Author's view
Kudaev, A.E. (2013). Methaphysical and anthropological bases of creative phylosophy of Nikolay Berdyaev. Litera, 1, 1–95.
The article includes analysis of the religious methaphysics and сhristological anthropology by N.Berdyaev, which influenced the formation of the "key theme" of his "life and thought", his creative philosophy. The author shows the specific features of its understanding, its inclusion within the context of theanthropism. The author reconstructs Berdyaev's mythologem on the human being, which influenced the understaning of creative nature and mission of a human being. A human being is born to create, he should continue creation of the world, otherwise the divine plan shall not be implemented and "world creation shall not happen". The author shows the central role of the primary phenomenon of tragic matters in the entire philosophical and aesthetic concept of N. Berdyaev, which directly influenced his concept of creation and tragedy and creation, from which the understanding of future "creative work" of human being is formed.
creativity, new plan, theanthropism, religious metaphysics, christological anthropology, divine tragedy, freedom, tragedy of creation, salvation, theurgy
Kulagina-Yartseva, V.S. (2013). Nabokov, V.V. Lecture on Charles Dickens (translation). Litera, 1, 96–221.
This lecture is a part of the course on "Masters of European Prose", which was prepared by V.Nabokov for the students at the Wesley College and the Cornell University, where he taught from 1940s to 1950s. In this lecture V.Nabokov, being a thinking reader, and a perseptive and interested researcher, gives his students a lesson on attentive reading, with due attention paid to the artful details and paradoxical visions of the world of Charles Dickens
Esther novel, John Jarndyce, frontmen, looking for an answer for an enigma, graphic details, figures of speech, charactonyms, allegoric interpretation, word-play, repetitions
Poetry and the poet
Antonova, E.M. (2013). Ad Libitum: Philosophy and Poetry. Litera, 1, 222–242.
This article analyzes the interaction between philosophy and poetry, how they exist together in the world of science and human life and whether philosophy and poetry may have common features or these two forms of human culture and thought are absolutely incomparable. The research conducted by the author of the present article shows that philosophy and poetry have common historical roots and poetry, according to many researchers, serves as an ancient genre of pre-philosophy.
philosophy, art, language, being, human, culture, metaphysics, cognition, poetry, metaphysical poets
Imagination and its fruits
Granin, R.S. (2013). Problem of Reconstruction of Eschatological Paradigm in P.A. Florensky’s Metaphysics of Space-And-Time. Litera, 1, 243–262.
The author of the article describes the method of the system research of eschatology. The variety of eschatological ideas and concepts are viewed as a logical system or eschatological paradigm that has a diachronic and synchronic structure. The author analyzes functional and structural correspondence between eschatological and initiative paradigms. It is shown that the eschatological paradigm comes down to the system of logical invariants, i.e. eschatological and initiative scenarios or patterns that are defined by the author as eschatological homologies. Introduction of the terms 'eschatological paradigm' and 'eschatological homology' allows to formalize the method of structural and comparative analysis applied to eschatological and initiative concepts describe by different religious and philosophical teachings. The author views this approach as methodology of structural eschatology. Structural method is used in Florensky's metaphysics including metaphysics of space and time. In this regard, the author defines the following basic categories: reversed causality, circularity of space and time, ostensibility and describes the idea of synchrony. Analysis of metaphysics of the space-and-time ostensibility allows to discover the structural basis - eschatological paradigm which, in its turn, makes it possible to apply the method of structural eschatology to reconstruction of eschatological paradigm.
eschatological paradigm, structuralism, synchrony, diachrony, homology, ostensibility, Arrhythmology , death, dreaming, initiation
Krotovskaya, N.G. (2013). Piquard, L. Religious movements and burial rituals in Victorian London (translation). Litera, 1, 263–311.
During the Victorian epoch the former parochial structure of London, which required that the people obligatorily visited their parish, had vanished. For those, who wished to visit Anglican church service, England offerd confusing variety of such services, which were grouped around the so-called wide, high and low Churches, to which the followers of ritualism had later joined. The regular visits to church were considered to show decency among middle class and upper class people, while the share of the lower class people in the parish was very small. The London cemeteries were overfilled after the Plague of 1665. From the mid-XIX century the private cemepteries started to open, and new fashionable burial tendencies appeared.
Victorian London, religious movements, Anglicanism, Anglo-Catholics, quackers, Hebrew, cultists, cemeteries, burial rituals, mourning