Management and corporate governance
Kudin, L. (2020). Internal corporate control and CEO’s dual position . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 1–10.
The subject of this research is the relations emerging between the participants of corporate management and control, such as board of directors, CEO, and employees of the organization. Special attention is given to such relations with regards to administration of internal and external corporate control, as well as dual position of CEO as an object and subject of corporate control and management. The author systematizes the concepts of corporate control, as well as reveals the factors of internal corporate control. The participants of corporate management are viewed from the perspective of agent theory; the relations “agent – principal” are clarified from the position of CEO. The author’s special contribution into this research consists in simultaneous consideration of CEO as an agent and a principal in relations between the participants of corporate management and control. Balance between the roles of CEO in the corporation – as a subject and/or object determines his capacity to influence the assessment of the effectiveness of management. The conducted research systematizes the measures on reduction of opportunistic behavior between the agents of the described relations. The scientific novelty consist in acknowledgement of CEO’s dual position in the corporate management and control based on the analysis of his status as an agent and a principal.
agent problem, principal, agent, corporate control, dual position, performance, CEO, corporate governance, object of corporate control, subject of corporate control
Service sector: management & economics
Kormishov, A., Levchenko, T. (2020). Peculiarities of development of active types of tourism in Krasnodar Krai. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 11–21.
The subject of this research is the state and development prospects of active types of tourism in Krasnodar Krai and the city of Sochi. The object of this research is the active types of tourism. By active tourism the authors understand a trip that involves active movement to a destination, with certain physical effort, but within personal comfort zone. Special attention is given to the questions of assessment of competitive advantages of a resort city of Sochi in development of tourism, as well as to the analysis of offerings of alpine and water types of tourism in Sochi. The authors assess the tourism potential of Krasnodar Krai, current state of alpine and water tourism in Sochi; examine the propositions of tourism agencies of Sochi; as well as determine the problems and development prospects. It is concluded that alpine and water tourism in Sochi is presented by all main types; some companied do not have the official websites with accurate information, since currently of high demand is promotion of goods and services in the social networks. The scientific novelty consists in the theoretical and practical recommendations on peculiarities of development of the active types of tourism: the definition of active types of tourism from the perspective of its distinctive features is introduced into the scientific discourse; classification of active types of tourism applicable to mountain and coastal clusters of the city of Sochi is expanded; competitive advantages of Sochi on the development of active types of tourism are determined on the basis of SWOT analysis.
Krasnodarsky region, travelling, development prospects, water tourism, mountain tourism, active types of tourism, tourism potential, SWOT-analysis, tourist flow, Krasnaya Polyana
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Arefyev, A.S. (2020). “Platformization” as a management tool of digital transformation in the sphere of tourism. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 22–34.
Digital economy is a natural stage of development of economic system, in which the main values of economic actors consist in the knowledge and nonmaterial production. Within scientific literature prevail research of the impact of separate aspects of digital transformation upon the activity of tourism agencies and development of vacation destinations, namely the use of digital booking platforms, augmented reality in museums and exhibitions, as well as the Internet of things. However, interrelation of these vectors of development in the process of digital transformation, as well as the mechanisms of its management applicable to the sphere of tourism and Russian economy are studied insufficiently. The subject of this research is the economy and management of a separate tourism agency and the entire industry. The goal of this work consists in conducting a comprehensive research of Russian and foreign literature on the topic of methodology for managing digital transformation in different economic sectors; as well as determination of distinct characteristic of managing digital transformations in tourism sphere and the factors affecting this process. The author applies comparative analysis of literary sources and experience of managing digital transformation through implementation of digital platforms. The introduction of platform approach in management of digital transformation substantiated the transition towards network service interaction (versus traditional cooperation) as the backbone of the economy. Digital transformation of the entire economic sector requires close collaboration of economic actors within the framework of a region or a country. A conclusion is made the most appropriate model of the development of tourism sector of the economy is the ecosystem of digital platforms. Due to its peculiarities, tourism sphere can become a favorable platform for approbation of management techniques of digital transformation, functionality of regional digital platforms and system integrators.
development strategies, digital ecosystem, tourist destination, management, digital platforms, digital transformation, tourism, digital economy, servicisation, business-model
Production branches and markets economics
Azarov, D. (2020). Identification of the specificity of functionality of the military-industrial complex. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 35–49.
