Spalek, O.N. (2019). Linguocultural image of cities in Polish phraseologisms with the elements-astionyms, urbanonyms and ethnonyms. Litera, 6, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the linguocultural image of cities in Polish phraseology. The phraseological units of Polish language containing astionyms, urbanonyms and ethnonyms served as the material for this study. Special attention is given to determination of the constitutive components of the image of cities in phraseology. The author analyzes the reflected in phraseological units stereotypic representations on the large and small Polish and foreign cities; underlines peculiarities of their historical, political, economic and cultural development. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the comprehensive analysis of verbalization of the image of cities in Polish toponymic and ethnonymic phraseology. The methods of synchronic description, semantic and linguoculturological analysis were applied in the course of this research. The author was able to establish the complexity of such image, as well as revealed the recorded in phraseology representations of the political, administrative, economic, cultural, architectural, geographical and demographic aspects of the cities.
linguoculturology, astionym, toponym, onym, onomasiology, phraseology, linguistic picture of the world, proper name, onomastics, urbanonym
Literary criticism
Khayrulina, O.I. (2019). “King Hunger” and “Anathema” by Leonid Andreyev and “The Burghers of Calais” by Georg Kaiser: comparative analysis. Litera, 6, 12–17.
Typological proximity of Leonid Andreyev’s and Georg Kaiser’s dramaturgy has repeatedly become a subject for discussion among researchers back in the early XX century, however, the comparative analysis of separate plays of the two dramaturgists has not been previously conducted. Using the example of the conditionally-allegorical plays of L. Andreyev “King Hunger” and “Anathema” and historical drama of G. Kaiser “The Burghers of Calais”, the author finds these points of intersection at the level of the system of characters, language, partially problematics, as well as authorial remarks. The author applies the comparative literary analysis that allows revealing the typological correlation between dramaturgical works of L. Andreyev and dramaturgy of the representative of German expressionism G. Kaiser. The main conclusions consist in determination of similarity between the expressionistic dramaturgy of Georg Kaiser and conditionally-allegorical plays of Leonid Andreyev, which underlines a spontaneous succession of expressive means, as well as the common aesthetic orientation of the dramaturgists.
conditional-allegorical drama, historical drama, literature of the 20th Century, Kaiser, Andreev, dramaturgy, expressionism, comparative literary studies, german literature, typological proximity
Ulianova, K. (2019). The categories of “active” and “passive” stylistics in the formal speech of Chinese language. Litera, 6, 18–24.
The subject of this research is the two main categories of stylistic syntax of the Chinese language – active and passive stylistics. The active stylistics implies expressive means aimed at exerting aesthetic effect on the recipient of text, while the passive stylistics indicates stylistic approaches underlining the abstract, generalizing and precise character of presentation of formal documents. Despite the prevalence of passive stylistic in the formal texts, the resources of active stylistics are present upon availability in the documents of the elements of aesthetic and emotional information. Using content analysis and component analysis of the documents from Chinese sources, the author determines the basic stylistic approaches of the formal speech of Chinese language, characterized from the perspective of functional approach using the method of synchronic description. For the first time in Russian linguistics are determined the peculiarities of using the means of active and passive stylistics in formal Chinese texts, as well as certain restrictions on the usage of linguistic expressive means in the various genres of formal style of speech. The acquired results may be valuable in further research dedicated to stylistic syntax of the Chinese language, as well as contribute to the optimal choice and usage of expressive means in practice of comprising formal documents in the Chinese language.
expressive means, passive stylistics, active stylistics, stylistic devices, stylistics, document, formal style of speech, Chinese language, figures of speech, syntactic figures
Evlasev, A.P., Sychugova, L.A. (2019). Sociocultural categorization of the areas of use of politically correct vocabulary (on the materials of German mass media). Litera, 6, 25–33.
This article examines the sociocultural categorization of the areas of use of politically correct vocabulary on the material of German mass media. The category of political correctness is viewed as a system of cultural and linguistic norms within the framework of sociopolitical discourse in the modern world. Another relevant question is the linguistic representation of the principle of political correctness along with determination of the new trends of its expression in the German sociopolitical discourse. The research is conducted in terms of such scientific directions as the theory of linguistic manipulation and communication theory. The author applies the methods and approaches of the linguistic analysis of factual material: semantic analysis of lexical units, content analysis, component analysis, and method of generalization. The scientific novelty consists in the sociocultural analysis of expressive means of political correctness in the German language based on the material of modern mass media. The conducted analysis of factual material demonstrates that within the German sociopolitical discourse prevail the lexical units, which for the most part pertain to such areas of use of political correctness as physical, social, cultural, institutional, and others.
connotations, political discourse, intercultural communication, linguistic picture of the world, politically correct vocabulary, sociocultural categorization, political correctness, word-formation model, euphemism, language phenomenon
Shukurov, D.L. (2019). The principles of nomination of God in liturgical texts of Oriental Churches. Litera, 6, 34–52.
