Author's view
Kutyrev, V.A. (2013). About Linguistic Counterrevolution, its Cause and Post-Human Prospects (Reflections on A. Nilogov's Book 'Philosophy of Anti-Language Published in 2013 in St. Petersburg). Litera, 3, 1–27.
There is a growing tendency towards critisizing the role of language in the sphere of the humanities. These tendencies form some kind of a counter-linguistic movement. One of the examples is the book 'Philosophy of Anti-Language' written by A. Nilogov. The main causes of these tendencies are the processes of technification and scientization of the modern world. The author of the article describes how these tendencies are presented in the humaities. The first level of so called 'linguistic counterrevolution' consists of the programming and digital communication languages which was implicitly demonstrated in Jacques Derrida's works. The second level presents trasnformation of communication into 'commutation' and 'syncretizing' of the world into undivided equation of the Other. Arithmetic, technological and speechless reasoning becomes the norm and creates a certain paradigm attitude to the world. This creates the grounds for technologization of modern humanities (even philosophy) and transformation of modern humanities into purely 'zombic' thinking on one hand and choatization and inclination to perversions on the other hand. The author of the article emphasizes the need for overcoming these suicidal tendencies through protecting the language.
language, anti-language, linguistics, linguistic counterrevolution, digitalism, programming, communication, commutation, scientization, protection of languages
Eternal symbols
Krotovskaya, N.G. (2013). Peter Ackroyd. Venice (translation). Litera, 3, 28–109.
Venice is one of the most mysterious cities in Italy. People living in Venice do not only have a different dialect but even think differently than other Italians. Perhaps the roots of this phenomenon are in the incredibly complicated and rich history of their homeland. Peter Ackroyd describes different aspects of the city life not only as a incurable romantic but also as a documentalist who wants to put the historical record straight.
philology, Venice, mythology, culture, religion, devilish, divine, death, state institution, family
Mass literature
Gurevich, P.S. (2013). Literature and Hypnoid Culture. Litera, 3, 110–147.
Over the last decade many Western sociologists critisizing the capitast society have underlined the hypnotic nature of popular culture. Analyzing modern mass communications Gunther Anders, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Raymond Bauer and other authors defne modern popular culture as the 'industry of dreams'. Radio broadcasting, cinema, television are viewed as gigantic channels reproducing illusions, spreading stereotypes of feelings and behavior and creating 'hypnoid culture' playing such an essential role in the modern civilization. The aforesaid researchers view art as the reservoir of secret symbols, illusionary signs and images but not reflection of the reality. At the end of the XXI century sociologists believed that new technologies would only deepend and expand human communication and democracy mechanisms. But today many philosophers are writing about a new totalitarianism threat, mass psychotic disorders and unpredicted fears that may lead to disastrous results.
literature, culture, mass society, psychotic disorders, symbols, images, illusions, stereotype, conformism, myth
Myth and mythemes
Spirova, E.M. (2013). Universal Myth. Litera, 3, 148–176.
Great changes happening in the world seem to rationilize all aspects of social life. Modern politicians and technocrats have been trying to develop the society based on the concept of universal reasoning. Ruling elites tend to use the common system of thought. However, the phenomenon of social myth is becoming a significant element of public consciousness. In this day and age not only philosophers and historians but also sociologists and philologists are interested in myth as the phenomenon of spirits and consiousness. In modern literature the term 'myth' has different meanings and interpretations. Moreover, myth is gaining a very important role in modern fiction. A good example is the literature of Latin America. Many writers associate myth with fate and destiny. The main character of a novel often leads his life as some kind of archetype of eternal fate. We deal with the whirl of time and events. At the same time, there is also a tendency towards seeking for a universal myth which would express desires of many people but not just individual hopes.
literature, myth, life, fate, prototype of life, history, society, mythology, fiction, mysticism
Petruseva, N.A. (2013). About the Two Tendencies in New Music. Litera, 3, 177–233.
The article is devoted to the two antagonistic movements in modern music, Post-Serialism Modernism and Experimental Post-Modernism. The author of the article describes the scope of concepts 'modern music', music of the 'early modern period' as well as the genesis, formation and development of the concept of universal Serialism and modern discussions on Post-Serialism compositions legitimizing the culture and ideology of IRCAM. Post-Modernistic tendencies are presented in the form of several phenomena: the concept of unlimited aleatory composition, the art of interaction and John Cage's conceptual art, 'new simplicity' of American composers, the subjectivity crisis and the faith in progress, Wolfgang Rihm's 'inclusive composition', Jean Liotard's 'condition of Post-Modernism', followers of the information theory and 'graphic designers' and Karlheinz Stockhausen's 'Charter for the Youth'. The significance of researching the three concepts of musical language is determined by the fact that the tone system is no more a harmonizing principle or a universal code for different esthetics and techniques. The new intepretation of the theory of music offered by Theodor Adorno, Pierre Boulez and Karlheinz Stockhausen (and others) has changed the art of perception and listening to music and involves the 'free perception' (Helmut Lachenmann's expression).
Modernism esthetics, Serialism, Post-Serialism, Experimental Post-Modernism, paradigm shift, limited aleatory composition, musical language, perception paradox, IRCAM, Boulez