Regional economy
D'yachkov, A.G., Surnina, N.M., Shishkina, E.A. (2020). Formation of the electric power infrastructure system of the region as a priority task of strategic planning of socio-economic development of territories. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 1–13.
The article considers the organization of strategic planning for the development of infrastructure systems in the economic space of the region. The subject of the study is the processes of strategic planning of infrastructure systems in the region. The purpose of the article is to study the features of strategic planning for the development of electric power infrastructure systems in the economic space of the region. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the theory of spatial development, strategic planning, infrastructure systems and methods for assessing their impact on the socio-economic development of territories. The properties of infrastructure systems as an object of strategic planning are determined. From the position of the institutional approach, the features of the formation of the strategy for the development of infrastructure systems in the region, the multilevel nature of the planning subjects are revealed. The authors analyzed the organization of strategic planning of spatial infrastructure systems in the management of regional development on the example of the electric power industry. The institutional environment for the development of electric power infrastructure in the Russian Federation is considered on the basis of an analysis of the timing and frequency of preparation of strategic documents, consistency of development goals. Strategic risks of not implementing strategic planning documents have been identified. On the example of the Sverdlovsk region, the balance of strategic investment and socio-economic planning for the development of territories and electric power infrastructure is analyzed. The actual tasks of strategic planning for the development of infrastructure systems are identified, which consist in ensuring connectivity, synchronicity of territorial development plans with infrastructure development, consistency of planning processes, implementation of regional and corporate sector development strategies.
regional management, strategy, infrastructure system, regional development, electric power industry, infrastructure, strategic planning, region, economic space, regional economy
World economy and international economic relations
Ozarnov, R. (2020). The model of international trade by the type of mutual attraction of the EAEU, SCO and BRICS countries . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 14–27.
The article is devoted to the study of factors affecting the financial and economic cooperation of countries with an emerging market within the framework of three blocs, namely the EAEU, BRICS and SCO, by building a model based on the type of mutual attraction. The countries belonging to the former USSR is considered separately. The time period of the study has been established, which begins in the crisis year 2014 for Russia and continues to the present. The subject of the analysis is the financial and economic relations arising in the process of cooperation of countries with an emerging market that are members of such associations as the EAEU, SCO and BRICS. The author examines the factors affecting the financial and economic cooperation of countries with an emerging market: the depth and scale of foreign trade turnover, gross domestic product per capita, the index of trade openness, the rate of growth of the currency of the importing and exporting countries, the distance between countries, the involvement of a country with an emerging market in such associations as the EAEU, BRICS, SCO. The research is based on general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, comparison), presentation of tabular and graphical interpretation of statistical information, time series, econometric modeling using the EViews software product. The novelty of the article lies in determining, using econometric methods, the factors affecting the financial and economic cooperation of countries with an emerging market within the framework of three blocks, namely the EAEU, BRICS and SCO, by building a model based on the type of mutual attraction. The peculiarity of the presented model is the presence of lag exchange rates. The inclusion of the lag of the relative change in the exchange rate of the exporter led to the fact that the data for 2014 were excluded from the sample. It is advisable to take into account the results obtained in Russia's cooperation both on a bilateral basis and in a multilateral format within the framework of the EAEU, BRICS and SCO.
Russian-Chinese cooperation, gravity model, international economic relations, world economy, international trade, international finance, econometrics, The EAEU, BRICS, SCO
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Tsurikov, V.I. (2020). Model of bribery deterrence. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 28–38.
The subject of this research is the measures for halting the flow of bribes (product of the number of bribes by the average value). One of the key factors of corruption rampant in modern Russia consists in the weak stimuli and absence of adequate motivation among the representatives of law enforcement agencies. The research was conducted using the methods of mathematical modeling, and is based on the assumption that penal sanctions are the only punishment intended for the official caught in the act of accepting the bribe. In order for the controller who imposes penalty not to have stimulus to accept a bribe from the official in the amount lower than the amount of penalty for concealing his offence, the penalty becomes the property of the controller in full. It is assumed that each of the parties aims for maximization of their net income. Conditions are established, under which the flow of bribes a) only increases, b) along with efforts of the controller, makes periodic fluctuations in time, c) monotonously tends to zero.
probability of punishment, crime, mathematical model, penalties, punishment, stimulus, giving a bribe, Taking a bribe, expected punishment, amount of fine
Economic demography and labor economics
Tyuleneva, T.I., Kurashova, E.A. (2020). Current state of labor resources of active working age in the Russian Federation . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 39–49.
