Shchepalina, V. (2018). Particularities of the Author's Speech Functioning in Alejandro Casona's Drama. Litera, 2, 1–9.
The subject of the research is the functioning of the author's speech in plays of a Spanish playwright Alejandro Casona. The author of the article examines the mechanism of reinforcing imagery and suggestiveness of a play by using expressive potential of the author's speech. Among other particularities of Casona's dramatic style, the author of the article underlines poetic equivalence of a stage dialogue and author's speech, functional and linguostylistic variety of remarks, their impressive nature and dialogue with an interpreter. In her article Schepalina provides a wide illustrative material that allows to prove the theoretical concepts of the research. The author has also applied methods of context, component, discursive and stylistic analysis, observation, generalisation and description. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Alejandro Casona's plays are understudied in Russia. The author of the article makes a contribution to the concept of the Spanish theatre and genre features of plays. The author's analysis of Casona's comedies allows to conclude that the author's speech does not only place the action in a micro- and macro-situational context but also serves as a poetic sign.
poetic function, individual author's style, suggestiveness, linguostylistic analysis, new drama, Spanish theatre, stage directions, author's speach, Alejandro Casona, heading complex
Question at hand
Tymchuk , E.V. (2018). Article Deixis and its Role in Expressing the Conceptual Category of the General and Singular. Litera, 2, 10–19.
The subject of the research is the role of deixical words (articles) in the process of expressing the conceptual category of the general and singular in the English language. The author of the article focuses on the universal nature of the aforesaid conceptual category emphasizing that this conceptual category compiles the verbal categorization of all world's languages. The category gives an opportunity to perform the process of nomination in the language when the thought moves from particularities to generals. Vice versa, this conceptual caregory allows to differentiate between a generalized representation of an item and singular mention thereof which lies at the heart of communication in any language. The methodological basis of the research includes linguistic research methods such as methods of comparative-historical, comparative, semantic and stylistic analysis as well as methods of lexicographical and textologicval analysis and corpus research method. The novelty of this research is caused by the scientific problem raised by the author. The conceptual category of the general and singular is viewed in the English language from the piont of view of the deixical relations expressed by articles. The author concludes that the relationship between the general and singular representations is demonstrated in the English language through opposing a zero article to two positive articles, definite and indefinite articles. The author concludes that unlike other languages that have articles, contemporary English has got a tendency towards endless extension of the scope of application of a zero article.
positive articles, zero article, conceptual category, universal category, singular, general, categorization, deixis, article, nomination
Dzakhova, V.T., Dzodzikova, Z.B. (2018). Phraseological Units as the Reflection of the Nation's World View (the Case Study of the Analysis of Phraseological Units with UD/DUSHA (Soul)/SEELE in Ossetian, Russian and German Languages). Litera, 2, 20–25.
The subject of this research is the phraseological units with such components as Ud/DUSHA (Soul)/SEELE in Ossetian, Russian and German languages. The purpose of the analysis is to define universal and specific features of these terms in the languages being compared. As the authors assumed in the very beginning, these are the most important terms for Ossetian and Russian languages spoken by Christians. Germans demonstrate less commitment to religion which is reflected in the term Seele which means the core of instruments or items. Appealing to the seminal and grammatical methods of analysis, the authors of the article describe a grammatical structure and internal form of phraseological units through comparing the meaning of phraseological units to the literal meaning of their components. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the authors compare phraseological units of three IndoEuropean languages, two languages (Ossetian and Russian) being closely connected with each other for many centuries, and the third language (German) being used only in the process of teaching the German language to Ossetians or Russians.
comparative analysis, grammatical analysis, seminal analysis, internal form, linguoculturology, phraseological units, Ossetian, German, Russian, world view
Mel'dianova, A.V. (2018). Functional Peculiarities of the Continuous Form in Modern English. Litera, 2, 26–31.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning the continuous form in the English language. The semantics of this form does not allow to use some verbs the meaning of which contradicts the idea of process. Recently there has been a tendency towards increase in the number of such verbal forms used in the continuous form and this is what makes this study perspective. The aim of the article is to analyze the semantic selectivity of the continuous forms and lexical and grammatical factors under which some verbs of different semantics acquire the possibility to be used in the continuous form. Lexical and grammatical factors are discribed in the article and their contribution to the general meaning of the sentence is pointed out. In her research Meldianova applies the following research methods: description used to define, interpret and classify the meaning of verbs under study; and comparison used to analyze various semantic groups of verbs. Linguists have quite contradictory views on the meaning of the continuous form of verbs. Some of them believe that continous verbs denote a specific kind of verbs and describe an action that is being performed at the moment. Others believe that the continous form expresses a temporal meaning, in particular, simultaneity with some point in time or action. Researchers haven't come to the agreement regarding semantics and particular functions of the continous form in modern English. Moreover, the number of verbs that can be used in the continuous form is constantly growing and their meanings change under the influence of various intra- and extralinguistic context. This creates the novelty of this research. The results of the research prove that verbs of different semantics can be used in the continous form in modern English.
