Question at hand
Danilova, V.A., Shikhalkina, T.G. (2020). M-learning in the process of studying English for specific purposes (ESP): methodological approaches and performance assessment. Litera, 3, 1–13.
The subject of this research is the methods of m-learning in teaching English language for specific purposes to students of the higher educational institution. The authors examine a range of questions related to digitalization of educational environment, as well as the relevance of implementation of mobile technologies into the process of teaching English language. The article analyzes various methods of m-learning and present a broad array of tasks developed by the authors. The efficiency of m-learning method is determined based on the results of questionnaire of students of the School of Design of the Higher School of Economics, after taking the course with application of mobile technologies over three-year period. The scientific novelty consists in examination of m-learning as a pedagogical innovation within the framework of university education. The authors attempt to invest into development of new teaching methodology through in-depth study of the possibilities and effectiveness of m-learning in foreign language teaching. The results of this research demonstrate that in the period from 2017 to 2019 there was a growth in student interest towards m-learning. Majority of students of the Higher School of Economics preferred taking the classes using mobile technologies, as they believe mobile learning is more efficient. Classes become more interactive and contribute to rapid development of language skills. However, some of the students take a cautious approach to this novelty, as they feel that traditional methodologies of teaching English language are more effective.
developing language skills, ESP, mobile devices, mobile technologies (MALL), teaching methods, m-learning, educational system, questionnaire, analysis, statistics
Literary criticism
Kiling, T.V. (2020). G. R. Derzhavin at the brink of dialogism: on the material of earlier lyrics. Litera, 3, 14–26.
On the background of growing interest towards the problem of dialogism of lyrics of the XIX – XX centuries, the author highlights a small number of works dedicated to research of the phenomenon of dialogism in the lyrics of the XVIII century, including the works of G. R. Derzhavin. The forms of manifestation of dialogism in the earlier lyrics of G. R. Derzhavin served as the subject of this research. The goal of this research is to determine the paths of formation of dialogical intentions in the process of establishment of authorial mentality of Derzhavin as a lyricist. The materials for this research contain triumphal odes created by Derzhavin during the 1760’s – 1770’s. The methodology is based on the problem of the author S. N. Broytman, who leans on the concept of dialogism. The structural-semantic method allows determining the dialogical structures and forms within the lyrical text. The results yielded paths of dialogization manifested in the earlier odes of Derzhavin: from mastering the communicative function of address, formed in the preceding odic tradition, to emergence of intuitively or consciously news to the genre canon odes of this period of dialogism – change in the distance between addressor and addressee, individualization of lyrical subject, emergence of speech subjects, etc., which serve as the scientific novelty of this research.
lyrical subject, communicative function of circulation, addressing, dialogueism, ode genre, early lyrics, Derzhavin, speech subject, dialogic forms, genre canon reform
Literary criticism
Zhornikova, M.N., Berezkina, E.P. (2020). Christian motifs and images in A. G. Rumyantsev lyrical cycle “At The Black Doorstep”. Litera, 3, 27–33.
This article is dedicated to examination of Christian imagery in lyrical cycle “At The Black Doorstep” by the Buryat poet A.G. Rumyantsev. The subject of this research is semantic correlation of the key images and motifs of the cycle with the Christian values. The object of this research is literary comprehension of Christian symbolism in a lyrical text. The central theme in the cycle – tragedy of a father who lost his son – is reflected in the motif pairs “darkness – light”, “curse – forgiveness”, as well as theme of apocalypses and reference to the images of natural world. Methodology is based on the axiological principle, according to which the defining in artistic consciousness of the poet is his personal values and priorities. For determination of Cristian code of the images and motifs, the author applied structural-semiotic method. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a motif and imagery analysis of A. G. Rumyantsev lyrical cycle “At The Black Doorstep” from the perspective of Christian symbolism. A conclusion is formulated that Christian imagery encompasses a recurring for the entire cycle theme of soul revival of a lyrical character, a path he walked from personal apocalypses and inner darkness to light through acceptance and forgiveness.
motif, poetry cycle, Rumyantsev’s works, poets of Buryatia, twentieth century poetry, poetry, Russian literature, image, imagery and motif analysis, Christian imagery
Literary criticism
Efimov, A.S. (2020). The novella “Fatal Sacrifice” by A. A. Dyakov (A. Nezlobin) and motif of the “counsel of the wicked”. Litera, 3, 34–40.
