World economy and international economic relations
Vladimirova, A.V. (2017). Measuring 'Asean Centrality': Network Analysis of the Asia-Pacific Region's Foreign Trade Relations. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 1–9.
The article is devoted to the role of The Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the Asia-Pacific region (APR). In her article Vladimirova explains the political discourse term 'Asean centrality' that is used to express the idae of the regional leadership of ASEAN. The fact that the author has chosen to study this particular topic contributes to her choosing the network analysis as the main research method providing that it allows to calculate centrality ratios fo the region's states and to compare them. The author of the article analyzes drawbacks and benefits of existing network ASEAN models and offers her own calculation model. Even though her hypothesis about Asean centrality in APR's trade networks hasn't been proved, the analysis has demonstrated that ASEAN states play a highly important role in the region. In addition, the author fixes and verifies the growth trend in Vietnam's centrality which has never been mentioned in previous models. The research is based on international trade data for the period since 1996 till 2015 published by The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
APAC, ASEAN centrality, macroeconomic models, Vietnam, international relations, statistics, international trade, network analysis, Asia-Pacific region, ASEAN
Monograph peer reviews
POPKOV, V.V. (2017). Economic Neoliberalism in Russia: Undigested Lessons. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 10–25.
The book "Crises and Lessons" by V. Mau was the occasion for reflection on the phenomenon of the permanence of economic neo-liberalism. Whatever happens in the Russian economy, whatever crises happen, whatever devastating consequences there are, the apologists of this ideology always take only one lesson: balance a budget, conduct structural reforms in the neo-liberal manner, create a good (from the point of view of neoliberalism) institutional environment, and everything should be sorted out. But that's not getting better. Why is the neo-liberal model of development failing, what reforms are necessary to be undertaken, what lessons and who should learn – these are the questions that should be answered. The author of the article discusses the views of V. Mau on the evolutionary and revolutionary transformations, nature of the crises, modernization of the economy, and influence of politics on the economy. The author pays attention to the commitment to a single economic doctrine to the detriment of well-known facts, unsubjected crises, and lack of credibility of certain important claims. The conditions of public life in the socio - economic sphere of the modern Russia in the last quarter of the century have been defined by a continuous series of crises. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to convince the society that the chosen path is correct. The neoliberal model of the economy clearly outlived itself. Requirements for the change of the path are growing louder and come from a wider circle of people. But what a new path should be like and where it should take people, these questions requires a full and open discussion.
development, inflation, institutional reforms, budget, stabilization, modernization, crisis, revolution, structural reform, exclusive institute
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Lebedev, S., Dallakyan, A.K. (2017). The Problem of Encouraging Savings in Terms of Discoveries Made in Behavioral and Cognitive Economy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 26–36.
The subject of the research is the saving behavior of economic agents (in this case, population) under limited resources nd uncertain environment. The object of the research is the combination of cognitive and behavioral effects and phenomena that encourage or prevent from savings. These factors can be successfully used to encourage this type of economic behavior, moreover, some of them can be used directly by the government as well as financial institutions (retail banks, etc.). In their research the authors have used traditional economic research methods such as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and research abstraction. They have also used the method of case study (analysis of particular situations) and others. The researchers focuse on qualitative instead of quantitative analysis. The authors have offered a classification of discovered made in the fields of behavioral and cognitive economy, these discoveries facilitating or preventing from saving behavior of economic agents. The authors also analyze the experience of financial institutions aimed at encouraging saving behavior and developing relevant behavioral patterns (the habit to save money). The authors also offer to adapt a number of instruments that are used in modern marketing. In particular, they analyze savings gamification methods (based on the goal gradient hypothesis) and opportunities to apply the endowment effect through visualisation of the future value in account, etc.
goal-gradient hypothesis, endowment effect, gamification, loss aversion, hyperbolic discounting, bounded rationality, behavioral economics, conspicuous consumption, impulse saving(s), default options
Innovative economy
Egorov, N., Kovrov, G.S., Nikiforova, V.V. (2017). The Main Directions of Technological Development of the Russian North During the Transition to the Sixth Technological Order (the Case Study of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 37–45.