selectivity, dynamic, stative, polysemantic, continuity, tense, aspective, continuous, simultaneity, verbal form
Question at hand
Vazhenina, O.A. (2018). Linguostylistic Interpretation of Media Texts Related to Autism Issues. Litera, 2, 32–44.
The subject of the research is autism as it is described by Russian media today. The author of the article examines theoretical and practical aspects of the problem such as the essence and main features of media texts, general features of media texts devoted to autism, and locuses of media texts that focus on autism. The author pays special attention to the comparative analysis of stylistic features and rhetorical techniques used in professional Internet media texts and social 'new media' on autism. The research is based on the stylistic and rhetorical analysis of strong stands of media texts such as headings, crossheadings, ledes and conclusions. As a result of the research, the author discovers the difference between professional media texts and social media texts not only in terms of overall literacy or rich vocabulary or clarity of the matter but rather in terms of stylistic and rhetorical techniques beign used. Being professional publishing means, autochthonous Internet media tend to non-professional media texts in social media both in style and rhetorically. These media use less laconic and clearer phrases, less objective argumentation, more eristical techniques, more emotional expressions compared to online portals of media agents that exist or were created in a 'traditional' form. The content of these media texts demonstrates that such publications do not only perform educative or informative function usually performed by mass media but also performs a humanistic mission (this is why these texts try to get the readers involved emotionally and thus use expressive stylistic means).
media humanistic mission, social journalism, autistic spectrum disorders, autism, social media, Internet Media, media, media space, media text, journalism
Literary criticism
Popova, V. (2018). Concerning the Role of a Revolutionary Writer in a New Society: Waldo Frank at Writers' Congresses of 1935. Litera, 2, 45–50.
In her research Popova focuses on two speeches made by an American writer Waldo Frank (1889–1967) at the First Convention of the League of American Writers (held in New York, 1935) and International Congress for the Defense of Culture (held in Paris, 1935) during the period of intensive cooperation with the USSR. The author also analyzes views of Waldo Frank on the role of a writer in a new society. Popova studies sources from the funds of The Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts which allows to cover unpublished materials of the writers' congresses that hadn't been published in the USSR. The author applies the historical literary method that implies analysis of biographical and historical sources, and text analysis method to analyze different versions of Waldo Frank's speeches at the Congress for the Defense of Culture in Paris as well as different publications thereof in the Russian language and extracts from the texts of his speeches. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Waldo Frank's creative writing and his relatons with the USSR are left practically understudied by the Russian literary studies. Analysis of Frank's relations with the Soviet Union allows to define the relationship between his literary interests and public position: strong cooperation with the USSR in 1930s coincided with Frank's active participation in the activity of American and European left and anti-fascist organizations. When he broke up his relations with the Soviet Union after 1937, his public activity declined, he withdrew from the USA Communist Party and left the League of American Writers.
writers' congress, Soviet-American literary contacts, archived documents, ideology and literature, League of American Writers, Waldo Frank, communism, USA, USSR, Sergey Dinamov
Matveeva, A.A. (2018). Pluperfect Tense in the Sense of Perfective Aspect and Punctual Past (the Case Study of French Texts of the 16th - 21st Centuries). Litera, 2, 51–58.
The subject of the research is the semantic features of the pluperfect tense that could be found in French texts of the 16th - 21st centuries. In her research Matveeva analyzes the perfective aspect, punctual past and context parameters that are necessary for implementation of these features. Such parameters include particularities of quoted texts in general, for example, dynamics of the shift in timing templates, syntactic features of text fragments; nature of lexical markers, for example, adjunct of time and place. Illustrative matter is grouped in accordance with the intensity of perfective aspect in ascending order. To analyze empiric material, the author has used the psychosystemic theory of verbal time interpreted in the functional terms. The author of the article studies the tense taking into account psychological particularities of personal psychological time. The main results of the research describe the context parameters necessary for imlementation of the perfective aspect and punctual past. The perfective aspect requires the order of verbs in a sentence to follow the order of the events and the verb in the pluperfect tense must logically relate to the following verb. Punctual past is different because in this case the verb in the pluperfect tense does not logically relate to the subsequent verb. The frequency of cases of the perfective sense and punctual past of the pluperfect tense increases during the period under study.
situation, punctual past, perfective aspect, psychomechanics, subject, chronological order of events, tenses, action, plus-que parfait, pluperfect tense
Literary criticism
Gavrilova, N. (2018). The Date When Chekhov Wrote His Play 'Uncle Vanya': Analysis of the Main Points of View. Litera, 2, 59–65.
