Economic theory and history of economic thought
Safiullin, M.R., Elshin, L.A., Abdukaeva, A.A. (2017). Particularities of Innovative and Technological Development of Russia as Part of Higher School Development Trends. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 1–11.
The object of the research is the innovative and technological development of the national economy within transformations of the higher school. The subject of the research is the mechanisms and methods of state regulation that form the basis of an efficient, adapted to current economic conditions, innovative and technological development of the national economy. The authors of the article pay special attention to the role of the higher school in teh process of creating advanced manufacturing technologies, define the key issues and development trends that encourage innovative development of the economic system under the conditions of changing environment. Based on the methods of the econometric analysis, the authors analyze the key factors that influence the parameters of the innovative and technological development of Russia including the number of higher education establishments, the number of issued patents, attraction of foreign investments in research and development, funding researches from the federal budget, the number of staff who conduct research and development, the number of establishments that conduct research and development. The main result of the research is the scientifically grounded development tools used by the higher school of Russia that encourage and intensify mechanisms of innovative and technological development of the national economy. The main contribution of the author to the topic is that the author conducts economic mathematical calculations proving the need for Russian Federation universities to cooperate under the conditions of the limited access to foreign investments in national research and development.
research and development, measures of state regulation, multiple factor analysis, innovative economy, interuniversity cooperation, higher school, innovative and technological development, commercialization of scientific research, model of development of the university, foreign investments
Regional economy
Neustroeva, A.B., Popova, O.V., Bol'nitskaya, A.N. (2017). Social Labor Sphere Development Problems of the Russian Federation Northern Region (Based on the Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 12–25.
The article is devoted to the main trends and problems of the social labor sphere development in the Far North of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The authors of the article clarify the term 'social labor sphere' in terms of the region and examine the influence of demographic processes on the social labor sphere development in the region as well as analyze competition positions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) compared to other regions of the Russian Federation and Far Eastern Federal District, employment and unemployment levels, risk groups on the regional labor market and social welfare provided to employed population. The empirical basis of the research involves state statistics, results of the survey carried out in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) regarding employment and unemployment issues. The main conclusion of the research is that the social labor sphere of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been recently characterised with improvement of the labor and investment potentials, however, the low level of the social infrastructure development prevents the growth of the region's competitive ability and reduces attractiveness of the region as the place for living and working.
social protection, precarization, labor migration, sociological survey, investment potential, northern regions, labor market, employment, unemployment, social labor sphere
Finance, monetary relations and investment
Nevskaya, O. (2017). The Economic Essence and Classification of Government Securities of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation as a Tool for Financing Infrastructure Projects. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 26–40.
The subject of the study is the economic nature of government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their types allocated by criteria that are significant for the use of the securities in order to finance infrastructure projects. The relevance of the research is due to the growing interest in Russia and other countries of the world in the creation and development of infrastructure as a driver of economic growth and a source of improving the welfare of the population of a country. Government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are one of the financial instruments that can be used to provide financing for infrastructure projects, taking into account their capital intensity, long terms of implementation and, as a rule, the impossibility of obtaining economic effects from their implementation in the short term. The purpose of the study was to generalize and expand theoretical views on this type of securities in terms of the possibility of its use for these purposes.During the research methods of system, structural and comparative analysis, classification and grouping, as well as statistical methods in determining the types of government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, were applied. By summarizing and supplementing the existing theoretical and practical approaches to the definition of the concept and economic nature of government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the author singled out their specific features, which made it possible to formulate a comprehensive definition of this financial instrument. The author proposed refinements and additions to the classification of government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to the criteria for their intended use, the source of repayment of the principal debt and the nominal volume of the issue, including taking into account the practice of their use.The obtained results allowed to expand the theoretical base in the use of government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as a tool for financing infrastructure projects and will facilitate further research on the theme.
government borrowings, investments, government securities, sub-federal bonds, infrastructure project, regional infrastructure, infrastructure, public debt, regional budget, financial instrument
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Tsurikov, V.I. (2017). Economic Perspective of the Crime Control. Part 1. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 41–54.
