Bykova, L., Koptyakova, E. (2017). Functioning of a Precedent Name 'Munchausen' in Today's Russian Printed Media. Litera, 2, 1–9.
The object of the research is a precedent name 'Munchausen'. The authors of the article analyze particularities of that precedent name in today's Russian press. Printed media cannot so fastly respond to the events going on in the world compared to TV, radio or Internet. For this reason, in recent years the main function of press media has been the influence function. The authors pay special attention to what precedent situations related to the name 'Munchausen' have been actualised in Russian press media and what impact it was supposed to made on readers. When selecting material for research, the authors have used the random sampling method. In the course of processing the obtained corpus of examples, the authors have also conducted a cognitive discourse analysis of precedent phenomena as well as their comparison and classification. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the authors have appealed to studying a particular precedent phenomenon associated with the German culture and how this phenomenon is shown in Russian press media. As a result of the research, the authors demonstrate that the precedent name 'Munchausen' actualises such representations as 'lier' and 'dreamer' while for precedent situations a formal actualisation is more typical.
dreamer, influence, Russian printed media, Münchhausen, German culture, mass media, precedent phenomenon, boast, pull on hair, ride the cannonball
Poetry and the poet
Minets , .V., Gorushkina , A. . (2017). Dialogue of Cultures as Part of Ali Kudryashova's Poetic Discourse. Litera, 2, 10–19.
Within the framework of the present research article the authors view a poetic discourse of a contemporary blog poet Ali Kudryasheva. The researchers keep to the opinion that each text is already a dialogue as it is based on all preceding and proceeding texts. Meanwhile, just as the language, culture is a sign-oriented (semiotic) system that can transfer information but cannot self-organize as the language can because culture is a memory in the first place. Kudryasheva's 'dialogue of cultures' represents a specific feature of her individual language system. Her creative writing is charactersized with the consistence of her linguoculturemes appealing to various cultural traditions. Literary precedents of Ali Kudryusheva as a poet can be classified into the following three groups: those that follow Russian, West Eruopean and ancient traditions. The combination of geographical, literary, musical, and philosophical precedent elements in her poetic discourse allows to define several trends of such reception: 1) national distinctness of the literary text; 2) perception of an alien culture and including the other culture in the poet's picture of the world; 3) different kinds of interaction between native and alien cultures.
blog, Germany, Baltics, Russia, Ali Kudryasheva, toponyms, poetic discourse, precedent name, linguocultureme, dialogue of cultures
Pyrkov, I.V. (2017). Rhythmic Aspect of the Farewell Motif in Ivan Goncharov's Oblomov and Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard: Experience of a New Interpretation. Litera, 2, 20–35.
The article is devoted to the farewell motif that plays a rhythm-making role in Ivan Goncharov's novel Oblomov and Anton Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard. The fact that there are similar methods of rhythmic organisation of narration in Ivan Goncharov's and Anton Chekhov's creative writing allow to make analytical parallels between these two masterpieces of different literary genres. The subject under analysis is a ninefold retranslation of the signalling word 'farewell' in the novel Oblomov, artistic meaning of that rhythmic repetition and comparison it to the structure of motifs in The Cherry Orchard. The main method used by the author of the article is the method of the motif analysis combined with the rhythmic interpretation of literary text. For the first time in the studies of Goncharov and Chekhov nine variants of farewell as they are given in the novel Oblomov are compared to nine variants of farewell in Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard. This compaison opens a new page in a creative dialogue between these two classical authors of Russian literature and allows to 'hear' new 'overtones' of these authors' message and intonation.
creative dialogue, archetonics, expositional model, awakening motif, poetics, entanglement image, farewell motif, prose rhythm, Chekhov, Goncharov
Literary criticism
Vorobyova, O. (2017). The History of Cooperation of Fyodor Dostoevsky with the Journal 'Russkoye Slovo' (the Case Study of his Correspondence with Contemporaries). Litera, 2, 36–44.