This article is devoted to the main points of view on possible dates for Anton Chekhov writing his play 'Uncle Vanya'. The aim of the research is to analyze existing theories about the date when Chekhov wrote his play and carry out a detailed analysis of their proof. In the course of her research Gavrilova has referred to a lot of researches devoted to the transformation of the play 'The Wood Demon' to the play 'Uncle Vanya'. Checkhov left very contradictory information about the exact date when the play was written, therefore there are several groups of researchers with different views on the date when the play 'Uncle Vanya' was written. The research is based on such literary methods as comparative, analytical, critical, biographical, and cultural historical. As a result of the research, Gavrilova describes the main views of researchers who studied Ckekhov's creative writing on the date when the play 'Uncle Vanya' was written and analyzes relevant arguments. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that in her research Gavrilova extends a general scope of views on the date when Chekhov wrote his play analyzing not only classical but also contemporary approaches to the problem. As a result of her analysis of the aforesaid theories, the author of the article concludes that despite the fact that the matter is widely studied, the question when Anton Chekhov wrote his play 'Uncle Vanya' still remains. However, due to the great interest of modern researchers to the play 'Uncle Vanya', it is quite likely that future studies of Chekhov's creative writing will cast a light on the exact date of creation of 'Uncle Vanya'.
modern approach, classic interpretation, point of view, researchers, dating, literary criticism, the play, Uncle Vanya, The Wood Demon, Chekhov
Question at hand
Mzhel'skikh, M.K. (2018). Argumentative Potential of Nominative Adjectives of Prototypical and Non-Prototypical Qualities (Pilot Study). Litera, 2, 66–71.
This research is devoted to the analysis of the 'Human' prototypical category in the linguistic consciousness of Russian linguoculture representatives. The research was carried out on the basis of experimental data received from Russian respondents. The purpose of the research is to test a hypothesis about certain prototypical views about qualities being present in the linguistic consciousness of the linguocultural community; as a consequence, adjectives that denote these qualities have a stronger implicit argumentative potential in the speech of language speakers. This is technically in evidence in using them as an argument to prove a thesis in an argumentative discourse. The object of the research is the fragment of a prototypical worldview of Russian 'human'. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of implementing the argumengative potential of adjectives that denote prototypical qualities in written discourses. In the course of the research the author has used such methods as the association experiment, Ducroz and Anscombre value-based semantic experiment as well as the method of argumentative analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author clarifies the definition of the prototypical worldview as well as creates and practically implements the procedure of the value-based semantic experiment in linguistic research that was theoretically described by O. Ducroz, J. C. Anscombre and A. Kolmogorova. The series of experiments and argumentative analysis carried out by the author have proved the hypothesis that Russian-speaking men and women have a different notion on prototypical qualities which affects the linguistic and speech argumengative potential of adjectives that denote these qualities.
prototypical quality, associative experiment, lexeme, argumantative potential, linguoculture, world map, semantic experiment, prototype, category, prototypical world map
Question at hand
Chun, j. (2018). De-reification as a Poetical and Philosophical Concept in Vladimir Makyakovsky's Poem 'Backbone Flute' . Litera, 2, 72–81.
The object of the research is the peculiarities of the philosophical interpretation of the historical reality in the poem 'Backbone Flute'. The subject of the research is the process and the method used by Mayakovsky to create the image in his poem from the point of view of artistic trends of the 20th century. In this research Chun traces back the artistic interpretation of the philosophy of de-reification and specific features of item itself in terms of Mayakovsky's anthropocentrism. Among other aspects, the author of the article focuses on 'living thing' (inner form) that are destroyed by the theory of futurism but revive and take a new meaning in Mayakovsky's poetry. The author has applied the historico-philological method that treats the process of de-reification as the fight against the 'dead' predetermined use of thing, leaving the theory of futurism and ascension to spirituality. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the author's interpretation of the process of de-reification not as the process of dehumanization but revivification of thing as well as the author's appealing not to futuristic concepts but philosophy, Hegelianism and Tantra. The author also focuses on peculiarities of the main hero's attitude to and treatment of women and things. Chan also emphasizes immensity and thing-like nature of Mayakovsky's poetry, dramatical plot of leaving the 'earthly' and ascention to the 'divine' and 'eternal', reflection of the writer's love and creative illusions and their complex interplay with the reality. At the end of the research Chan emphasizes the importance of the empirical side of existence through 'living word' and make conclusions about the existential message of the poem and reflection of the main hero's inner world through the world of things and the process of de-reification.
