Economic theory and history of economic thought
Sverdlikova, E.A., Tagibova, A. (2017). The Russian Economy and Business Model Compared to Western and East Asian (Confucian) Models. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 1–19.
The subejct of this research is the modern models of economy and business that are being implemented in the main developed countries including Russia. The authors of the article focus on the models that are used in Japan, China and other East Asian countries. The Russian model is compared to typical models of the West and East Asia (and contemporary European models in a more detailed way). Particular attention is paid to modern Western concepts. The purpose of the research is to offer a general classification of these models as well as to define their place within a single classification system. The authors have used both general research methods such as systems analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis and classification of objects under research, theoretical contextual analysis of existing approaches to the matter) and special social and economic methods (Max Weber's economic business ethos theory, concept of national cultural types, 'three types of capitalism' theory by Esping-Anderson, concept of Welfare State and its types). Noteworthy, that the authors are critical about limited opportunities offered by the corporate culture concept and emphasize the need in a wider approach based on the idea of the importance of natoinal cultural features of each country. The results of the research are given in a form of a classification of the main economy and business models and their particular location on a single classification chart as well as location of economy and business models of the main developed countries of North America, Europe (including Russia) and East Asia thereon. The scope of application for these results may involve both social and economic development of different countries and their relationships as well as prediction of both in a long-term prospect.
economy and business, corporate business models, Esping-Andersen classification, Welfare State, Russian economy model, European economy model, Western economy model, East Asian economy model, economy model, classification of national cultural models
Finance, monetary relations and investment
Abramova, S.B., Vlasova, O.I. (2017). Banking Pension Investment: the Problem of Riskogenic Evaluation. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 20–34.
The object of this research is the banking pension investment and the subject of the research is the analysis and evaluatino of banking and investment risks by consumers of banking services. The authors of the article discuss approaches to understanding risk as a phenomenon of modern life and specifics of sociological analysis of risks in relation to the banking services market and pension investment. The authors offer a model for evaluation of risks by banking services consumers as a ground for understanding models of pension investments. The authors also raise a question about criteria and degree of rationality of consumer behavior aimed at evaluation of banking risks and their minimization. The article provides results of the sociological survey that involved clients of Yekaterinburg banks. The respondents aged 18 - 55 years. The purpose of the survey was to define factors that influence their choice of a bank, evaluated risks, trust in banking and financial systems, planned sources of pension. The results of the research have allowed to classify all consumers into groups depending on their attitude to risky banking operations as well as to fix a number of contradictions that arise when consumers evaluate banking services. The lack of financial literacy and orientation at stereotyped and simplified images of banks when making a decision make consumers create and intensify uncertainty of the banking sphere. Banking investments are viewed as a source of 'fast' money which limits their use for long-term pension investments. Solution of this problem can become one of the key tasks of information and educational policy in the sphere of pension provision.
risk minimization, consumer behavior, consumer risk assessment, social trust, pension provision, bank risks, pension investment, banking services market, pension strategies of the population, sociology of risks
Economic demography and labor economics
Neustroeva, A.B., Efimov, A.B. (2017). Professional Risks and Labor Safety at Enterprises of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 35–48.
The subject of the research is the professional risks and labor safety at enterprises of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The authors of the article examine such aspects of the topic as the state and problems of labor safety, description of working conditions and professional risks at region's enterprises, industrial injuries and professional mobidity of workers living in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The authors pay special attention to expert surveys of what causes a high rate of industrial injuries as well as evaluation of changes that have been happening in the system of labor safety over the past 5 years. The main methods of research include statistical analysis and structured expert interview. The research involved 33 managers and labor safety specialists from 8 districts and cities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The main conclusion of the research is that despite a decreasing number of labor accidents and fatal accidents in the region, results of analysing of the share of fatal accidents in the overal number of accidents by year demonstrate that the rate of industrial injuries is growing in the republic.
safety, accident, occupational morbidity, labor security arrangements, occurrence rate of industrial injuries , expert survey, special evaluation study, working conditions, labor safety, professional risks
World economy and international economic relations
Krasova, E.V., Bogach, A.S. (2017). Modern trends in development of Russian export of food products and agricultural raw materials. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 49–58.