The subject of this research is the labor resources (employed, unemployed, and persons not in the labor force). The object of this research is the Russian Federation. The article reviews various opinions of the scholars on the concept of “labor resources”. As a result, the authors proposed the original perspective on the concept of labor resources. The article examines the essence of labor resources from the standpoint of national economy, as well as the structure of labor resources. The research materials on the dynamics of labor resources (labor force and persons who in the labor force) for the period from January 2019 to June 2020 are provided. The conclusion is made that the overall dynamics of labor resources of active working age is consistent, despite negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic upon the economy and seasonal (spring-autumn period) fluctuations related to the influx of workers involved in such seasonal activities as agriculture, fishing, mining industry, water and river transport, etc. The acquired data indicate on the possibility of insignificant reduction of labor resources of active working age in July, August and September 2020. The authors forecast the number of labor resources of the active working age for that period.
rate of increase, growth rate, working age, economically active population, workforce structure, unemployed, employed, labor force, labor resources, average growth rate
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Samoilova, L.K. (2020). Multi-purpose Geographically-oriented Economy as the preferred Model of Economically secure Development of the Russian Federation. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 50–65.
In the article, by analyzing the provisions of economic science, the features of various models of the economy – socially oriented, "green", innovative, digital - are characterized, which made it possible to formulate advantages and disadvantages for economic agents in the transition to each. In most developments, the emphasis is placed on the positive aspects of replacing the general line of economic development, however, the unwillingness of an individual, society, state, and its structural units to reform can become a threat to the security of the territory's economy, provoking the emergence of its borderline states – conditionally safe, pseudo-safe, which grow into dangerous when ignored. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to clarify the attributes of the schemes listed above, which served as a justification for the need to switch to a multi-purpose geographically oriented economy model on the scale of the Russian Federation.The research was carried out using the following methods: general scientific – analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, which allowed to reveal the characteristic features of various economic models; private scientific – SWOT analysis, through which positive and negative consequences for economic entities were determined when choosing a new economic course. In the course of the study, the judgment about the ambiguity of the results of the introduction of a particular model of the economy is substantiated. The position is argued according to which the change of the vector of economic development in public legal entities of different levels should be implemented taking into account their internal potential, and neglect of its condition can cause the emergence of border states of the territory's economy on the basis of protection from negative activities - conditionally safe, pseudo–safe. In view of the high degree of differentiation of Russian regions, in order to avoid increasing imbalances, a model of a multi-purpose geographically-oriented economy is proposed, in the construction of which emphasis is placed on local features. The presented results are aimed at expanding the provisions of economic science. And the use of the author's approach to the restructuring of the economic model in relation to the subjects of the Russian Federation will minimize fruitless attempts to change the socio-economic guidelines of their development.
economic pseudo-security, economic security, digital economy, green economy, the economics of innovation, socially-oriented economy, differentiation, region, state, multi-purpose geographically-oriented economy
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Bekulova, S.R. (2020). Formation of an institutional environment conducive to the development of renewable energy in Russia. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 66–80.
Renewable energy is developed only with appropriate state support. In the context of increasing environmental awareness, the need to reduce the carbon burden on the environment, and lower prices for renewable energy technologies, the lag in the level of use of renewable energy sources poses a threat to the development of countries within the framework of global trends. Despite the high availability of traditional energy sources in Russia, renewable energy has received state support. In Russia, there are various mechanisms of state support in the retail and wholesale electricity and capacity markets. The article examines the process of formation of the current mechanism of state support in the wholesale electricity and capacity market. Â The main stages and reasons for the formation of a system of support for renewable energy sources in Russia are highlighted. The effectiveness of the contract for the provision of capacities (PDM) as a mechanism for state support of renewable energy sources in Russia is analyzed. The relationship between the functioning of the mechanism of the renewable energy DPM and the increase in the level of competition in the renewable energy market is demonstrated. It is shown how the development of renewable energy in Russia can contribute to the development of related sectors of the economy. A comprehensive approach to the development of the industry within the framework of the renewable energy technology cluster in Russia is presented. The territories for which the development of renewable energy is especially relevant have been identified.
energy, technology cluster, institutional environment, state support measures, green economy, RES, green energy, renewable energy, renewable energy sources, industrial cluster
Regional economy
Egorova, T., Delakhova, A.M. (2020). Elaboration of toolset for assessing differentiation of the level of transport accessibility of northern region. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 81–94.
