Finance, monetary relations and investment
Khmelnitskii, M.M. (2016). On the Question about Developing the System of Quality Evaluation Criteria for Government Debt Management. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 1–10.
In his artice Khmelnitsky offers an innovatory system of criteria for evaluating the quality of government debt management. The system of criteria offered by the author takes into account basic qualitative attributes of state debt policy including security of the government debt's volume, security of the government debt's structure, security of the payment schedule under commitment, and up-to-date attributes of debt management. The object of the present research is the existing approaches to conducing a criterion evaluation of the government state policy, and analysis of their main drawbacks and ways to eliminate those. The subject of the research is the development of quality evaluation criteria applicable to government debt management, the criteria that would allow to carry out an efficient monitoring of the debt position of a sovereign borrower for the purpose of increasing sustainability of public finances. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the Russian Federation still does not have a legally fixed system of relevant criteria as well as by the need to arrange these criteria during the period of 'economic turbulence' when a high level of valitility on the currency and commodity markets limits opportunities of the government to attract the debt capital and may have a negative impact on the budget sustainability.
government stocks, financial markets, economic security, financial security, quality evaluation, public finances, government securities, public finances management, government debt management, government debt
Regional economy
Solomonov, M.P., Turantaev, S. (2016). Basic Criteria and Factors for Zoning the Arctic Zone of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 11–20.
The object of the research is the differentiation of Russia's populated regions depending on their cost of living which structure has become simpler compared to the Soviet era. Today corporate entities do not take into account locality pays or northern wage rise for arduous working conditions that used to be applicable before. This leads to certain gaps in planning objective causes of the growing cost of living in Arctic and hard-to-read areas. Consequently, there is a need in better methods of analysing factors that increase the cost of living not only in the Russian Federation regions but also in administrative districts with different natural environment and climatic areas. The researchers have applied the engineering-economical method of calculating zoning parameters depending on the duration and heat introduction in different regions during the heating season as well as the economic-geographic method of region's zoning. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors apply the engineering-economical method for calculating zoning parameters depending on the duration and heat introduction in different regions during the heating season as well as the economic-geographic method for region's objective and clear zoning. The results of the research can be used in the process of providing a legislative framework of detailed zoning of the Russian Federation regions.
Arctic zone, the North, remoteness, scheme of transportation, climatic conditions, uncomfortable conditions, cost of living, hard-to-reach areas, zoning, high cost factors
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Balde, K.B. (2016). Analysis of Economic Disparities Within the Framework of the European Union Cohesion Policy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 21–26.
The article is devoted to the analysis of regional differences in the European Union. Decentralization processes and the growing need of small but economically significant geographical territories to become more autonomous are typical for modern Europe. The presence of economically weak regions on the one hand and regions with high rates of economic activity on the other hand slows down the pace of society's development in general. The growing need of highly developed regions to become more autonomous or perhaps even independent raises a question whether the cohesion policy is efficient. According to the author, by collecting statistics at the level of Union regions but not specific countries and comparative analysis of their economic indicators would give an opportunity to define differences in the level of economic development and social welfare of the European Union member states. These differences described by the author are often significant and in most cases caused by their geographic location and history. The aforesaid imbalance was analyzed by the author at the level of member states and particular regions. There was no such disproportion at the moment when the EU was formed and consisted of 6 economically strong states. After countries with a lower level of development such as Ireland, Greece, Spain and Portugal had joined the EU, the gap in their economic development widened. For regions that strive to become more autonomous or even independent, not only historical and cultural aspects but also concrete financial motives are important. The majority of regions that declare their desire to become autonomous are the richest regions in their countries with economic indicators that exceed average indicators.
decentralization, R&D, region, autonomy, GDP, regional economy, unemployment, interregional contrasts, cohesion policy, European Union
Karelina, M.G. (2016). The Current State and Areas for the Development of Integration Activity in the Russian Federation's Economy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 110–119.
In this article results of a research of a condition and direction of development of integration activity in world economy and economy of Russia are provided. Within the carried-out analysis the author of work allocated a number of the factors which directly or indirectly exerted impact on development of the world market of merges and absorption. At the same time the conclusion was drawn that the most attractive to investors in the region "Eastern and Central Europe" is the Russian market. The conducted research allowed to conclude that the Russian market of merges and absorption goes on the way of creation of large corporate structures. Such structures incorporate the powerful sources of raw materials and processing enterprises united in chains by the principle of the maximum conversion for the purpose of receipt of highly profitable products and increase in competitiveness of business. When writing article the following methods of scientific research were used: observations, comparisons, system analysis, generalization, systematization, classification. Characteristic of integration activity of the Russian holdings is that considerable impact on it is exerted by the mega-transactions having pronounced industry features. At the same time unlike the countries with the developed institutional environment, the state plays an important role in the Russian market of merges and absorption and assists forming of corporate associations in the industry.
consulting, state, crisis, corporate entity, holding entity, holding, statistical analysis, mergers and acquisitions, integration activity, integration
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Tsurikov, V.I. (2016). Incomplete Contraction Under the Conditions of Russian Specific Features. Part 1. The Problems of Weak Protectability of Property Rights. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 120–129.