The subject of this article is the current trends in development of Russian exports of food products and agricultural raw materials, which have developed in the difficult international economic conditions for Russia. The object of this work is the Russian export of a special, strategically important commodity group – food products and agricultural raw materials. Development in export of food products and agricultural raw materials is an important direction of Russian foreign trade, along with the export of raw minerals. The main scientific and practical problem of the article is the change in dynamics and nature of exports of some commodity groups in the transition to a new level of production and export of Russian food and food raw materials. The purpose of the research is to actualize the trends in development of Russian exports of food products and agricultural raw materials. The article substantiates the urgency of the subject, examines the dynamics and share of exports of food and agricultural raw materials in the total volume of Russian exports since 2000, as well ass presents the factors of growth in export of Russian food products in 2015-2016, analyzes the dynamics and structure of the most important commodity groups such as wheat, fish and vegetable products. As reasons for the growth of food exports, the article indicates the devaluation of ruble, good crop yields, and the policy of import substitution and export stimulation.
import substitution, ruble devaluation, exports of vegetable products, exports of fish products, wheat exports, export trends, exports of Russian food, Russia's foreign trade, export stimulation, economic development
World economy and international economic relations
Korneiko, O.V. (2017). China’s experience in developing fish farming. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 59–64.
The object of this research is the fish farming industry of China – the most successful country worldwide in this regard, demonstrating high rates of growth and rapid expansion onto the global seafood market. China raises more fish than catches in the wild, covering 80% of the domestic demand for fish products. The subject of this research is the key factors of success of China’s fish farming activities, mechanisms and methods of the state aid, emerging bases of the efficient innovative and technological development of the sector. Special attention is given to reconsideration of China’s experience due to the fact some circumstances were not previously taken into account. The work examines that status and factors of development of fisheries and fish farming in China based on the data provided by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, annual statistical digests of China, and other sources.
structural regulation, transformation, value of fishing, fishermen, fish processing, capture, Aquaculture, China, experience, fishing
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Degtyarev, A.N., Novikov, V.A. (2017). Methodology of approaches towards examination of institutional grounds of interaction between the subjects of regional innovation system. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 65–76.
The subject of this research is the questions of institutional maintenance of the efficient development of innovation systems at the regional level. Using the foreign and national experience, the authors analyze the diverse scientific approaches towards definition of the concepts of “national innovation system” and “regional innovation system”. It is substantiated that due to various reasons of political, economic, and infrastructure character, within the framework of the regional innovation system often emerge the institutional disruptions that impede the efficient flow of innovation processes, which negatively affects the dynamics of socioeconomic development of the territory. The notion of “technological institutions of development” is introduced into the scientific discourse. The authors justify the establishment not only of the financial, but also technological institutions of development in the regions that can perform compensatory function in the innovation process, filling the gaps within the institutional environment of innovations that at the present stage of regional development cannot be eliminated by the virtue of market mechanisms. The authors emphasize the relevance of creating the technological institutions of development for realization of the stages of engineering and experimental developments as the most problematic from the perspective of financial and organizational-economic support. The work suggests the strategic trend of institutional modernization of the regional innovation system, that will lead do establishment of the system of complementary cooperating institutions that ensure and support the continues innovation-technological process in the region.
technological development institutions, institutes, institutional approach, systems approach, regional innovation systems, innovation, region, technologies, interaction, innovation process
Regional economy
Loginova, E.V. (2017). Assessment of public administration implementation in municipal practice (on the example of cities and municipal districts of Volgograd Region). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 77–95.
