Economic theory and history of economic thought
Khorin, A.N., Brovkin, A.V. (2018). Key indicators of the report on sustainable development of an organization. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 1–12.
This article examines the key aspects and indicators of the report on sustainable development of an organization. The work substantiates the need and the purpose for such report, as well as demonstrates its importance for formation of present and future goals of the organization. The importance of presenting such reports is confirmed by the references to its support from the leading global development institutions, including UN. The author determines the parties and groups interested in acquiring this data, and gives thorough analysis of such key indicators applied in the report on sustainable development as: financial, environmental, social, and characteristics of the quality of the corporate management. Special section is dedicated to the integral indexes of the socioeconomic dynamics. Conclusions are made on the purpose and importance if providing the report on sustainable development, which allows better and fuller look at external impact of company’s activity and long-term prospects of its work.
environmental aspects, corporate governance, externalities, created value, sustainable development report, indicators, performance aspects, net added value, financial indicators, climate change
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Tsurikov, V.I. (2018). Economic approach to the issue of crime rate control. Part 2. The controlling effect of punishment. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 13–24.
The subject of this research is the analysis and possibilities of the economic approach of Gary Becker towards the crime rate control problem. Special attention is given to the examination of the controlling effect of punishment. For description of the behavior of a criminal neutral towards the risk, the work employs a simple mathematical model of comparison of profit versus loss, which found its implementation in economic approach towards criminal and law enforcement activity. The profit of the criminal is the size of the “score”. The losses of the criminal consist in costs of preparation for the crime, its execution and the subsequent cover-up. Consideration of the possibility of being caught, as well as subsequent punishment of the criminal and the monetary equivalent of punishment, allows acquiring expression for the mathematical expectation of profit for the criminal. Within the framework of economic mathematical model the impact of various factors upon the amount of losses and the controlling effect of punishment are being analyzed. The conclusion is that the controlling effect of the punishment is in direct proportional dependence on the likelihood of punishment, thus in the case with a very low likelihood of punishment (such situation is characteristic for the corruption crimes in modern Russia), the increase in severity of punishment will not result in somewhat noticeable decrease in the number of corresponding crimes.
Costs, Gains, Corruption, Severity of punishment, Likelihood of punishment, Rational behavior, Crime rate, Controlling effect of punishment, Crime, Economic approach
Innovative economy
Naugolnova, I.A. (2018). Theoretical and methodological foundations of cost management in production of high-tech and innovative products. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 25–34.
The article analyzes the innovation activity of Russian organizations by types of economic activity for 2010-2015, and discusses cost management features for the production of high-tech and innovative products. The work substantiates the necessity for an integrated and systematic approach, and determines the advantages of the functional cost analysis and method of standard cost compared to Russian normative method. As a result of this research, the author added and disclosed the principles of cost management system, which consists in identification and maximization of the value of production, optimization of the value stream, as well as application of advanced tools and techniques, ensuring methodological unity and correlation of the costs with the strategic enterprise objectives and involvement of the cost management process of employees, optimization of the use of resources and minimization of waste, forecasting and planning costs in order to prevent irrational and formation of "eddicient" culture in correlation between management, accounting and taxation.
direct costing, standard cost, value analysis, cost reduction tools, cost management principles, innovative activity, high-tech products, cost management, cost management system, margin approach
Economic demography and labor economics
Khusyainov, T.M. (2018). Review of the regional labor marker of Greenland: main economic branches and number of employed workers . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 35–41.
The object of this research is the regional labor market of Greenland. An attempt is made to analyze the state of the labor market of Greenland in accordance with the data of 2015. The author examines and compares the key branches of national economy and the number of the employed. Separate attention is given to the differences in distribution of workers based on the industry of the economy between the four municipalities of Greenland. In addition, the author considers the territorial distinctions of each municipality and determines the leading industries within. The key method of research lies in the statistical analysis of the data of StatBank Greenland, as well as examination of Denmark’s legislation and the regional normative legal acts of Greenland. Having examined the regional labor market of the autonomous country of Greenland, the author makes a conclusion of the importance of such sectors as public administration and services; fishing, hunting and agriculture; and trade. The author emphasizes the differentiation in economic spheres between the municipalities; each of them has its peculiarities depending of the climatic, geographical, and socioeconomic factors.
economic sectors, labor, regional labor market, employment, labor market, Greenland, employment rate, regional differences, workers, labor resources
Skvortsova, N.A., Lebedeva, O.A., Sotnikova, E.A. (2018). The impact of information technologies on business development . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 42–50.
The object of this research is the information technologies and their impact on business in general. The subject of this research is the cumulative approaches towards business conduct within the influence area of information technologies. Maintenance of competitiveness and achievement of best results requires the introduction of innovations such as information technologies. The author meticulously examines the theoretical approaches to potential transformations in conducting entrepreneurship or business organizational processes with the help of information technologies. However, the assessment of small business allowed determining that the executives are not quite ready to invest into the information technologies. The main conclusion consists in suggestions formulated on the basis of the analysis of information technologies that must encourage the improvement of economic indexes of business sector. Special attention is given to automation of customer relationship management. The scientific novelty is defined by comprehensive approach towards studying the algorithm of implementation of information technologies into the business sphere.
reliable information, market, strategy, business, information, e-business, small business, Information technologies, automation of process, entrepreneurship
Mathematical modeling and instrumental methods in economics
Tsurikov, V.I. (2018). Incomplete contracts in the condition of Russian specificity. Part 3. Impact of the corruption component of the institutional environment. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 51–60.
The subject of this research is the impact of the corruption component of the institutional environment upon the investment decisions of agents and the size of public gain. Within the framework of incomplete contract, it is demonstrated that consideration of the corruption component leads to one of two cases, one of which could be interpreted as extortion, and the other – as conclusion of a mutually beneficial corrupt deal. Special attention is given to the analysis of the capabilities of the agents for maximization of their personal gains, which are defined by their stimuli towards carrying out investments into the growth of mutual profit. It is demonstrated that in the case of extortion the stimuli of the agents diminish, resulting in the decrease of public gain. The determination is made on the existence of the baseline level of stake of the “corrupt tax”, exceeding which makes it preferable to transfer the right to leftover profit to the bribe extortionist. It is demonstrated that widespread practice of corrupt cooperation can lead to negative deformation of the structure of national economy.
Efficiency, Stimuli, Transfer of business, Corrupt deal, Extortion, Corruption, Peculiar investment, Ambiguous property rights, Corruption component, Incomplete contract
World economy and international economic relations
Gutenev, M.Y. (2018). Prospects for development of the NSR as a socioeconomic resource for development of the Russian state and its security in the XXI century. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 61–67.
The article is devoted to assessing the development prospects of the Northern sea route. The research examines the main concerns of international investors and partners about the commercial viability of the NSR. The author proposes deliberate and systematic implementation of strategic objectives for the Arctic development, to create a comprehensive plan for the implementation of measures aimed at forecasts for the development of the NSR. Despite the considerable international interest in the Russian Arctic from potential foreign partners and investors, there are also great concerns about the commercial viability of the NSR. For example, with regards to which of the foreign shipbuilding and shipping companies would be interested in the development of the NSR, there is no single point of view about the prospects of this transport corridor. The main problems today are political, economic and internal corporate barriers. One of the top agenda of development of the NSR in the twenty-first century should be the development of cooperation with foreign partners, aimed at the harmonization of rules and regulations on the usage of the Northern sea corridor, as well as comprehensive work on improving its reputation and image.
hydrocarbons, security, geopolitics, Northern sea route, policy, Arctic, shelf, border, RF, Polar code