Management and corporate governance
Sharoyko, F.V., Chvyakin, V.A. (2019). Organizational behavior within the structure of HR management. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the questions of organizational behavior of company employees. Special attention is given to the assessment of the structure of organizational behavior, suggesting the determination of a set of factors that characterize communication potential of the company, management approach, and conflict behavior trends of the personnel. Deterioration in organizational behavior requires the implementation of flexible (adaptive), rather than just directive management approaches. With regards to company employees with critical indicators of its communication potential, it is necessary to introduce courses on the development of communication skills under the conditions of low budget financing. The research methodology is based on Fritz Roethlisberger’s theory on the fundamentals of Western managements, as well as the concept of organizational behavior of James J. Gibson. The main conclusions define the role and importance of communication potential of the company, management approaches, and conflict behavior trends of the personnel in assessing the structure of organizational behavior. The directive management approach generates the latent proneness to conflict, and in 75 percent of the cases leads to dysadaptation of the communication structure and significantly reduces confidence indicators between the employees. The scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of adaptive human resource management depending on the peculiarities of organizational behavior, as well as in the establishment of the role of organizational-psychological conditions of joint effort within the structure of organizational behavior.
Latent conflict, Staff conflict, Directive management style, HR management styles, Demotivation of staff, Economic efficiency, Joint activity, Organizational behavior, Communication capacity, Organizational and psychological conditions
Regional economy
Grunichev, A.S., Abdukaeva, A.A. (2019). Methodological approaches towards formalized assessment of the impact of reputation capital of the region upon the parameters of its investment activity (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 10–23.
The subject of this research is the development of the concept and methodological approaches towards formulation of the theory of reputation economy applicable to the regional economic systems. This suggests not only formulation and substantiation of theoretical foundations, but also securing theory with practical recommendations based not so much on the methods of qualitative analysis, as on the methods of quantitative modeling of the studied processes using a wide variety of mathematical models. The object of this research is the Republic of Tatarstan. Special attention is given to the formalized assessments of the impact of reputation capital of the theory upon the parameters of its investment activity. The developed methodological approaches form the foundation for its further improvement and may enhance a dialogue on the indicated problematic – assessment of the impact of the reputation of theory upon investment processes. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the formulated conceptual approach of quantitative assessment of reputation capital of the region, as well as towards the development of the theory of reputation economy applicable to the regional economic systems. The research results determine the quarterly values of integral indexes of reputation capital of the Republic of Tatarstan over the period from 2013 to 2017, which formed the basis for structuring the econometric models of its influence upon the parameters of investment activity of the territory.
potential of growth of economy of the region, инвестиционная активность региона, reputation capital of the territory, global information space, non-material factors of production, region, reputation economy, expectations of economic agents, competitiveness, investments
World economy and international economic relations
Khazova, V.N. (2019). Peculiarities of development of the renewable energy sources in the Russian energy market. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 24–36.
The subject of this research is the strategies and trends of development of the sector of renewable energy sources in Russia. The goal of this work lies in the following aspects: assessment of the current situation in the sector of renewable energy in Russia and the prospects for its development; analysis of the implemented support measures of the sector and systematization of the global experience of recommendations on government support of the sector; evaluation of their role in development of the renewed energy; assessment of growth prospects of the portion of renewable energy sources in Russia’s energy sector, as well as the impact of the aid granted by the government of the Russian Federation in this regard. The relevance is substantiated by the act that the ongoing within world energy sector transformation implies increased competition and the demand for new technologies. The advancement of technologies leads to the expansion of energy accessibility. The research methodology is structure on the review and analysis of statistical information sources of the Russian and foreign agencies and reports of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on the state of renewable energy; analysis of support measures provided by the Russian government. The conclusion is made that the development of the sector of renewable energy sources in Russia lags behind many countries. The author outlines the causes of the current situation, as well as suggests the measures for overcoming the barriers in development of this sector. The article assesses the current situation of the renewable energy sector in Russia, and determines the patterns of its functionality in the world and prospects for its development in Russia.
RE support models, Renewable energy stimulating, Solar power, Wind power, Hydropower, Russia, Renewable energy sources, Power contracts, RE generating facilities, Tenders
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Tsurikov, V.I. (2019). Economic approach towards deterrence of crime: Part 3. Anti-corruption strategies in modern Russia. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 37–54.