The object of this research is the combination of factors constituting the system of public administration in the regions of the Russian Federation, which implementation increases the efficiency of government and municipal administration due to expansion of transparency of the management decision-making process and realization of public control over its realization. The author proposes the model for implementing public administration that reflects the interaction process between its subjects, as well as provides the qualitative characteristic of the resource, infrastructure, institutional and resulting factors defining the level of implementation of public administration in municipal practice based on the example of cities and municipal districts of Volgograd Region. The article presents the theoretical substantiation of the concept of public administration and determines the factors constituting its realization. As a result of conducted research, the author forms an assemblage of indicators that characterize the resource, infrastructure, and institutional factors of implementation of the system of public administration, as well as identifies the criteria that have greatest impact upon the implementation of public administration techniques in municipal practice of Volgograd Region.
Volgograd Region, monitoring of public management, municipal government, resulting factors, infrastructure factors, institutional factors, resource factors, public administration techniques, implementation model, public administration
Economic demography and labor economics
Polyakova, Y.M. (2017). Peculiarities of the motivation of crowdsourcer as the basis for increasing work efficiency. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 96–104.
The subject of this research is the motivation of employees to increase efficiency of their work. The object of this research is a crowdsourcer as a participant of the crowdsourcing process. Special attention is given to the theories and models of motivation of personnel, as well as factors of motivation of the crowdsourcer that effect the efficiency of their work. The author proposes a model of motivation, which accounts for the aspects of motivation that explain the psychological behavior of the crowdsourcer in the crowdsourcing project. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the claim that the current theories and models of personnel motivation are imperfect and need improvement. The author’s contribution to the research of this topic consists in the analysis of the sectors of personnel motivation, their systematization, as well as analysis of factors effecting the motivation of the crowdsourcer and development of a motivation model for the crowdsourcer that would allow assessing the level of motivation of the crowdsourcer for increased efficiency of their work.
crowdsourcer motivation model, personnel motivation model, crowdsourcer motivation factors, crowdsourcer as an employee, personnel motivation, crowdsourcing, work efficiency, psychological behavior of employees, crowdsourcing project, motivation level
Economic demography and labor economics
Lobova, S.V. (2017). Analysis of the impact of settlement of population throughout the territory of a region upon creation of high-tech jobs. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 105–119.
The relevance of this topic of research is substantiated by the need for realization of targeted state socioeconomic policies, among which is creation and modernization of high-tech jobs. The subject of this research is the economic relations pertaining to creation of high-tech jobs in a specific area. The hypothesis is the thesis that in the regions with large portion of the population living in the rural area, the number of high-tech jobs cannot be high. The research is based on the results of the analysis of the open data from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the number of high-tech jobs. The novelty of this research is confirmed by the author’s view of the research, analysis and assessment of the composition and structure, number and quality of high-tech jobs, as well as factors that impact them. Author’s contribution into this topic consists in establishing the fact that settlement of population in urban and rural territories is not the determining factor for creation and modernization of high-tech jobs, at least not within the framework of the methodology applied by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service.
Rosstat methodology, graphic illustration, May decrees of the President, rural employment, concentration of population, high-tech job, rural areas, labor productivity, replaced job, wage
Mikhailova, L. (2017). Modern methods of attracting, selecting and rewarding franchisees. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 120–125.
The subject of this research is the methods of attracting, selecting and rewarding franchisees. Particular attention is given to the interconnection between the methods of interaction between franchiser and franchisee, as well as the tasks of the franchiser during development of the business. The work examines the effect of modern trends in the area of franchising upon selection of methods of work with the franchisee. The methods of interaction between the franchiser and franchisee gain special relevance due to growth in the competition on the market and economic crisis. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that the author describes the methods of interaction between the sides in a franchise with consideration of modern trends, as well as explains the interconnection between selection of the method of influence upon the franchisee and tasks of the franchiser. A conclusion is made that attracting franchisees can consists in financial methods (regulation of the initial investment and royalties) or giving the franchisee certain freedoms in operation.
multifranchising, business model, lump-sum payment, royalty, franchisee, franchisor, franchising, cobranding, brand, know-how
Asadov, R.B. (2017). Trends in transboundary online trade: convergent legal dimension. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 126–138.
