Literary criticism
Faritov, V.T. (2015). Philosophical aspects of time and space in the work of A.S. Pushkin. Litera, 1, 1–30.
This article discusses the philosophical aspects of space and time in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin. On a material analysis of poems of the poet author explicates the direction of the dynamics of lyrical chronotop Pushkin. Reveals connection between artistic representation of space and time in Pushkin's poetry with the fundamental problems of metaphysics. Carried out a comparative analysis of the lyrical chronotop Pushkin with chronotope F.I. Tyutchev and M. Voloshin. Reveals the closeness of the poetic world of Pushkin and philosophical ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche. We use the methods of comparative literature and methodological orientations of metaphysics Russian literature. Partially used the principles of hermeneutics and deconstruction. The main result of the study is to identify two types of rhythmic organization of space and time in the poetry of Pushkin and explication of their philosophical aspects. It is shown that the lyrical chronotop Pushkin tends to surpass the limits of the classical metaphysical oppositions towards anticipating the conceptual development of non-classical philosophy.
Voloshin, Tjutchev, topos, transgression, metaphysics, time, space, Pushkin, eternal return, transcendence
Eternal symbols
Gurevich, P.S. (2015). Three Focuses on Pushkin's Tragedy. Litera, 1, 31–52.
Article is devoted to A.S. Pushkin's tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" in interpretations of famous Russian philosophers – S. Bulgakov, G. Meyer, I. Ilyin. It is remarkable that the Russian thinkers quite often addressed to art. Their philosophical experiences in area of literature are very significant. In this case three views of Pushkin's tragedy are compared: each of philosophers offers the option of the main conflict which is the cornerstone of this composition. So, S. Bulgakov considers that the main contents of the tragedy are interfaced to friendship dramatic art. Estimating this condition as spiritual, connected with love, he considers that tragic sense of work in treachery of friendship from Salieri. Other reading of the tragedy is offered by G. Meyer. It regards as of paramount importance a figure of the black person who ordered to the composer the requiem. Here, according to the philosopher, the main conflict of the tragedy. It is that Salieri acts in full consent with the death angel. The murder subject, thus, finds additional connotations. At last, I. Ilyin sees tragedy grain in the conflict of genius and villainy. Round this subject is also under construction its analysis of work of Pushkin. In article concepts of an esthetics which allow to consider features of the tragedy as a genre are used. At the same time the author uses also the komparativistsky method helping to reveal the general and excellent in interpretations of the tragedy the Russian philosophers. In article three views of A.S. Pushkin's tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" are for the first time compared. Each of these approaches to contents of the composition allows to comprehend the main conflict of the tragedy in a new way. In article critical evaluation of the version, according to which tragedy essence in treachery of friendship is given. At such treatment it wasn't obligatory for Pushkin to take a plot from musical practice. Besides, this look lays aside other vital problems put by the tragedy – whether is art craft, whether are compatible the genius and villainy, etc. Certainly, the analyzed articles didn't apply for the complete and full analysis of the tragedy. However taken together, they give the developed idea of interpretation of the tragedy of Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri" in the Russian philosophy.
literature, tragedy, art, genious, friendship, villainy, harmony, death, craft, trade, music
Imagination and its fruits
Antonova, E.M. (2015). Literature as an Avatar of Philosophy. Litera, 1, 53–73.
The author of the article attempts to answer a question becomes: what communication exists between philosophy and literature? Both in that and in other case it is about deep personal creativity. Many works of poetry we call philosophical. At the same time philosophical thoughts and ideas find expression in an art form with use of images and other means of expression which are inherent in art. We know philosophical works which are stated by art language. For example, the ancient Roman philosopher Tit Lucretius Kar wrote the philosophical poem "About the Nature of Things". However between philosophy and literature it is possible to find various and difficult communications. The author puts the task to reveal the similarity and distinction existing between philosophy and literature as concerning their subject, and language. The author uses methods of various directions of modern philosophy. Analyzing the text, he addresses to receptions of a hermeneutics and structuralism. At the analysis of philosophical problems addresses to philosophical anthropology, linguistic philosophy. Novelty of article is caused by attempt to show that literature quite often acts as a peculiar avatar of philosophy. At the same time it is possible to see such inversion and in relation to philosophy which as much as possible approaches with literature. The author in this regard considers not only proximity of philosophy and literature, but also their mutual threats. This conflict arose already in ancient times. Various forms of a miropostizheniye are in a condition of the competition, challenging the right of the imaginary allies for an absolute priority in disclosure of secrets and paradoxes of the world. The author pays special attention to also axiological measurement of a problem.
litrature, philosophy, art, avatar, value, myth, language, passion, image, culture
Danilova, N.K. (2015). Relational Nature of a Subject of Expression in a Narrative. Litera, 1, 74–93.
In the article one of parameters of discourse process, the subject of the statement which determination of value forms the subsequent configuration of sense is investigated. The subject position is considered as a form-building component which "emptiness" of semantics creates conditions for its language registration depending on the diskursivnykh of strategy of the subject of the speech. The subject of the statement is analyzed as the matrix operator connecting statements in organized sequence in the course of production of the text. In a narrative discourse cognitive, communicative and language measurements of the subject of the statement form the narrative roles representing a combination of the designated prospects. As a method of research the linear discourse analysis which units are sequences, i.e. sequences of statements which are characterized by grammatical and thematic completeness is used. In the proposed solution of the problem of discourse sense the understanding of the subject of the statement as functions from a number of the factors connected with the conceptual basis of a plan, communicative strategy focused on the author both on the reader and with actually language norms of the organization of the statement is new. As a result of the analysis the main matrix models of a narration, the external, determined by domination positions of the observer, a neutralized role writing and reading and internal in which the grammatical subject unites a modus frame and a dictum basis of the statement are allocated.
subjective position, subject of an expression, matrix, discourse strategies, communicative/cognitive prospects, act of story-telling, discourse/textual functions, position of an observer, orientation systems, language synthesis
Myth and mythemes
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2015). Evolution of Romanticism in Germany: From Literature to Politics. Litera, 1, 94–121.
The subject of research is the evolution of romanticism in the German literature and philosophy, the main features and characteristics of romanticism were shown in process of romanticism are shown. The special attention is paid to specifics of typically German romanticism as spokesman of the main lines of the German mentality and national spirit. The author in detail considers such aspects of a subject as influence of romanticism in literature and art on political thought of Germany, and also the romanticism in practical policy which influenced development of a course of conservatism. Methodology of research is the appeal to heritage of the German romanticism - the author had opportunity long time to work at various universities and libraries in Germany. The main conclusions of the conducted research is the thought that use of concepts of nationalism and political mythology together with such "metaphysical" concepts as spirit, the soil, race, destiny, history, revival open theoretical essence and practical capacity of the current of the romanticism in Germany which passed evolution from literature to policy.
nation, myth, spirit, politics, philosophy, art, literature, romanticism, Germany, state