Heidegger, body, dehumanization, antihumanism, existential, transformation, space, thing, Hegel, Mayakovsky
Abdullaev, I.B. (2018). Interrogative Sentence in the Lezgian Language. Litera, 2, 82–99.
This article is devoted to interrogative sentences in the Lezgian language. the author of the article provides an in-depth analysis of all types of Lezgian interrogative sentences possible from the point of view of their semantics and syntaxis. In his research Abdullaev provides a great number of examples from literature and Lezgian study books. He describes new types of interrogative sentences that have never been described in study books before and carries out an in-depth analysis of subtypes of interrogative sentences in the Lezgian language. Abdullaev refers to relevant foreign and Russian researches that have never quoted before. In his research the author uses modern methods of linguistic research such as description, immediate constituent analysis and comparison. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in Russian linguistic science the author makes an attempt to provide a full structured and classification analysis of all types of interrogative sentences in the Lezgian language. BEfore this topic has been touched upon only partially by Russian and foreign researchers.
North Caucasian languages, echo question, particular interrogative sentences, general interrogative sentences, clarifying interrogative sentences, alternative interrogative sentences, interrogative sentences, Lezgian language, Nakh–Dagestanian group, typology
Pevneva, I.V. (2018). A Psycholinguistic Comparative Study of the Strategic Conflict-handing Behavior of Russians and Americans. Litera, 2, 100–107.
The research is devoted to the study of the verbal behavior of the Russians and Americans based on the choice of the strategies of behavior in the conflict situations. The phenomenon of conflict and challenges of misunderstanding appear today extremely acute in all areas of social and international relations. Verbal communication involves a strategic process by which a speaker defines the language resources for its implementation. By choosing a strategy which should contribute to the goals and objectives of the interaction a speaker makes the process of communication either successful or leading to a communicative failure.The object of the research is the natural communication. The study is based on the principles of psycholinguistics and ethno-linguistics, which studies the cultural variability in cognitive and communicative aspect of speech. The scientific importance of this work is in multi disciplined and cross-cultural study of ethnic and cultural influences, gender and other characteristics of conflict discourse participants. The results might present an interest for the participants and alumni of the international academic exchange programs (students and teaching staff) as well to specialists whose jobs are associated with the functioning in a multicultural Russian-American environment.
strategies, verbal aggression, Americans, Russians, verbal behavior, communication, conflict, gender, cooperation, confrontation
Character in literature
Borozdina, M. (2018). Nikolay Chaev: The Shadow of Alexander Ostrovsky or His Rival? . Litera, 2, 108–114.
This study is devoted to the problems of perception of drama of the second half of the XIX century. Russian Theater of 1850–1870s traditionally considered the theater of A. N. Ostrovsky. The object of the research is the “tendentious drama” by N. A. Chayev, one of the potential rivals of the great playwright. The aim of the work is to confirm the hypothesis put forward that Chayev (as, incidentally, other “dramatists of the Ostrovsky era”) had his own view on the development of the artistic form of the genre and really competed with an outstanding playwright. In work methods of cultural-historical and structural-typological directions of literary criticism are applied. The methodological basis of the study consists of the works of E. G. Kholodov, L. M. Lotman, and A. I. Zhuravleva. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the liberal-accusatory dramaturgy of Chaev and Ostrovsky, on the basis of which a peculiar rivalry between two dramatists in the area of the “tendentious drama” style is revealed. N. Chaev is trying to offer a different from A. Ostrovsky, an improved artistic form of a “tendentious” play. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that this issue is being raised in the domestic literary criticism for the first time. The author’s special contribution consists, firstly, in the appeal to the works of N. A. Chayev, which is little studied, and secondly, in the development and deepening of the problem “A. N. Ostrovsky and N. A. Chaev.
playwrights of Ostrovsky's epoch, Russian Theater, style searching, historical drama, tendency drama, Ostrovsky, liberal-accusatory drama, Chaev, history of Russian drama, drama
Korshunova, E.A. (2018). Sergey Durylin about Alexander Pushkin's 'The Captain's Daughter': Value Interpretation Issues. Litera, 2, 115–121.