The object of the research in this article is the innovative-based technological development of economy of the Far North constituents. The subject of the research is peculiarities of economic development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) during the transition to the sixth technological order. The aim of this work is to identify possible structural elements of the sixth technological order (the key factors-carrying sector of the regional economy) on the basis of analyzing theoretical and methodological grounds of formation and development of the technological structure as well as regional characteristics and the current state of innovation-technological development of the region.The research methodology is the factor analysis of statistical indicators. The authors of the article give an analytical review of the methodologies described by foreign and domestic scientists and economists. They also describe the regional peculiarities of Sakha and the basic indexes characterizing the level of the innovative-based technological development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It is shown that these indicators over the period 2005-2015 in general have a positive linear trend which indicates the prospects of further development of economy of the Republic on the basis of using innovation and technology. As an example, the authors give an analysis and assessment of the development of the information technology industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) up to 2030. The authors also outline the possible structure elements of the new technological order and emphasizes the need to improve educational programs for training and retraining of specialists adapted to work in the industries of the sixth technological order.
core, key factors, technological development, regional characteristics, Russian North, technological way, nanotechnology, innovation, supporting sectors of the economy, personnel training
Regional economy
Charkina, E.S., Miroshnikov, S.N. (2017). Development of Single-Industry Cities: Problems and Solutions. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 46–53.
The subject of the present research is the topical issues related to the existence of single-industry cities that are defined based on data about the economic situation in such cities as well as instruments and mechanisms applied to provide a sustainable social and economic development of single-industry cities' development. Resolution of the situation in one-single cities is a priority for authorities, leadership of enterprises that form single-industry cities, representatives of small and medium businesses, and all cocncerned citizens of such municipal units. The autors pay special attention to the federal priority project on the development of single-industry cities that has been implemented since the end of 2016. The methodological basis of the research involves problem-oriented and functional approaches as well as methods of comparative analysis and observation. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors crry out a complex research that involves the project-based approach to the problem of single-industry cities' development. The authors make recommendations regarding additional measures of single-industry cities' development. The research results can be useful for federal authorities and state authorities of the Russian Federation responsible for the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of re-structuring and development of monoprofile municipal units and single-industry cities' local self-government.
development program, city forming enterprise, Mono-City Development Fund, territories of advanced development, priority project, monoprofile municipalities, single-industry city, development tools, small businesses, training programs
Regional economy
Elshin, L.A. (2017). Methodical Approaches to Multilevel Assessment of Business Activity and its Influence on Industrial Development of Regional Economic Systems (the Case Study of the Republic of Tatarstan). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 54–63.
Analysis of regions' business activity is an important research issue that hasn't been solved and still requires a certain commonly accepted approach. The other issue which is also important both practically and theoretically is the selection of methods aimed at identifying the influence of regions' business activity on development indicators of certain economic sectors. Solution of these issues is the aim of the present research. The object of the research is region's business activity (based on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan) and its influence on the development of regional economic systems. The subject of the research involves methods of defining and modeling business activity of the region as well as assessing its impact on development indicators of separate types of economic activity. The author examines such aspects of the topic as identification of factors that develop parameters of regional economic systems' business activity, and analysis of intraregional particularities that define the change in index pathways of business activity that express changes in expectations of economic agents. The author pays special attention to the issues of economic and mathematical modelling to assess the impact of cyclically generated trends of region's business activity on development pathways of certain industries in a region. The research method used by the author is based on using tools of the cross-correlation analysis of the main systematically important factors influencing the process of assessing region's business activity as well as the tools of the statistical analysis and other special methods promoting determination and search for interrelations between the studied statistical ranks. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops a conceptual approach to identifying parameters of business activity based on modelling expectations of economic agents and using methods of the cross-correlation analysis. The author's contribution to the topic is that he has developed methodical approaches to determining and describing interrelations of separate types of economic activity of the region with the parameters of business activity formed at the regional level.
modeling of integrated indicators, regional economy, cross-correlation analysis, sensitivity of sectors of economy, modeling and forecasting, competitiveness, expectations of economic agents, business activity of the region, taxonomical analysis, factor analysis
Regional economy
Saryan, A.A., Pustovoitenko, S.I. (2017). Tourist and Recreational Complex: Classification of Recreational Areas. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 64–78.
