexical-thematic group "Names of socio-political organizations" in George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984"). Litera, 8, 281–288.
This research studies the mechanisms of the formation of the author's vocabulary in the text of a dystopia. This vocabulary is called non-existent designations of literary reality. Extra linguistic factors influence the formation of the author's neologism. One of the factors is culture, which influenced the formation of linguistic consciousness. A literary work is a space in which the linguistic embodiment of the author's image of the world, his linguistic culture is concentrated. The material of the research is the text of the dystopian novel "1984" by George Orwell. Dystopia is of interest as one of the fantastic subgenres. The structure of the dystopian world is constructed on the author's fantasy, demonstrating non-existent things. Non-existent denotations are named according to this genre specificity. In the composition of the novel, the depiction of contradictions in the life of society and an undesirable political system is significant for building the world. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to describe the lexical-thematic group "Names of socio-political organizations" in George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" and to identify productive elements for creating the vocabulary of this group. The paper uses the descriptive method used in the onomasiological approach. As a result of the research, the units that make up the lexical-thematic group "Names of socio-political organizations" were selected, productive elements for creating the studied names were identified, and their lexical meaning was characterized. It can also be concluded that the text of a dystopia is the space in which the author's imagination is realized when creating a non-existent world. This world is not a copy of objective reality. At the same time, the naming of fragments of the new reality is based on the knowledge contained in the mind of the author.
linguistic culture, lexical nomination, semiosis, occasionalism, narrator, linguistic personality, image of the world, fiction (science fiction), Dystopia, the lexical-thematic group