The subject of the research is the concept of value interpretations of the novel “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin, in particular, the unexplored critical diary notes of the writer, the critic S. Durylin (1886-1954) from the book In his Corner (1924-1939).Durylin's interpretation was noted in literary criticism in the article by V.E. Khalizev “Typology of characters and“ The Captain's Daughter ”. Durylin as a critic and literary scholar articulates a very important idea that the value meaning of Pushkin's story is not in clarifying the “correct” political position, but in a completely different place, which has not been found in literary criticism for a long time - the harmony and integrity of personal being. To solve the set tasks, the method of integral analysis, descriptive-analytical and comparative-typological approaches to the study of literary texts were used. Speaking about the uniqueness of the heroes of the Pushkin story, Grinev and Maria Ivanovna, Durylin anticipates Khaliyev's interpretation. Durylin pointed out not only the eternal significance of the Pushkin story in the history of Russian literature, but also explained the core of this meaning: Christian in content. Here the author uses his favorite method of a backward-looking worldview, calling him a “magic lantern”, which he writes about in another passage “Corners”. He uses the technique of "reverse perspective" in the literary-critical analysis. Offering the reader “The Captain's Daughter” as an eternal reading, Durylin tries to “reveal” the previously unaccented deep layer of the work: reading the story in the light of Orthodox axiology. This interpretation of the story by S.N. Durylin does not cancel the existing literary readings of the story, but complements them, expanding the range of possible interpretations of the work.
intertext, axiology, reverse perspective, type of hero, Durylin, iconity, value interpretation,, silver age, author, novel
Author's view
Urazaeva, N., Morozov, E. (2018). The Category of the Subjective Modality in the German and Russian Languages (Based on the Analysis of Wolfgang Borchert's Play The Man Outside). Litera, 2, 122–129.
Modern trends in linguistics pay great attention to the study of language as a means of communication and the transfer of in-depth information of the text, which should be adequately reflected in the translation. This article discusses the means of expressing modal relations in German and Russian. The study is conducted on the example of the play “The Man Outside” by the German writer Wolfgang Borhert. Through the subjective modality, the specific quality of the attitude to what is happening and the characters on the part of the author and / or characters of the play is expressed. The main research methods were the study and analysis of scientific literature, continuous sampling and interpretation of factual material, contextual analysis. The subjective modality is expressed at all language levels (lexical, grammatical, stylistic), since only together they can provide complete information for the interpretation of the text, namely through modal words, modal particles, evaluative vocabulary, interjections, personal pronoun "Self", modal verbs and mood categories, literary tropes. In the study, the core of the subjective modality is the assessment of the characters of the described facts (confidence, uncertainty, condemnation, regret, agreement, disagreement, experience, missed opportunity, positive or negative evaluation). It was revealed that the implementation of the category of modality in German and Russian is different, and not always modal relations are fully reflected in the target language. For the translator, the correct interpretation of the modal characteristics of the text plays an important role, since the transfer of the content to another language is key to the need to retranslate all the nuances of subjective relationships.
theater play, attitude, evaluation, objective modality, subjective modality, grammatical category, modality, German, author's position, linguistic means
Poetry and the poet
Mallaliev, G.N. (2018). The Semantics of the 'Godecan' Concept in Shamil Kaziev's Poetry. Litera, 2, 130–137.
The object of the research is the culturological universal concept. The subject of the research is the ethnocultural concept “Godekan” in the poetic texts of the Tabasaran poet Shamil Kaziyev. A comparative analysis of the semantics of the concept “Godekan”, which is an important attribute of the life of rural societies of the peoples of Dagestan, is carried out. Kazieva and Tabasaran Pararems: the difference between the basic values of the concept is established and the reasons for their discrepancy are identified. In addition, the main semes of which the concept of "godekan" in the poetic work of the Tabasaran author is composed are described in detail. The methodological basis of the research was the works of Russian linguists, in particular, academician D. S. Likhachev. Comparative, descriptive and textual methods of analysis were used in the work. The article first explores the semantic specificity of concepts in the poetry of Shamil Kaziyev. The results of the research contribute to the identification of the specificity of the motive-figurative system of poetics of S. Kaziev. Godekan in the poetry of S. Kaziev is presented as a complex ethnocultural concept consisting of various semantic layers. The artistic image of the godekan created by him is fundamentally different from the image that emerges when analyzing the paremias with the lexical component “gim” (godekan): if the folklore focuses on the negative characteristics of the godekan, which contribute to the formation of undesirable qualities in men who dispel the high image of the mountaineer - idle talk, deceitfulness of words and transmitted news, etc., then in S.Kaziev’s poetry, on the contrary, the opposite attributes of this public institution are actualized, his role in the NRA is emphasized legal, labor education of the person, regulative functions in a life of a society are marked.
elders, Shamil Kaziev, society, concept, respect, tabasarans, godecan, memory, wisdom, paremia
Yarovenko, T.V. (2018). Explanation of the Meanings of Russian Words Using Antonyms as the Means of Developing Speech Skills During the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language. Litera, 2, 138–144.