The object of this research is the transboundary online trade, as one of the lucrative forms of organizing and conducting business. There is currently active effort in Russia to create efficient commodity-distribution ecommerce system, which can be rapidly driven by manufactured product export. Thus the author pays particular attention to the existing uniquely low quota of duty free import of goods, which stimulates the growth of substantial competitive advantages of foreign online stores over their Russian counterparts. The author examines the statistical data of the ecommerce market, and analyzes Russian and foreign legislation regarding the mechanisms used to limit the norms of duty free import of goods for personal use through mail. A conclusion is made that there is pressing need for a complex and systemic regulation of online trade, the key role in which will be played by both, the technological and legal components.
e-business, business, transboundary trade, e-trade, e-commerce, trade, commerce, internet, convergence, legal convergence
Management and corporate governance
Doroshenko, M.V., Isupova, O.A. (2017). Managing business risks based on procedural approach. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 139–150.
Business risk is an intrinsic part of the activity of organization that penetrates all stages of life cycle of the production, starting from project development and finishing with sales of products and services, as well as its improvement. Efficient business risk management is one of the key factor ensuring sustainable functioning of business organizations. The goal of this article consists in substantiating applicability of the procedural approach for the optimal risk management of manufacturing enterprise. The article demonstrates that business risk management can be organized as a separate process, associated with the corporate management in general based on formalization of the processes within the organization. Formalization of business processes allows streamlining the identification process of business risks, as well as solving the tasks on risk management. For implementation of the procedural approach towards risk management in an organization, the author suggests the method of formalization of processes based on their identification by origin and destination, character of internal transformation, and place within the administration system. It can lead to creation of the network of organization processes that includes the process of risk management with its decomposition according to the types and zones of business risks. It is demonstrated that the advantage of this approach lies in its simplicity, universality, and possibility of its implementation in organizations of any format, as well as in the fact that the formalization of processes itself is a factor that reduces likelihood of the emergence of multiple business risks, especially related to human factor.
Business process, Procedural approach, Life cycle of production, Manufacturing enterprise , Formalization, Risk management, Business risk areas, Business risk, Procedural approach, Risk
Accounting and statistics
Popov, A.Y., Boronenkova, S.A., Nadol'skaya, N.A. (2017). The problems and prospects of accounting for revaluation of stock. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 151–156.
The subject of this research is the complex of the theoretical methodological issues of preparation of reports on revaluation of stock in accounting. The object of this research is the following evaluation of material stock and reflection of its changes in accounting. The authors examine the questions of revaluation of stock from the positions of current accounting legislation, international standards of financial reporting, draft of federal standard for accounting “Stock”, and conduct critical analysis of the norms with proposals for reflecting revaluation with consideration of innovations in legislation. The novelty of this research consists in the theoretical methodological substantiation of the methodology of accounting reports of revaluation of stock with consideration of the draft of federal accounting standard “Stock”.
IFRS, reserves, income, losses, depreciation, expenses, net price, cost, revaluation, stock
Mathematical modeling and instrumental methods in economics
Egorov, N. (2017). Methodology of rating express-evaluation of the regional innovation development based on the Triple Helix model. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 157–162.
The object of this research is the constituents of the Far Eastern Federal Okrug. The article carries out a comparative analysis of the results of express-evaluation according to the authorial methodology with rating scores, conducted by the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, National Association of Innovations and Development of Information Technologies, and Association of Innovative Regions of Russia for 2014. The author provides the formula for econometric evaluations and a list of statistical indexes of the academic organizations, business, and states that characterize contribution of the triad in development of the regional innovation economy. The suggested methodology of rating express-evaluation of the level of regional innovation development leans on the concept of the Triple Helix model. Econometric evaluations in accordance with the indicated methodology allow conducting rapid assessment of the level of innovation development of a region and effectiveness of contribution of the academic organizations, business, and states in the cumulative overall performance of innovation development of a subject based on their minimal key statistical indexes in the area of scientific innovation activity. The evaluation results conducted using the author’s methodology demonstrate can be valuable for the executive government authorities, business structures, academic organizations for rapid analysis and adoption of various organizational-administrative decisions on development of the regional innovation activity.
overall performance, Triple Helix, triad, innovation development, rating, express-evaluation, methodology, statistics, patents, innovative products