Citations count: 2
Belozerov V.V., Belozerov V.V. —
Automation of creation of Computerized Process Control Systems (CPCS) of dangerous industrial objects
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 27 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.2.23605 URL:
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The research subject is the methods and means of creation of computerized process control systems of especially dangerous industrial objects (CPCS EIO). Such objects are controlled with special safety requirements, which are described in technical regulations and safety guidelines, which are obligatory for especially dangerous industrial objects. If the EIO projects undergo state expertize for compliance with such requirements and guidelines, CPCS’s compliance with them is only confirmed by the protocol between economic entities based on the testing methodology composed by them. Using he example of computer-aided engineering systems, the authors of this work develop the methodology of automation of creation of CPCS EIO, which guarantees implementation of the above mentioned safety requirements and guidelines. The scientific novelty of the study consists in, firstly, the development of a method of description of dynamic links of engineering and technical models of elements of an object, which optimize the performance of technical processes in controllers; secondly, the creation of a software and hardware complex of simulation of an object of automation, which helps realize virtual implementation of a CPCS EIO without an object to test the effectiveness of the required security facilities.
Citations count: 2
Oleinikova S.A., Tokarev I.I. —
Comparative Analysis of Models and Methods for Solving the Problem of Structural Synthesis for Modern Mobile Communication Systems
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 40 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2018.4.28074 URL:
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The object of the research is the mobile networks. The subject of the research is the algorithms that allow to determine the optimal location of base stations, as well as such equipment capacity that will be enough to serve subscribers with an acceptable level of overloads and other requirements for quality of service. The goal is to design the network in terms of the criterion for minimizing the cost of all network elements, taking into account the expected number of subscribers and traffic. The specificity of the objective function and its arguments, as well as constraints, allows to define the problem under investigation as a conditional optimization problem and apply the tools used in these cases to solve it. As a result, a generalized algorithm for solving problems of structural synthesis for systems whose distinctive feature is the presence of mobile subscribers and base stations that service them by receiving and transmitting a signal is described. A comparative analysis of existing approaches to solving the problem allowed us to formalize the objective function and limitations. The usefulness of the results is the possibility of their use (after the implementation of algorithms for solving the problem) for the design and implementation of modern mobile communication systems.
Citations count: 2
Mustafaev A.G., Mustafaev G.A., Cherkesova N.V. —
Investigation of the Stability of CMOS VLSI to the "Latch up" Effect
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2018.4.28130 URL:
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Due to the low power consumption, CMOS structures are preferred for creating large and ultra-large integrated circuits. However, the reliability of the circuits is largely limited by the latch phenomenon that occurs in CMOS structures. The electrical characteristic of the latch up phenomenon in a CMOS integrated circuit is characterized by the presence of a number of anomalous phenomena. These effects distort and make ambiguous the results of measuring the electrical sensitivity of the circuits to the latch. The development of microelectronics is constantly striving to reduce the size of the elements of integrated circuits, in particular transistors. Reducing the size of integrated circuits leads to the amplification of short-channel effects in MOS transistors. When reducing the size of integral elements, various options for scaling devices with a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure are considered. The mechanisms that cause the appearance of the snap-in do not depend on the conductivity type of the semiconductor region of the pocket.
Citations count: 1
Belozerov V.V. —
Peer review for the project “Development and production of air separators and fire safety products on their basis” (project No. 2013-218-04-023, headed by I. V. Voroshilov)
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 72 - 128.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2016.1.21117 URL:
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The goal of realization of a complex project is to study the nanotechnologies of gas separation of atmosphere, preparation and production of promising firefighting equipment based on thermomagnetic air separators (TMAS) and compact membrane air separators (CMAS). The subject of the research is the processes and installations of local gas fire extinguishing and means of detection and prevention of spontaneous combustion of peat. There are plans to research the complexation of TMAS and CMAS into a two-spool installation for realization of automated system of fire and explosion safety of coal mine, including production of individual respiratory and ocular protection for coal miners based on micro-TMAS. The technology of local gas fire suppression and anti-explosion protection using nitrogen separated from air, including respiratory and ocular protection for miners, is unmatched anywhere in the world.
