Literary criticism
Tsendrovskiy, O. (2013). Philosophy of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: Experience in Reconstruction. Litera, 4, 1–33.
The article is devoted to the philosophy expressed by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in his books. This topic is often underestimated and very scarcely described in research literature. By analyzing Exupery's book 'Citadelle' (titled in English as The Wisdom of the Sands) and more famous Exupery's works, the author of the present article shows the wholeness of Exupery's teaching and the acuteness of the humanistic, existential and moral issues in Exupery's philosophy. The author also underlines that Exupery's philosophy can be classified as the West European philosophy of late Art Nouveau because Exupery discusses such typical late Art Nouveau topics as the transvaluation of values, understanding of the place of human after the death of God and fight against nihilism. In the course of a detailed analysis and from the point of view of systematic interpretation, the author of the article describes Exupery's views on a number of fundamental philosophical issues such as the existence of God and the meaning of life, measure of value and the essence of the truth. The main emphasis is made on the so called 'ethical pathos' of Exupery's creative work. The author of the article in detail analyzes the 'heroic ideal' offered by Exupery as well as the system of values and basic ethical principles that are now deduced from the essence of a mortal man but not the divine reality. The result of the author's research is the creation of an integrated concept of Exupery's philosophy which is new in both Russian and Western scientific literature. The author shows that Exupery's views were very close to Nietzsche's teaching and gravitated towards the radical politics. The author also provides quite an interesting description of Exupery's psychological and cultural views.
Exupery, nihilism, transvaluation of values, death of God, secular humanism, ethics, meaning of life, Nietzsche , values, atheism
Myth and mythemes
Mielkov, I. (2013). 'The Rose of the World' as a Philosophical Issue. Litera, 4, 34–71.
Daniil Leonidovich Andreyev's creative work is a unique phenomenon of the Russian and not only the Russian culture of the XX century. Now its research, as a rule, or is limited to the philological party of a question, or serves as a studying subject as one of forms of religious creativity in the spirit of "New Age". However only the philosophical analysis can provide complete and substantial consideration of "A world rose" as project which includes at the same time both literary, and profestichesky, and socio-political aspects. The philosophy practically has no methodology of research mystical (or pseudo-mystical) experience, however, in article is applied рациональныйи germenevtichesky approach to studying of "A world rose". Daniil Andreyev's creativity is quite capable to act as a subject of the versatile philosophical analysis. The idea of "A world rose" as future interreligiya is capable to appear before the modern researcher as a being self-disproved prophecy, as the detailed description of such way of a koevolyution of the world and the person to whom the way alternative was preferred more than half-century ago. The poetic hobby of the author for unfulfilled social and utopian projects has to be not the cause for discredit of its mystical experience, imperfect the verbalization of this experience undertaken by it, but motivation as for serious philosophical research of transphysical and metahistorical ideas of D. L. Andreyev, and in general for studying of essence of mysticism, conceptualization ways теодицеи and findings of the answer to requirement of implementation of optimum arrangement of society of the XXI century.
Daniil Andreev, Roza Mira (The Rose of the World) , mysticism, social utopism, Russian religious philosophy, eschatology, occultism, sectionalism, prophesies of our time, the Third World War
Myth and mythemes
Gurevich, P.S. (2013). The Fortunes of Mysticism. Litera, 4, 72–99.
What awaits mysticism in the future? What the fortune of mysticism will be like? These are the questions being actively discussed in modern literature. Discussions touch upon a wide range of problems from transformation of science, changing face of culture and human prospects. Some researchers (there are not so many of them) assume that the fashion for mysticism is ephemeral and it is already starting to decline. Other researchers, on the contrary, seem to be quite sure that the mystical trend will be only growing and expanding. There are also researchers who believe that in the chaos of modern mystical teachings, a new way to perceive the world and a new image of the future are being created. Before answering these questions, the author of the article tries to summarize the main directions of modern mysticism. What psychological needs does it satisfy? What is so charming about it? The author uses the method of phenomenological analysis which allows to define historical grounds and psychological roots of mysticism in the modern world. The novelty of the problem is the discussion of the future of mysticism. The author touches upon the forms of mysticism in the modern world and shows that this phenomenon is still rather strong int he XXI century. Scientific achievements do not automatically eliminate mysticism. Quite on the contrary, they often lead to creation of these or those new teachings.
Mystique, mysticism, culture, literature, spiritual fashion, psyche, insanity, Shambhala, spirituality, faith
Spektor, D.M. (2013). Historical Roots of Dramatic Poetry. Litera, 4, 100–135.
In this article the treatment according to which scenic action in one way or another "displays" is analyzed deeply implanted in classical philosophy or "expresses" life, the tragedy and the comedy act as typical forms of such reflection — as well as typical forms of expressiveness which the limelight gives often to the banal vital phenomena – "condensing" them, rejecting routine, not typical and minor, and exposing most "essential" on the foreground.Overcoming of the general metafizichnost and spirit of Education induces to address to real historical roots of tragic action. Removal it from under exclusive aegis of a panlogizm allows to plan the real bases of poetics. As the main method thus acts the historical reconstruction in no small measure connected with search and the statement of "basis", in which real and historical conditions of an origin still directly visible. They, according to the author, are connected with initiation of a special condition of ecstasy (in a number of researches identified with a spiritualizing), releasing its testing from influence of the instincts which indissolubly binding existence with are (isolated) life - in - a body. Framework similar experience caused emergence of special (virtual) reality – as realities of possible interactions (opposite reality of coexistence of ranks of the separate isolated beings and sushchnost). Universality of human life forms such space of opportunities creating beings from the endured - the relations (for example, such subject, as a community – earlier in the nature not existing)
poetry of tragedy, comedy, satiric drama, Dionysus cult, catharsis, theory of drama, ritual, sacrifice, laughter, theory of economic compassion
Shchuplenkov, N.O., Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2013). Empirical Exterritoriality of the Literature of the 'Youger Generation' of Russian Emigrants in the 1920 - 1930th. Litera, 4, 136–180.
Exterritoriality is the concept most fully generalizing all options of extra findability of the writer in relation to a native locus and the culture. In application to the creative subject at it two levels corresponding to two plans of literary life: empirical (historical, household, geographical, etc.) and the transempirical, covering plan of art consciousness.Empirical exterritoriality is all possible forms free, at own will, and not free, owing to need, movement from the space in others. On the one hand, cultural pilgrimage, temporary departures, expatriation; with another – expatriation, an izgnannichestvo, dispatch, flight, etc. Transempirical exterritorialityis imaginative stay in others space which can be realized in images imagined, as though real movement or not to be made out in any way, appearing in the form of free movement of the imagination and thought. From the told follows that transempirical exterritoriality is a universal form and a condition of cultural and art development, whether concerns it the writer living in native space and making imagined attacks in other edges, or it is a question of the emigrant, the pilgrim, the exile who of others locus by all means comes back memory to the territory, to the culture.In both options exterritoriality means the change of "creativity zones", assuming crossing of cultural and civilization contexts, transition to other semantic field, other system of existential values, cultural and the everday life "codes" and other chronotope. Change minimum is teh two-running movement "there and back", while in real life creativity is the continuous swaying of "pendulum" of art consciousness.
G. Gazdanov, succession, social and political journalism, homeland, the Russian language, self-identification, chronotope, exterritoriality, emigrant, emigrant literature