The goal of this research is the philological study of the principle of nomination of God in liturgical practice of the ancient Oriental Churches pertaining to the reverence of the name of God. The object of this research becomes the liturgical service in Oriental Christian Churches; the subject is the principles of nomination of God in liturgical texts of oriental traditions. The author examines from linguocultural perspective the religious interpretations of the name of God in terms of liturgical theology. Special attention is paid to the analysis of peculiarities of the formation of structural parts of oriental anaphors on the context of the developed linguistic hermeneutics of the name of God. To achieve the set objectives, the author applied the methodological principles of linguistic hermeneutics and Biblical exegetics; methodological systems of comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics, liturgical theology and liturgics. Exegetic-philological method within the framework of methodological system of Biblical exegetics, liturgical theology and liturgics was used to explain the meaning of liturgical texts. The novelty of this scientific work consists in studying the principles of nomination of God within the oriental liturgical texts and identification of their similarity with the doctrine of onomatodoxy. The article provides an extended hermeneutic characteristics of these principles.
nomination of God, Armenian Church, Alexandrian liturgical tradition, Mesopotamian anaphora, liturgical traditions, Oriental Churches, Name of God, Tetragrammaton, Christian theology, onomatology
Sychugova, L.A., Evlasev, A.P. (2019). Modeling of conceptual metaphor in the poetic discourse (based on the poetry of L. Cohen). Litera, 6, 53–57.
This article is dedicated to examination of the poetic discourse in cognitive linguistics, as well as consideration of the problem of modeling of conceptual metaphor based on the poetry of L. Cohen in the period from 1976 to 2016. It is also relevant to explore the cognitive metaphorical system of such type of discourse. The article contains the analysis of modeling of the conceptual metaphor on the grounds of the most frequent spheres-sources and most common to them spheres-objectives in the poetry of L. Cohen, which allows determining the individual peculiarities of the poetic style of L. Cohen. The works of G. Lakoff, M. Johnson, V. A. Maslova, Z. D. Popova, I. A. Sterin served as methodological framework for this research. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that in the poetic discourse metaphor manifests as a crucial means for the creation of original images that reflect the author’s poetic outlook language picture of the world juxtaposed to the everyman’s worldview. Poetry of L. Cohen represents unique source of metaphors for studying the cultural concepts of modernity. The application of contemporary theories allows determining the individualism of his poetic style. The exploration of linguistic distinctness of his poetry provides interesting material for consideration of language and ethnic pictures of the world.
conceptual spheres, language phenomenon, sphere-target, sphere-source, metaphorical modeling, conceptual metaphor, poetic discourse, cognitive linguistics, language picture of the world, poetic style
Larionov, D.V. (2019). “Gender landscape” of the relevant Russian poetry in the context of poetology: “women’s writing” of Anna Alchuk, Marina Tyomkina, Galina Rymbu, and Oksana Vasyakina. Litera, 6, 58–65.
This article is devoted to examining the work of four renowned modern poets: Anna Alchuk (1955-2008), Marina Tyomkina (1947), Galina Rymbu (1990), and Oksana Vasyakina (1992). Belonging to different generations, these authors still find substantial similarities, which are pointed out in the article. The subject of this research is the gender problematic in the poetry of Alchuk, Tyomkina, Rymbu and Vasyakina, which is discussed in a broader context of the changes taking place within the modern literary process. The novelty of this research consists in the parallel examination of the work of these authors, who were previously looked at in scientific research separately or not at all. In analyzing the gender problematic within the poetic texts of Anna Alchuk, Marina Tyomkina, Galina Rymbu, and Oksana Vasyakina, it was discovered that the younger poets more clearly display the connection between the poetic art and political engagement.
utopia, experience, gender issues, contemporary art, lyrical subjecy, female witing, contemporary russian poetry, gender, poetical language, language
Question at hand
Shi , J. (2019). Criteria for classifications of geographical names of Russia and China. Litera, 6, 66–77.
This article describes the criteria for classification of geographical names of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. The author carefully examines the scientific significance of classification of geographical names, criteria for their classification, and various classifications of geographical objects. The question on classification of geographical names is not only the most topical and complicated problem of onomastics, but also plays an important role in studying the comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics. Application of the descriptive and comparative methods allow examining the classification of geographical names of Russia and China. The main result consist in the achievement of concrete results pertaining to the differences and similarities of geographical names of Russia and China through comparison of the classification of toponyms in accordance with the semantic meaning in the form of a table.
Chinese, toponyms, geographical names, criteria, classification, toponymy, topology, onomasiology, Russian language, comparative analysis
Literary criticism
Mohammadi, Z. (2019). Lermontov’s “Death of the Poet” in Persian language: extralinguistic difficulties of translation and level of equivalence with the original. Litera, 6, 78–83.
The goal of this article is the analysis of Persian translation of Lermontov’s poem “Death of the Poet” and assessment of the level of equivalence of translation with the original. Based on the Theory of Translation Equivalence Level developed by V. N. Komissarov, the author explores extralinguistic (mainly cultural) difficulties occurred in the process of translating Lermontov’s poem into Persian language. It is hard to convey an idea of cultural events and realities of the Russian literary life to the Iranian audience. Social and public life of Russia of the XIX century is also inscrutable and unfamiliar for an Iranian reader. Non-acquaintance with the history of literary life of the XIX century also complicates the task of a translator of Lermontov’s poetry. The article explores the Persian translation of Lermontov’s poem from the perspective of the theory of equivalence, and analyzes the extralinguistic difficulties occurred in the process of translating to Persian language. Despite all difficulties, which first and foremost relate to the cultural concepts and social events, the linguistic capabilities of Persian language and command of the Russian and Persian languages the translator allows reaching high level of translation equivalence with the original. It may be said that Persian translation of “Death of the Poet” is equivalent with the Russian version on the level of message, and at times, on the level of linguistic signs.
translation difficulties, Russian language, cultural concepts, equivalence level, Persian language, Death of poet, poem, translation, literary translation, translator
World literature
Kukushkina, E. (2019). Theatre of the neo-absurd in Malaysia: dramaturgy of the paradox. Litera, 6, 84–93.
