Khudokormov G.A..
Technological development by sub-sanction pressure: the case of Iran
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2023. № 3.
P. 41-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2023.3.43862 EDN: ZHCWHF URL:
The subject of the study is the experience of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) in overcoming sanctions. The purpose of the article is to identify specific mechanisms that contribute to technological development in the conditions of sanctions restrictions. The paper examines the most successful projects of Iran in high-tech industries, and also examines the prerequisites for their development. The author analyzed the economic model of Iran and its features. The main mechanisms for circumventing restrictions that minimize the effectiveness of sanctions and their impact on the economy of Iran have been identified. Various ways of interaction with economic partners and ways of building long-term relations with allies are considered. The methodological basis of the research is: comparative analysis, empirical and systematic approaches. Special attention was paid to the study of literature that explores the issues of interest to us. As a result, the main decisions of the Iranian government were highlighted, which allowed this state not only to achieve relative economic stability, but also to create technologies that were in demand in many foreign markets. The novelty of the article lies in a detailed analysis of the existing methods of circumvention of sanctions in Iran, including those that have not yet been studied in the scientific literature. The results of the study can be used by the governments of other states subject to sanctions pressure in order to overcome restrictions and minimize the consequences of their introduction. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is to identify ways to circumvent restrictions, as well as the formation of infrastructure for the creation of production on the own territory of the sub-sanctioned state.
State support, Industry, Economic development, Production, Car industry, UAV, Technologies, Sanctions, Iran, Economy
Isupova A.N., Kostenko N.A..
Business Process Modelling at Integration Associations
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2017. № 1.
P. 14-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2017.1.18392 URL:
The present article is devoted to the issues related to the implementation of the business process modelling approach to managing activity of multi-purpose integration associations of a conglomerate type (MPC). The given approach is based on developing a simplified laconic scheme of company's activity according to the main (or all) directions of developing certain values of consumers and obtaining entrepreneurial profit as well as the expense flow scheme. Business modelling provides significant advantages compared to other management methods due to its simple use and possibility to implement a quantitative planning of corporate processes and to conduct fast and accurate decision making process. This makes the overall management process to be clear and efficient and activity to be more manageable. This effect is intensified by the opportunity to realise integration effects. The authors base their research of MPC business process modelling on the method of summarising expert opinions regarding business modelling, studying how approachesh to implementing business process modelling developed and analyzing approaches to defining the term 'business model' as it is. To provide an illustrative representation of the method, the authors have used the graphic visualisation method that has involved grouping the key resources of the company. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that MPC business process modelling has never been applied before as a management method. The scientific importance of the results and analysis of activity rendered by particular MPCs in the Kemerovo Region are also caused by the fact that the authors demonstrate that it is possible to apply the innovation business process model not only to managing hightech companies but also MPCs including regions with old industry where a new type of owners have been formed and multi-purpose conglomerate associations operate. This is the topic that is still understudied by modern science. The novelty of the authors' recommendations is that they suggest to apply business models for regulating relations between MPC business units and the head company. The main conclusion is the authors' proof of the opportunity to efficiently apply the method of business process modelling not only at individual enterprises but also MPCs.
innovation model, innovative forms of entrepreneurship, integration association, planning, business unit, management, diversified company, resource based model, business model, enterprising model
Afanas'ev A.A..
Municipal legal regime of rural life: definition and nature of municipal self-government in rural settlements.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2013. № 3.
P. 17-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.3.7423 URL:
According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law N. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 the municipal self-government acts on equal terms with the state government. The municipal self-government is closest to the population and it solves its everyday problems. The social relations regarding implementation of the municipal self-government in the rural settlements form an important element of rural life as an object for legal regulation. In this article based upon the analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation the author singles out specific features, provides definition and defines the nature of municipal self-government of rural settlements. It has both theoretical and practical importance for the implementation of the priority direction for the social and economic policy of Russia in the sphere of sustainable development of rural territories.
jurisprudence, social relations, the Russian Federation, legal regulation, rural settlement, municipal self-government, organizational bases, sustainable, development, rural area
Pavlov P.V., Khlestunova E.S..
Cunstruction Sector and Housing Policy in Russia: Grounds for Interaction and Basic Directions of Transformation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2013. № 1.
P. 1-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.1.643 URL:
A good level of a socially oriented government is mostly defined not only by the government's attetion towards national housing policy but also the achieved results of implementing this policy. The housing issue is one of the most important problems to be solved at all levels of state administration. In 2002 that was declared to be the target of a national project ('Housing' Federal Target Program 2002 - 2010). In order to achieve the targets of that program both a number of regulatory acts aimed at creation of legal grounds for increasing citizens' paying capability and availability of new and modern housing have been made at both federal and regional levels. However, despite all the efforts in this sphere, today the government appears to be unable to solve the housing problem on their own. Therefore, it is very important to study basic directions and modern trends in implementatin of the housing policy and development of the construction sector in Russia in order to find better opportunities to provide citizens with places to live.
management, construction sector, housing policy, construction market, state (national) policy, housing sector, region, directions of transformations, development trends, target program