This article explores the impact of the elements and techniques of romantic and gothic literatures of the XVIII – XIX centuries upon anti-nihilistic novella “The Fatal Sacrifice” (1876) by A. A. Dyakov (A. Nezlobin). Attention is focused on the gothic-romantic motif of the “counsel of the wicked” and its adaptation to the relevant sociopolitical context of Russia and Russian émigré of the 1870’s. It is demonstrated that a mythological image of “witches’ sabbath” and characteristic to it motifs of “sacrifice”, “veneration of idols”, etc. become the techniques for depicting in the “Fatal Sacrifice” of a Swiss “club” of nihilists, revolutionists-socialists, and Narodniks. The author applies the biographical, comparative and historical methods of research, motif analysis, as well as analysis of storyline and characterology. The ideological component of nihilistically oriented Russian society of the 1860’s – 1870’s is taken into account. The novella “Fatal Sacrifice”, which is included into the cycle “Kruzhkovschina” (1876-1879) is being analyzed for the first time, since there is no special scientific literature on these works within the Russian or foreign literary studies. The novelty of this research also consists in raising a question of the influence of romantic and gothic prose upon the works of A. A. Dyakov. Such influence is related to the two common to Russian anti-nihilistic literature semantic lines: eschatological and prophetic.
Switzerland, coven, clanship, gothic novel, revolution, Nezlobin, Dyakov, Russia, communism, nihilism
Sokolova, O., Stanislavskaya, S. (2020). Speech portrait of a journalist V. M. Peskov as a carried of the full-range type of speech culture. Litera, 3, 41–47.
This article is dedicated to the speech portraying of linguistic personality of the journalist – one of the relevant problems of modern linguistics, substantiated by development of the methodology of reconstruction of linguistic personality, as well as the current state of journalism and linguistic problems of modern mass media. The authors attempt to create a speech portrait of personality of V. M. Peskov, whose words signify an example of journalistic mastery and high level of speech culture. Major attention is paid to the individual characteristics of artistic matter of the journalist that describe his linguistic personality, worldview and values. The conclusion is made that the individual speech portrait of V. M. Peskov allows determining his linguistic personality as the carrier of full-range type of speech culture that possesses not only professional, but also life experience and established system of ethical values. His signature speech indicates creative individuality and skillful use of expressive means, as well as following the laws of journalism genre and compliance with the norms of literary language. The novelty of this research consists in the authors’ attempt to reveal the individual speech characteristics of V. M. Peskov on the one hand, and qualities typical for a top-notch newspaper journalist, which would allow to develop criteria for classification of the carrier of high speech culture.
newspaper and public discourse, literary language, journalistic style, figurative-expressive means, a full-featured type, language personality, speech portrait of a journalist, plotting, type of speech culture, reflexive
Polonskaya, O.Y. (2020). Metaphorical modeling of migration: on the material of the U. S. mass media . Litera, 3, 48–54.
This article is dedicated to examination of metaphorical peculiarities of representation of migration in the U. S. press. The object of this research is the metaphorical perception of migrants and migration in mass media language of the United States. The subject is the metaphorical models structuring the concept sphere of “migration” in mass media language of the United States. The goal of this work consists in analysis of the peculiarities of metaphorical modeling of migration in the U. S. political media discourse. The relevance is defined by insufficient coverage of metaphorical perception of the migration processes by modern mass media of the United States. The research is based on the cognitive approach, according to which metaphor is a fundamental phenomenon in perception of the surrounding environment. Study of the linguistic material and description of metaphorical model allowed determining the attitude towards migrants at the current stage of development of the U. S. society. The analysis of conceptual metaphors was conducted via continuous sampling from digital versions of the well-known newspapers “The New York Times”, “USA Today” and “The Wall Street Journal”. The author highlights the three main groups of metaphors: signifying natural phenomena and disasters; military; and goods-commodity.
migration, migrant, linguistic sign, linguoculture, discource, conceptualization, concept, conceptual metaphor, verbalization, metaphorical model
Van, N. (2020). To the question of the name of a text field. Litera, 3, 55–65.
This article is dedicated to the problem of the choice of name for a text semantic field formed within a literary text. The goal consists in determination of factors that hinder or preclude the naming of a text field. The subject of this research is the text semantic field observed particularly in the novels of F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot” and I. S. Turgenev “Home of the Gentry”. The author establishes that the text semantic field is closely connected to the contexts where elements of the field can be equitable, which complicates determination of the core and periphery of a text field, namely its name. In the course of research, the author applied the methods of analysis of scientific literature, interpretation of literary text as an aesthetic system, and method of semantic analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author is first to discuss the question of difficulties of naming a text field using the materials of the novels “The Idiot” by F. M. Dostoevsky and “Home of the Gentry” by I. S. Turgenev. The conclusion is made that in majority of cases a text field can be named by the most frequent element therein. At the same time, the name “Idiot” in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel does not fully reveal the content of a text field. In some instances it is impossible to name a text field (as in the novel “Home of the Gentry” by I. S. Turgenev), since elements of the field deal with the equitable mutual implication.
polyphonic text, literary text, implication, context, field constituents, language field, field name, text field, The Noble Nest, The Idiot