This article examines the dramaturgy segment of Malaysia, usually referred by literature scholars and critics to the theatre of the absurd. This circle of dramatic texts was created in the 1970’s – early 1980’s. The subject of this research is the worldview foundation of this layer of dramaturgy and the fundamental principle of creation of the scripts. The goal of this work consists in determination of specificity of the Malaysian absurdism, generated by a distinct perception of its Western prototype by the Malaysian dramaturgists. The key objective of this analysis is to identify the methods of realization of the author’s ideological message in the plays. The orientation of the Malaysian theatre towards the Western source suggest the use of the comparative-typological approaches. This aspect of the Malaysian theatre of the absurd has not been previously examines in the works dedicated to modern literature. The research results demonstrate that the key approach towards structuring the script is the approach of literary paradox, as well as recommend the term “neo-absurdism” as a more precise designation for the phenomenon in question.
dramaturgy of neo-absurd, literary paradox, theater of absurd, contemporary theater, postrealistic dramaturgy, Malaysian dramaturgy, Malay literature, Dinsman, Johan Jaafar, Hatta Azad Khan
Grushina, O.A. (2019). Verbal aggression in the media texts in Swahili language. Litera, 6, 94–101.
This article examines the interaction mechanism between English language and Swahili in the field of Tanzanian mass media. Lexical content of media texts is of scientific interest due to the fact that it is a unique segment of modern literary (“standard”) Swahili, intended for consumption by mass audience. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of use of English-language borrowings in the modern news media texts in Swhahili language. The author meticulouslu examines the reason of using English loanwords, as well as their adaptation in Swahili. Media texts of the online version of Tanzanian newspaper Mtanzania served as the materials for this study. The conducted analysis determined the presents in media texts of a substantial amount of English-language borrowings belonging to various thematic groups. For information recipient, the English loanwords often turns into agnonym, since the meaning of the word is unclear, causing the sense of tension and inadequacy. Unjustified use of borrowings may be considered as one of the forms of verbal aggression as a result of negative effect of information upon the reader.
mass media language, mass media, corpus, speech aggression, English loan words, borrowings, mediatext, Swahili, foreign words, English language
Alieva, F.A., Mukhamedova, F.K. (2019). Ethnospecifics of the songs on seasonal work migration of the urban locality of Kubachi. Litera, 6, 102–108.
The subject of this research is the historically formed folklore tradition of the ethnic environment. The object of this research is the unique thematic cycle of songs on seasonal work migration in the national lyrics of the Kubachi folklore, a high-altitude locality in the Republic of Dagestan, known for its unique jewelry mastery. Seasonal work migration, caused by the socioeconomic, historical and geographical conditions of livelihood in the region, contributed to the origin of the lyrical songs among the people – the so-called songs on seasonal work migration. They brightly and emotionally express the feelings and the moods of the artisans, forced to abandon their homes and head for foreign land to find work. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that it is the first to conduct special analysis on the seasonal work migration songs as a unique song cycle of the migrating artisans, the residents of the high-altitude locality of Kubachi, forced to scour various cities and countries in search of work. The work presents the findings on the enthospecific uniqueness, thematic specificity, and creative techniques typical for this song cycle.
vocabulary, thematics, songs about seasonal work, local features, Kubachi, folklore, ethnospecifics, poetic, expressive means, craftwork
Literary criticism
Oktyabr'skaya, O.S. (2019). The genre of Kievan Rus' annals and its manifestation in the poem of N. P. Konchalovskaya “Our Ancient Capital”. Litera, 6, 109–115.
The subject of this research is the analysis of genre elements of the annals realized in the historical poem by Natalya Konchalovskaya, continuity of Konchalovskaya’s poem to the traditions of Kievan Rus' annals and determination of the timeless character of the moral values proclaimed by this XX century poet, determination in Konchalovskaya’s poem characteristic to the annals factographic foundation of the poem, chronological principal of expression with partial retardation, bright portraiture, mosaic character of coupling of multifaceted episodes and simultaneous reproduction of unified historical process of development of Russian statehood, culture, economy, etc.. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the need for renewed examination of the poem “Our Old Capital”, which remains an important component of moral upbringing of modern child and teenager, and continues the best traditions of Russian literature. The author concludes that there is a solid factographic foundation to Konchalovskaya’s poem, its polygenre structure, most precise and complete reproduction of historical coloration of every particular era, as well as complex portraiture and eventive painting.
color of the era, factographic accuracy, tropic language, the formation of statehood, the genre of teachings, epic epics, Old Russian annals, Konchalovskaya, historical portrait, historical detai
Question at hand
Kurakova , I.A. (2019). The image of a teenager in the educational novel “Paper Towns” by John Green. Litera, 6, 116–127.
The subject of this research is the image of a modern American teenager described in John Green’s novel “Paper Towns”, which represents the coming-of-age story of a young man. The article analyzes the inner world of the protagonist, his relationship with patterns and friends, demonstrates the difficulties he faces on the path of becoming a new person. The theoretical framework contains the works of Russian (M. M. Bakhtin, A. V. Dialektova, Y. S. Kamardina, N. V. Osipova, N. S. Shalimova) and foreign scholars (C. Morgenstern, W. Dilthey, M. Hirsch, D. Buckley) dedicated to the history and theory of the novel. The research is conducted on the basis of literary method of analysis with the elements of linguistic. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author is first to analyze the image of a teenager and his personal becoming in John Green’s educational novel “Paper Towns”. It is established that transformation of the inner world of the protagonist and moving into adulthood takes place under the influence of the feelings of love and trials associated with them. In the course of the research, the author determines the storyline elements reflecting such events in the character’s transition into adulthood as first love, wanderings and disappointments.
adolescence, self-identification, self-affirmation, genre forms, educational novel, John Green, Paper Towns, American literature, images of teenagers, novel
Vavichkina, T., Vlasova, Y. (2019). Allomorphic features of phonetic systems of the Russian and Arab languages as a source of linguistic interference. Litera, 6, 128–136.