The subject of the research is the analysis and applicability of Gary Becker's economic approach to crime control. In his research Tsurikov opposes to the idea of individual's rational behavior being purely egoistic in the common sense thereof. According to the author, interpreting maximizing behavior as self-interested can make us to deny the economic approach and, consequently, impede efficient application of the economic approach to describing and analyzing various social phenomena and processes. By using a rather simple mathematical example, the author illustrates how application of arguments that describe emotional states of other individuals to the utility function of a rational economic agent allows to present such economic agent not only as a heartless egoist but also as a man-hater or absolute altruist. Special attention is paid to the ideas of Gary Becker's predecessors, in particular, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Detailed analysis is applied to a surprising similarity of conclusions regarding crime control that can be made on the basis of the economic approach and concept of a sociologist Émile Durkheim. While the economic approach proves that it is impossible to completely eliminate crime and that there is an optimal crime rate, social science presented by one of its founders postulates that every society has a normal and even 'useful' crime rate. Both approaches state that not all crimes must be solved and, therefore, some part of criminals should be left unpunished.
rational behavior, probability of punishment, severity of punishment, corruption, deterrent force, egoist, altruist, crime rate, crime, economic approach
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Ubushiev, E. (2017). Macroeconomic Policy: Comparative Analysis of Development Strategies. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 55–69.
The subject of the research is the analysis of three strategies of economic development from the point of view of macroeconomics: Russia's Development Strategy 2018 - 2024 prepared by the Center for Strategic Research headed by A. Kudrin, Medium Term Program of Russia's Social and Economic Development 2025 (Growth Strategy) developed by Stolypin Institute for Economic Growth and Principles of Russia's Economic Development Strategy 2025 created by specialists of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. In his research Ubushiev analyzes how views on the need in state regulation of economy have been developing as well as defines the main directions of the macroeconomic policy. To define the main trends of the macroeconomic policy, the author has analyzed the stabilization macroeconomic policy and macroeconomic policy of long-term growth encouragement as well as has described the main functions of economic policy. In his research the author has used general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and comparative analysis. The result of the research is the author's conclusion that the aforesaid programs are based on various theoretical concepts and it would be useful to implement measures offered by the members of the Stolypin Club and Chamber of Commerce and Industry. According to the author, the Stolypin Club and Chamber of Commerce and Industry offer strategies that contain a number of vital activities to overcome economic recession in Russia.
center for strategic research, Stolypin club, chamber of commerce and industry, monetary policy, fiscal policy, investment policy, innovation policy, recession, development strategies, macroeconomic policy
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Martyshenko, N.S. (2017). Analysis of the problems of Catering University Students: Socio-Economic Aspects. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 70–89.
Nutrition is an essential component of students' health. In recent years, there has been a steady trend of deterioration in the nutrition structure of students, which is confirmed by numerous publications on this topic. The main purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of eating behavior of students in universities of Primorsky Krai. The basis of the research is the questionnaire survey of students of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. A dangerous trend in the consumption of fast food by students has been revealed. The difference between the method of questioning used is the wide use of open questions, for processing of which the original technologies for analyzing qualitative data were used. During the processing of survey data, a number of typologies were developed that revealed the characteristics of the eating behavior of students. The structure of the food ration has been determined and the estimates of the food costs for various groups of students have been calculated. Particular attention in the article is given to the analysis of students' proposals for improving the work of catering points of the university. Some recommendations on the improvement of the university nutrition system are formulated.
food behavior, public catering system, food for students, healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, die, dietary order, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis, qualitative data
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Zavrazhskii, A.V. (2017). Features of Risk Classification of Medical Organizations. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 90–105.
The object of the present research is the activities of Russian medical organizations on risk management arising in the course of their work. The subject of the research is theoretical and practical approaches to identifying and classifying the risks of medical organizations. Despite all the social importance of their work, Russian medical institutions still face a large list of dangers. Most medical organizations remain state-owned, which means that the government should start an initiative to apply the principles of risk management in the medical field. However, in the scientific literature one of the most important aspects of effective risk management remains understudied, in particular, there is no their classification taking into account the specificity of the industry. In his research Zavrazhsky has used the analytical analysis of scientific and statistical data sources, as well as graphical and mathematical methods for the calculation of quantitative indicators. Based on the results of the research, the author makes a conclusion that the system of Russian health care does not not a comprehensive approach to risk management, activities of the organizations of this sector is continuously subjected to threats caused by external and internal factors, and one of the most important stages of building an effective health risk management system should be the proper classification of risks. The author's contribution to the research of the topic is that he offers his own classification of risks of medical organizations. Based on the reviewed scientific and statistical data, it is shown that risk management in health care should take into account not only specific risks of medical nature, but also common economic, social and legal risks experienced by any legal entity.
insurance, population structure, professional liability, risks classification, medical personnel, quality of medical care, risk management, health care, medical error, consumer rights protection
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Papava, V. (2017). Some Controversial Issues about the Theory of Production Factors. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 106–118.