The object of the present research is the journal The Russian Word published by Grigory Kushelyov-Bezborodko. The subject of the research of Fyodor Dostoevsky's participation in that journal project. Based on the analysis of the epistolary material of the writer with his contemporaries, Vorobieva step-by-step develops the history of Fyodor Dostoevky's cooperation with the Russkoye Slovo Journal. In this article Vorobieva focuses on the writer's attempts to return to literature: on the one hand, Dostoevsky published his novel 'Uncle's Dream' which he had written after the forced-labor camp in a journal of little promise 'Russkoye Slovo'. On the other hand, despite his difficult situation, Dostoevsky dictates his own terms to editors. In her research Vorobieva uses the psychobiographical method to define for which reasons and in what manner Fyodor Dostoevsky tried to affect people his creative fate depended on. The historical comparative method used by the author also helps to compare other writers' attitudes to the journal 'Russkoye Slovo' and outline differences in the principles followed by the journal editors. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: the editors of Russkoye Slovo helped Dostoevsky in his difficult times by publishing his novel but not vice versa as literary experts used to believe. Despite the fact that Dostoevsky's participation in that jornal was forced and his novel 'Uncle's Dream' was not approved by critics, Fyodor Dostoevsky's cooperation with Russkoye Slovo gave impulse to Fyodor Dostoevskyt to return to the literary community of St. Petersburg. The author's special contribution to the topic is that he uses historical reconstructions that allows to cover gaps in a number of successive facts. When such approach is applied, reconstructions inevitably attains a hypothetic nature, however, they allow to describe the history of the writer's cooperation with the journal 'Russkoye Slovo' in a wider sense without just limiting to the comments made in the 30-volume 'Complete Set of Fyodor Dostoevsky's Works'. In her research Vorobieva has used materials from the Russian State Historical Archive and the Manuscript Department of the Russian State Library.
Grigory Kushelyov-Bezborodko, brothers Dostoyevsky, letters, correspondence, earned income, journalism, history of cooperation, Russkoye Slovo, Uncle's Dream, Fyodor Dostoevsky
Bezrukov, A.N. (2017). Hierarchy of an Artistic Discourse. Litera, 2, 45–53.
The subject of the research is the interdependence between the language and verbal communication, language and thinking, language and various types of discourse, assessment and analysis of a discursive writing. The object of the research is the specification of gnoseological mainlines involved in the process of objectivation of both the meaning of an available text, hereinafter - discourse, and decoding the reader's contextual artistic reality. The author of the article examines the hierarchy of the discourse, the structure of the meaning in the practice of discursive creative writing formed by the combination of diametrical meaning points under conditions of transformational dispositions. Such aspects of the topic as the control over the reader's mind, systematisation of artistic forms, immanent variants, intratextual relations, semantic allocation, structuring and reception of the concept as a unit of the mental frame-based scheme, and registers of discursive practice methodologically complete the research and reveal the topic at the most. The author pays special attention to the analysis of discursive paradigm that is incomplete, tends to have infinite borders and, which is very important, regulated by the social historical environment and individual personal priorities. According to the author, cognitive approach is the most accurate research method providing that the composite research methodology prevails. Interpretation based on the aforesaid approach is close to the ontological correction of the meaning and statement of multiple connotations. Consequently, cognitive reception algorithms of the artistic discourse reversibly reveal possible paths for decoding all the volume of meanings. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author views artistic discourse as a form of connection of nominative corpus units from the side of the author and the sphere of constant actualisation of meanings from the side of the reader. This allows to conclude that artistic discourse is a hierarchically normalized process. Unlike text, discourse performs the function of the language functional allocation. Communication manifests the model of the special relationship between the author and the reader, the recipient and the person who produces a literary text. The hierarchy of the discourse is not a literal composition but the interplay of paradigm language forms that functionally exist in the reader's mind. Conceptual modification of elements co-organise the matrix of of the cognitive evaluation of reality. The main conclusion fo the research is that artistic discourse should be perceived as a climax of a concretized aesthetic thought, narrative style, mind's marker, and evaluation method, in a word, everything that is axiologically correct for the author and recipient and formally correct at this or that historical stage.
reading modus, cognitive science, concept, frame, semantic paradigm, recipient, author, intertext, literary text, discourse
Author's view
Klimkov, O. (2017). The "Gospel Philosophy" of Tihon Zadonsky in Terms of Russian Spiritual Culture. Litera, 2, 54–73.