The subject of this research is the problems of combating corruption crimes in modern Russia. The article analyzes certain measures essential for significant lowering of the current level of corruption, as well as reducing the negative impact of business corruption on the economy and society. The author challenges the popular social views, according to which the successful deterrence of corruption requires severe punitive measures, including death penalty. Special attention is given to the analysis of factors, which lead to the loss of deterrent effect of punishment. The research uses an economic approach towards crimes and penalties. Based on the obtained estimates of the expected penalty for corruption, the author demonstrates that the typical for the Russian law enforcement practice ultralow value of probability of penalty for an offence deprives the penalty of any deterrent effect. The author acquires a quantitative assessment of such threshold value of probability of penalty for corruption, the overcoming of which would allow restoring the deterrent effect of penalty and successfully reduce the number of corresponding offences. It is concluded that even the repeated reduction of the number of corruption offences, accepted by the society as great breakthrough in combating corruption, can be achieved solely by petty corruption. In such case, the total annual volume of bribes will drop by just few percentage points, which reflect in continuous negative impact of corruption on the economy. Therefore, the process of increasing the likelihood of penalty for corruption offences should certainly be accompanied by decisive measures of the government aimed at gradual revocation of the immunity the officials currently possess.
Economic approaches, Corruption offences, Business corruption, Petty corruption, Likelihood of penalty, Severity of penalty, Deterrent effect, Immunity, Bribe, Latency
Innovative economy
Rozanova, L.I., Tishkov, S.V. (2019). Innovative modernization of the Russian economy: potential, challenges, opportunities. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 55–70.
This article is dedicated to the questions of innovative modernization of the Russian regional economy. Emphasis is made on the factors constraining the innovative development: low level of capital accumulation; inadequate to the economic needs development of the financial service market; spatial accessibility of credit organizations. The article also highlights the key issues, which solution is an inseparable part of innovative strategies of the Russian regions. High rate of depletion of the capital assets of Russian enterprises in the traditional economic sectors is determined as the key problem. The majority of studies of the problems of innovative development is dedicated to strengthening of the efficiency of Russian economy due to implementation of innovations without account of the possibility of their assimilation by the industry. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author refer to the analysis of the problems of industrial applicability of innovations in the conditions of high rate of wear of production systems. Leaning on the analysis of the current state of industrial capacity, the authors come to the conclusion that innovative modernization requires substantial investment resources, formed by enterprises themselves, as well as by financial market.
disposals of fixed assets, productive investment, the depreciation of fixed assets, production capacity, scientific potential, the modernization of the economy, the global innovation index, innovative development of regions, the rate of renovation, financing the investment activities
Regional economy
Ilicheva, Y.A. (2019). Prerequisites for establishment and development of economic cooperation between India and ASEAN countries in the 1990’s. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 71–81.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is viewed as an important partner in the area of economic cooperation by such countries as Russia, United States, Japan, China, and the European Union. For India, this regions is extremely important for gaining access to new market channels, as well as establishment of geopolitical influence over neighboring countries. However, the association actively cooperates with China, which causes certain competition for leadership in the region and heightens India’s interests towards the countries of Southeast Asia. The subject of this research is the economic aspects of bilateral relations between India and ASEAN in the 1990’s. Studying the development of economic cooperation between India and ASEAN in the 1990’s is highly relevant, as the relationship between the countries is the key element of foreign policy and major vector of India’s Look East policy. The scientific interest is substantiated by the ability to analyze factor that influences the bilateral relations, as well as determine potential obstacles in their development. India’s approach to ASEAN is also motivated by the political interests. It is evident that due to the rich resource base alongside scientific and technological potential, the countries of Southeast Asia appear to be strategically important for India. Besides the resource objectives, the alignment with ASEAN opened an opportunity to access the new markets, namely East Asia and Pacific Rim.
investments, trade, Look East, investment relations, trade relations, ASEAN, India, liberalization, Asian crisis, Singapore
Marketing research
Baranova, L.S. (2019). Methodology and tools of product range management on the example of meat processing plant. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 82–94.
