Security management
Kul'ba, V.V., Shul'ts, V.L., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V., Kononov, D.A., Somov, D.S. (2013). Managing Security and Vitality of Railway Transport Infrastructure Based on the Indicative Approach. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 1–107.
The article describes the results of researching problems of railway transport security. The authors of the article describe the main groups of risks, threats and structural vulnerabilities of railway transport infrastructure facilities. The authors also describe the results of developing methods of modeling and analysis of emergency situations at railway transport infrastructure facilities based on the theory of graphs, structural components and communication matrices. The authors offer models of prevention of emergency situations and incidents by using the indicative approach. The authors provide theoretical description and results of their experimental approbation proving these methods and models to be effective. The authors analyze examples of formulation and solution of multi-objective problems of optimical allocation of indicators in the structure of complex technical systems based on the criteria of plentitude, accuracy and good timing of discovering failures or errors. Taking into account high computational complexity, it is recommended to use a combination of different approximate algorithms to solve these problems. These algorithms either frame solutions based on particular criteria or modify locations of indicators that were previously set based on the other efficiency criteria. The authors describe how this method can be used to complete tasks of establishing technogenic security at railway transport infrastructure facilities.
technical system, emergency situation, incident, threat, structural vulnerability, railway transport, management, security, indicative approach, decision table
Trends of innovative development
Tishkov, S.V. (2013). Karelia: Is There an Opportunity to Build Innovative Cooperation with the European Union? . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 108–132.
The article describes elements of the regional innovation system - science, industry, higher education and innovation infrastructure. The author of the article analyzes the modern situation in this sphere and describes processes ongoing there at the present time. The author also outlines possibilities for future development of the regional innovation system by improving arrangement and management of commersialization of scientific developments. One of the main advantages of Karelia is the geographic location and a long border with the European Union. The region positions itself as an active participant of international and trans-regional cooperation which creates the need in developing external economic, trans-regional and international communications as the key directions of the socio-economic development of the republic. At the present time the Republic of Karelia has trade and economic contacts with over 90 countries. Karelia's trade partners include member states of the European Union (including Finland) as well as Asian, African and American countries. A significant portion of goods and services provided in the Republic are exported to other countries. Therefore, taking into account Karelia's close communication with foreign countries and active interaction between Karelia and the Russian Federation regions, the 'external communication' factor will continue to be one of the most significant factors from the point of view of the influence on Karelia's economy. In this regard, the main purpose of the Government of the Republic of Karelia to be reached by 2015 is to enchance the positive image of Karelia for Russia and other countries.
corporate innovations, economic growth, nanotechnologies, innovation companies, fast-developing companies, regional innovation policy, regional innovation system, innovation infrastructure, innovations, technological innovations
Trends of innovative development
Bogatyrev, S. (2013). Influence of Human Resources and Intellectual Capital on the Growth of Innovative Companies in Russia. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 133–177.
Influence of human resources and intellectual capital on the growth of innovative companies was studied through scientific research carried out at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Theoretical concepts and methods of valuation of human resources and intellectual capital were studied based on practical data obtained from the lists and ranking prepared by information agencies which considered the topic of innovative companies.Specific calculations were based on the data about the two Russian companies working in the innovative sector of the Russian economy. One of the companies functioned in the sphere of developing new technologies of raw material processing in the process of production and sale of modern grocery packing while the second company dealt with production and sale of hightech metal products on the Internet. The author of the article describes theoretical grounds for studying the influence of human resources and intellectual capital on the growth of innovative companies. The author clarifies definitions of human resources and intellectual capital and reviews foreign and Russian researches on the matter.
fixed assets, intellectual resources, measurement of intellectual capital, innovative company, comparative approach, evaluation of intellectual resources, intellectual capital, human resources, level of intellectual capital, intangible assets
Business management
Vaganov, A.A. (2013). Legal Status of Airborne Vehicles as the Leasing Subject. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 178–192.
At the present time leasing of airborne vehicles is very important due to increased requirements for civil air transport service and considerable rise in cost of airborne vehicles as a result of development and implementation of modern technologies. The article is devoted to certain aspects of the leasing of airborne vehicles. The author of the article studies the legal status of airborne vehicles, their definition, legal aspects of their registration and certification as well as the role of leasing of airborne vehicles in the Russian Federation.
law studies, leasing, airborne vehicle, registration, certification, operation, civil aviation, tax preferences, form of capital investment, lessor
Evaluations and trends
Rozanova, L.I., Moroshkina, M.V. (2013). 'Investment Diagonal' and Distribution of Foreign Capital Across Russia. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2, 193–204.
Russian regions are very diverse both by their levels of socio-economic development and attraction of capital. The authors of the present article study factors influencing dispose of foreign investments across Russia and outline areas of their minimum and maximum accumulations. The authors of the article also view problems of spatial disparity in allocation of investments and define the most significant factors to be considered by foreign investors. By using the cartographic tools, the authors managed to define the areas of accumulation of foreign capital and compare them to the density of transport network. The outlined investment diagonal where the most attractive regions are located falls on the network of the most important transport corridors and transport and logistics centers. The diagonal lies from the North-West to the South-East of Russia and fits in the network of international transport corridors. For instance, the Nizhny Novgorod Region has very good opportunities for attracting foreign investments because it is located in the center of transport routes where the North-South and West-East corridors are crossed (International European corridor No. 2 and Trans-Siberian Railway). Based on the results of research, the authors of the article conclude that in order to improve investment climate and attractiveness of Russian regions, it is necesary to improve the system of transport and logistics routes to allow a quick and qualitative delivery of goods throughout Russia.
investor interests, foreign investment, transport and logistics center, transport corridors, dispose of investment, spatial disparity, regional economy, investment attractiveness, domestic market, consumer demand