Yur'eva, E.V. (2016). The manipulation and the conditions of effectiveness of social advertising discourse. Litera, 3, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19681
The primary purpose of the advertising message and slogan of social advertising in particular is the influence of the addresser to the addressee of the message. The impact effect is a consequence of the linguistic action. The advertising slogan may have certain features of manipulative discourse. The addresser manipulates the consciousness of the addressee, implicit introducing in the psyche of his destinators opinions, attitudes, determine purposes.The manipulative acts is the acts with the implicit illocutionary purpose. The article analyzes the reasons of the use of indirect speech acts as the most frequently used in the slogans of social advertising.
illocutionary purpose, addressee, addresser, speech influence, manipulative discourse, manipulation, social advertising slogan, indirect speech act, implicature, concept
Krinitsyn, A.B. (2016). On specificity of plot action in the novels of Dostoevsky’s Pentateuch: within the context of literary influence of the ‘pulp novel’. Litera, 3, 6–15. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.20054
The article attempts to describe the particularities of eventfulness in Dostoevsky’s Pentateuch novels, comparing them with the French ‘pulp novel’ of action, whose genre traditions are extensively exploited by the Russian author.In Dostoevsky studies it has become common to state that Dostoevsky’s novels are saturated with events and are characterized by extreme eventfulness. In fact, the impression is a result of application of certain artistic devises, such as intensification of action expectation. At closer consideration we see that in the novel’s depicted time dramatic dialogues definitely prevail over action.The ‘pulp’ genre substratum of the Pentateuch novels is introduced via motives, mostly in the form of the characters’ background, whereas Dostoevsky’s novels reveal absolutely different architectonics that has nothing to do with a mere synthesis of ‘pulp’ and ‘philosophical’ components, as L. Grossman assumed. In preparatory materials to Dostoevsky’s novels we see a great number of dramatically evolving plots, typical of adventure novel. Since their number is substantially reduced in the final text of Dostoevsky’s novels, we may conclude, that the influence of ‘pulp’ novel being strong, the ‘adventure’ plot proper remains beyond the confines of what is actually depicted in the novel.
eventfulness, adventure, action, plot, French ‘pulp novel’, novel, Dostoevsky, community, Eugen Sue, genre
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Sharapova, D.D., Krinitsyn, A.B. (2016). The Synthesis of the Gothic and 'Light Novel' Influence on Fedor Dostoevsky's Writing. Litera, 3, 16–25. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.20186
In this article the authors speak about elements of the Gothic and light literature in Dostoevsky's novels as well as synthesis of those. According to the authors, the Gothic literature had a double influence on Dostoevsky's novels. There were the direct influence of the writers belonging to the aforesaid literary school and indirect influence of the light literature which was also influenced by Gothic novels. The authors of the article define the features proving the influence of the Gothic literature on Dostoevsky's writing such as the themes of the castle, ghost, vampire, demon, devil, Gothic villain, etc. reflected in Fedor Dostoevsky's five books as well as the influence of the features of light literature such as characters and heroes typical for that kind of literature (poor aristrocrat, 'fallen' yet pure-hearted woman, poor family). In their analysis the authors have used the methods of comparative-historical and compartive-typological literary studies. They have found the points where the influence of those two genres met based on the examples of such characters as Svidrigailov and Stavrogin who had both the features of the Gothic villain and 'light novel' aristocrat. Noteworhy that Stavrogin also resembles a vampire both by his appearance and behavior which is one of the forms of demon. The authors also describe the features of the ghost motif which, despite its Gothic origin, is closer to the ghost from the light novel. Another example is the motif of demon reflected in the image of Devil (The Brothers Karamazov) which again has the features of both a Gothic demon and Devil from Frederic Soulie's novel 'Memoirs of the Devil'.
