Gadzhieva K.R..
The Systemic Approach to Reproduction of Land Resources in the Agriculture of the Republic of Dagestan
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2015. № 1.
P. 36-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.1.13552 URL:
Abstract. The study investigates into the reproduction of land resources which are the basis for development of agricultural production. The land resources are the resources that are not created by human activities, but some their properties, namely fertility, can and must be restored. The rational use of land is the issue of high priority. The paper addresses the causes of inadequate organization of reproduction of land resources in the process of their use; it considers both social and purely intra-economic reasons, their origins and some ecological consequences. The comprehensive theoretical study is conducted through the analysis of scientific papers. The subject of research is presented in a systematic form which is based on statistical data and comparisons with foreign countries. The novelty of the study resides in the application of systematic approach to describe the theoretical results and problems of reproduction of land resources which remain the most important means of production in agriculture and represent a major fund for economic development of the country’s region. The study provides practical information on the state of agricultural land. Also, it puts forward proposals towards planning of reproduction in agriculture both at the state and on-farm levels.
reproduction, land resources, production intensification, soil evaluation, reclamation system, agricultural policy, entreprise profitability, land market, ecosystem, landprovision
Samygin D.Y., Baryshnikov N.G..
Diagnostics of using the agricultural capital: regional dimension
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 4.
P. 140-154.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.4.13386 URL:
This publication was prepared within the framework of a research project supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities №14-12-58003. In recent years, agriculture becomes the object of active financing with funds of both private and public capital. This provokes an increased interest from the part of public authorities, owners and potential investors. Therefore, the need arises to objectively assess the use of capital in the agricultural sector. The Western countries use for assessment purposes such important criteria as the effectiveness and cost of investment against profitability, intensity and capital turnover, rate of return (ROR), economic value added. The study applies such methods of research as financial management, economic and financial analysis, monographic survey, business valuation. Performance indicators and the capital use intensity in agriculture have been calculated on the base of data for Penza region. The results show that in spite of the reduction in profitability of the agricultural capital, there has been an increase in its efficiency and turnover. As a result, these factors have provided a release of funds from the turnover. From the standpoint of investors, both real and potential, it is an optimistic situation, which is confirmed by the indicators of economic value added calculated in the work. Agricultural enterprises in the region show ROR exceeding that which is required by investors, and there are capital gains over the carrying amount. This encourages owners to further invest in agricultural organizations of the region.
financial diagnostics, agricultural capital, weighted average cost of capital, capital effectiveness, capital turnover, profitability spread, economic value added, операционная прибыль, risk-free rate, investment attractiveness
Aguzarova F.S..
Value of oil and gas incomes in the Russian economy.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 3.
P. 142-158.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.3.10855 URL:
The article "Value of oil and gas incomes in the Russian economy" poses a topical issue regarding oil and gas incomes, their role and value in the Russian economics. The author substantiates the considerable dependency on these raw resources in the Russian economics. The author offers to form a reserve in order to get out of oil and gas dependency in a state, which deserves special attention. The natural resources potential of the state is used without due efficiency, since the entrepreneurs aim at making profits first of all. They have no stimulae for rational use of resources, and they do not consider exhaustibility factor. In the process of analysis via synthesis and analysis methods, as well as with the graph methods, the author established the role and relative share of oil and gas incomes in the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2010-2012. The tax income holds the top position among the shares of state income. The natural resources management taxes have the largest share among these taxes. The priority is for natural resources mining tax. The author makes some conclusions based upon her studies. In particular, she offers to find efficient measures in order to accumulate monetary funds outside the scope of oil and gas income. In particular, she mentions development of small and medim-range businesses, involvement of investments into the economics of the state, development of innovative activities, which should lower the degree of oil and gas dependency.
natural resources, oil and gas income, oil, natural gas, oil and gas complex, economics, budget income, raw materials complex, the National Welfare Fund, reserve fund