Theory and methodology of management
Moroshkina, M.V., Rozanova, L.I. (2014). Capital flow within the context of spatial development theory. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 1–19.
In the conditions of liberalizing capital flow its active migration among the territorial systems is the crucial element and form of modern economic relations. In order for a region to develop in the conditions of globalization the issue of presence or possibility to attract capitals into the territory becomes a significant growth aspect. Strengthening of the social and economic differentiation of the regional development level shows the variety of economic capabilities for capital concentration. The process of redistribution of capital among the economic systems defines the level of economic growth of the territories. Within the framework of the economic theory there is a wide range of methods allowing to evaluate the process of capital flow from various standpoints. Within this article the authors analyze various theories of economic and spatial development, allowing to evaluate the ongoing processes of capital flow and to define the most significant prerequisites for its changing. The ambiguous character of spatial development is defined by a vast variety of defining factors. The process of capital flow, which is defined by a number of characteristics has a significant impact upon the level and quality of economic development. Defining the main parameters for capital flow shall allow to analyze the process of changes in economic and social markers of spatial development.
spatial development, capital, capital flow, regional development theories, globalization, economic potential of the region, social and economic relations, forms of activity organization, mechanisms of state regulation, economic activity subjects
Political management
Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2014). On the issue of understanding costs and risks of political reforms. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 20–60.
This article is devoted to the comprehensive scientific analysis and study of the mechanism for economic management in the conditions of political transformation, such as in Russia in late XX - early XXI centuries. The study of the authors allows to state that transformation economy in the conditions of political reforms is a special state of social and economic system in the society,a nd it requires a special approach to analysis and management. Managing transformation economy in the conditions of political reforms is a topical problem, and it requires recognition and analysis of various factors. The analysis of sociological studies held by the Russian scientists allows one to state that the Russian reforms do not exclude hiddent (latent) threats and risks of the further progress and sustainability, such as a) social risks regarding aggressive manifestation of social discord (demonstration, growth of the number of mass protest actions, etc.) b) financial risks regarding greater dependency of the state on the global market; c) risks regarding deficit or dependency on various types of resources; d) risks of spread of AIDS and other infectious diseases. The "deeper" risks may include: a) disproportion in the structure of population due to the rapid downfall of the birth rate; b) environmental risks regarding growth of natural catastrophes (earthquakes, floods, etc.) and the problems of foodstuffs security issue, growing number of food poisonings, various environmental threats and threats to the health of the people; c) crisis of trust in the society. Currently there are signs of a certain shift of the political system in the society towards the so-called managed democracy. There is an obvious change in the democratic institutions, including political opposition, requiring further theoretical analysis and political studies. Therefore, the study of the transformation risks allows for deeper comprehension of the transformation model of the society as a model for the local risk community.
globalization, innovation potential, liberalization, model of risks society, political reforms, post-industrial economic system, social risks, transformation theory, transformation economy, human capital
Social management
Yakutin, E.M. (2014). Elements of industrial limitations of socially oriented enterprises. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 61–72.
Large groups of socially oriented enterprises (SOE) exist and function within the national economy system of the Russian Federation. Such enterprises are first of all oriented at employment of the personnel with limited physical capability and implementation of other social functions. Production activity of such economic entities is related to a number of limitations, appearing due to the specific features of the personnel and production organization, such as workplace equipment and adaptation of production technologies and processes. The presented article is devoted to the analysis of the key production limitations of the SOE. Within the framework of the studies in order to obtain the results the author used theoretical and methodological bases for managerial decision-making, organization of production enterprises and operative management. The article contains elements of theoretical developments for production enterprise management regarding specific production enterprises serving social functions. Among the main results of the study the author singles out the key elements of production limitations of such enterprises, their hierarchical formation, connection formation and mutual dependency. The results allow for further studies in the sphere of methodology of production organization of the SOE.
social enterprise, socially oriented enterprises, socially oriented economy, employment of disabled persons, production methodology, operative management, production regulators, social economics, production limitations, managing production
Security management
Pogodina, I.V., Fraimovich, D.Y. (2014). Optimization of regional investment flow as a necessary condition for the state security guarantees. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 73–96.
