Vodyasova, L.P. (2015). The semantic features and functional load in the novel by A.M. Doronin “The Shadow of the bells”. Litera, 2, 1–13.
The subject of analysis are in the article the comparison related to the type of semantic change based on analogy and assimilation. The object of study is their semantic features and functional load in the novel famous Mordvin writer A. M. Doronin «The shadow of the bells». This artistic-Visual tool attaches to the product of stylistic diversity, expressing in shaped the essence of the subject. System comparisons and how to apply them to reflect the perception of the author, characterizing his idiostil′, aesthetic principles and moral and philosophical beliefs. The main method of research is descriptive, based on comparisons of observations as imagined-expressive means language, their description and classification. On the basis of the carried out research work, the author concludes that in the present work identifies two group comparisons-1) with explicit and 2) implicit bases. The Comparison of the first type include direct name of a characteristic that is common to map events. The second type is a form of comparison with partial and full implicit Foundation, with the first contain the names of those aspects of the subject that are common signs with relevant aspects of reference, the composition of the second such names are not included. Both types perform kompressive and associative function in the novel, bringing dynamic, emotional and expressiveness into the fabric of artistic text.
functional load, implicit, explicit, assimilation, analogy, comparison, artistic text, kompressive, associative, emotive
Ol'shanskii, D.A. (2015). Psychoanalysis of Literature. Litera, 2, 14–58.
It is known that psychoanalysis exists in three options – philosophical, clinical and applied. In the latter case it is about a peculiar research of art, political and mass and psychological processes. Psychoanalytic ideas can be used in the sphere of philosophy, sociology, art and religion. Freud laid the patography foundation – one of applied disciplines of psychoanalysis studying and interpreting biographies of writers, scientists, artists, politicians. Peru the founder of psychoanalysis possesses the known patografichesky researches devoted to Leonardo da Vinci, F.M. Dostoyevsky, V. Wilson. Patography – a specific method and a genre of the psychological and patopsikhologichesky analysis, description of life and creativity of charismatic persons, artists, scientists, writers, political and religious figures. Psychoanalysis of literature is presented in this case by a series of reviews of the author of performances, movies and other works of art. The author uses methodology of philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis and a hermeneutics. He seeks to analyse works of art from the point of view of psychological mechanisms which are revealed by psychoanalysis. For the first time in domestic literature psychoanalysis is widely applied to studying of literary works. The author considers plots which formed the basis of performances, of movies and operas, investigates motives of behavior of literary characters, reveals secrets of mentality through a prism of psychoanalytic opening. It is possible to call each response to this or that statement a peculiar metaphysical sketch.
psychoanalysis, art, literature, sublimation, identity, desire, love, cruelty, symbol, illusion
Tsygankov, A. (2015). Conceptual Genesis of the Word 'Ritter' in Middle High German of the XIIth - XIIIth Centuries. Litera, 2, 59–70.
The article is devoted to consideration of semantic genesis of the word ritter in the sredneverkhnenemetsky XII-XIII language of centuries. Semantic genesis of the word is analyzed by means of the appeal to German-speaking sources of the considered time period, and also to the latest developments of a modern German-speaking media studies. On the basis of the done analysis it is claimed that originally, in a German-speaking medieval universum, the word ritter had no general semantic connotations with widely known image of the noble soldier on a horse which completely are established only by the end of the XIII century. The leading method of research is the etymological analysis in its application to the XII-XIII Middle High German language of centuries. It is proved that the happened transformations of sense were caused by dialectic interrelation of two historical factors: first, growth of the feudal relations which promoted formation knights striations with self-understanding inherent in it and a self-name; secondly, "symbolical import" which was carried out by the German emperors from France as standard of the strong and independent royalty.
word, knight, significatum, denotatum, Hohenstaufens, ritter, etymology, Middle High German, Middle Ages, chevalier
Rudneva, E.G. (2015). Philosophical Approaches to the Language. Litera, 2, 71–90.
The article is devoted to comparison and the analysis of various approaches to "language philosophy". Scientific the language origin problem concern delimitation, for example. Here at once serious contradictions between researchers are found. Also divergences between the speculative philosophy based on contemplation and supervision and analytical philosophy which is based on the reached language results are characterized. In article different philosophical approaches to language are differentiated. Types, theories and standards of value are considered. The special attention to a problem of an intentionality and to speech acts is paid. Methods which allow to analyze not simply communication of thinking and language, and to reveal the constituting role of language, the word and speech in various forms of a discourse, in knowledge and of structures of consciousness and knowledge are used. In article distinction between classical philosophy which explained a language origin by the nature and on interrelation of language and thinking, and modern interpretation of problems of language is carried out. It is noted that V. Humboldt understood language as a mind organon. The role of F. Nietzsche who came to the conclusion is highlighted that all deviations from truth are connected with the delusions proceeding from increase of a role of words-fiktsy. The important place is given to definitions, descriptions and references.
philosophy, language, thinking, definition, meaning, verbal expressions, communication, pragmatics of the language, semantics of the language, knowledge structure
Kozlova, M.V. (2015). Poetry as the Experience of 'Lasting Presence' in Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics. Litera, 2, 91–99.
The article is devoted to research of a question of the special temporary status of a lyric in Hans-George Gadamer's hermeneutics. An object of research is poetic diction, in particular, language of lyrical poetry. Gadamer, after Heidegger, proves the special status of poetic diction and in detail considers the features of the poetic word connected with its corporality, i.e. the sound nature. According to Gadamer, the sound nature of the poetic word distinguishes him from words of the ordinary speech as in poetry the sound and sense exist unseparably. The research methodology, mainly, is under construction on philosophical and esthetic approach to an object of research and the historico-philosophical analysis of primary sources. Also comparative method considering for the solution of an objective of achievement of cultural science and linguistics is applied to research. The main conclusion of the present article is the approval of the special status of the poetic word based on indivisibility in it semantic and sound structure and, as a result, the special temporary status of a lyric. Reading a lyric is connected with merge of the horizons of the past and the present and experience of own time of the poem, as "the lasting present", that is simultaneity (Gleichzeitigkeit) of the present and a past, interruption of a linear stream of time. Reading the poem, we study active contemplation (verweilen) which allows us to join integrity of the world and our experience in the world.
sound and sense, acoustic image, lasting presence, Gleichzeitigkeit, verweilen, myth, hermeneutics, poetry, time, the whole