In his article Klimkov studies the significance of personality and spiritual philosophy of Tihon Zadonsky in terms of secularization processes of the Russian mentality. His main literary works and their influence in modern culture are considered. It is noted that his works are still insufficiently studied at the present time and need a deeper understanding. The historical conflict between imperial ideology, the official church position and the self-consciousness of the individual believer clearly manifested in his life is being analyzed. The researcher also raises the problem of the relationship between state, church and society. Klimkov has used the historical phenomenological method as well as literary analysis and philosophical theological research methods when necessary. Becoming a bishop, he very soon began to dislike established order of doing things and the life of a church official. His work, dedicated to true Christianity, reveals the untruth of false Christianity, which has become ubiquitous. An ideal of true holiness is revealed, connected with the deep needs of the human soul and the world order as a whole. The extremes of religious mysticism and secular rationalism make Tihon to seek a new path for the Orthodox spirituality, as reflected in the increasing personalization of the Christian life and the role of personal faith in comparison with the traditional religious way of life based on rituals and ceremonies. The researcher also analyzes religious and philosophical views of Tihon Zadonsky. Special attention is paid to his anthropology and gnoseology. The Klimkov underlines that Tihon Zadonsky's way of thinking deeply correlates with Orthodox mentality that has gained an adequate theoretic expression despite the scholastic narrative method.
Russian literature, hesychasm, Tihon Zadonsky, church, secularisation, orthodoxy, christian philosophy, person, culture, spirituality
Eternal symbols
Perevalov, V.P. (2017). 'Heart-Felt Devotion' or 'Deeply Hurt Ambition' (On the History of the Relationship between Karamzin and Pushkin in 1818 - 1820). Litera, 2, 74–106.
The article is devoted to the relationship between Nikolay Karamzin and Alexander Pushkin during the period of social discussions around the first eight volumes of The History of the Russian State (1818 - 1820). 'Close reading' of Pushkin's texts about the Historiographer, microanalysis of these texts in terms of the historical environment of those times and application of new materials, although the latter were already known disregarding thereto, allow to specify the exact time when the Poet wrote one of his best epigrams about Karamzin: 'His History attains gracefulness and simplicity...' The basis for defining the date of Pushkin's epigram was the author's statement that the same critical oppositions against the concept of 'saving czarist regime' could be expressed both in prose and poetry. Clear logical distinction between those is necessary because their authors, time of creation and environment where they were created were absolutely different. The author focuses on the moment of creation of that epigram because the epigram represented a crucial landmark event in their relationship, in particular, the point where their personal relationship was broken up. In its turn, the length of existence of the epigram and environment where the epigram became popular were the factors that later allowed the partices to reach a compromise as a result of the events when Karamzin defended the Poet during proceedings about the authorship of satirical poems against the government. The Historiographer (along with others) asked for the mercy for Pushkin while remaining politically opposed to Pushkin's views in April of 1820. The 'heart-felt devotion' of Pushkin to Karamzin was restored and later played an important role in Pushkin's creative writing when the Poet wrote about the 'deed of the honest man' and dedicated his Borin Godunov to Karamzin, etc.
Pushkin, young Jacobins, The Brothers Turgenev, Alexander the First, History of the Russian State, czarist regime , criticism, prose, epigram, Karamzin
Imagination and its fruits
Iakovleva, E. (2017). Surrealistic Phantasmagoria: Interpretation of Sakyo Komatsu's Novel 'Paper or Hair' in Terms of Glamor. Litera, 2, 107–119.