The object of this research is the product range of food companies on the example of a meat processing plant. The subject of this research is the unmanageable and uncontrollable product range of food companies. The goal is to devise methodology and tools for managing product range. The author meticulously examines such instruments as structuring, systematization and balancing of product range in width and depth. Special attention is paid to ABC and BCG analyses. Combining the ABC and BCG analyses and structuring of recommendation matrix represents a key aspect in this research. The methodology includes the following stages: systematization of product range by category and width balancing; structuring of product range by profitability, sales and number SCU’s, and depth balancing; conducting ABC analysis by profit within a category; conducting BCG analysis within a category; fusion of ABC and BCG analyses. The scientific novelty of this work consists in fusing the ABC and BCG analyses, as well as forming a matrix for classification of product range, where the entire product range is divided into twelve categories. The author’s contribution into this study lies in the matrix of recommendations for each of the twelve categories. The main conclusion is defined by the fact that using the recommendation matrix, formed on the basis of intersecting of ABC and BCG analyses, will allow for optimized product range management, make sound strategic decisions on product range, as well as structure proper product range policy.
the structure of the implementation, the profit structure, the balance of the range, range depth, the width of the range, BCG-analysis, ABC analysis, product range, the structure of the SKU, systematization of the range
Marketing research
Baranova, L.S. (2019). Research of active customer base on the example of food company. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 95–104.
The object of this research is the active customer base of a food company. The subject of this research is the unregulated active customer base of food companies. The goal lies in the development of technique for studying the active customer base. The author carefully examines such instruments as systematization of the active customer base, presentation of assortment at the sales outlet, as well as ABC analysis of sales outlets. Special attention is given to the instrument of certification of the points of sale, which reveals their potential. An important aspect is the combination of ABC analysis and certification results with construction of recommendation matrix in coordinating the active customer base. Research methodology includes the following stages: systematization of active customer base; presentation of products at the points of sale; ABC analysis of the sales outlets by tonnage; certification of sales outlets; combination of ABC analysis on tonnage and certification. The results of this work help to efficiently manage the active customer base and influence the tonnage and profit ratio. The author recommend applying this research in food companies. The scientific novelty lies in systematization and synthesis of methods and techniques for studying clients of the companies. Food companies, which are both, production and trade. The author’s special contribution consists in the formation of classification matrix of sales outlets and recommendation matrix for each point of sale via combining the ABC analysis and certification of sales outlets.
regional sales channel, budget sales channel, wholesale sales channel, retail, sales channels, outlet, active customer base, firm trade, sales management, ABC analysis
World economy and international economic relations
Khromova, N. (2019). Problems in Russia’s diamond industry under the conditions of systemic reforms and ways to solve. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 105–115.
This article explores the relevant problems in development of the Russia’s diamond industry (RDI). Special attention is paid to the problems pertaining to state regulation of Russia’s diamond industry. The author notes that the key factor halting the development of RDI lies in the flawed sectoral legislation, which puts Russian diamond producers into uneven circumstances with their foreign counterparts, and despite the presence of unique raw resources, does not allow RDI to utilize the global practice and fully exercise its potential. The author underlines that in the recent years there have been substantial legislative changes with regards to liberalization of state regulation in the area on diamond industry. Special attention is given to the India’s economic policy in diamond sector for the purposes increasing its competitiveness and possibility of borrowing positive Indian experience of state regulation for development of RDI. Among main conclusions of the conducted research is the proposal of borrowing the positive India’s experience in order to modernize the organizational-economic structure of diamond processing in the Russian Federation. Additionally, the author formulates the necessary measures for implementation of state regulation and state support of RDI in practice.
jewelry industry, diamond-cutting industry, mine diamond industry, rough diamonds exports, diamonds, Special Economic Zones, customs preferences, tax incentives, state regulation, diamond complex
Monograph peer reviews
POPKOV, V.V. (2019). Finances in the new Russia – systemic disorganization (Thoughts on financial problems with regards to A. G. Aganbegyan’s book “Finances, Budget and Banks in the new Russia”). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 116–130.
A. G. Aganbegyan’s became an occasion for introspection on the financial situation in post-Communist Russia. The usage of extensive empirical evidence, specific facts, author’s observation, additional analytical material and theoretical foundations, demonstrates that persistent financial problems of the country are not unrelated deficiencies, but rather a systemic disorganization. The author reveals their content, which allows asserting that without determination of these disorganizing factors, revitalization of the financial system is not to be expected. The key factors of systemic disorganization include: subjectlesness; oligarchical capitalism; deindustrialization and primitivization of the economy; nationalization and bureaucratization of the economy; separation of economic actions from the norms of ethics and fairness. The scientific novelty consists in defining the factors of systemic disorganization. The conclusion is made that the country is facing a long and difficult way towards overcoming systemic disorganization in all spheres of management and life, but it is still on a civilized market path.
investment, disindustrialization, disorganization, budge, banks, non-subjectivity, competition, cycles, nationalization, Finance