International relations systems development trends
Beliakov , D.A., Biyushkina, N.I. (2015). Socioeconomic and Geopolitical Consequences of Alaska's Cession. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 1–10.
In work the questions connected with the transaction about alienation by the Russian Empire of Alaska in favor of the USA in 1867 reveal. In this regard the role of the emperor Alexander II, the grand duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. M. Gorchakov, the Minister of Finance M. H. Reytern, the sea minister N. K. Krabbe, and also imperial envoy in Washington of the baron E. A. von Stekl is in details investigated at the conclusion of this contract. Article is also devoted to the analysis of consequences of the studied transaction. When writing article by authors general methods of knowledge, such as are used: materialistic, dialectic methods and a method of scientific abstraction which gave opportunity to study the Russian-American relations in their development, to open cause and effect aspects of the conclusion of the contract on a concession of Alaska. General scientific methods of the analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, system and structural method allowed to carry out the legal analysis of consequences of conclusion of agreement of purchase and sale of Alaska and to formulate conclusions concerning its influence on world geopolitics. It is noted that from the economic point of view Russia lost the perspective gold deposit opened on Alaska at the end of the XIX century. It is necessary to carry the deposits of oil found in 1968 which production currently covers about 90% of the budget of staff to strategic losses. A social consequence is loss of the population of the American North which, despite the small number, differed in high economic activity and was the carrier of the Russian orthodox tradition. In strategic aspect the Russian State as a result of sale of Alaska lost presence in the territories connecting two continents – Eurasia and America that certainly is the largest foreign policy miscalculation of the Russian government of Alexander II.
Alaska, concession, Russian America, population, effects, the US government, Place of Birth, purchase and sale, Asia-Pacific boundary, voluntary renunciation
Production branches and markets economics
Elshin, L.A., Prygunova, M.I. (2015). Evaluation and Prospects for the Development of the Investment Potential of Russia's Chemical Industry: Structure-Logical Analysis. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 11–33.
Object of research are features and regularities of formation of foreign investments in chemical industry. As object of research the chemical industry of the Russian Federation in general and its separate types of economic activity acts. Authors in detail consider such aspects of a subject as dependence between the level of specialization of chemical industry of the region and its investment appeal, and on this basis critical values of the indicators of specialization attractive to growth of investment activity from foreign investors come to light.The special attention is paid to questions of the analysis of volatility of chemical production Russian Federation as a result of change of external and internal tactical factors, for definition of a complex assessment of investment appeal of the analyzed economy sector. The methodology of research is based on use of tools of mathematical statistics, and also methods of the structural and logical analysis defining interrelations and interdependence between the studied phenomena. The main conclusion of the conducted research is justification of a hypothesis of inverse relationship of level of specialization of capital-intensive productions of chemical industry and level of the attracted foreign investments. Special contribution of authors is development of methodological approaches to studying and justification of the main mechanisms of an intensification of investment activity from foreign agents. Novelty of research consists in justification of need of carrying out the structural transformations directed on growth of a share of the productions of chemical industry generating the high level of a value added. These sectors of chemical production are capable to create the favorable conditions of attraction of investments directed on growth of global competitiveness of products. Production with the low level of repartition doesn't promote the motivational growth of optimization of economic processes owing to their high competitiveness in the world markets in view of limitation of resources and developments of investment activity don't create progressive conditions.
capital intensity of chemical production, volatility of chemical industry, specialization of the region, intercountry comparisons, regional development, global competitiveness, investment activity, chemical industry, Volga Federal District, measures of the state support
Regional economy
Kudryavtseva, S.A. (2015). Models of Public Debt Management at the Regional Level. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 34–44.
The object of study is the national debt at the regional level. The subject of research is a model of public debt management in the region. Particular attention is paid to both theoretical and practical basics of public debt management at the regional level in the light of economic science terminological apparatus for the study questions the current socio-economic realities, as well as existing international experience (Germany, France). And studied the structure of the list of debt of regional authorities in the context of the hierarchy of territorial-administrative units. During research following methods were used in the abstract-logical method of classification, analysis of the actual documentation, empirical techniques used structural-functional analysis, and such methods of collecting and analyzing information.The study concluded that each country has its own legal structure of the list of debt of regional authorities. The most important factor is the structure of the hierarchy of territorial administrative units within the state - whether carried out by local management entities exclusively through the higher regions, which in turn are subject to the central government of the country or the local authorities directly subordinate to the central government. In Germany, local education do not even have the constitutional guarantees of its existence and are subject to State Governments are responsible to the central federal government. Fundamentally different device is France, where all four levels of administrative and territorial authorities have no subordinate relations between them, and managed directly by the central administration of the country.
public finance, public debt, finance, budget, regions, budget revenues, budget expenditures, balanced budget, debt policy, budget policy
Economic demography and labor economics
Flerov, O.V. (2015). Social-Psychological Description of the English Teachers' Labor Market in Contemporary Russia. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 45–64.
Object of research in the offered article is labor market of teachers of English, an object of research – a demand of teachers, requirements to them, and also their behavior on it. The author investigates features of job search and employment of teachers of English in various educational institutions, and also requirements imposed to them in the course of professional activity. The special attention is paid to a problem of the social status of this profession in the conditions of globalization, market economy, and also economic recession in Russia.Method of research of the author in article is the analysis of vacancies on the leading Russian Internet portals on employment (to,,, regarding requirements imposed to teachers and also own experience of teaching English in various educational institutions the Main conclusions of the author of article are reduced to that a demand, employment and financial wellbeing of teachers of English depends first of all on the sphere of additional education and private tutorial services. These spheres were essentially affected by recession of domestic economy that led to that teachers need to adapt even more to work in the context of educational marketing and customer-oriented approach which efficiency from purely pedagogical positions is represented very disputable. Novelty of article consists that labor market is analysed out of a context of economic statistics, and from positions of behavior of the teacher of English on it as his subject.
English teacher, vacancy, job, school, college, institute, education, labor market, demand, job-seeking
Management and corporate governance
Pronin, S.N., Pronina, E.V. (2015). Conditions for the achievement of intellectual leadership organization. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 65–71.
The subject of research are the socio-economic relations arising in the process of functioning of the market of intellectual capital and achieve intellectual leadership organizations.Object of research are micro-level economic actors and factors that affect their condition.The author considers in detail the prerequisites for the formation of the concept of intellectual leadership, the conceptual basis of the strategy of intellectual leadership and the benefits of its implementation.Special attention is given to a team approach in achieving intellectual leadership organization, as well as intellectual capital, human factors, corporate culture and reputation of the organization.The methodological basis for the study was a systematic analysis in the study of economic relations, methods of qualitative analysis, scientific abstraction, evolutionary-institutional analysis. Scientific novelty is determined by the development of theoretical and methodical bases complementary to the theory of intellectual capital, enhancing the effectiveness of human resource management and functioning of the enterprise in modern conditions. The main conclusions of the research are to determine the conditions necessary to achieve the organization's intellectual leadership, chief among which are the network type of organizational structure, strategy of advanced development and the formation of an innovative corporate culture.
intellectual capital, leadership, intellectual leadership, a team approach, network structure, the strategy of intellectual leadership, corporate culture, innovation, human resources, reputation