Regional economy
Saryan, A.A., Simonyan, A.R. (2019). Basics of the segmentation of regional tourist flows. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 1–10.
The object of this research is the regional tourist flow. In this article it means tourist flows of various sizes, density and intensity, directed to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total number of which is 85. The subject field of this research consists in optimization of regional tourist flows. Special attention is dedicated to the realization of this task through economic and mathematical modeling for the processes of formation and development of tourist flows. It is assumed that these flows can be specifically optimized by increasing their size, redistribution of tourists between segments of a flow, creation of its new segments and restriction of the flow growth in emergence of such fairly new phenomenon as overtourism. The conducted research allowed concluding that the tourist flows in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differ in size and structure. Most of them have formed without the due scientific and economic justification or optimal connection to the existing tourist-recreational resources. As a result, the regional targeted programs of tourism development are not being implemented to the fullest extent. The novelty of this research consists in substantiation of the need for optimization of the structure of regional tourist flow on the basis of complex approach, as well as suggestion of the economic-mathematical model for such optimization.
queuing theory, Inventory Management, mathematical model, management decisions, regional tourism product, external effects, segmentation of tourist flow, marketing research, probability, distribution function
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Finogeev, A.G., Gamidullaeva, L.A., Vasin, S.M., Shmid, A.V. (2019). Convergent platform for big data analysis in the process of researching the innovative system of the region. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 28–44.
Ubiquitous implementation of the modern technologies of digital economy allows eliminating a number of barriers that impede the growth of economic activity of economic actors, as well as decreasing high transaction expenses that hinder interaction between the participants of economic processes. The article examines the questions of creation of the information analytical platform for big data collection and processing for the purpose of researching the innovative development processes of the regional economic agents on the basis of convergent approach. The platform is intended for modular integration of instrumental means that resolve the tasks of searching, collection, processing and upload of data for intellectual analysis of the indicators of innovative activity of enterprises. The results of intellectual analysis are used for the assessment and forecast modelling of the dynamics of integral criteria of the regional innovative development, identification of innovative leaders, comparative benchmarking analysis between economic agents and leaders, synthesis of cybersocial strategies for managing the mechanisms of innovative development and formulation of recommendations on enhancing the efficiency of innovative activity of enterprises. The authors conduct the analysis of convergent and hyper-convergent systems, as well as substantiate the need for creation of the convergent platform for collection and analytical processing of big data regarding the innovations and innovative enterprises in the regions. The authors propose the principles of structuring the dataflow architecture of data integration system for solving the tasks of searching, parallel processing and upload of information onto cloud storage and distributed register. The key components of the convergent information analytical platform are being reviewed.
Big Data, intellectual analysis, convergent platform, convergence, syber-social system, digitalization, innovation, innovation system, regional system, transaction costs
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Surovitskaya, G.V., Gamidullaeva, L.A. (2019). Transformation of Russia’s flagship universities: results of implementation of development programs in the context of expansion of education exports. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 45–62.
There are currently 33 universities functioning across 32 regions of the Russian Federation that received the status of “flagship university”. Under the current circumstances, there is a need to define the internal and external factor of development of the flagship universities that directly impact the expansion of education exports. The key internal condition for development of flagship universities consists in modernization of educational and research activity. The article is dedicated to the analysis of modernization and transformation processes of flagship universities of the Russian Federation in the context of efficiency assessment of the development programs and correspondence of the system national higher education to the current trends of development. The article explores the following issues: prerequisites for implementation of the national initiative “Education Development”; evaluation of the dynamics of the national university ratings formed by the Interfax International Information Group, including a number of private ratings; assessment of the efficiency of international activity of the flagship universities by data of efficiency monitoring of universities carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The article contains arguments supporting the adjustment of the development programs of flagship universities for the purpose of ensuring better participation in the implementation of the “Education Development” national initiative, as well as the composition of strategic projects of flagship universities for solution of tasks of the federal project “Increasing Competitiveness of the Russian Higher Education” contained therein.
trends in education, region, National project, development program, transformation, modernization, innovation, Flagship university, educational program, regional development
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Nuskhaeva, B.B. (2019). Deputy Director of Research, Sochi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 63–70.
Assessment of the state of agriculture in the Republic of Kalmykia. The author examines key trends in the development of agriculture in the region. The analysis of statistical data is structured on comparison of the indicators of pre-reform period and recent years. The region actively develops animal husbandry, thus the livestock indicators exceed such of the pre-reform period, sheep and goat population is steadily increases. Special attention is given to assessment of the state of agriculture by the rural residents of Kalmykia based on sociological survey. The survey results demonstrate that the rural residents assess the state of agriculture in the region as “satisfactory” or “poor”. The research is structured on the analysis of statistical data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, generalization of statistical material, secondary analysis of modern studies dedicated to the problem of agricultural development in the Republic of Kalmykia, as well as the author’s original sociological research. The scientific novelty consists in the ratio between assessment of the state of agriculture by economic indicators and representations of rural population on the development of agriculture in the region. The comparison of statistical data and survey results allows concluding on the various assessment of the state of agriculture in the Republic of Kalmykia.
rural population, state of agriculture, sown area, number of animals, agricultural land, crop production, livestock, agriculture, village, problem of region
Production branches and markets economics
Kulikova, T. (2019). Development of the concept of “lean manufacturing” based on the selection of optimal type of movement of labor objects. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 71–77.