Over the recent decade the process of teaching pronunciation and development of writing ability among the Russian students studying Arab language in the People’s University of Friendship of Russia, met certain difficulties. The initial stages of studying were marked by major mistakes in pronunciation, intoning and spelling of Arab words. The authors see it as a result of influence of the system of native (or actively used in everyday life) Russian language upon the system of the studied Arab language on the background of weak capacity of the students to phonetic analysis. Using the method of observation, the authors collected the typical pronouncing and spelling mistakes of the students-Arabists at this stage of learning. Further classification, generalization and analysis of these mistakes allowed determining the source of the problems. The conclusion is made that the consideration of allomorphic characteristics of phonetic systems of the Russian and Arab languages, which lead to linguistic interference, would help the pedagogues to forecast and reduce the amount of spelling mistakes among the students-Arabists at the beginning stage of learning. The problem addressed in the article is of great practical interest and would be helpful for the faculty members of higher education.
combinative changes of sounds, positional changes of sounds, phoneme variants, phoneme, phonetic processes, phonetic system, allomorphic features, Arabic language, interference, intonation
Wu, P. (2019). Semantics of red color designation within Chinese and Russian languacultures. Litera, 6, 137–146.
The subject of this research is the semantics of the red color within Chinese and Russian languacultures. The aim of this research is to determine the cultural connotations, which found the reflection in the semantics of red color designation in Chinese and Russian languages. The novelty of this research consists in the comparative character of the analysis of the semantics of the color red. Methodology of the research included the works of Russian linguists N. B. Bakhilina, T. M. Vasilyeva, T. I. Vedina, L. S. Gurieva, I. V. Dvoretsky, V. G. Kulpina, F. N. Novikov, S. G. Ter-Minasova and T. Y. Svetlichnaya. The culture-specific use of the lexeme red within Russian language are the notions of “festive”, “valuable”, and “bright”. Results of this research can add to the general theory of color designations within languages. A conclusion is made that semantics of one of the main basic colors denotes in the two languacultures both elements of similarity, as well as culture-specific features.
hieroglyphic sign, value, Russian language, Chinese, Red color, color designation, Chinese linguistic culture, semantics, Russian linguistic culture, lexis
Alchinova, G.R. (2019). To the question on Bashkir superstitions of anthropological orientation (on the example of evil eye). Litera, 6, 147–153.
The subject of this research is the Bashkir superstitions of anthropological orientation. Superstitious beliefs are a complex, insufficiently studied genre of folklore. Using the example of Bashkir folklore, the author examine the widespread in multiple cultures superstition – the evil eye – a malevolent glance upon something or someone. Envy and admiration are considered the main reasons for evil eye curse. The article uses the examples of Bashkir superstitious beliefs related to evil eye and protection against it. For achieving the set tasks and goals, the author conducted questionnaire-based survey among informants from various districts of the republic analyzes the accumulated material and compares with the previously collected folklore of Kurgan and Orenburg Bashkirs. Relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the fact that a person, often subconsciously, believes in superstition, which causes anxiety and behavioral pattern aimed at protecting himself and loved ones against the evil eye. The author comes to the conclusion that in the folklore there are multiple methods of protection against admiring or malevolent glances. Window tracery, ornaments, drawings, embroideries, décor items, silver (Bashkir women always carried silver coins) served as protective amulets. Protection power is also attributable to the Holy Book of Quran, cutlery (knife and scissors), object of flora (rowan and juniper) and animal nature (bear of wolf tooth, claw of golden eagle). Evil eye is also often mentioned in Bashkir literature, particularly in the novel of Z. Biiesheva.
child protection, pregnant woman, jinx, prohibition, sign, faith, superstition, amulet, magic words, belief
Shamaeva, A.E. (2019). Reflexes of the Middle Mongolian affricate *č in dialectical lexis of the Yakut language. Litera, 6, 154–160.
The subject of this research is the Yakut-Mongolian parallels of dialectic lexis of the Yakut language encountered only in the local dialects and unknown in the literary Yakut language. The object of this research is the phonetic processes in Mongolian parallels of dialectical lexis of the Yakut language. The author meticulously examines the reflexes of the Middle Mongolian affricate *č in Mongolian parallels of dialectical lexis of the Yakut language, which data corresponds with the various development stages of the old written Mongolian language. Analysis is conducted with consideration of phonetic changes that have occurred in the history of development of the Yakut and Mongolian languages. The author applies the method of comparative analysis of orthogram of the word in the old Mongolian writing with the data of dialectical lexis of the Yakut language. It is revealed that dialectical lexis of the Yakut language demonstrates the state of Mongolian dialects of the X-XIV centuries, i.e. the time when in Mongolian languages was present the indigenous *č + vowel and či taking roots in the historic *ti. The author also determines the instances, which reflect the evidence of the ancient and possibly late Yakut-Mongolian connection.
history of the Yakut language, Yakut-Mongolian contacts, dialects of the Yakut language, old-written Mongolian language, Yakut language, Mongolisms, Yakut-Mongolian parallels, consonantism of the Yakut language, affricate, dialect word
Kiianova, K. (2019). Syntactic-stylistic peculiarities of political speech of Angela Merkel . Litera, 6, 161–166.