The subject of this research is the economic relations formed as a result of operation and development of military-industrial complex, which affect economic growth of the country. The object of this research is the military-industrial complex. The goal consists in determination of peculiarities of functionality of military-industrial complex. The author explores such aspects of the topic, as the evolution of approaches towards studying the military-industrial complex, as well as nuances of its functionality. Special attention is paid to the structure of military-industrial complex, highlighting its key components and determining interaction between them. The author’s main contribution lies in the proposed interpretation of the military-industrial complex, formulated as a result of critical analysis of relevant scientific representations on its essence, and reflecting the specifics of its functionality. The novelty consists in the analysis and systematization of scientific approaches to definition of military-industrial complex; its structural perception in form of modified scheme of O. Williamson with indication of major stakeholders and relations between them, which is based on the concept of “iron triangle”; identification of basic transformation trends of the military-industrial complex, as well as characteristics that differentiate it from other economic macro-sectors.
stakeholder, network approach, industrial complex, materiel, military–industrial complex, neo-institutional economics, macro-sectors of the economy, industrial organization, munitions, economic growth
Management and corporate governance
Ryabinina, E.V., Ivanova, O.E. (2020). Gen Z Employee Management model based on meaning . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 50–61.
The subject of the study was the transformation of the management of employees of a new labor generation based on meaning as the management of organizational event-comprehension and personal significance of work for an employee. The purpose of the study: designing a management model for employees of generation Z based on sense (log management). Research objectives: to substantiate the feasibility of a balanced management system for Gen Z employees based on meaning, to develop a model of log management by Gen Z employees, to determine the sequence and main content of the stages of implementing log management by employees, to justify the risks of implementing log management by employees of a new generation. Special attention is paid to ensuring meaningful work activity of employees as a management value. The research methodology consisted of pragmatic constructivism, the method of critical analysis, the actor's approach, the stakeholder approach, the communicative-pragmatic approach, and the modeling method. Â The results of the work. A management model for a new generation of employees has been developed, structured in target and organizational-activity blocks. A special contribution to the research of the topic is the implementation in the management model of the understanding of employees of the relationship between the management of organizational event-understanding and the management of personal significance (benefit). The dialectical connection between the understanding of organizational event-meaning and its benefits for the employee is manifested in meaningful work and meaningful collaboration. The scope of application of the results is the sphere of people management in an organization in its explication from a resource approach to a person to a person as a carrier of meaning. This determines the scientific novelty of the research: the development of a management model for Gen Z employees based on meaningful work aimed at achieving organizational goals while realizing personal benefits. Conclusions. The main results of the study are summarized, the conclusion about the expediency of balanced log management by Gen Z employees, formalized in the developed model, is substantiated; the risks of implementing a log management model are indicated.
Director, labor activity, model, meaningfulness, personal benefit, organizational event-comprehension, staff, log management, meaning, Generation Z
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Kovalev, A.A. (2020). Economic nationalism: prerequisites of its emergence and impact on the modern world. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 62–77.
The goal of this research is the analysis of such phenomenon as economic nationalism. A detailed comparison is conducted between economic nationalism and other forms of government policy commonly used by the states for achieving their goals. Emphasis is made on prerequisites for the emergence of this trend in politics, among which the author determines political, cultural, economic and social. The article examines the basis of economic nationalism at different times and for countries with different government structures. The impact of economic nationalism on global world community at different stages of economic and political development is demonstrated. The conclusion is formulated on the meaning of economic nationalism for the global community based on the obtained results. At the time its emergence, this structure contributed to strengthening of the local economy. In the modern era of militarism and globalization, the economic nationalism, if not being controlled, is dangerous and deprives others of the right to financial wealth, aims to minimize wealth of the nation at the cost of other counties, and incites the application of force for achieving national goals.
Policy, Economic relations, Globalization, Concept, Economic policy, Economic theory, Economic nationalism, Economy, Economic security, International contacts
Innovative economy
Ilyanov, D.S., Chernysheva, T.C., Yurevich, M.A. (2020). Sources of economic growth in the XXI century: video game industry. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 78–89.