The subject of this research is development of the concept of “lean manufacturing”. The author describes the advantages of using the key instrument of this concept – the Just-in-time system, implementation of which requires creation of certain prerequisites at the plants, widely defined in manufacturing management literature. However, modern management circumstances are characterized by dynamicity, high level of uncertainty and risk, which can be reduced by accounting for as many factors as possible. The article presents results of analysis of the types of movement of labor objects in accordance with the conditions of utilization of the “Just-in-time system”. Research methodology includes comparative and categorical analysis, system approach, methods of induction and deduction. The author’s major contribution into this research consists in substantiation of extension of the list of criteria with regards to implementation of “lean manufacturing” concept through substantiation of the reasonableness of application of parallel-sequential type of movement of labor objects from operation to operation. The acquired results may be valuable in organization of manufacturing at industrial plants.
loss, the system Just-in-time, the type of movement, the duration of the production cycle, lean production, object of labor, enterprise, costs, cost, resources
Production branches and markets economics
Chernysheva, T.K., Ilyanov, D.S. (2019). Comparative analysis of labor productivity in Russia and China. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 78–89.
The main goal of this research consists in the comparison of two approaches toward increasing labor productivity in the Russian Federation and China. The authors assess the currents state of labor productivity in both countries, as well as the mechanism of its improvement. The significance of growth of labor productivity as an instrument for increasing the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) is emphasized. The existing problems and new key trends in the area of increasing labor productivity in Russia are highlighted. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.07.2018 No.204 and “May Decrees” of 2012 with regards labor productivity and economic growth; as well as of the existing economic systems management for determining the optimal growth points in the area of labor productivity. The conclusion is made that labor productivity in the Russian Federation should be viewed as one of the key factors for restoring the lost potential, and its increase may be ensured exclusively by comprehensive interaction of all participants of economic relations.
growth points, economic relations, economic development, drivers of economic development, gross domestic product, China, Russian Federation, comparative analysis, economic modernization, labor productivity
Regional economy
Napolskikh, D.L. (2019). Analysis of the dependence of state support of joint project in the context of the Russian industrial clusters and results of cluster development. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 90–101.
This article explores the problems of state support of the development of multi-cluster formations on the bases of mechanisms of production integration within the frameworks of joint projects of industrial clusters. The goal of this research consists in analysis of the dependence of the size of federal subsidy for implementation of joint cluster projects upon the achieved and planned indicators of cluster development within realization of the project, as well as determination of the correlation between cluster development factors. Analysis is conducted on 38 industrial clusters across regions of Russia. The work presents results of the study of interdependence of state subsidization of joint projects in terms of the Russian industrial clusters and indicators of cluster development. The author determines the innovation-technology vector of state support of joint projects of the participating industrial clusters; as well as underlines lack of strong link between the indicators of cluster development and the amount of federal subsidy for realization of joint projects, excluding the indicator of “quantity of conversions in the technological cluster chain”. The conclusion is made on the absence of strong link between the size of federal subsidy and the indicators of realization of joint projects within the framework of industrial clusters.
Effectiveness of state policy, Correlation analysis, State support, Cluster projects, Industrial policy, Integration of production, Innovation cluster, Industrial clusters, Indicators of cluster development, Cooperation of enterprises
Marketing research
Klimenko, T.I., Ovcharov, A.O. (2019). Modern marketing tools in the tourism market. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 102–110.
The subject of this research revolves around capabilities of modern marketing in the research of the tourism market. It demonstrates the importance of development of easy to access and simple to apply marketing tools for the tourism market that would be capable of tackling the research tasks. It is established that the widely used market research methods in the tourism sphere include analysis of documents, consumer polls, expert assessments and experimental approaches. Special attention is given to the assessment of the representation of poll results and determination of the necessary sample size. A brief overview is made on the approaches towards segmentation of tourism market by various criteria. The scientific novelty pertains to development of an original approach towards proper positioning of tourism services in the domestic market. This article presents the results of marketing research of the demand in the tourism market of Kazan on the basis of consumer polling. The work highlights five segments of consumers, and draws conclusions on structural shifts in their demand at the brink of the 2017 season. There is evidence of increased interest towards domestic and foreign tourism, as well as key positions of leisure and recreation being taken by tourism. For efficient positioning, travel agencies are offered three criteria of segmentation: scale of business, seasonality, and consumer mentality. For the purposes of segmentation, the authors conduct expert interviews among Kazan’s travel agencies, and highlight the most efficient segments from the commercial point of view.
efficiency, positioning, demand, segmentation, poll, tourism market, marketing tools, scale of business, seasonality, consumer mentality
Management and corporate governance
Karelina, M.G. (2019). Empirical research of the development of risk management in the corporate sector of Russia’s economy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 111–121.
This article is dedicated to comprehensive research of the development of risk management in Russian companies. The multifacetedness of approaches towards studying the problems and prospects of risk management defines the complexity of examination of the concept of “risk” in order to form objective prerequisites for analysis of the risk management systems in the corporate economic sector of the Russian Federation. The provided overview of the key prerequisites of the establishment of corporate risk management in Russia demonstrates the fact that requirements in the area of improving corporate risk management continue to rise and are defined by international, as well as national risk management standards: COSO ERM, ISO 31000, Russian Code of Corporate Conduct of the Federal Commission on Securities Market of Russia, and others. The study of the development of risk management in Russian companies was conducted in accordance with methodology of the world leader in the area of risk management solutions Aon. Expert survey of the specialists in the area of risk management of Russia’s largest and organizations in 2018 allowed highlighting the key problems in risk management on the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, as well as suggesting specific methods for support and regulation of Russian risk management. The results of this research carry practical significance, since properly structured risk management system contributes to achieving stability of business development, as well as increasing of economic efficiency and sustainability of development of Russian economy.
system analysis, expert survey, statistical analysis, risk management standards, risk management system, risk management, risk, corporate governance, structure, distribution of respondents