Vorobei, I. (2015). The Concept of Lied (Song) in Rainer Maria Rilker's 'The Book of Hours' . Litera, 4, 1–8.
Object of research of this article is language representation and interpretation of a poetic concept of "Lied" ("Song") in a cycle "The Book of hours" of the Austrian poet of the 20th century Ranier of Maria Rilke. Two types of language realization of a poetic concept in the text are considered by the author and methods of research of a poetic concept taking into account processes of dispersion and crystallization of sense are offered. The main contents of article are devoted to interpretation of the studied concept. Lexical and semantic structures of a concept are analysed, interrelations with other concepts of the cycle "Book of hours" are established. For research of a poetic concept the author offers the germenevtiko-linguistic method based on a combination of a method of text analysis of R. Bart, a method of predicate nests and a method of a hermeneutical circle. Novelty of research is that this work meets a lack in researches of poetic concepts in R. M. Rilke's creativity. Now the analysis and interpretation of poetic concepts isn't made yet and the complete kontseptosfera of the poetic world of the cycle "Book of hours" isn't simulated. Novelty of research consists also in the new technique of the analysis of the poetic text combining linguistic and hermeneutical methods.
Rainer Maria Rilker, The Book of Hours, hermeneutical-linguistic method, Lied (Song), Schweigen (Silence), poetical concept, meaning, crystallization of the meaning, dissipation of the meaning, interpretation
Vodyasova, L.P. (2015). Metaphorical Modeling of the Concept of Religion in Alexander Doronin's Novel “The Shadow of the Bells”. Litera, 4, 9–20.
The subject of analysis is the concept of religion which represents the problem of man's self-consciousness and his place in society. This is one of the most important concepts in the linguistic world-view of almost any nation because, in spite of the general level of religiosity, people practice different kinds of confessions. It is also one of the most complex concepts due to its contradictory nature and theological orientation because not only representatives of different linguistic communities, but also bearers of the same culture who follow different confessions, for example, may have different attributes of the aforesaid concept. Due to the enormous differential field of the concept, the article considers the representation of the concept “religion” basing on the novel by A.M. Doronin “The Shadow of the bells”. Research objectives: 1) to define of lexical units Corps-religionims, used by the author for the category of sacred objects, and classify them by thematic groups; 2) to selected of among lexical units to identify those with metaphoric values; 3) to installe of contexts, that reveal the nature of metaphorical concept. As a method of research was defined based on the descriptive observation of religionims and their functioning in certain contexts. Based on our investigation we concluded that, A.M. Doronin embodies the Orthodox world-view. The basic concept is getting the concept of "religion", which feature is its metaphorical notion that finds its linguistic confirmation text works. A characteristic feature of the language of the work is the presence of a large number of religionyms associated with the people’s life (rituals, prayer, fasting, religious holidays). Among the most significant substantive components of concept 10 contexts. They contain emotional, aesthetic and artistic elements, are a testament to the metaphorical concept, its contents can be stated as an objective individual and collective spiritual relationship of God and man, based on faith in God and man worship him.
Orthodox world-view, emotional, representation of the concept, context, religionym, concept, spirituality, concept of religion, thematic groups of religionyms, metaphorical modeling
Tinyakova, E.A. (2015). Where to Look for the Image of Hero (the Focus on National Features in the Russian Traditional Culture). Litera, 4, 21–49.
Object of research is the concept "heroism" as philosophical and historical, in the basic, against welfare transformations of the 20th and 21st centuries in Russia. Reasonings proceed from a dichotomy: death and celebration of life. An object of research is the historical road of heroism in the Russian national history. The author asks a question how to use the concept "heroism" of education. An object of research are the secular and religious forms of imprinting of courage and courage, the word and phrase of Russian conveying and settling meaning of heroism. In research the historical and chronicle method, literary and art, ethnic, social and political, and also religious and secular approaches was used. In research has been applied auxiliary historical äèñöèïëèíà−ôàëåðèñòèêà. The main conclusions of the conducted research is allocation of a timeless component in concept of heroism, generally in religious approach which is less inclined to historical variability of views and opinions. In article the attention to transformation of interpretation of historical maintenance of feats through history is also paid. The author's conclusion is actual that in a modern social situation of Russia the concept "heroism" seeks to take the place of worthy social value. Modern line of this concept − tendency to life, but not aspiration to death is noted.
heroism, courage, bravery, feat, history, religious sanctitude, memory, award, order, optimism
Alefirenko, N.F. (2015). The 'Language' and 'Text' of Culture. Litera, 4, 50–58.