ghosts, vampires, serial literature, Gothic novel, light novel, comparative studies, comparative historical literary studies, Dostoevsky, light literature, Gothic literature
Eternal symbols
Vodyasova, L.P. (2016). Metaphorical modeling of conceptual dyad LIFE and DEATH in the erzya language. Litera, 3, 26–35. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.20265
The subjects of analysis in the article are the concepts LIFE and DEATH, which represent a problem of the self-consciousness and its place in the society. They constitute the conceptual dyad, because they relate, compare, evaluate in the language consciousness, constantly. This is the most ancient, the basic unit of a language picture of the world. The aim of employment is to describe their metaphorical modeling material of one of the Finno-Ugric languages – the Erzya language. The research of problems we were determined as follows: 1) to identify the key words-representants concepts of life and death; 2) among the selected token to identify those who have a metaphorical meaning; 3) to set the context, revealing the metaphorical concepts. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work on cognitive linguistics by A. Wierzbicka, S. G. Vorkachev, E. A. Cypanov and others. The main method was defined descriptive. It is used to study the content side of the lexemes-represetants and their functioning in certain contexts. The material for analysis served as precedent and literary texts. Based on the research we came to the conclusion that the conceptual dyad has universal and specific symptoms that are caused by language and cultural traditions of the Mordovian people, the specifics of his thinking, principles of coding information. Theoretical and practical significance of the work is to create preconditions for the further study of the problem of the relationship between language, thought and culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples, the development of cognitive areas in the Finno-Ugric linguistics, as proposed methodology concept study can be used to identify means of verbalization of concepts and of closely and far related other Finno-Ugric languages.
literary text, precedent text, metaphor, metaphorical modeling, representation of the concept, conceptual dyad, concept DEATH, concept LIFE, concept, context
Preobrazhenskaya, A. (2016). 'Not by Bread Alone': the Metaphor of 'Tasting the Book' in the Baroque Preaching. Litera, 3, 36–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19773
The article is devoted to the metaphor of 'tasting the book' based on the example of two compilations of selected preaching works written by the first poet laureate Simeon of Polotsk, 'Spiritual supper' (1681) and 'Spiritual dinner' (1683). The author defines specifics of the metaphor in old Russian religious literature and baroque literature of the second half of the XVIIth century. She also traces back the development of the metaphor and its use in the headings based on the Ukranian-Polish homiletic tradition as well as its lexical interpretation. The author analyzes the successive development of the metaphor's semantic components in poetic and prosaic prefaces to the aforesaid compilations. The research methods used by the authors include hermeneutical, cultural-historical, contextual, comparative-historical and comparative analysis. The main results of the research include description of the metaphor of tasting the book in Russian baroque literature of the pre-Peter period based on the example of preaching works written by the first poet laureate Simeon of Polotsk. The authors also offer a detailed analysis of the metaphor's semantic components and lexical meaning of these components in terms of the Russian literary process during the second half of the XVIIth century.
interpretation, literary process, spiritual supper, spiritual dinner, pre-Peter Russia, metaphor, sermon, homiletics, Simeon of Polotsk, baroque
Skvortsova, E.L. (2016). To the Problem of Contemporary State of the Japanese Culture. Litera, 3, 44–59. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19572
The specify of Japanese culture seen from the ground of the two eminent researches of the matter: T.P. Grigorieva and T. Sugiyama-Lebra (Japanese American) is considered in the article. Prof. Grigorieva argues that the Ultimate Truth in Japan had been perceived immediately, in an “aesthetic” way. It’s a kind of an experience of “Oneness” with the Nature, and deeper – with the Outer Space, born from “Nothingness” – the formless dimension of the Universe. She also argues, that cultural specific depends on often non-articulated “Weltanschauung” and behavioral forms. She assumes, that cultural foundation is something formless, unseen on the “Surface” of life, but existing in any epoch. It may be or may be not textually fixed, but is handed down from generation to generation on “alive”. Cultural behavior of contemporary Japanese is the subject of scientific analyses of prof. Sugiyama-Lebra. She assumes that the traditional socio-cultural order in Japan is under a kind of threat, due to rapid globalization. She finds fault with the destructive position of the widespread post-modern attitude to Culture. A clear view of the process of traditional cultural forms “dissolution”, makes her to conclude that any socio-cultural novelty becomes a kind of danger, unless it takes into account historically-approved forms of social activities.Method of research: the empirico-hermeneutic methodology was applied: i. l. the method of correct description and interpretation of original sources; dialectical methodology, principle of complementarity.For the first time in the history of local Japanese Studies the scientific views of the two eminent Contemporary researchers of the Japanese traditional Culture are analyzed in the article. Both Grigorieva and Sugiyama-Lebra substantiate the importance of preserving the traditional ties that make a socio-cultural order possible. Any kind of progress is possible until these ties are broken. But if we aim at “novelties at all costs”, progress may turn into a post-modern deconstruction not only of the concept “Culture”, but of the very culture itself, which means justification of immorality in practice. Culture cannot be inherited genetically; that’s why every new generation has to learn from the previous ones. Continuity is indispensable for culture. Globalization implying abolishing of ethnos as a quasi-organic entity inclines to a destruction of Culture, the embodiment of Specific features of human activity. It implies rapid “moral obsolescence” of all generations, preceding today’s youth. Nevertheless, the both scientists argue, that traditional habits of work and practical skills make the role of elder teachers urgent.