The subject of this research is the theory and practice of assessing transport accessibility of the territories of northern regions, where the absence of all-season overland communications render impossible their comparison and analysis. The common type of communications in northern regions are winter/ice roads, which are not usually included in analysis of infrastructure and transportation accessibility of a territory. Inclusion of the variable of seasonal communications is substantiated by the absences of alternatives in northern regions. The tools for assessing transport accessibility of the territory are developed using the integral index method, which allows determining the differentiation of variables of weighted average time and monetary costs on freight transportation. Such method based on the cost and time assessment of the transportation-logistical expenses allows accounting for changes in the transport complex, related to development of transportation network in the region, reflected on all stages of the logistical process. The developed methodological toolset is based on the classic methods of assessment of regional transportation system, while at the same time presents novelty, as it includes the presence of seasonal types of transportation communications in northern regions of the country and their logistical component, allowing to fully assess the peculiarities of transportation systems in the northern regions. The conducted analysis of the variables of the territorial structure of transportation network of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) revealed heterogeneity in transport accessibility of municipal regions of the Sakha Republic. Results of the analysis of the level of differentiation of transport accessibility of municipalities through methods demonstrated a heterogenic differentiation, influenced by the vastness of the territories, low density of population, as well as sparseness of settlements of the Artic regions among number of other factors.
logistics center, multimodality, time costs, transport and logistics costs, winter truck, accessibility of the territory, transport system, transport security, transport accessibility, spatial differentiation
Innovative economy
Ledeneva, M.V., Mishura, N.A. (2020). Factor analysis of innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 95–105.
This research is aimed at determination and interpretation of the factors that influence the indicator values of innovation activity of enterprises in the Russian Federation. The author sets the following goals: carry out factor analysis of innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation using the method of principal components and maximum likelihood; determine and interpret the factors; compare the acquired results; develop recommendations on improvement the composition of statistical indicators used for efficiency assessment of innovation activity of companies on meso- and macro levels. The empirical basis contains the data provided by Rosstat on 10 indicators for the period from 2009 to 2016 (657 observations). The scientific novelty consists in identification of latent generalizing characteristics and correlations between the indicators used for assessing the innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation. Both methods, of principal components and principal factors, allowed similarly distinguishing the two factors: via the method of principal components: development of science in the region and specialization of the region in high-tech industries; via the method of principal factors: research organizations in the region, their number and indicators; specialization of the region in high-tech industries. The second factor reflects commercialization of research and development. A relatively small number of indicators is used for assessing commercialization of research and development. The author notes the lack of statistical data for assessing the efficiency of innovation activity of companies. The statistical indicators of innovation activity of enterprises should include the economic effect indicators. This would allow using the performance indicators of research and development not only on micro-, but also meso - and macro-levels in elaboration and assessment of measures stimulating innovation activity of businesses at the country level.
principal factor method, principal components method, factor analysis, statistics of innovations, innovative activity, innovative activity of organizations, economic effect, factors of innovative activity, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, indicators of innovative activity
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Leontyev, A., Novikova, N.V. (2020). Regional projection of the growth pole theory: foreign and Russian experience . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 106–117.
In the modern context, each country is interested in the new sources of economic growth. The authors believe that the source of economic growth can lie in the spatial factors of regional development – the so-called “growth poles”. This article discusses the Russian and foreign experience of using the growth poles to accelerate regional development. The subject of this research is the spatial-economic processes that take place in terms of implementation of the “growth pole” strategy in Russian and foreign practices. The object of this research is regions of the Russian Federation and regions of the foreign countries, in the territory of which the practice of “growth poles” development was implemented. The goal of this article is to present the regional projection of scientific foundation of growth pole theory relying on the works of leading scholars, as well as advanced national and foreign experience. The author’s special contribution consists in generalization of information pertaining to the use of the “growth pole” concept in the relevant strategic planning documents. The novelty lies in the hypothesis on classification of growth poles in Russian practice, the number of growth poles in the territory of the Russian Federation. The acquired results allow assessing the Russian and foreign experience in implementation of the growth pole theory, determining the factors and conditions for achieving the goals and objectives of the strategies of polarized regional development in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
economic space, foreign experience, region, classification, growth pole theory, development of territories, growth pole, economic growth, polarization, conditions
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Zatrova, I.S. (2020). Creative agriculture-based economy in horticulture. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 118–128.
