Shchuplenkov O.V..
On the issue of understanding costs and risks of political reforms.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2014. № 3.
P. 20-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.3.11664 URL:
This article is devoted to the comprehensive scientific analysis and study of the mechanism for economic management in the conditions of political transformation, such as in Russia in late XX - early XXI centuries. The study of the authors allows to state that transformation economy in the conditions of political reforms is a special state of social and economic system in the society,a nd it requires a special approach to analysis and management. Managing transformation economy in the conditions of political reforms is a topical problem, and it requires recognition and analysis of various factors. The analysis of sociological studies held by the Russian scientists allows one to state that the Russian reforms do not exclude hiddent (latent) threats and risks of the further progress and sustainability, such as a) social risks regarding aggressive manifestation of social discord (demonstration, growth of the number of mass protest actions, etc.) b) financial risks regarding greater dependency of the state on the global market; c) risks regarding deficit or dependency on various types of resources; d) risks of spread of AIDS and other infectious diseases. The "deeper" risks may include: a) disproportion in the structure of population due to the rapid downfall of the birth rate; b) environmental risks regarding growth of natural catastrophes (earthquakes, floods, etc.) and the problems of foodstuffs security issue, growing number of food poisonings, various environmental threats and threats to the health of the people; c) crisis of trust in the society. Currently there are signs of a certain shift of the political system in the society towards the so-called managed democracy. There is an obvious change in the democratic institutions, including political opposition, requiring further theoretical analysis and political studies. Therefore, the study of the transformation risks allows for deeper comprehension of the transformation model of the society as a model for the local risk community.
globalization, innovation potential, liberalization, model of risks society, political reforms, post-industrial economic system, social risks, transformation theory, transformation economy, human capital
Martynov A.V..
Modern Law and Public Administration: Problems of Methodology and Relation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2013. № 4.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.4.924 URL:
The article is devoted to theoretical and legal aspects of modern legal consciousness. The authors describe the relation between law and public administration and consider modern problems of methodology of law and public administration.
studies of law, law, essence, administration, methodology, power, legal consciousness, relation, problems, politics