Models of management
Pavlov, P.V., Khlestunova, E.S. (2013). Cunstruction Sector and Housing Policy in Russia: Grounds for Interaction and Basic Directions of Transformation. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 1–42.
A good level of a socially oriented government is mostly defined not only by the government's attetion towards national housing policy but also the achieved results of implementing this policy. The housing issue is one of the most important problems to be solved at all levels of state administration. In 2002 that was declared to be the target of a national project ('Housing' Federal Target Program 2002 - 2010). In order to achieve the targets of that program both a number of regulatory acts aimed at creation of legal grounds for increasing citizens' paying capability and availability of new and modern housing have been made at both federal and regional levels. However, despite all the efforts in this sphere, today the government appears to be unable to solve the housing problem on their own. Therefore, it is very important to study basic directions and modern trends in implementatin of the housing policy and development of the construction sector in Russia in order to find better opportunities to provide citizens with places to live.
management, construction sector, housing policy, construction market, state (national) policy, housing sector, region, directions of transformations, development trends, target program
Social management
Rozanova, L.I. (2013). Investment Inequality of Regions. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 43–63.
The article is devoted to increasing disparity between regions. Over the years of reforms, many Russian regions have started to lose their benefits and preferences. Volumes of investments in different regions start to vary greatly, too. The author of the present article describes the structure of investment financing including state financing and defines the most preferred activities to invest into. In the course of this reseach, the author has defined problems of inequality of regional investment attractiveness which leads to different socio-economical levels in these regions. This creates a threat for the common economic space and intergrated regional system. Integrity of a region as a complex socio-economic system is shaken when there is a significant capital outflow, let it be finances, human resouces or finances. When a region becomes inattractive for investors, the capital and assets of such a region flow to stronger regions and make the problem of spatial inequality even worse. Such inequality is defined by the economical strucure in many ways. Only progressie changes and shifts in the structure of regional economy can raise the competitive ability of a region. But first it requires investments into manufacturing activities (because the majority of such regions do not have their own manufacturing sector). On the other hand, manufacturing sector has lost its competitive position under the conditions of open economy.
corporate bonds, spatial inequality, economical structure, financing sources, financial system, regional disparity, regional development, investments, ecoomic dilemma, technological progress
Social management
Moroshkina, M.V. (2013). Studying Differences in Development of Russian Regions Based on Dynamics and Level of Gross Regional Product. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 64–90.
The author of the present article considers factors influencing socio-economic development of Russian regions and makes an attemp to forecast prospects of economic growth in these regions under the conditions of transition economy. The aim of the research assumes there should be a comparative analysis of the process of adaptation of Russian regions to the market economy and determination of factors creating differences in dynamics of their main economic indicators. There are many factors influencing indicators of economic development but the author of the article pays her attention at indicators caused by the geographical location of the region. Geography defines conditions of reformation in eahch region. Many researchers have tried to deine the main factorst that determine the difficulty of economic reforms. In this regard, it is important to study factors influencing the economic growth and economic slowdown, to. It is necessary to explain what causes such differences in dynamics of economic indicators in different regions and which factors cause increase or decrease of economic slowdown. Based on the analysis of graphs, correlation analysis, making regression equations and establishing special models, the author suggests to carry out quantitative evaluation of impact of different market transformations on the economic level in different Russian regions. The purpose of such a project would be to study processes of regional disparity of socio-economic positions of Russian regions under the conditions of transit economy. Special attention should be paid at indicators showing the level of economic development. Therefore, in order to achieve the aforesaid goal, it is necessary to analyze the processes of development of Russian regions during market transformations and define factors that have the most significant influence on development of Russian regions.
regional economy, economic modeling, regional development, economic growth, spatial development, regional disparity, competitive advantages, economic space, development factors, GRP
Crisis management
Yavorskaya, M.V. (2013). Regulation of Financial Sector Under the Conditions of Crisis. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 91–110.
The article highlights the problem of regulation of financial sector under the conditions of crisis. It marks also sources and peculiarities of crisis progression in Russia and over the world. The article examines problem solving ways and regulation instruments either realized or potentially probable. Topicality of the chosen theme during several years after the crisis in 2008 is caused by appearance and further evolution of post-crisis syndrome over the world as far as aggravation of economic situation at many countries up to bankruptcy of states and the largest financial systems watched today. The article contains four chapters: the first — statement of the problem, research of reasons and crisis run peculiarities, the second — methods and instruments of financial regulation, the third — effect of taken measures, the real sector position under the conditions of crisis and final conclusions chapter. Material presentation is conducted with statistics in tables and conclusions are put in precise thesis structure.
crisis, derivatives, financial sector, regulation, capitalization, subprime operations, monetary economics, credit granting, reserves, dividends
Financial management
Ivanova, M.M. (2013). Financial Structure of a Company as a New System Construction. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 1, 111–116.
Modern companies have the following basic structural components: the structure of property, the structure of capital assets and the structure of corporate management. These structural components altogether are called 'financial structure of a company. The author of the article offers a detailed analysis of this system construction. Financial structure of the company means a 'financial design of business that covers property, form of incorporation, stimulus, financial funs and distribution of risks between investors'. The concept of financial structure assumes a complex approach combining ifferent structural components of a company. In order to develop this model in the future, we need to develop a new stage of the complex approach to moderling of corporate efficiency. Besides the structures of property and capital assets, a company has a number of other features defining the efficiency of its activity. These features include: 1) the size of the Board of Directors, 2) the number of independent directors, 3)legal form of a company and other factors covered by the term 'financial structure'.
economics, finances, architecture, structure, property, capital assets, quality, corporate party, management, business