The subject of this research is the analysis of syntactic-stylistic means used by the German politician for creating an effective and influential speech. The object of this research is the texts of public political speeches of Angela Merkel in the period from 2009 to 2016. Based on the material of public utterances, the author determines and describes the syntactic peculiarities of their structuring, as well as percentage of the sentences with subordinating conjunctions. The article demonstrates the most frequent stylistic devices: recitation, repetition, syntactic parallelism, inversion, question-answer constructs, rhetoric question, and antithesis. The author substantiates the significance of the use of one or another stylistic device from the perspective of reception of speech and pragmatic effect. The scientific novelty consists in the need for analysis of syntactic-stylistic means based on the material of public political speech of the contemporary German politician. Public utterances of Angela Merkel have not previously become the separate object of linguo-stylistic analysis within the Russian Germanic philology. The conclusion is formulated on the specificity of stylistic devices characteristic of the speeches of Angela Merkel.
German political discourse, political discourse, political communication, public speech, political speech, syntactic peculiarities, stylistic devices, persuasive speech, addressee factor, Angela Merkel
Question at hand
Otsomieva, Z.M. (2019). Geographical terminology in the Avar toponymy. Litera, 6, 167–176.
The subject of this research is a review of the system of microtoponyms created on the basis of the local geographical terminology; they vary considerably forming an interim lexical layer, transitional between the nominal lexis (appellatives) and onomastic (toponyms). Examination of toponymic terminology has two interrelated sides, comprised of the terms that are defined differently: they are simultaneously the indicators, nomenclatural, nominal, folk, etc. This lexicological study determines the role of geographical terms in the toponymy of Bezhtinsky, Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky, Tlyaratinsky, Khunzakhsky and Tsumadinsky districts of Dagestan. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that appellatives take active part in formation of the own geographical names. It is easy to distinguish two categories among the geographical terms: 1) class terms denote landscapes, large terrain elements, hydrographies, soil and vegetation cover, and others that generalize geographical phenomena and objects; 2) specific terms characterize narrower elements of natural environment, types of landscapes, rather than their zonal structure. Grammatically, the terms in toponymies may be in the second position. The areas of toponymic names of Bezhtinsky, Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky, Tlyaratinsky, Khunzakhsky and Tsumadinsky districts of Dagestan often do not comply with the boundaries of dialects established by appellatives.
microtoponym, toponymic models, derivational toponyms, geographic terms, toponymic microsystem, regional toponymy, toponym, the Dagestan languages, semantics, appellative
Question at hand
Asanova, E.R. (2019). Gabriel Allon Series by Daniel Silva: the genre nature. Litera, 6, 177–184.
This article provides a review of the works of the modern American writer, particularly the genre nature of his novels. Daniel Silva is the author of over twenty epic works, which are referred by literary critics to the genre of spy novel. Nineteen out of them comprise the series united by the main protagonist Gabriel Allon – the fine art restorer, who besides his main activity was an agent for Israeli intelligence services in various European countries. First appearance of Gabriel takes place in the novel “The Kill Artist”, which drastically transforms the traditional semantics of espionage in mass literature. Each year Daniel Silva publishes a new novel, relocating the character into various countries and posing new challenges, which often do not fit the framework of the familiar forms of intelligence activity seen on the pages of spy novels. The genre affiliation of all D. Silva’s works is epos; although in a more meticulous way, attention should be paid to publicistic style. Novelistic feature prevail on the genre level; though, the hero is presented “ready to go”, which again, also unlocks the rigid genre boundaries of the works of D. Silva. The storyline events demonstrate the elements of various genre forms – spy novel, detective, thriller, suspense, actions, political novel. Examination of their mutual influence and coexistence within the framework of a single work, along with identification of the scope of D. Silva’s novels, allows understanding the phenomenon of his works.
popular literature, political novel, saspence, thriller, detective, spy novel, genre, Gabriel Allon, nature-genre, Daniel Silva
Literary criticism
Gasharova, A.R. (2019). Dagestan folklore motifs in the works of A. A. Beztuzhev-Marlinsky. Litera, 6, 185–196.
The subject of this research is the prose works of A. A. Beztuzhev-Marlinsky related to Dagestan folklore and ethnography. The author attempts to demonstrate the reflection and transformation of Dagestan folklore in the Russian literature using the writer’s work as an example. The power and distinctness of Marlinsky’s talent consists in application of various means of artistic representation, including folklore, and translates hem in his manner and style. Using the descriptive, comparative and hermeneutic methods of analysis the author characterizes the moments in Marlynsky’s prose associated with the Dagestan folklore motifs and even some artifacts of folk art. This allowed revealing the semantic and expressive-visual function of folklore and ethnography in prose works of the writer. The “Dagestan” compositions of Marlinsky serve as a vivid example of cross-pollination through interaction between Russian literature and Dagestan folklore back in the early XIX century. The writer’s interest to Dagestan folklore and ethnography contributed to delving into the history of North-Caucasian peoples, peculiarities of their worldview and customs unfamiliar to the Russian readers. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive analysis of Marlinsky’s Dagestan novels, which contributed to determination of specificities of expressing folklore origins and the principles of authorial interpretation.
plot elements, interpretation, ethnography, transformation, Dagestan folklore, stories, Marlinsky, Russian literature, folk poetics, national character
Literary criticism
Tatarinov, A.V., Tatarinova, L.N. (2019). Modern menippea as a didactic gesture (On the novel “Lincoln in the Bardo” by George Saunders). Litera, 6, 197–203.