This article focuses on determination of trends and prospects for the development of video game industry in the Russian Federation. Analysis is conducted on evolution of the video game market and trends that established thereof. The author examines the dynamics in gaming industry revenue allocated by segments, and the share held by video games on the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the revenue of the global gaming industry for all segments (games for smartphones, tablets, PC, etc.) with GDP of some EAEU member-states for the 7-year period, and as well as makes a forecast of the dynamics of revenue of gaming industry by the segments. The overall revenue obtained from the global gaming industry has increased by 115% in the past 7 years and account to $ 151.9 billion. The article explores the current state of video game market in the Russian Federation, which almost doubled in the past 5 years and accounts to $ 1.9 billion. The key risks that can negatively affect the development of video game industry are identified. The conclusion is made that despite the existing risks, a dynamic increase in the segment of mass multiuser online games and its audience should be expected in the nearest future; by 2022, the segment of games for mobile devices could take up to half of the entire gaming market.
revenue of the gaming industry, innovation, mobile device, game console, personal computer, special sector of the economy, IT-services market, game industry, digitalization, computer technology
Innovative economy
Potekhin, V.N. (2020). Conceptual matrix of innovative model of agricultural-industrial production in the enterprises of the Russian defense complex. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 90–104.
The traditional theoretical, methodological and practical approaches towards solution of the problem of restoration in a short time frame and further highly efficient development of agriculture have exhausted their capacity a while ago. Their subsequent application is associated with significant socioeconomic and other losses for the entire society, including rural population. The transition to a qualitatively new level of development requires corresponding scientific basis, theory that would be adequate to reality, systemic-holistic interdisciplinary methodology, system of objective indicators that allow conducting research in the conditions of ultimate certainty – knowledge of the structure, content, objective mechanism of development and rational management of these processes. The conducted analysis of the existing reproductivity models in agriculture determined the varieties characteristic to this sphere, which include the extensive and partially intensive models of reproduction with significant flaws in the structure, content, and essence of the reflected socioeconomic phenomena, namely limitations in the development of production forces and industrial relations that have negative impact and are inadmissible for the qualitatively new tasks. The highlighted conceptual matrix of the innovative model of agricultural-industrial production excludes these shortcomings; it has a universal type by the level of management and is promising for ubiquitous distribution of innovative reproduction in agriculture. Its advantage consists in the new systemic-holistic interdisciplinary methodology; educational-scientific-managerial and material-technical basis; system of training of personnel of innovation type; objective information system and new generation management system; truly humane vector of development and management; real opportunity for ensuring sustainable development of the Russian agrarian complex. Consolidation of socioeconomic, human resource, scientific and technological capacity of the defense enterprises allows successfully resolving a complex task on rational formation and development of innovative industries in agriculture in a short time frame.
ñîöèàëüíî-ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå èíâàðèàíòû, universal models, defense enterprise, system-integrated interdisciplinary methodology, innovative model, conceptual matrix, agricultural and industrial complex, agriculture, interdisciplinary methodology, defense companies
Innovative economy
Safiullin, M.R., Burganov, R.T., El'shin, L.A., Abdukaeva, A.A. (2020). Empirical assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies upon effective development of the banking system. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 105–116.
This article is dedicated to studying the problems and prospects in development of financial market of the national economy of the Russian Federation in the conditions of globalization and integration of FinTech technologies. Consideration of potential risks and consequences of their usage in economic activity would contribute to substantiation of the key strategic vectors in development of the financial market and national economy overall. Methodological framework contains positions of the theory of strategic management, financial management, and procedural approach. Peculiarities of determination of the parameters of financial sector development within the framework of scenario forecasting of integration of blockchain technologies into the banking system are revealed using the set of methods of systemic, complex, logical, comparative and economic-mathematical modeling. Based on assessment of the emerging effects caused by integration of distributed data storage technologies into the system operational processes of credit institutions, the author carries out a formalized assessment of development prospects of the banking sector in new institutional conditions of the economy. The theoretical and practical significance of the research consists in substantiation of the need for activation of the processes of integration of blockchain technologies into the financial system of national economy, which allows increasing sustainability and effective development of its participants, as well as ensuring the growth of global economic competitiveness for decades to come. The scientific novelty consists in proposal of an algorithm for assessing macroeconomic effects as a result of integration of blockchain technologies into the banking sector. The author builds the models that assess the impact of operational and credit risks upon the key parameters of financial performance of the banking sector of the Russian Federation.
mathematical methods, forecasting, scenario modeling, blockchain systems, capital reserves, operational risks, credit risks, blockchain technology, banking system, development
Innovative economy
Safiullin, M.R., Burganov, R.T., El'shin, L.A., Abdukaeva, A.A. (2020). Assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies upon national economy: methodological approaches and their approbation. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 117–129.
