Xin X., Hu Z..
The logistics channel in the Russian Far East as a key factor in the development of Chinese-Russian trade.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2023. № 4.
P. 35-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2023.4.54679 EDN: OHBJZL URL:
This article explores the significance of the logistics channel in the Russian Far East as a key factor in the development of Sino-Russian trade. The authors analyze the role of this logistics corridor in the context of China-Russia trade relations and identify its impact on the long-term cooperation between the two countries. The study is based on an analysis of statistical data on trade between China and Russia in recent years. The authors also conduct an analysis of Russia's geographical features and its logistics capabilities. Comparative analysis methods are used in the article to assess the influence of the logistics channel on the volume and stability of Sino-Russian trade. The article emphasizes that the logistics channel in the Russian Far East plays a pivotal role in the development of China-Russia trade. It highlights the growth in trade volumes between the two countries and their ambitions to achieve higher levels. However, the author also notes that Russia's current geographical features do not always align with the needs of international trade, and pipeline transport cannot fully replace other logistics channels for bulk commodities. The scientific novelty of this article lies in its recognition of the importance of the logistics aspect in China-Russia trade relations and its call for greater attention to this factor. It also underscores the strategic significance of developing the logistics channel in the Russian Far East for the sustainable and stable growth of Sino-Russian trade in the long term.
Logistics infrastructure, Port complex, Far Eastern Logistics Corridor, Logistics channel, Ports, International trade, Far East, Logistics, China, Russia
Pochkhua N.Z..
Government Relations (GR), corportate commmunications and lobbying: the problem of correlation of social practices.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 2.
P. 44-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.2.3862 URL:
The article contans analysis of the correlations between corportate commmunications (PA) and lobbying. The author evaluates their goals and functions, means and mechanisms, as well as their subjects. As a result the author makes a conclusion on non-identical character of these social practices, and differences in their contents.
social studies, connections, government, communication, lobbyism, power, business, society, organization, groups