This article is dedicated to the question of modern menippea, and analysis of the novel by the American writer George Saunders in the context of the indicated genre tradition. The object of this research is the moral-didactical intentions of modern menippean satire. The subject is the combination of ideological and artistic characteristics that allow speaking of menippea of the XXI century. The study is based on the G. Saunders’ novel “Lincoln in Bardo” that is the winner of the Man Booker Prize 2017. The goal consists in the unity of two analytical movements. Firstly, menippea is interpreted as a genre, which blends in the apophatic and cataphatic platforms of poetics, combines sacral and secular contexts, and creates cathartic effects in the grotesque speech on death and ways of its overcoming. Secondly, the author’s strategy and actual didactic material of the novel “Lincoln in Bardo” is subject to analysis. The key research method becomes the analysis of literary text that allows revealing manippean characteristics of Saunders’ novel “Lincoln in Bardo” and expressing substantiated comments on the didactic potential of the modern American novel that blends in the “word on Lincoln” and the “grotesque death”. The conclusion is made on the system of didactic gestures of the novel “Lincoln in Bardo”. These are the anti-totalitarian gestures against political Trumpism and classical theology; the gesture for boundless rhetorical freedom enabling the use of offensive language; gesture of liberation from fear of death through philosophical statement on its hollowness; and emotional gesture for tolerance of diversified ethical actions (“depth of Lincoln” and “emptiness of the dead”).
postmodernism, religious and philosophical problems of literary criticism, menippea, didactics of fiction, US literature, modern prose, theory of literature, cathartic effects, apophatic and cataphatic, George Saunders
Ivanova, S.V., Manchurina, L.E. (2019). Functionality of verbal predicate in the literary style of Yakut language. Litera, 6, 204–213.
This article conducts the semantic-stylistic and stylistic-statistical analysis of verbal predicates functioning in the literary speech of Yakut language. The authors examine the rich language of fiction literature as one of the varieties of functional style, which suggest comparative study of its language with the language of other styles of speech. The results of analysis are reflected in the lexical-semantic and grammatical-semantic characteristics of verbal predicates as one of the principal parts of the sentence defining symmetry of the grammatical modes specific for literary style. The author also determines quantitative indicators of verbal predicates of literary style closely interlinked with their qualitative characteristics. The article detects frequency of using the forms of verbal predicates in literary style, which allows objectively assessing the indicators identified through the semantic-stylistic method. Comparative method contributes to determination of stylistic distinctness of literary style in relation to other styles. Functionality of verbal predicate in the literary style depends on grammatical semantics of certain verbal forms, as well as lexical-semantic nature of separate verbal predicates. Absolute dominance in quantitative terms of analytical forms of compound predicate expressed in the form of past tense and mode is established. The stylistic power of analytical forms of compound predicate consists in their semantic nature, which suggests the diversity of syntactic means values of the Yakut language.
semantic-stylistic method, stylostatic method, statistical method, complex verbal predicate, simple verbal predicate, verbal predicate, art style, functional styles, Yakut language, syntactic means
Daulet, F.N. (2019). Linguoculturological and semantic properties of phraseological units with zoomorphic components (on the example of Chinese language). Litera, 6, 214–229.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of linguoculturological, linguocognitive, and semantic properties of phraseological units with zoomorphic components with high connotative potential, which are one of the key sources of cultural-national heritage of the Chinese civilization. Language material of the research demonstrates that in Chinese language most productivity as a figurative core of phraseologisms belongs to zoonyms (common name for animals) from liuchu (六畜) group consisting of six kinds of domesticated animals and birds, which includes horse – ma (马), cow/ox – niu (牛), dog – gou (狗), pig – zhu (猪), chicken – ji (鸡)). The research results illustrate that the value-semantic aspect of national mentality is neither more nor less than an accumulation of systematized knowledge of people on the environment and world, viewed through the prism of their social and emotional experience. Methodological framework is the linguocultural and linguocognitive method, which allow giving a complex description of linguistic and cultural semantics of phraseologisms with the components – zoonyms. The scientific novelty is defined by the author’s original approach towards working with set objectives, comprehensive examination of the question of zoomorphic code of Chinese linguoculture through the basic concepts and their verbal meanings, as well as development of theoretical and methodological grounds of linguocultural and linguocognitive directions of studying linguistic concepts.
secondary nomination, verbal means, linguistic worldview, cognitive linguistics, phraseological units, zoomorphism, linguoculturology, Chinese language, figurative means, semantics
Daulet, F.N. (2019). The concept of fate as a basic element of spiritual code of culture (as exemplified in the Chinese and Kazakh languages). Litera, 6, 230–241.