In her research Yakovleva interprets Sakyo Komatsu's novel 'Paper or Hair'. The novel was written in 1963 as a response to the modern times, in particular, glamor style of life. In his novel Komatsu brings forth the problem of choosing the development path, either towards aggressive accumulation of innovation technologies or implementation of innovation technologies accompanied with careful preservation of traditions. In the course of her research Yakovleva has discovered that the novel written in the genre of surrealistic phantasmagoria has three layers: unreal, real and superreal. Due to the condensed form, layers overlap which creates the condensation effect and aggravates the terrible image. In his short novel Komatsu represents two symbols related to tradition and beauty, Paper and Hair. However, their power and conceptual potential has decreased in modern times when glamor has shifted the focus towards beautiful apopearance. Moreover, today's high developed technologies create elements of unreality and superreality which allows to interpet our existence as surrealistic phantasmagoria. The author of the article views the topic applying the hermeneutic analysis. The author has chosen this research method because this is the method that allows to create a possible interpretative models of the novel. For the first time in the academic literature Sakyo Komatsu's novel 'Paper or Hair' is being interpreted in terms of glamor as a modern phenomenon. The author of the article also carries out a comparative analysis of Komatsu's fantasies nd glamor sociality, thus revealing Komtsu's fears concerning intensive development of technologies and monetization of all aspects of existence as well as elimination of traditions. The author demonstrates the danger of overlapping layers of existence (real, unreal and superreal) that leads to chaos and absurdity. The research provisions and conclusions can be used in further analysis of Komatsu's work, literary texts and their relation to the modern socio-cultural environment.
symbol, super-reality, reality, unreality, Paper or Hair, Sakyo Komatsu, surrealistic phantasmagoria, rhizomatic web-spiral, interpretation, glamor
Kudryavtseva, R.A., Schabykov, V.I. (2017). Foreign Speech Communication of Mari Youth (Sociolinguistic Aspect). Litera, 2, 120–131.
The subject of the research is the foreign speech communication of Mari youth. The purpose of the article is to define the place of the Russian and English languages in the verbal communication of contemporary young people aged 15 - 29 years old, residing in the Republic of Mari El and identifying themselves as Mari. The rationale of the research problem is caused by the need to analyze today's sociolinguistic situation in polyethnic constituents of the Russian Federation and the role of state and foreign languages in these constituents. The topic is also important as part of studies devoted to the ethnocultural integration in a society. The empirical basis for the research is the sociolinguistic data obtained in 2012 by the Sociology Department of Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V. Vasiliev in the process of the population survey devoted to the topic 'Linguistic Situation in the Republic of Mari El'. The research methods used by the authors include: statistical method, systematisation, analysis and generalisation. The authors have also used sociological tools such as random non-repeated quota sample, formal structured interview, etc. Sociolinguistic data used by the authros in their research are introduced in the academic literature for the first time and analyzed depending on respondents' places of residence (village/city) and educational background (secondary education/higher education or incomplete higher education). The research is focused on two questions that clarify the nature of the foreign speech communication of Mari youth. The first question is related to using non-ethnic (foreign) language in a situation of everyday communication (with their parents, hubands or wives, preschool or school age children). The second question is related to self-assessment of their verbal skills in relation to different kinds of speech activity (readiness for qualitative foreign communication). The authors of the article prove that Mari young people have a high level of linguocompetence in Russian and low level of linguocompetence in English. The Russian language is actively used by them in everyday life and often performs functions that could be performed by their ethnic language.
speech activity skills, linguocompetence, foreign speech communication, Mari, youth, Republic of Mari El, polyethnic region, English language, Russian language, sociolinguistics
Krasikov, V.I. (2017). "Language is Disguising Our Thoughts"? Linguistic Meaning of the Word As One of the Formative Elements of Its Meaning. Litera, 2, 132–142.