The subject of the research is the theory of production factors that are generally disputed because of their contradictory character. The resolution of this controversial issue is of paramount value for the integrity of the theory of production factors in the context of rethinking economics as one of the most topical points within the modern economic science. The author of the article examines such aspect of the production factors theory as the integrity. Based on that, the author touches upon two questions. First of all, it is the question whether information is an independent production factor and if it is, then what the factor payment of information is. The other question is why economic ability of a state should be viewed as an individual production factor and indirect business taxes should be considered to be the factor payment there of. The research methods used by the author include general logical research methods such as abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and analogy. The author has also used the method of theoretical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers proof as to why information cannot be a production factor. The results of the research demonstrate that the growth of the influence of information on production processes is insufficient for recognizing it as a production factor. The point of view according to which indirect business taxes are unearned income for the government, contradicts the integrity of the theory of production factors. The author of the article also provides theoretical justification that these taxes are a factor payment to the government’s economic ability which in return is a separate production factor. Results of the research create new opportunities for reconsidering some aspects of economics.
profits, entrepreneurial ability, information, factor payments, economic resources, theory of production factors, economics, government’s economic ability, indirect business taxes, direct taxes
Regional economy
Garaeva, A.M. (2017). Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tatarstan under Conditions of Islamic Renaissance: Challenges and Advantaqges (Based on the Expert Survey). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 119–135.
The subject of the research is entrepreneurship aimed at sastifying the needs of religious muslims living in the Republic of Tatarstan. The object of the research is entrepreneurs that conduct their activity in the sphere of Mulsim goods and services. The author of the article examines eight directions of business activity arising as a result of commercialization process and describes each direction in detail by using various methods of analysis including expert survey, content analysis, discourse analysis of mass media, and secondary analysis of sources. Special attention is paid to the quantitative analysis of studied sectors of Tatarstan entrepreneurship. The expert survey was conducted using the method of in-depth semi-structured interview. The experts from different commercial sectors have been invited and 17 entrepreneurial experts and owners of business in the sphere of Muslim goods and services have participated in the research. The main conclusion of the research is that there is a certain dependence of religious practices on the generation of demand in particular goods and services. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines the main problems of the development of Tatarstan entrepreneurship aimed at satisfying the needs of Muslims which has a practical importance for entrepreneurs in this pshere.
Islamic banking, Islamic economy, commercialization of religious practices, differentiation of economic practices, expert survey, Halal industry, religious services, religious goods, muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, entrepreneurship
Regional economy
Napolskikh, D.L., Furin, A.G. (2017). Construction of Data Monitoring Network for Spatial Modeling of Regional Industrial Clusters. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 136–143.
The subject of the research is adaptation of the methodological tools of geostatistics to the tasks of modeling the development of regional industrial clusters. Particular attention is paid to the categorical apparatus and economic interpretation of approaches to analyzing spatially distributed data within clusters. The main aspects of the scientific problem of constructing a data monitoring network for modeling clusters are systematized. A mathematical description of the economic space of the region is presented from the point of view of the geostatistical analysis of clustering processes. Approaches to the solution of the problem of coordinate binding of the development processes of regional industrial clusters in the economic space of the region are considered. The main result of the study is the refinement of the basic elements of geostatistics with respect to the problem of modeling the development processes of regional industrial clusters: space metric, network for monitoring data, and data declarations. Based on the results obtained, the author gives an assessment of the possibilities of practical application of methods for visualizing the data monitoring network and its cluster structure.
cluster policy, regional development, space metrics, monitoring network, spatial modeling, geostatistical analysis, industrial clusters, territorial development, coordinate reference, geostatistics
Accounting and statistics
Gudkov, A.A., Terekhova, M.G., Dudina, K.E. (2017). Features of Сost Accounting and Construction of the Budgeting System at Plant Industry Enterprises. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 144–163.
The subject of this research is problems of organization and accounting of costs of agricultural enterprises taken in the context of current research and developments in the area of accounting and analytical systems. The objects of the research are the system of cost accounting for the purpose of effective managerial decision-making and budgeting process in the face of economic uncertainty and entrepreneurial risk. The authors of the article also focus on consideration of the relevant and the most effective mechanisms of cost management for domestic agricultural enterprises. The methodological basis of the research involves the systems analysis that was used by the authors to investigate and describe the techniques of cost accounting and budgeting at agricultural enterprises. The authors have also used synthesis methods, logic modeling, and planning. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer a generalization of the modern theory of accounting, cost accounting and budgeting in the context of plant industry enterprises. In particular, the authors propose the following: the diagram information flows model of cost accounting of agricultural enterprises; models of cost accounting for the purpose of effective managerial decision-making; and structure of the consolidated budget of the agricultural enterprise.
planning, control, accounting and analytical system, management accounting, budgeting, cost, accounting, risk, economic uncertainty, cost value