In the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language, the development of speech is one of the main tasks. For this purpose, new methods for improving the quality of teaching are constantly being searched for and existing ones are being improved. The main methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language are based on the principle of complete immersion into the language environment, that is, without a translator and the mediator language. With each topic a new vocabulary is introduced, the explanation of which is due to the lexical units studied at the elementary and basic levels. In the course of conducting classes, Yarovenko discovered an interesting pattern: when explaining a new vocabulary, in case of a misunderstanding of words, foreign students asked to call antonyms. The method of conversation revealed that they understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Yarovenko analyzes the peculiar approach of cadets to the study of the Russian language through antonymy, we came to the conclusion that it is expedient to further develop this skill in them, since the lexical composition of the Russian language is significantly enriched with the help of antonyms and synonyms. He studied the scientific literature on the methodology of teaching RCTs for the study of antonyms and their use in Russian. As a result, it was established that the antonymy of the Russian language as a strategy for learning Russian speech is not considered. The author developed recommendations for working with antonyms in Russian language classes as a foreign language and received a positive result: the speech constructs had practically no lexical errors, clarity of pronunciation was present, the fear of the language barrier was reduced. Moreover, the cadets began to independently initiate dialogues.
Russian speech, language skills, speech development, antonyms, antonyms in Russian, vocabulary, speech, tongues, preparatory course, antonymic pair
Ilyushin, G.E. (2018). The Problem of Genre in Literary Translation from Russian into Spanish. Litera, 2, 145–152.
The subject of this study is the translation of Russian literature of the second half of the XX century. The author traces how the genre features of the texts affect the reader's and translational understanding of the works on the material of the central translations for Russian postmodernism of the works of Benedict Erofeev and Sasha Sokolov. Based on the material of the most striking examples the author examines ways of transmitting such characteristic techniques as a combination of elements from different registers, as well as a sound wordplay, rhyming and rhythmization. The research was based on the translations and the stage adaptation of the poem Moscow-Petushki and the translation of the novel School for Fools. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the Spanish translations of Russian literature in the linguopragmatic aspect and explains the nature of the translational transformations associated with the discrepancy between the linguistic pictures of the world. The analysis confirms the thesis that the main reason for all translational transformations is to assume the original genre setting and specific ideas about Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century.
Sasha Sokolov, Venedict Yerofeyev, literary genre, Russian literature, Romance languages, translation studies, linguistics, Spanish Studies, postmodernism, idiolect
Belozor, A., Ovchinnikova, O. (2018). Culturological and Linguistic Components of Cross-Cultural Communcation in the French and English Languages. Litera, 2, 153–161.
The authors of the article reviewed and analyzed the features of modern language training for successful interaction with representatives of different cultures. Special attention is paid to the importance of the dialogue between cultures as a mechanism for equal interchange of spiritual values and knowledge. The authors consider such aspects of language training as the formation of a secondary linguistic personality and peculiarities of working with authentic information that allows understanding the realities of a different culture. The object of the research is intercultural communication, the subject of the research is the competence approach and vocational education in language training. In the course of the study, the authors resorted to system, structural-functional and typological analysis, and also used a comparative method. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of the competencies necessary for the development of a successful professional in demand in the global community. The main conclusions of the study are the provisions that in the current conditions of the global community a specialist is in demand, not only fluent in foreign languages and ready to constantly improve their professional competencies. A competitive professional should be open to understanding and perceiving the realities of a different culture, while at the same time preserving their cultural identity communication, dialogue between cultures, English, authentic texts, sociocultural mutual exchange
authentic texts, English, French, secondary language identity, professionally oriented training, language studies, skills approach, intercultural communication, dialogue between cultures, sociocultural mutual exchange
Silkina, I. (2018). The Meaning of the TERRA Noun (Based on the Analysis of the Corpus of Modern Portuguese Newspapers). Litera, 2, 162–172.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the nouns terra in Portuguese newspapers of the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. Information about the meanings of a word is also contained in explanatory dictionaries, however they contain the lexical norm of a literary language, in contrast to written and oral texts created by native speakers and reflecting the usual usage. Due to the fact that the purpose of this study is to analyze usage rather than norms, we used the texts of modern Portuguese newspapers contained in the corpus O Corpus de Referência do Portuguê Contemporâneo (CRPC) as the material. We have analyzed more than a thousand contexts from the newspaper subcorpus corresponding to the terra request, and the revealed values are structured in accordance with their meaning and modern ideas about the Earth and its structure, as well as taking into account the given explanatory dictionaries. The scientific novelty of the article is related to the use of data and the functionality of the CRPC corpus for the analysis of the noun terra, which was not previously considered by domestic researchers. As a result of the analysis of contexts, eight broad meanings were identified, in six of which several somewhat narrower ones were identified, and many of them reflected the peculiarities of terra perception by modern native speakers.