The object of research in the proposed article is the meaning and its linguistic expression. The subject of the research is the interaction of semantic and linguistic meanings. The author of the article deals with such aspects of the topic as meaning in its totality, the relationship between semantic and linguistic meanings, and the influence of the sign means of expression on the meaning of the expression. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the concepts of "meaning" offered by B. Russell, R. Carnap, H. Price, G. Reichenbach, A. Losev, K. Levi-Strauss, H.-G. Gadamer, R. Bart, L. Wittgenstein, C. Lewis and E. Sapir. The methodological basis involves typification, comparison, analysis, subject-object scheme, construction, and elements of philosophical reflection. As a result, an extensive conceptual material has been analyzed, matrices of interpretations of "meaning" have been revealed in the characteristic representatives of the neo-positivist, structuralist, hermeneutical and analytical traditions. The author's special contribution to the topic is that he offers defines a relationship between the features of the formation of semantic values and the specificity of their linguistic expression. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops a philosophical-anthropological version of understanding the relationship of meaning and its linguistic expression based on the analysis of characteristic theories of meaning.
philosophical-anthropological approach, instrumentalism, operationalism, analytical tradition, neopositivism, linguistic expression of meaning, sense, meaning, structuralism, contextualism
Rolgayzer, A.A. (2017). Syntactic Tools of Suggestion in an Advertising Text (the Case Study of French Advertisement). Litera, 2, 143–148.
The subject of the research is the syntatic tools of suggestive influence in an advertising text. As a special form of communication, advertisement has been widely practised in a modern world and has a direct effect on both human mind and his or her language. Syntactic organisation of an advertising slogan plays an important role in the process of creating the suggestive effect which is one of the main goals of advertisement as it is. In certain cases, this is the structure of an expression that has a crucial meaning for performing a suggestive effect. In the course of this research Rolgaizer has used a complex method that is based on the functional approach to studying language and includes the inductive method as a direct observation of the research object and determination of certain regularities in the language as well as the method of contectual analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author of the article makes an attempt to define and describe syntactic mechanisms of the suggestive influence in the structure of an advertising text. The problem of suggestive influece has been widely studied in the psychological literature, however, it still remains understudied from the point of view of the linguistic elements of the suggestive influence. Thus, linguistic methods that are used in an advertising text in order to influence a consumer's choice, are of special interest.
nonverbal component, verbal component, recipient, persuasion, syntactic tools, suggestion, advertising, slogan, suggestive effect, subliminal mind
Fedotova, K.S. (2017). Poetics of Proper Names Catalogues in Works Written by Nikolay Gumilev. Litera, 2, 149–159.
The article deals with proper names catalogues in poetry by Nikolay Gumilev. The catalogue is defined as a complex variety unifided in semantics and syntax manners, and also involved in composition of literary text. Poetonyms as nominative units of artistic speech became the subjects of this paper. The author of the article specified peculiar features of organisation of proper names catalogues in poetry by Nikolay Gumilev. Poetonyms functioning in a structure of nominative lists have been analysed. The author of the paper has shown that the last name of catalogue is often instrumental in list, and that the whole catalogue as a unified varety is often contradistinguished to one poetonym used in title or in main part of text. Comparative method, methods of description and context interpretation have been used in this research. Poetonyms have been analysed due to their contextual functions and co-operation with their epithets and descriptions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the poetics of proper names catalogues has not been yet attentively analysed. The case study of poetry by Nikolay Gumilev has shown that the proper names catalogue is a polycomponent variety which is seamlessly involved in the literary text architectonics and took part in the expression of the artistic conception. In proper names catalogue the poet creates the unit image with its special semantics sphere which could be understood due to the analyse of each poetonym in the list, the cooperation of poetonyms and the role which the catalogue plays in a composition of literary text.
composition of a creative work, polycomponent variety, prototype, semantics, poetics, Nikolay Gumilev, poetonym (proper name in a literary text), catalogue of proper names, conception, instrumental proper name in catalogue