Increase in domestic tourist flow to domestic resorts in the summer season 2015 – 2016 accentuates the attention of tourism specialists in the issue of analyzing the existing potential of the recreational territories of Russia for the spatial development of domestic tourism. A topical issue is the classification of recreational areas of the country, the formation of databases of recreational areas with the definition of their specialization, available and potentially possible types of tourism, the creation of new tourist products on their basis. The subject of the research is the relations that develop between the managing subjects of tourist activity at different levels of management regarding the definition of the tourist potential of the recreational territories of the Russian Federation, their classification for the purpose of regulating tourism flows of inland and inbound tourism. The authors of the article give a brief overview of typologies and classifications of recreational areas of domestic research centers, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the diversity of which emphasizes the need to select common criteria. In this study, for their analysis, the methods of theoretical analysis, comparison and classification, the abstract-logical method were used.The article gives a working version of the definition of "tourist-recreational complex" (TRC), taking into account its inclusion in the system of market relations, a variant of the classification of recreational areas is proposed based on the example of Sochi (Adler district). The main classification criterion is to consider the localization and features of recreational resources tied to a territory that has its borders within the existing administrative-territorial division, taking into account the demand and needs of the tourist. Classification of recreational areas with the definition of tourist zones and most importantly their specialization are necessary both for the purposes of managing the development of tourism, and for orienting the tourist in the available tourist offer. The scope of application of the research results is the theory and practice of tourism, and the sphere of information communications in tourism.
demand of tourists, tourist specialization, tourist-and-recreational complex, classification criteria, classification of recreational areas, localization of recreational resources, features of recreational resources, administrative-territorial division, tourist-flow-management, tourist offer
Regional economy
Litvinova, T.N., Vershinina, O.V., Badaraev, D.D., Moskvitin, G.I. (2017). Socio-Economic Problems and Benchmarks of Buryatia Residents Under Current Conditions. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 79–89.
The article reveals the socio-economic problems and challenges of the development of the Republic of Buryatia under current conditions. The object of the article is the Republic of Buryatia, which is characterized by complex conditions of social and economic development among the regions of Russia. The subject of the study includes social and economic problems and social reference points of the Republic of Buryatia residents. The purpose of the work is to reveal the impact of economic problems, manifested during the crisis, on the social expectations of the population of the republic. Analyzing the production structure and living standards of the population, the authors have used the data for 2015-2016 provided by the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Buryatia. The main trends of migration and employment of the population, changes in incomes both in the whole republic and among rural population are given. Particular attention is paid to subjective social orientations of the republic residents under the conditions of the crisis: attitudes toward work, ideas about "good life", immediate plans and long-term aspirations. The authors have used such research methods as economic statistical analysis and sociological survey (formalized interview) on the problems of social integration and disintegration (the number of respondents was 300). The current socio-economic situation in the region indicates a tense situation on the labor market, especially in rural areas. Low incomes of the population put work at the forefront as the main source of livelihood, and the social orientations and immediate plans of the inhabitants of the region are mainly associated with ensuring financial independence and prosperity, while values related to the family and the spiritual world are inferior to the former. The results of the research allow to determine the most acute social and economic problems of the region which can be used to forecast the development of Buryatia, and also to search for growth points for strategic planning.
social expectations, social benchmarks, migration, living standards, employment, production, economic crisis, Republic of Buryatia, financial independence, life plans
Management and corporate governance
Soboleva, Y.P., Parshutina, I.G., Samorodova, E.M. (2017). The System of Company's Efficient Strategic Planning as a Mechanism of Increasing Region's Investment Attractiveness. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 90–98.
The object of the research is the system of strategic planning used by a company as a mechanism to increase region's investment attractiveness. The subject of the research is the process of performing stragetic planning at an industrial enterprise. In their research the authors provide an evaluation of efficiency at each stage of strategic planning at an enterprise. To eliminate discovered defects and in accordance with the set goals, the authors suggest to complete strategic planning with particular targets that can be quantitatively measured. In order to minimize problems that may arise in the sphere of strategic planning, the authors state that evaluation of the quality of the aforesaid process is very important. They offer a scheme for evaluating the quality of strategic planning and increasing efficiency of strategic planning in general. The authors suggest that we should use a certain set of evaluation criteria, each of them is represented in a form of particular indicators. Application of the above metnioned scheme for strategic planning quality evaluation will allow to define problems that may arise in the process and to increase the quality of the process. The research methodology is based primarily on the structured system and abstract-logical methods of economic analysis. To define problems of strategic planning, the authors use marketing methods such as interview and corporate surveys well as analysis of information contained in financial reports of a region's food industry enterprise. The scientific novelty of the authors' conclusions is caused by the fact that the authors apply the systems approach and stage-by-stage specification of strategic targets accompanied with certain tasks that need to be solved. The research is completed with the theoretical and methodological grounds of strategic planning and management. The results of the research can be used both in the teaching process and developing long-term plans of development.