Citations count: 1
Apartsev O.R. —
Thermoelectric coolers and thermal processes in terms of SPICE modeling
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.2.21379 URL:
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The research subject is adaptation of SPICE-like programs of simulation of electric circuits and thermal processes simultaneously using the example of Peltier thermos-elements. Despite apparent simplicity of such physical object, practice shows that to operate such device one should realize a complex algorithm, since the current of a TE module, which is the only directly managed parameter, determines a complex function of impact on the work of the device. It can be seen when trying to solve the tasks of improvement of thermal stabilization and energy efficiency simultaneously. Recently electronic devices have been developed via computer simulation programs, but such software tools haven’t been used for engineering objects of complex physical nature so far. The author of this work attempts to unite the electronic simulation methods with the consideration of objects of nonelectric nature, i.e. the author offers a computer model of a thermoelectric converter based on the Peltier effect. A thermal part of a simulation model is based on the electrostatic analogy principle with the conversion of thermal values into electric ones. The thermal part of a device is divided into electric-like elements with formation of thermal circuits. The presents SPICE models of a thermoelectric cooler and a thermostat help effectively analyze thermal and electric parameters of a wide range of devices, which contain both internal and boundary sources of heat and cold, including heat pumps based on different physical principles. The author arrives at appropriate coincidence of simulation results and experimental data. It allows using the developed model for solving an inverse problem – analysis of an electric generator based on the Seebeck effect.
Citations count: 1
Belozerov V.V. —
Baro-electro-thermo-acoustic Spectrometry (Review of Project No. 2009-1.1-000-080-046, Supervisor Egupov A.N., Bosy S.I.)
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2017.4.25274 URL:
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Due to reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences and preparation of the program of innovative development of Russia till 2030, the relevance of error analysis increases in organization and conduction of basic and applied researches. The present review analyzes a situation in which a multidisciplinary project in the field of physical chemistry, galvanochemistry and physical methods of the research of chemical compounds nominated in a competition of search and scientific research and development operations within the federal target program "Scientific and Research and Educational Human Resourcces of Innovative Russia" for 2009-2013 remained unchosen, because of the system mistakes committed while developing and applying the tender documentation. As a result of the methodological errors, for 10 years the work on creation and application of the method and automated complex of BETA-spectrometry is suspended, and also there has been a vacuum in research and educational human resources in the specified sphere. The scientific novelty is confirmed with three patents of the Russian Federation and two applications for inventions, and also creation of a laboratory sample of the BETA-analyzer awarded "A gold medal" at the Xth Moscow international salon in 2010. However, so far, because of the "market" in science which has required a "changeover" for a long time, the BETA-analyzer has not been produced.
Citations count: 1
Gubanova A.A., Guzarevich A.S., Taridonov N.E. —
Stepper Motor Control System
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 41 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2018.2.26014 URL:
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At present, a stepper motor drive which has already become a traditional executive device for many electronic devices and systems is a good alternative to microdrives consisting of a high-speed motor with feedback and a mechanical gearbox. The subject of study of this article is a stepper motor. In this paper, the control object (OS) is a two-coordinate transport module based on linear stepper motors (LSD) which is used for the manufacture of high integration chips. For this purpose, a probe that includes a two-coordinate transport module is used. In this article, the technique of controlling the full-step mode was used for a linear stepper motor when designing the system. The stepper motor control system is designed to generate signals on the stepper motor windings and control the rotation speed of its shaft as well as to control the number of pivot steps. In the course of the study, the author developed structural and electric schemes and an algorithm for controlling the system. The developed system is characterized by small overall dimensions, low power consumption, wide functionality. The device uses a modern, widely available, low-cost element base.
Citations count: 1
Gubanova A.A. —
The Influence of the Dynamic Features of the Milling Process on the Quality Indicators of the Part
// Electronics and Machinery.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 9 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8884.2018.3.27557 URL:
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The subject of research is the issue of managing the geometric quality of processing, the definition of technological regimes, and tool parameters to ensure a priori defined requirements for the quality of the surface of the workpiece. , cutting speed.The main conclusions of the study are that when milling the surface with cutters whose diameter is less than the width of the surface being processed, the relief formed is not regular. The width of the treated surface can be used to distinguish the area in which there is a non-stationary doubling of the tool wake period. Moreover, this area is unstable. It was also found that the cutting speed has a contradictory impact on the quality parameters of the formed surface. On the one hand, as the cutting speed increases, the gradients of stresses and strains in the treatment zone increase, which has a positive effect on the formed relief. In the other, as the speed increases, parametric effects of the dynamics begin to appear, causing beats and the formation of waviness on the surface with unacceptable parameters.