Mustafaev, A.G., Mustafaev, G.A., Cherkesova, N.V. (2018). Influence of Ionizing Radiation on the Properties of Buried Oxide SOI Structures. Electronics and Machinery, 3, 1–8.
The processes of formation of radiation-resistant heterostructures with required set of structural and electrophysical parameters, taking into account the influence of ionizing radiation effects, allowing to expand the field of their application and improve the reliability of electronic equipment are described. The influence of irradiation on the parameters of hetero- and semiconductor structures made according to various design-technological variants is studied. It is shown that the charge density in the dielectric increases with increasing dose of ionizing particles, reaches saturation at a dose of 108- 109 rad, and the value of the built-in charge and mechanical stresses in multilayer dielectric systems decrease due to the formation of an intermediate charge at the dielectric interface and the presence of a potential barrier between them. By adjusting the rate of introduction and characteristics of radiation centers during irradiation type, method of growing and the level of doping material, and the integrated flux density of the irradiation, the sample temperature during irradiation may purposefully alter the electrical properties of heterostructures and electrical parameters of devices and integrated circuits. Developed methods, for radiation resistant heterostructures forming, reduces charge formation at silicon-oxide interface. SOI technology on optimized structure, shows good results, even at high radiation doses. The resistance to the total dose of radiation rises by three orders of magnitude.
semiconductor, thin films, silicon nitride, silicon oxide, ionizing radiation, heterostructure, silicon on insulator, radianion hardness, charge, interface
Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science
Gubanova, A.A. (2018). The Influence of the Dynamic Features of the Milling Process on the Quality Indicators of the Part. Electronics and Machinery, 3, 9–16.
The subject of research is the issue of managing the geometric quality of processing, the definition of technological regimes, and tool parameters to ensure a priori defined requirements for the quality of the surface of the workpiece. , cutting speed.The main conclusions of the study are that when milling the surface with cutters whose diameter is less than the width of the surface being processed, the relief formed is not regular. The width of the treated surface can be used to distinguish the area in which there is a non-stationary doubling of the tool wake period. Moreover, this area is unstable. It was also found that the cutting speed has a contradictory impact on the quality parameters of the formed surface. On the one hand, as the cutting speed increases, the gradients of stresses and strains in the treatment zone increase, which has a positive effect on the formed relief. In the other, as the speed increases, parametric effects of the dynamics begin to appear, causing beats and the formation of waviness on the surface with unacceptable parameters.
deformation, critical speed, tool wear, cutting speed, surface relief, end mill, waviness, roughness, associated milling, the contact of the teeth of the cutter
Electrical Engineering
Belozerov, V.V. (2018). On the Probabilistic-Physical Approach to the Question of Reliability and Safety of Electronic Products. Electronics and Machinery, 3, 17–50.
The article presents the results of the development of effective methods of testing and diagnostics of electronic equipment (EE), radio-electronic devices (RED), electrical appliances (EA) and computer equipment (CE) in terms of their quality, reliability and safety.As a result of the system analysis and subsequent system synthesis, probabilistic-physical models for solving reliability and safety problems are proposed using the technology of accelerated technological run of EA and CE, which with the help of thermo-electronic protection modules allows, due to electro-thermo-cycling, to carry out the thermal location of its components of electrical elements (CEE), and to detect deviations from the calculated load factors, which allows to calculate the reliability and fire-safe resource of each product.The methodology of detection of fire-dangerous failures of electrical and radio elements (ERE) in EP and CE on avalanche growth of temperature with the subsequent disconnection of the electric device from a network, with prevention, thus, its ignition is used.The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the possibility of periodic diagnostics of time-to-failure (within the warranty service of products), for the timely withdrawal of RED and CE from operation, and thus prevent socio-economic losses from emerging accidents and fires, as a result of non-compliance of technical and fire-safe resources.
thermo-electric cycle, accelerated testing, safety, reliability, computer equipment, electrical appliance, electronic equipment, electrical and radio elements, technical resource, fire-safe resource
Instrument Engineering, Metrology, and Electronic Measurement Devices and Systems
Oleinikov, S.N., Dolakov, T.B. (2018). The Electric Meter Announcer of Fire and Electric Harm in Residential High-Rise Buildings. Electronics and Machinery, 3, 51–58.
In this article the question of need of control of fire and electric harm for high-rise buildings of the inhabited sector, by means of electric meters announcers is considered. The offered approach is proved by the fact that in apartment residential high-rise buildings there is no gas supply of apartments, and the main source of life support in them, besides heat and water supply, the electric power on which quality fire safety since low-quality electric power increases probability of the fires from electric devices by 3 times and more depends is. The methodology of assessment of reliability and fire safety of el.ectrical household appliances, electroadjusting products, electric cables and wires for these purposes is offered. The scientific novelty of the offered innovations is confirmed with two patents of the Russian Federation - on the invention of a way of diagnostics of FEH (No. 2622558) and useful model of the electric meter announcer (No. 13459) and also researches of authors in the inhabited sector of Krasnodar Krai. Diagnostics of FEH by means of EMA in high-rise buildings, first of all realizes prevention of fire of the electric device shutdown when "the structure of FEH" becomes fire-dangerous and also allows to realize early detection of dangerous factors of the fire.
safety, probability of the fire, inhabited sector, high-rise buildings, apartments, quality of the electric power, management, norms and rules, diagnostic, fire and electric harm
Informatics and Computers
Kulyagin, I.A., Belozerov, V.V. (2018). Automation Fire and Explosion Protection of the Inhabited Sector with the Help of Split Systems. Electronics and Machinery, 3, 59–65.
In this article the transformations model the split-systems-firefighters of the announcer is presented to the automated installation fire and explosion protection of the apartment / an individual house. The offered approach uses aspiration properties a Split system (room air course where the internal block is installed) that allows to carry out early detection of dangerous factors of the fire (smoke) and explosion (leak of household gas), at installation in the internal block of the smoke fire announcer with the GSM module and also the sensor which finds leak of household gas in the individual house. The methodology of "transformation" consists in installation in the internal Split system block of a thermomagnetic separator of air (TMSA), and on a gas pipe of the apartment - the gas meter with the built-in sensor and the electromagnetic valve which blocks supply of gas on a signal of the built-in sensor and also at operation of the gas sensor in the internal block a split system. The novelty will be that at detection of dangerous factors of the fire and explosion in the apartment or in an individual house, the notification of the relevant services and TMSA which deletes oxygen from premises on the street joins, leaving nitrogen, than suppression of fire and dilution of the explosive environment is provided.
fire and explosion protection, fire safety, safety, separator of air, inhabited sector, independent fire announcer, apartments, split system, diagnostic, leak of household gas