The relevance of this research is substantiated by its relation to one of the key directions in modern linguistics – linguoconceptology, and consists in studying language specificity of the axiological concept of “fate” as an important anchor of national mental space. The goal of this work is to define the axiological characteristics of the concept of “fate” in Chinese and Kazakh sphere of concepts through the establishment of their hierarchical structure. Therefore, the author sets the following goals: to examine the specificity of axiological concept of “fate” in the Chinese and Kazakh languages; determine the cognitive basis, specificity, role and type of the concept of “fate” in Chinese and Kazakh sphere of concepts; identify the main linguistic representatives of the concept of “space” in figurative means; reveal the phenomenon of the concept of “fate” through the related concepts; establish its cognitive classifiers. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of the cultural and historical contexts of formation of the concept of “fate” on the example of two differently structured languages – isolated Chinese and agglutinative Kazakh. The author determines the national specificity of this concept; explores historical-philosophical peculiarities of its evolution within the Chinese and Kazakh linguistic consciousness; as well as establishes its principal conceptual, value and figurative characteristics.
comparative linguoculturology, verbal means, linguistic worldview, cognitive linguistics, phraseological units, concept of the fate, linguoculturology, Chinese language, figurative means, national-cultural specificity
Shchekochikhina, M.A. (2019). The polemic with Herman Conring in Jean Mabillon’s “Diplomatics”. Litera, 6, 242–249.
This article examines the impact of Herman Conring (1606-1681) on Jean Mabillon (1632-1707). The “Diplomatics” of Jean Mabillon laid the foundations for an entire number of auxiliary disciplines of history (diplomatics, paleography, sigillography, codicology, etc.). The significance of “Diplomatics” for the history of linguistic consists in its outlook upon the writing system and language as a whole as a variable system. Herman Conring in his work dedicated to letter from Lindau, was one of the first to formulate the principle of historicism for studying medieval artefacts. Along with Conring, Mabillon considered the letter from Lindau a forgery (although he identified in this compilation of factitious and authentic fragments the genuine features, and once voiced the opposite). There are several moments in “Diplomatics”, on which Mabillon enters into polemics with Conring. The similarity in the approaches is traced in gradual application of the principle pf historicism. In the chapter on orthography, can be seen the influence of Conring, although in this fragment Mabillon does not refer to him. The article juxtaposes the views of Corning and Mabillon on the methods of studying the artefacts. The author briefly reviews the contexts of creating the works of the two polymaths. A consistent correlation between the theoretical constructs of Corning and Mabillon has not been previously conducted within the Russian, and even world science. Such research allows understanding the evolution of knowledge on language, as well as how the science on written artefacts obtained the method that in many ways predetermined the development of philology in the following centuries.
authencity, diploma lindaviensis, erudition, Herman Conring, Jean Mabillon, palaeography, diplomatics, history of science, orthography, medievalism
Dolzhenkova, V. (2019). Certain characteristics of Spanish colloquial speech in the context of national linguistic worldview. Litera, 6, 250–256.
The object of this research is the specificity of lexical layer within the Spanish colloquial speech in the context of national linguistic worldview. In the current conditions of intercultural communication, it is no longer enough to study the language without the knowledge of cultural codes that are most vividly realized through the semantic process unfolding within the lexical system of Spanish colloquialism. The author also examines certain psycholinguistic and sociocultural factors directly affecting the formation of Spanish colloquial speech. Research methodology is based on the analysis of lexemes and phraseologisms from speaking register as a linguistic materialization of the Spanish worldview. The conclusion is made that on the one hand the semantic processes of lexical system of Spanish speech manifest as the characteristics speaking register overall, and on the other – a linguistic materialization of individual speech, as well as national worldview and character.
national character, individual speech, intercultural dialogue, language representation, cultural code, lexical and semantic features, national worldview, Colloquial speech, psycholinguistics factories, system phenomenas's analysis
Dmitriev, A.V. (2019). Structural-semantic peculiarities of English-language telescopic units and their key models in light of derivational processes. Litera, 6, 257–263.
The subject of this research is the structural-semantic peculiarities of English-language telescopic units. Relevance of this topic is substantiated by the extensive proliferation of the various so-called compressive methods of word formation. Leaning on the 300 analyzed units, the author seeks to determine the most frequent derivational models of telescopes for future inclusion of the acquired data into the developed bilingual thematic dictionary. The complexity of analysis and interpretation of telescopic formation substantiates the ambiguity of interpretation of the term “telescopy” itself, as well as variation of approaches towards studying these units. The author’s special contribution consists in the attempt of thematic description of the revealed 300 telescopes with their future inclusion into the bilingual thematic dictionary; this may be also considered as contribution to the modern anthropocentric lexicocgraphy which central focus is the lexicographic description of neologisms. The main results consist in the following: determination of the construction model of telescopes; dominance of the model “initial rhythm” over “center of the code”; prevalence of trisyllabic words due to their maximum informativeness and relative shortness; conceptualization of the three types of meaning on the bases of structural-semantic analysis of telescopes – 1) new meaning does not integrate into the general concept and breaks down into the initial elements, 2) new meaning is more narrow than the initial, 3) creation of the completely new meaning somewhat cognate to the initial semantics.
centre-code, initial-rhyme, compounding, bilingual thematic dictionary, morphemic boundary, derivational model, onomaseological basis, structural-semantic features, telescopy, compressed type of derivation
Chzhan, S. (2019). Functional units in the word “plainly" delineating explanatory relations. Litera, 6, 264–273.
This article meticulously describes the structure of functional units in the word “plainly” delineating explanatory relations. The subject of this research is the constructive and semantic properties of these units. The main goal consists in the establishment of semantic-syntactic role of functional units in the words “plainly” in various constructs. Comprising the full register of units involved in delineation of explanatory relations is important for advancement of the theory of functional words in the Russian language, as well as teaching Russian as a foreign language. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this work is first to provide the systemic description of combinations with basic component “plainly” as functional units delineating explanatory relations. As a result of analysis, it is determines that functional combinations in the word “plainly” operate in different types of constructs as an analogue of the conjunction, conjunction or text staples specifier. Using the indicated units, the author underlines the semantic variety of explanatory relations – identity relations, realized as a repeated denomination, often with additional evaluative semantics of semantics of contrast. In the article, identity relations include various manifestations by means of lexis and context.
construction, explanatory relations, specifier, text staples, analogue of the conjuction, functional words, syntax, semantics, structure, function
Daulet, F.N. (2019). Conceptualization of gender aspect in the Chinese linguoculture. Litera, 6, 274–283.
