Gryaznova E.V., Shkirnyuk P.G..
Russian healthcare and quality of life
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 4.
P. 72-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.4.12986 URL:
The study analyzes the relationship of public health problems in Russia and quality of life. The urgency of research stems from the fact that the new health reform in our country has led to a decrease in the quality and availability of medical services. The main wealth of any country is human potential. The basic characteristic of human potential is the quality of life since every person is a representative of the state. The quality of life is a social indicator rather than an economic one and its basic criterion is the state of health. The study of the relationship between the health system operation and the quality of life will allow to improve the methods aimed at enhancement of life quality management in the future. The main research methods involve analysis, comparison and generalization, statistical analysis as well as a systematic approach. The study has found that the quality of life depends on the following factors: - public health quality and capacity; - type of economic health care model; - health system management performance; - interests and goals of subjects of management as well as results of managerial decisions; - level of informatization and management of the health system.
healthcare management, social management, healthcare, quality of life, healthcare management, management of the life quality , healthcare model, healthcare potential, medical assistance, medical centre
Degtyarev A.N., Galiullina S.D..
The incentive policy of the state as an instrument of attractive fiduciary, philanthropic and charitable activities in Russia
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 4.
P. 58-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.4.13013 URL:
The subject of this study is the policy and practice of the Russian Empire government in the field of creation of regulatory mechanisms of incentive policy for trustees’ movement. The study considers the practiced active measures aimed to develop and structure the trustees’ movement and attract charitable funds in the social sphere of the state. The establishment of trusteeship institution is of particular relevance to modern Russia as it is an effective form of innovative social technologies. The modern system of social protection of the vulnerable population needs to find new ways and forms of assistance. The study applies the principles of objectivity and historicism as basic methodology. It should be emphasized that the study uses an innovative method of interdisciplinary integration. The used methods have permitted to find the mechanisms of trusteeship for socially vulnerable population groups (e.g., the mechanism of public-private partnership). The study considers the trusteeship institution as an effective form of innovative social technologies. The research work introduces previously unknown documents from unpublished sources into scholarly circulation. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows: the Russian government succeeded in creating an incentive state policy for Trustees’ movement supported by the system of social rewards, privileges and incentives in this area; the incentive policy of the Russian state was one of the tools which had made attractive the Trustees’ movement. Currently, there is an increase in the number of socially vulnerable groups in need of help in the form of various measures of support from the state and society. The trusteeship institution of the Russian Empire should be regarded as a possible solution of social problems.
trusteeship, charity, philanthropy, social care, state social policy, Russian Empire, innovation, revival of trusteeship, public-private partnership, state incentive policy
Yakutin E.M..
Elements of industrial limitations of socially oriented enterprises.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 3.
P. 61-72.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.3.11656 URL:
Large groups of socially oriented enterprises (SOE) exist and function within the national economy system of the Russian Federation. Such enterprises are first of all oriented at employment of the personnel with limited physical capability and implementation of other social functions. Production activity of such economic entities is related to a number of limitations, appearing due to the specific features of the personnel and production organization, such as workplace equipment and adaptation of production technologies and processes. The presented article is devoted to the analysis of the key production limitations of the SOE. Within the framework of the studies in order to obtain the results the author used theoretical and methodological bases for managerial decision-making, organization of production enterprises and operative management. The article contains elements of theoretical developments for production enterprise management regarding specific production enterprises serving social functions. Among the main results of the study the author singles out the key elements of production limitations of such enterprises, their hierarchical formation, connection formation and mutual dependency. The results allow for further studies in the sphere of methodology of production organization of the SOE.
social enterprise, socially oriented enterprises, socially oriented economy, employment of disabled persons, production methodology, operative management, production regulators, social economics, production limitations, managing production