Object of research is influence of weak security of the property rights to investment decisions of agents and on the size of public wealth. In the conditions of insufficient security of the property rights and the contract law agents, in addition to investment into increase in a comprehensive income, perform additional investments into post-contractual redistribution of negotiation force. In article influence of need of private protection of the property rights or temptation for their redistribution in own favor at investment choice of agents and, respectively, at a size of cumulative usefulness is analyzed. The method of a research consists in mathematical modeling. Within model of the incomplete contract the analysis of behavior of partners in the modes reliably and unreliably protected property rights is carried out. In the conditions of poorly protected rights cases of limited and unrestricted resources which agents have are considered. It is shown that in both cases need of protection of the rights to a comprehensive income turns into decrease in incentives for investment into increase in the income that negatively affects the size of cumulative usefulness. In case of limited resources in respect of creation of additional value the agent yields more effective with other things being equal to less effective agent in that amount of investments which go to redistribution of the rights to the income. The advantage in poskontraktny redistribution of the rights is got by richer and/or less effective agents. The conclusion that less effective and richest owners can be interested in a situation in case of which the property rights and the contract law are protected insufficiently reliably is drawn. In article only the verbal method of a statement of the received results is used.
bargaining power , Pareto efficiency, Nash equilibrium, stimuli, economic agent, opportunist behaviour , redistribution of rights, property rights, specific investments, incomplete contract
Production branches and markets economics
Soboleva, Y.P. (2016). Improving the Marketing Approach to Analyzing Demands for Food Products on the Regional Market. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 130–140.
Object of research are the revealed and created needs of the population of regions of the Russian Federation for food products. The economic relations arising in the course of consumption by the population of food products act as an object of a research. The purpose of this work consists in optimization of widely known marketing approach to a research of needs of buyers. The author performed the theoretical overview of approaches to studying of consumer potential as element of the investment climate of the region. Special attention in article is paid to assessment of results of the carried-out questioning and its optimization for the purpose of elimination of the revealed shortcomings. Statistical materials of Rosstat, and also results of the conducted questionnaire formed information base of accomplishment of a research. Marketing approach to identification of the factors creating needs of buyers is the basis for methodology of a research. On the basis of comparative, statistical and settlement methods by the author of article the model of enhancement of marketing approach to detection of consumer preferences in the regional food market is developed. Scientific novelty of the received results consists in development of methodical approaches to a research of system of consumer preferences and assessment of degree of satisfaction of consumers with the goods offered in the market for the purpose of increase in the consumer demand. The practical importance of the results received during writing of article consists that they can form a theoretical and methodical basis for carrying out researches in the field of studying of needs of buyers and optimization of system of assessment of consumer preferences.
questionnaire survey, quantitative satisfaction of needs, the quality factor of the power, the relative level of quality, region, analysis, factors of consumption, the market of food products, consumer preferences, needs
Finance, monetary relations and investment
Burakov, D.V. (2016). Anatomy of Credit Cycles: a Case of Russia . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 141–163.
Amplification of the amplitude and frequency of crises phenomena on the credit market has become a serious challenge for academic society and monetary regulation authorities. The growth of financial instability, large-scale realization of "systemic" risk, which are based on cyclic processes in monetary sphere, have once once again highlighted the relevance of research. The need to identify causality between credit cycles in Russia and various macroeconomic variables identifies the subject of this study. The subject of study is the set of economic relations associated with lending to non-financial sector on the example of Russia. Main research methods include a mathematical-statistical method. The study is based on the use of regression analysis and vector autoregression modelling (VAR). The composition of the sample includes values of selected variables at the macroeconomic level on the example of Russia. The sample period is January 2005 – June 2016, reference period for the sample include monthly values of the variables. In the result of the study we determined structural and causal relationship between bank credit supply in Russia and selected macroeconomic variables. Testing of our hypotheses shows that on the Russian market of corporate credit there are several empirical anomalies that contradict the basic provisions of imperfect credit market theory(such as pricing and operating anomalies).
exchange rate, corporate lending, bank capital, key rate, inflation, bank, credit cycle, credit, non-performing loans, loan loss reserves
Economical support of national security
Orekhova, S.V. (2016). The theoretical model of the institutional environmentindustry markets analysis. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 164–176.