frequency, lexicon, newspaper subcorpus, linguistic corpus, usus, European Portuguese, modern Portuguese, context, meaning, polysemy
Balikoeva, M.I. (2018). Objective Logical Factors of Masculine Nomination (the Analysis of American, Russian and Ossetic Print Media. Litera, 2, 173–183.
In the concept sphere of any nation, the concepts of “man” and “woman” occupy one of the central places. The subject of the research is the concept of “man” from the point of view of sociocultural representation of sex, i.e. in line with gender developments in the American, Russian and Ossetian press, since it is known that the media, on the one hand, reflect gender stereotypes, on the other, they contribute to their formation. The author analyzes the nominations of men in the light of subject-logical factors, gives a classification of examples, compares the gender stereotype of men in three cultures. The method of continuous sampling was collected 680 examples of nominations of men from the press in three languages. The method of classification and structural-semantic analysis allowed us to divide the examples into groups. The relevance of the research is given by the fact that this concept is studied taking into account the specifics of its representation in different cultures, i.e. in line with the theory of intercultural communication. The involvement in the orbit of the study of the Ossetian language, which has not yet been studied from the point of view of gender relations, the poor knowledge of the Russian language, and the comparative analysis of the gender roles of men in the Russian, Ossetian and English languages determines the novelty of the study.
masculine nomination, gender roles, masculinity, globalization, intercultural communication, the Ossetic language, stereotype, gender, the English language, the Russian language
Maiba, V.V. (2018). Holophrastic Structures in the Translation of Graham Swift's Novel 'Waterland' in the Russian Language. Litera, 2, 184–193.
The subject of the research is the strategy of transmitting holophrastic structures in the novel by G. Swift “Waterland” in the translation of the novel into Russian, made by V. Mikhailin. Holophrastic constructions are a relatively new phenomenon for both English and Russian; corresponding to the specifics of English grammar, in Russian they represent a phenomenon that arose under the influence of English speech. The analysis of specific ways of translating holophrastic structures and general strategies for dealing with such language units allows for a deeper understanding of the potencies of the Russian language in terms of their transmission, as well as strategies that can be used for this purpose. In the process of research, the method of explanatory description was used in combination with the methods of lexical, syntactic, and stylistic analysis. An analysis of the Russian translation of the novel by G. Swift shows that, in a significant part of the cases, the English holophrastic constructions can be accurately conveyed by means of the Russian language, and such transmission is not always associated with significant transformations of the syntactic structure. The presence of golophrastic structures can be considered as a stylistic property of not a specific sentence, but the whole text. For this reason, for the transmission of the “spirit” of the original, the translation of holophrastic structures through standard syntactic structures can be balanced by the introduction of holophrastic structures in those text fragments where they do not match the original.
literary translation, translation, artistic text, adhesion, concretions, multicomponent composites, holophrastic structures, translation solutions, translational equivalence, hyphen
Guseinov, M.A. (2018). The Labour Theme in the Kumyk Literature: Peculiarities of Artistic Presentation. Litera, 2, 194–200.
The subject of the research is Kumyk post-war prose, in particular, the works of such famous Kumyk and Dagestan authors as Atkai, M.-S. Yahyaev, I. Kerimov, and others. The object of the research is the "labour" theme in national prose, the peculiarities of its artistic embodiment. The author examines such aspects of the problem as the influence of extra-literary, ideological factors on the development of the topic of production in Soviet literature in general and in the national literature in particular, on the basis of the concepts of contemporary Russian literature, notes the positive and negative aspects of such influences on the artistic process. At the same time, attention is focused on the fact that the positive national literature has provided the actualization of the “production” theme in the postwar period, in 1945-1955. Particular attention is paid to the innovative quest of Kumyk authors, identifies the characteristic features, the poetics of the works. Research methods are analytical, comparative, cultural and historical. The research methodology is based on modern scientific developments devoted to Soviet literature, the literature of socialist realism, primarily those belonging to the IMLI scholar. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the holistic study of Kumyk post-war prose in this article is carried out for the first time. One of the main conclusions is that during this period the official ideology made a certain “order” to depict the theme of production, which led to the creation of large-scale works in the national literature, with a wide reproduction of national life, with highlighting the national essence of images. In addition, in the studied literature there is a turn towards the lyricization of subject-object relations, moral issues, etc., which is also revealed and argued for the first time in this article.
poetics, image, labor, production, the story, post-war period, Kumyk literature, new reading, national originality, evolution
Kikteva, K.D. (2018). Don Juan and His Servant: Twins and Antipodes. Litera, 2, 201–207.