The object of studies of the author concerns investment processes at the level of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The object includes indicator criteria for innovative modernization in the regions. It is obvious that investment resources guarantee modern equipment, electronic information system and high quality personnel for the enterprises. These enterprises play key role in the innovative modernization of economics in the region. The main branch of the strategic plan in the state should include the structural modernization nucleus for the high technology spheres. That is why there is need to develop methods, allowing to correlate perspective criteria of social and economic development of the regions, serving as indicators for the innovation modernization in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. In order to optimize the structure of the said indicators and to substantiate the direction of innovative investment program of social and economic regional development the authors offer to use the Pareto law. The Pareto analysis allows to range certain spheres and matters depending on tehir importance and calls for revealing and abolishing of the causes of hte most problems (inconsistencies). The use of group of branch indexes characterising the perspectives of functioning may be applied to certain sub-types or groups of goods (services), which may be of interest from the standpoing of viability of investments, as well as to types of economic activities within the state or a certain region. In the use of Pareto law and ABC-analysis when forming an optimum scheme for the investment distrtibution for the innovative modernization of regional economics it seems viable to suppose that types of economic activity related to the production of other non-metallic mineral product, machines and equipment are rather valuable on one hand, but on the other hand they cause the most problems. As it may be seen from the Pareto map formed within the program complex Statistica 6.1, the dominant types of processing industry of the region includes foodstuffs production, electric equipment production, machinery and equipment production, and production of non-metallic mineral products. That is why it is necessary to define optimization in these economic sectors. The authors then try to find out whether such optimization is necessary in the Vladimir region of Russia. Considering the large amount of inefficient capacities, there is need for the rapid growth of investments in the modernization of the production apparatus. In order to provide reaction analysis for the types of economic activity according to the list for the changes in the dynamics of the basic amount of economic markers, the authors offer to use correlations of the growth tempos, which may be presented as development indexes and evaluated according to the base index calculation formula.
investments, regions, invesment guidelines, investment transformation, economic modernization, investment distribution, the Pareto law, the ABC-analysis, development indexes, index calculation
Stock market management
Bogatyrev, S. (2014). The studies of the Russian stock market based upon the behavioral finance. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 97–141.
Hypothesis on market efficiency applies in the modern economy with the ever growing number of prerequisites and admissions. Behavioral finances, viewing the economic and financial matters from the behavioral standpoint are more and more often used for explaining economic matters, which may be observed in the Russian economy. The article concerns the dichotomy between the fundamental and market costs of the Russian oil companies from the standpoint of the newest achievements of the newest science of the behavioral finances. The author applies the following models for evaluation of assets: generalized behavioral model, sentimental investor model, DHS model, Hong-Stein model, model of attitude shift towards risks, mistaken perception model, probability model. Based upon the synthesis of the stock market data, which was obtained thanks to the newest methods of the data processing in the modern information system, fundamental and market value of the shares being tested with the application of behavioral models, which were adapted to the Russian situation. There basically aren't any empiric studies of the Russian market in the sphere of behavioral finances. The behavioral models are developed and applied in the foreign practice and they were not previously tested in Russia. The provided study of behavioral models has shown the possibility for their application in the information base of the Russian stock market and their high predictive value for the investor behavior in the sector of oil companies in the Russian stock market.
behavioral finances, behavioral risk evaluation models, oil companies shares, fundamental company value, market company value, investor behavior, behavioral factors, Bloomberg, best target price, news background
Strategic management
Aguzarova, F.S. (2014). Value of oil and gas incomes in the Russian economy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 142–158.
The article "Value of oil and gas incomes in the Russian economy" poses a topical issue regarding oil and gas incomes, their role and value in the Russian economics. The author substantiates the considerable dependency on these raw resources in the Russian economics. The author offers to form a reserve in order to get out of oil and gas dependency in a state, which deserves special attention. The natural resources potential of the state is used without due efficiency, since the entrepreneurs aim at making profits first of all. They have no stimulae for rational use of resources, and they do not consider exhaustibility factor. In the process of analysis via synthesis and analysis methods, as well as with the graph methods, the author established the role and relative share of oil and gas incomes in the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2010-2012. The tax income holds the top position among the shares of state income. The natural resources management taxes have the largest share among these taxes. The priority is for natural resources mining tax. The author makes some conclusions based upon her studies. In particular, she offers to find efficient measures in order to accumulate monetary funds outside the scope of oil and gas income. In particular, she mentions development of small and medim-range businesses, involvement of investments into the economics of the state, development of innovative activities, which should lower the degree of oil and gas dependency.
natural resources, oil and gas income, oil, natural gas, oil and gas complex, economics, budget income, raw materials complex, the National Welfare Fund, reserve fund