This article explores gender traditions of Chinese culture and their mainstream in the verbal means of Chinese language. The author highlights the national cultural peculiarities of Chinese gender culture and ways of their realization in the linguistic units: word, established collocations, proverbs and sayings. Studying the language facts demonstrates that gender stereotypes in the Chinese culture have not only universal cultural, but also linguistic properties implemented in the language through extensive verbal means. For the description of internal form of linguistic units, the study uses the following methods common to linguoculturological research: description, semantic definition, and linguistic interpretation. The article is one of the first works within the post-Soviet Sinology that illustrates that gender stereotypes in the modern Chinese society are objectivized by the extensive and well-structured lexical-phraseological field, proverbs, sayings and other linguistic units, which testifies to its communicative relevance in the Chinese linguistic consciousness.
secondary nomination, verbal means, image of a woman, cognitive linguistics, linguistic worldview, gender stereotypes, linguoculturology, Chinese language, figurative means, national-cultural specificity
Gabysheva, L.L. (2019). Cultural connotations of landscape terms in the Yakut epos Olonkho. Litera, 6, 284–290.
The subject of this research is the metaphorical meanings of landscape terms as the fragment of mythopoetic worldview of the Yakut epos Olonkho. The words denoting marsh, tundra, gully, ravine, snag, windthrow, etc. in the texts of Yakut epos attain connotations of an unclean place and opposed to the words signifying an open even terrain. The latter have positive attitudinal epithets. Special attention is given to the functions of landscape terms, which served as the so-called framing markers between the worlds, as well as comprise full names of the characters of Olonkho, demarcating Aiy and Abasy. Referring to the semantics of landscape terms, the article applies the structural-semantic method, contextual analysis, lexicographic sources and comparative-historical linguistic data. The author is first to establish connotative meanings and functions of words in the Yakut epos Olonkho designating open even terrain on the one hand, and marsh, tundra, gully, ravine, snag, windthrow, etc. on the other. Semantic opposition even/uneven dates back to the myths and melodies of the ancient Yakut dance Osuokhai usually performed in celebration of New Year. Incorporation of the terms of land and steppe in one multivalent word dojdu produces associations with the prototype of historic original homeland of the Turkic peoples, possibly preserved in the language and memory of people.
opposition, picture of the world, function, Yakut epic, metaphor, semantics, landscape term, myth, epithet, own name
Pliva, E.P. (2019). Conceptualization of memorizing/forgetting in the Russian language. Litera, 6, 291–297.
The object of this research is the words and phrases in the Russian language, included into the semantic field of mentality and denoting reception, processing and storage of information, as well as loss of stored information. From the cognitive perspective, the goal of this work consists in conceptualization of memorizing/forgetting processing within the Russian linguistic consciousness; how the thought process is see by a subject; as well as determination of the models underlying conceptualization of such operations with information. Identification of metaphoric scenarios – complex models describing all operations with information – is of particular interest. The scientific novelty is defined by the description of motivational grounds in comprehension by the Russian native speakers of rational activity as an object of thought; as well as determination of the conceptual models of rational activity and mental states. The main conclusion consists in examination of the words and phrases denoting reception, processing and storage of information, as well as loss of stored information, as well as diversity of perspectives on mental processes by the native speakers. Phrases, formed on the basis of a range of metaphorical models, comprise the majority of nominations designating operations with information.
conceptualization of abstract categories, the semantic field of mentality, conceptual metaphor, cognitive science, concept, mentality, conceptualization, metaphorical strategies, cognitive models, mental verbs
Zyryanova, E.V., Lyui, V. (2019). Associative field of the “New Year” concept in the Russian and Chinese languages. Litera, 6, 298–305.
The New Year is a significant sociocultural phenomenon, thus it is important to determine its conceptual cognitive characteristics reflecting national identity. The subject of this research is the associative field of the concept of “New Year” as a fragment of Russian and Chinese linguistic worldview. The goal consists in structuring the associative field of the concept of “New Year” in the Russian and Chinese languages, as well as description of associative responses reflecting the structural-semantic content of the concept. The results of associative experiment conducted among the students of Ulan-Ude universities (Russia) and Chinese students in the city of Xi’an (China) served as the material for this study. As a result, the author determines the main semantic groups of responses; interprets and systematizes the acquired data; composes associative field of the concept of “New Year” leaning in conceptual, figurative and value associations; presents systemic characteristics of associative field, its core, close and distant periphery; defines most typical responses comprising the core of the concepts, as well as the unique associative responses demonstrating individual perception of the recipients. The article reveals similarities occurring in the mind of Russian and Chinese recipients in perception of an incentivizing word, as well as substantial differences justified by the national, cultural, regional and timely peculiarities of celebrating the New Year. Special attention is paid to linguoculturological interpretation of the concept of “New Year” as a fragment of linguistic worldview in the Russian and Chinese languages.
concept structure, reaction associations, evaluative associations, figurative associations, conceptual associations, cocept New year, associative field, speaking, russian language, Chinese