Despite heightened interest of the international and national financial institutions and enterprises of the real economic sector in distributed data storage technologies, there are very few research dedicated to the problems of assessment of blockchain platforms’ potential in socioeconomic environment and their theoretical comprehension. The existing works usually reveal either a technical side of the object of research, or normative legal aspects of applicability of blockchain technologies in national economy. The object of this article is the financial sector of national economy of the Russian Federation. The subject is the relations established between the participants of financial market based on blockchain technologies and the effects thereof. An attempt is made to fill the gaps in studying such aspects as economic and social effects of implementation of blockchain technologies into the activity of economic entities. Based on assessment of the forming effects, caused by integration of the distributed data storage technologies into the system of economic operations, the author carries out a formalized assessment and scenario modeling of the dynamics of GDP growth in the new institutional economic conditions. This research is aimed as strengthening the positions of formalized approaches towards studying the articulated scientific-practical problem on the background of overwhelming dominance of qualitative approaches towards examination of blockchain technologies.
national economy, forecasting, scenario modeling, financial results, operational risks, credit risks, GDP, blockchain technology, economic mathematical methods, regression analysis
Regional economy
Elshin, L.A., Grunichev, A.S., Davydova, A.A. (2020). The impact of reputation capital of the region upon the quality of life of the population. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 130–141.
The subject of this research consists in elaboration of the formalized assessment methods of the impact of reputation capital of the region upon the quality of life of the population. The object of this research is the Republic of Tatarstan. The authors substantiate the need for examining the nontraditional productive factors that determine the impact of economic development of the territories in the conditions of globalization of reproduction processes. It is underlined that at the current stage of development, it is important in the models of economic growth to take into account reputation potential of the region as one of the crucial generators of socioeconomic development in the context of digitalization of economic relations. Particular attention is turned to the questions of assessment of cumulative indexes of reputation of the territories, which form the foundation for formation of econometric models. Based on the proposed methods and approaches, the authors develop a model that in a formalized way allows determining the degree of impact of reputation capital of the region upon the parameters and dynamics of the income per capita as a paramount indicator of the quality of life. Application of the proposed methodological tools allowed substantiating the prospects, reasonableness and relevance of using with regards to the models of regional economic growth the exogenous factors, which characterize the level of development of nonmaterial factors of production. The obtained results prove the substantial correlation between the analyzed statistical arrays. It is established that augmentation reputation capital of the territories is an important task in the era of digitalization and globalization.
income of people, economic growth, economic and mathematical modeling, intangible factors of production, digitalization, quality of life, reputation capital, region, globalization, Republic of Tatarstan
Finance, monetary relations and investment
Makarova, M.V. (2020). Investments in Russian online education (2016-2018). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 142–152.
The subject of this research is investments in development of online education in Russia. The object of this research is online education in the current conditions of digital economy. The author analyzes the dynamics of investments in capital assets and federal expenditure over the period from 2016 to 2018. The growing role of online education on the Russian education market is indicated. Analysis is conducted on the increased costs of education development. The conclusions are formulated on need for attracting private investments in online educational projects, as well as active development of public-private partnership. It is underlined that although federal expenditure (investments) on education is increasing, it is clearly insufficient and requires attraction of private investments through development of public-private partnership. The following conclusions were made: 1) the government develops mechanisms of public-private partnerships; 2. Only regional investment funds remain in Russia; the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation no longer exists, since its creation on the federal level was not justifiable; 3. Russian education increases its rating on the international level, which influence the development of higher education in the Russian Federation along with export of education; 4. Internet usage among Russian population is uneven. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to determine the trends in export of Russian education.
government spending, educational organizations, investments, additional education, distance education, export, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, state, Russian