The author differentiates between the concepts "communication" and "communication". Communication is least of all only process of exchange of information. It is about subject - a subject vzvaimodeystviye when agents of communication enter responsible and substantial dialogue. Any communicative act assumes existence of feedback, intelligent reaction to the message. From the point of view of the diskursivny theory, communication and communication represent two levels of communicative processes in culture which component is the kognition – intellectual and emotional development of the world. The discourse is one of "the possible worlds" of polysyllabic structure. The author addresses various aspects of the linguistic theory. He uses also hermeneutical equipment which allows to get into sense depths. Novelty of approach consists in cultivation of similar linguistic concepts and identification of deep sense of communication. The substantial party of communicative process is made by interpretation of deep and invisible associative and semantic communications between signs of primary oznachivaniye. In article diskursivno-thought processes of ethnocultural character have special value.Article has been published in the Collection of reports of the I International scientific conference of the Russian new university "the Text: perception, information, interpretation" (Moscow, May 27-28, 2002).
congnitive semiological linguocultural studies, culture, communication, interaction, linguistic memory, phraseological unit, cultural value, cultural discursive context, understanding, mutual understanding
Author's view
Gershenzon, M.O. (2015). The Teaching About the Business of Life (Nikolai Gogol). Litera, 4, 59–73.
The famous Russian philosopher M. O. Gershenzon considers the sincere drama of Gogol, but rejects the point of view which has developed in literature on the conflict of the writer with V. G. Belinsky. According to Gershenzon, in domestic literature there is no other work, except "The chosen places from correspondence with friends" in which so completely and selflessly the subject of noble service to society would sound. As well as Belinsky, Gogol, according to the author, professed exclusive public idealismAt the same time in article there is no aspiration to eliminate disagreements between the writer and the critic. Gogol's views have grown from his special art talent. The outlook of the writer had, according to the philosopher, two poles: unshakable conservatism in the attitude towards all material reality and the most courageous radicalism in the attitude towards human spirit. In article feature of the internal conflict of Gogol is approved. Having strong art talent, he constantly worked. In him paradoxically ardent pensiveness and a sober practicality was combined. Views of the writer were utopian. But in it and strength of his art genius.Novelty of article consists in attempt to eliminate an unfair assessment of creativity of Gogol who as if has betrayed liberating ideals. Estimating Gogol's creativity, the philosopher doesn't try to smooth internal contradictions of the writer. But Gershenzon in own way sees a being of the public conflict which was reflected in his creativity.
society, human, wealfare, personality, creativity, intelligentsia, individualism, utopia, world view, conservatism
Fazlyeva, Z.K. (2015). Interlanguage Phraseological Correspondences (The Case Study of the English and Turkish Languages). Litera, 4, 74–82.
In this article phraseological units of the subject "family" in the English and Turkish languages are chosen as an object of research. Phraseological units of this subject make considerable group in phraseological funds of both languages and are one of the brightest and figurative. It is necessary to find such equivalent units on the basis of which it is possible to create communicatively equivalent statements in two languages and which are found only during theoretical research by comparison of originals to their translations in process of conversion of phraseological units. In this article by comparison of phraseological units of the English and Turkish languages we consider the following types of the interlingual relations: full equivalents, partial equivalents. Works of the famous domestic linguists have formed methodological base of this article. In this research the comparative and typological method, a method of phraseological identification, a kontrastivny method, a method of the transformational analysis are applied. Results of comparative studying of FE promote identification of the common and peculiar features of their structural models, identification of the facts of influence of system of one language on another, and also to detection of regularities of the translation of FE from one language on another. Full interlingual equivalents are presented by a small amount of phraseological units in both languages and only substantive FE with structures of Adj + to N, N + N. The phraseological units differing with the structural organization, but having the general figurative basis act as partial equivalents.
phraseological unit, English, Turkish, complete equivalence, partial equivalence, structure, semantics, languages from different systems of languages, interlanguage correspondences, translation