food industry, region, development factors, management, strategic planning, investment attractiveness, investment potential, quality of planning, indicators, goals and objectives
Accounting and statistics
Krasova, E.V., Kolosyuk, K.E., Derbush, N.M. (2017). Actual Problems of Accounting at Russia's Small Business Enterprises. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 99–112.
The subject of the article is the problems of accounting at small business enterprises in Russia in relation to contemporary theoretical researches and changes in accounting laws. The object of the research is the accounting policy of small business enterprises operating in under conditions of incomplete and regularly changing information space in this area. The main scientific and practical problem of the article is a number of difficulties in accounting conducted by small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. The purpose of the article is to raise the problems of accounting at small business enterprises in Russia, to give their classification, and identify their causes and possible solutions. The methodological basis of the article is the general theses of modern accounting theory, the theory of taxes and budgets, the concept of priority development of small business in Russia applied through the system analysis. The authors substantiate the role and importance of small business in the development of Russian economy, and emphasize the need for a fast solution of problems related to accounting in small enterprises. The problems of terminology and conceptual apparatus, criteria for selecting the status of enterprise, advantages and disadvantages of Federal Law No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011 «On Accounting» are considered from point of view of business. The problems of accounting and reporting by those economic entities that were previously exempted from accounting until 2013 were identified. The specifics of accounting for individual entrepreneurs are also considered, advantages of maintaining the usual form of accounting based on the double entry principle and advantages of shifting to international financial reporting standards are justified. The possibilities of automation in accounting for business transactions, the compliance of accounting and tax accounting data and some other issues have also become the subject of study in this article.
simplified accounting methods, accounting terminology, Accounting Law, accounting problems, accounting, individual entrepreneurs, small businesses, small business enterprise, accounting by small businesses, automation of accounting
World economy and international economic relations
Sokolov, M., Abramov, R. (2017). Institutional Aspects in Transnational Integration of the Union State Members in the Innovation Sphere. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 113–127.
CIS countries typically demonstrate a rather low level of R&D/GDP intensity and low share of expenditures for science, low development of hightech economic sector and negative saldo of the trade balance in relation to innovative products. At the same time, problems of transnational integration in the sphere of innovation within the Union State started to attract interest of researchers at the turn of the 2011 - 2012. One of research aspects is the need to develop efficient instruments that would ensure efficient transnational integration of Russia and Belarus in the innovation sphere. The object of the present research is the integration of Russia and Belarus within the Union State. The subject of the research is the combination of institutions that provide for the integration of the Union States in the innovation sphere. The authors of the article pay special attention to institutional issues and integration prospects of the Union State members in the innovation sphere including the need to develop a single strategy that would guarantee productivity and efficiency of all institutions under research. The methodological basis of the research involves analysis of fundamental researches and modern theoretical researches in the sphere of institution development, innovation activity and transnational integration including that within the Union State. Based on the analysis carried out, the authors have defined the key problems and development prospects for Russia's and Belarus' institutions that ensure the development of integration processes in the innovation sphere. In conclusion, the authors agree with experts and researchers, both Russian and Belorussian, and come to the conclusion that despite numerous institutional and political issues, the authorities, business entities and social communities of the Union State members understand the need to activate the innovation cooperation. In 2012 during the Union State Programs Forum held in Minsk it was underlined that innovation activity is the guarantee of stability both of an individual entity and state in general, that being true for the Union State, too. Thus, it is important to develop transnational information research data base of fundamental and applied problems that would ensure active information exchange between specialists from different countries and strengthen legal basis in the sphere of protection of rights to intellectual activity products as well as to activate process of creating and developing regional and national innovation networks. Implementation of the above described transformations will require to create new institutions as well as to develop institutions that already exist in the innovation sphere which makes the rationale of the present research.
Union State, mechanism, strategy, program, import substitution, innovation system, innovation network, institution, innovations, integration