This article is dedicated to a new trend in agriculture, such as the creative agriculture-based economy on a worldwide scale. The author reveals the prerequisites for the emergence of such economy. The general review is conducted on the variations of creative forms and industries in horticulture. Such trends as peony growing, biofuels, volcanic agriculture, and “Arctic cultivated garden” are the examples of this type of economy. The article draws attention to various types of cooperation, which leads to a positive result. Attention is given to the problematic components of creative agriculture-based economy. The conclusions are made on the fundamentals of creativity in agriculture for achieving positive results. The author’s main contribution consists in substantiation of the concept of creative agriculture-based economy, a new perspective on the creative economy. This article is first to view creative economy in agriculture, as well as to raise the problems of the creative agriculture-based economy and the need for regulation of this process. The foundation of creative agriculture-based economy consisting of the three equivalent platforms: knowledge, morality and creativity is explored. Agriculture is closely interrelated with the environment and food products; the quality of new products and services influences the quality of life, which is relevant worldwide.
plant growing, economy, creative, volcanic agriculture, biofuels, peony growing, creative agricultural economy, Arctic cultivated garden, natural wealth, regulation
Service sector: management & economics
Voronin, V.O., Grebennikova, A.A., Maslyakov, V.V. (2020). Game simulation “The City Started by You” . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 129–143.
This article examines the scenario of game simulation “The City Started by You”. The game represents an information platform built on the basis of online game, where the players select a city they would like live in and the services they would like to use. The players are also given the opportunity to discuss and make management decisions regarding the development of their city. The game touches upon such questions as solidarity in society, meaning of paying taxes, value of local democracy, proactive budgeting, and implementation of direct online democracy. The game is aimed at the development of the skills for classification of the topical issues and separate delegated authority, liaising between the authorities and officials of the city’s self-governance and the residents, as well as engagement of city residents in urban management. The computer game not only calculates the consequences of the made by the student management decisions, but also takes into account the factors of the internal and external environment. It is noted that this game can be used as educational in schools and universities, as well as for increasing information transparency between the executive branches and municipal officials. The latter would require conducing educational online games within the framework of group classes with the municipal officials. The use of remote technologies built on the basis of game simulation “The City Started by You” allows to consider and analyze alternate solutions of topical issues, work out spatial development strategies, and form project thinking. Game simulator Constant improvements in the area of ensuring transparency of the local self-governance is essential for increasing public confidence in the local authorities, effective solution of topical issues, and successful conduct of the reforms.
Transparency, participation of residents, open city, local issues, awareness, openness of activity, local government, business game, payment of taxes, management decision
Regional economy
Napolskikh, D.L. (2020). Assessment of innovative development potential of a macroregion within the multilevel clustering model . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 144–161.
The object of this research is the potential of innovative development of Volga Region. The subject of this research is assessment of the processes of innovative transformation of economic systems of Volga Region. Special attention is given to the analysis of peculiarities of spatial distribution of the potential for the development of innovative economy in the context of cluster policy. The author examines the dynamics of cluster formation in the Russian Federation and Volga Federal District, as well as the level of institutional development of the clusters formed in the Volga Region. Based on the previous research, the geographical zones of Volga Region are classified by the author into macroregions, districts, and interregional clusters; on each level of the proposed multilevel model can be determined the leading region and lagging regions. For assessing the innovative transformation of economic systems of Volga Region, the author developed the methodology for comprehensive analysis of innovative development potential of the regions. The outcome Index of innovative development potential of the region (IRIDP) is formed on the basis of four subindexes: index of economic potential of innovative development (IEP-1); index of human resource potential of innovative development (IHRP-2); index of financial potential of innovative development (IFP-3); index of scientific and technological potential of innovative development (ISTP-4). In the course of analysis of the processes of clusterization of the economy of Volga Region, the author determined a significant differentiation of economic space from the perspective of institutionalization of clusters. Nonuniformity of distribution of the clusters by regions, as well as differences in the level of their development, are substantiated by the objective economic-geographical prerequisites and by the performance regional authorities within the framework of federal cluster development projects. The formulated conclusions can serve as the foundation for the formation of spatial contours and vectors of a new stage of clusterization of the economy of Volga Region; its implementation of should consider the complementary nature of innovative and cluster activity of the regions.
The Volga Region, Multi-level modeling, Economic space, Clustering of the economy, Innovative potential, Innovative clusters, Innovative development, Development index, interregional clusters, multiclusters