Three well-known interpretations of the plot about Don Juan in European literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries serve as material for the research: the play by Tirso de Molina “The Trickster of Seville”, a comedy by J. Moliere “Don Juan, or the Stone Guest”, opera V. A Mozart's "Don Juan" on the libretto of L. da Ponte. The creator of the image of the seducer, Tirso de Molina, introduced into the text, in addition to the main character, several important characters (Catalinon, Commander), who later migrated to different interpretations of the plot, in particular in the texts of Ponte and Moliere. The main subject of research in the article is the figure of the servant of the seducer, her role in the most iconic European interpretations of the myth and the main functions that it performs. The basis of the methodology is a comparative analysis of texts that exist within a single tradition. The historical-culturological method is also used to explain the changes that are being experienced in the same way within the framework of different literary trends and countries. The key conclusion of the article is the idea that the image of the servant (along with the images of some other characters) is an integral part of the plot about Don Juan (Spanish - Juan) Tenorio only at relatively early stages of its existence. Starting from the Romantic era, with greater freedom in dealing with national myths, the figure of Don Juan’s companion often disappears from the narrative, and its functions (responsibility for the comic, resonance and the affirmation of traditional morality) become irrelevant or carried out in another way.
master and servant, interpretations of the plot, Romanticism, European literature, mocker and seducer, cultural myth, Don Juan, duplicity, antipodes, raisonneur
Bezrukov, A.N. (2018). Eschatology of Viktor Pelevin's Prose. Litera, 2, 208–215.
The subject of a special study of this article is the eschatological character of the texts of one of the prominent representatives of Russian postmodernism Victor Pelevin. The analysis of short prose is carried out from the standpoint of hermeneutics and receptive aesthetics. In the texts of Victor Pelevin there is a sufficiently large number of signs, similar to the mandatory standard of ideas about the end of life, the final fate of a character / image that is on the verge of a transition from a literal existence in the available reality to a new form of existence. For the author, life on the edge is a way to manifest existence in a new turn of perception. This approach to the evaluation of V. Pelevin's prose has not yet been undertaken in contemporary literary criticism. The methodology of the work is based on the criteria of comparative comparative structural analysis, the principles of comparative studies and receptive aesthetics. Particular attention is paid to the methods of organizing artistic space and time, methods of objectifying the lifeline, and verifying the conditional epistemological finale. The urgency of the issue is explained by the fact that the principles of eschatological poetics are the key to understanding the large narrative forms of the specified author. The paper concludes that the aesthetic effect of small prose consists in the constant increment of connotative series, in references to the world classical literature, in the transformation of plot moves, in the epistemological standard of images, in the verification of values. The style of small prose by Victor Pelevin combines the postmodernist rules for the organization of a literary text and the classical eschatological tradition.
the horizon of expectations, reader, hermeneutics, receptive aesthetics, postmodern discourse, author's style, eschatology, small prose, Victor Pelevin, intertextuality
Fedorova, N.V. (2018). Neologisms and Their Word-Formation Tendencies in Modern English (Based on the Analysis of Mass Media Texts). Litera, 2, 216–225.
In her paper Fedorova analyzes English-speaking neologisms used within the framework of such a functional and stylistic variety of modern English as the style of mass communication. Neologisms, selected from materials of online media, are analyzed from the point of view of word-formation models according to which they are formed, in order to identify the most productive of them. The practical significance of the work is due to the fact that the results and selected language material can be used for scientific and educational purposes, for example, in the preparation of monographs and textbooks on the theory of translation, lexicology of the English language, etc., in practical classes, seminars on relevant topics, and also in the professional field when translating relevant language material. The researcher has used the methods of continuous sampling, linguistic observation and description, contextual analysis and quantitative counting. The author determined the quantitative ratio of word-formation models and means characteristic of English-language media texts in the present period. The obtained data are compared with the data of foreign researchers who worked with similar language material. The analysis of the language material showed that the composition and merging remain the most productive ways to form new words in the English language. A further increase in the number of semantic neologisms is predicted.
abbreviation, affixation, blending, compounding, word-formation, neologism, mass media, acronym, conversion, derivation