Globalization, postmodernism, Nihon bunka-ron, Nihonjin-ron, Japanese culture, Japanese Art Tradition, T. Sugiyama-Lebra, T. Grigorieva, aesthetic, Middle level of Culture
Faritov, V.T. (2016). Elements of folk-laughter culture of in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche (Nietzsche and Bakhtin). Litera, 3, 60–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19305
The subject of the study of the present article are the philosophical aspects of folk culture of laughter as a source of conceptual and figurative content philosophical literature works. Object of research are elements of folk culture of laughter in his book "Thus Spake Zarathustra" Friedrich Nietzsche. The author, based on the conceptual development of MM Bakhtin analyzes the main features of philosophical ideas and poetics of the main work of the German thinker. The main attention is paid to the phenomena of laughter, the carnival attitude, buffoonery and body. The paper used to install and methodological principles of comparative literature and comparative philosophy. Used poststructuralist methods of work with texts. The main conclusion of the study is a thesis about the embeddedness of ideologically-shaped structure "Thus Spake Zarathustra" in the tradition of folk culture of laughter. Author substantiated the position of the accessories of the work of Nietzsche to genres carnivalized literature. The article reveals the connection of phenomena of laughter, carnival buffoonery and body with the ontological phenomenon of transgression.
body, fool, laugh, carnivalization, transgression, Nietzsche, Bakhtin, Rabelais, folk-laughter culture, ambivalence
Kreidlin, G., Khesed, L. (2016). Hair as an Object of the Body Semiotic Conceptualization. Litera, 3, 75–92. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.20016
The subject of the research is the semiotic conceptualizatino of a somatic object 'hair' (on one's head) as a kind of bodily cover. According to the authors, semiotic conceptualization of hair involves a) analysis of the ideas on hair represented by Russian-speakers and representatives of Russian culture, in particular, their views on the role of hair in the formation of one's appearance and their aesthetic function, b) description of the main characteristics of hair, and c) peculiarities of how these features are expressed in the Russian language and Russian non-verbal code. The research method used by the author is the feature approach that implies sequential analysis and description of structural, physical and functional attributes of hair, the role of these attributes and the ways of their expression in communication. The authors of the article analyze the semantic structure of the word 'hair' and describes somatic signs and gestures that involve hair. Special attention is paid to the feature of the cultural symbolization of hair reflected in Russian proverbs. The scientific novelty of the research is caused both by the authors' selection of the research subject because it is the first research devoted to the object and word 'hair' in the sphere of linguistics and non-verbal semiotics and by the authors' application of a multi-modal approach that allows to define the relationship between signs of Russian verbal and non-verbal codes. The results of the research complete and clarify data of Russian explanatory and gesture dictionaries and the methodology used by the authors represents a universal model for further researches on semiotic conceptualization of body and physicality.
body, semiotic conceptualization, semantics, Russian, attribute, non-verbal semiotics, culture, communication, gesture, hair