The study of the institutional environment in the cross-country or regional context allows you to make conclusions about a basic institutions of a doing business. However, such studies do not allow to take into account the conditions that characterize the specificity of the industry markets rules.This study aims to develop methods of institutional environment analysis of Russian industries. In paper we proposed the author's method of drawing up the Russian industry markets institutional map on the basis of specification category "industry market institutional environment" and the study of existing approaches to the assessment of the institutional environment. A list of evaluation parameters allows defining the level of institutional complexity of any industry market. Method consist of following steps: identification of key indicators that determine the complexity level of the industrial markets institutional environment; definition of measuring instruments for each indicator; the development of the metric system for evaluating; the construction of the industry markets institutional map. The results of the study have allowed constructing primary theoretical models of analysis of the institutional specificity of industrial markets, taking into account objective and important, positive and negative business conditions in the industry. The proposed method makes it possible to offer the industrial policy scenario and business strategy.
institutional analysis, the theoretical model, industrial markets, industrial policy, methods of institutional analysis, institutional complexity, institutional environment, institutional map, firm, business strategy
Regional economy
Esembekova, A.U., Pavlutskikh, M.V. (2016). Influence of operating of agricultural organizations of the burial Mound area conditions on efficiency of production of milk. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 177–186.
The article of research is totality of the phenomena and processes, characterizing the production of milk in agricultural organizations.Agricultural organizations of the burial Mound area come forward a research object.In the article opinions of some authors are analysed through question of determination of factors influencing on efficiency of production of milk and dairies, an author is present classification of factors influencing on the whole on efficiency of production of milk of agricultural organizations of the burial Mound area.By means of method of groupment and cross-correlation-regressive analysis the basic factor of production of milk is educed in agricultural organizations in the conditions of the burial Mound area. research methods and corresponding to them receptions are economic and statistical, calculation-structural, cross-correlation-regressive, method of groupment etc.As a result of undertaken a study it is set that on efficiency of production of goods, in particular, milk, totality of factors has influence, such as internal and external. Thus an actual value acquires presently co-operation and diversification of production. the conducted analysis showed that in agricultural organizations of the burial Mound area diversification of production is poorly developed and consequently, high prime price of milk, that negatively influences on efficiency of his production.
level of profitability, agroindustrial complex, technological equipped, prime price of milk, diversification of production, factors of production, efficiency of production, agriculture, marketability of milk, expenses on forage
World economy and international economic relations
Samorodova, E., Parshutina, I., Soboleva, Y. (2016). The Russian Economy Under Global Globalization Processes: the Place inthe NIDL (the New International Division of Labor). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 187–198.
The subject of the research is processes of involvement of Russia in modern system of the international job specialization and the international trade relations. The object of the research is the condition of the Russian foreign trade sphere caused by national peculiarities of development of economy. Authors in detail consider the following aspects of a subject: forming of open economy as tendencies of national economic development; a condition of the foreign trade sphere as a result of features of the present stage of development of national economy in the conditions of globalization of economies; specifics of the place and a role of Russia in the international job specialization. The methodology of a research is based on use of system approach, methods of the specific and economic, logical, statistical analysis, generalization, expert evaluations are applied. During the research conclusions that in a number of parameters the economy of Russia can be carried to one of global world trade centers, on some other – to the periphery of the world economy are formulated. In spite of the fact that in economy of Russia the separate elements corresponding to post-industrial model of managing are created, raw orientation of the Russian export determines the main place and a role of Russia in MRT. Features of structure of import and change in its dynamics mean use of model of import substitution which is objectively supported need of similar actions for conditions entering of political and economic sanctions. Import substitution, along with a bearish tendency in export and import, confirms decrease in openness of national economy, reduces possibilities of receipt of additional benefits from participation in MRT. Can change and strengthen the line items in MRT Russia in the conditions of lack of geopolitical risks for implementations of innovative model of development and implementation of innovative upgrade of economy. Novelty of a research is that the national environment of forming of the international economic relations is considered as a basis of participation of the country in system of the international job specialization; on the basis of the commonly accepted traditional indicators author's estimates of degree of openness of economy of Russia, from the point of view of the prospects of its participation in MRT during an era of globalization of world economic space are given.
globalization processes, competitive position, import substitution , economic transparency coefficients, open economy, import, export, foreign trade, global economic relations, international division of labor