Apartsev, O.R. (2017). Thermoelectric coolers and thermal processes in terms of SPICE modeling. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 1–12.
The research subject is adaptation of SPICE-like programs of simulation of electric circuits and thermal processes simultaneously using the example of Peltier thermos-elements. Despite apparent simplicity of such physical object, practice shows that to operate such device one should realize a complex algorithm, since the current of a TE module, which is the only directly managed parameter, determines a complex function of impact on the work of the device. It can be seen when trying to solve the tasks of improvement of thermal stabilization and energy efficiency simultaneously. Recently electronic devices have been developed via computer simulation programs, but such software tools haven’t been used for engineering objects of complex physical nature so far. The author of this work attempts to unite the electronic simulation methods with the consideration of objects of nonelectric nature, i.e. the author offers a computer model of a thermoelectric converter based on the Peltier effect. A thermal part of a simulation model is based on the electrostatic analogy principle with the conversion of thermal values into electric ones. The thermal part of a device is divided into electric-like elements with formation of thermal circuits. The presents SPICE models of a thermoelectric cooler and a thermostat help effectively analyze thermal and electric parameters of a wide range of devices, which contain both internal and boundary sources of heat and cold, including heat pumps based on different physical principles. The author arrives at appropriate coincidence of simulation results and experimental data. It allows using the developed model for solving an inverse problem – analysis of an electric generator based on the Seebeck effect.
temperature control system, heat conduction equation, SPICE simulator, Peltier element, computer simulation, thermoelectric cooling module, thermoelectric converter, heat pump, cooler, heat process simulation
Electrical Engineering
Semko, I.A., Taukchi, V., Zakalyuzhnyy , A.A. (2017). Interaction and influence of an accumulator battery on dynamic characteristics of DC generator at idle. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 13–18.
The research object is a DC machine transforming mechanical energy into electric, i.e. a DC generator. The authors describe the work of the machine in terms of external and regulatory characteristics and characteristics of idle run. The research purpose is to study the influence of an accumulator battery in an electric circuit of a generator on dynamic characteristics. Since at idle a generator is out of circuit, the load rate is zero, and the current in its series winding is 2-3 A. Therefore, we can exclude polarization voltage influence on measurement devices. Experimental tests of the dynamics of a voltage regulating system of a DC generator help conclude that under certain conditions, the system becomes unstable. While analyzing the dynamics of a voltage regulating system of a DC generator with accumulator battery, the authors find out that instead of a common consideration of a controlled object as a link with one excitation time constant T1, it’s necessary to consider the controlled object as a second-order link. Connection of inertial voltage regulator fundamentally changes the issue of stability of a system under certain conditions. In this case, a high transfer ration of an inertial regulator is a certain prerequisite. This nuance can destabilize the controlling system.
transfer function, self-oscillation, transfer factor, idle run, controled unit, system stability, dynamic characteristics, accumulator battery, DC generator, inductivity
Instrument Engineering, Metrology, and Electronic Measurement Devices and Systems
Semko, I.A., Zakalyuzhnyy, A.A., Taukchi, V.I. (2017). Automated driving unit of a cutting machine. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 19–26.
Despite apparent simplicity of the process of paper cutting, the machines, performing this function, are a very important component of printing industry. The quality of preliminary paper cutting significantly influences the quality of the final printed material. It is especially important when printing color materials on one- or two color printing presses or at final processing of materials on machines with automatic feeders. In this case, each sheet of paper is to get through several different machines or through one printing machine several times. And each time the sheet of paper should be automatically straightened within two adjoining sides. Therefore, to guarantee high quality printing, it is necessary to have sheets of the same size, even 90 degree angles and appropriate surface of edges. Otherwise, one and the same sheet can be straightened differently in the alignment mechanism. The purpose of the work is to create a prototype model of a program controlling device for cutting machines used in printing industry. The article considers the system used for cutting automating on cutting machines and controlling this process on s PC. The authors describe the structure of a driving unit of a cutting machine. To achieve the research purpose, the authors use computer simulation and calculation of the necessary processes, then perform mathematical analysis of the obtained model and design the system. The designed system is tested. In the result, the authors develop and realize a discreet drive control system. The authors experimentally prove that a proportionally-integrally-differentiating regulator can be used to guarantee the necessary preset requirements of paper cutting, based on the developed system, and to ensure accurate back gage setting.
sensor, controller, asynchronous motor, driving unit of a machine, software control, cutting machines, split back gage, process automation, dynamic properties, computer simulation
Informatics and Computers
Belozerov, V.V., Belozerov, V.V. (2017). Automation of creation of Computerized Process Control Systems (CPCS) of dangerous industrial objects. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 27–42.
The research subject is the methods and means of creation of computerized process control systems of especially dangerous industrial objects (CPCS EIO). Such objects are controlled with special safety requirements, which are described in technical regulations and safety guidelines, which are obligatory for especially dangerous industrial objects. If the EIO projects undergo state expertize for compliance with such requirements and guidelines, CPCS’s compliance with them is only confirmed by the protocol between economic entities based on the testing methodology composed by them. Using he example of computer-aided engineering systems, the authors of this work develop the methodology of automation of creation of CPCS EIO, which guarantees implementation of the above mentioned safety requirements and guidelines. The scientific novelty of the study consists in, firstly, the development of a method of description of dynamic links of engineering and technical models of elements of an object, which optimize the performance of technical processes in controllers; secondly, the creation of a software and hardware complex of simulation of an object of automation, which helps realize virtual implementation of a CPCS EIO without an object to test the effectiveness of the required security facilities.
algorithms, mathematical models, methods of automation, especially dangerous objects, technological processes, automated control systems, computer-aided engineering systems, simulator, virtual implementation, safety
Monograph peer reviews
Belozerov, V.V. (2017). Review of the project of nature-like technologies of HC fuel combustion with carbon dioxide and water absorption and compensation of burning oxygen. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 43–71.
The research object of the reviewed project of nature-like technologies is the creation of thermobaric magnet air separator and synergetic models of fuel burning in heating plants (boiler plants, thermal power plants, combustion engines) with carbon dioxide and water absorption, which compensate burning oxygen. Actually, the project contains the alternative to the requirements of the project 4 2007-6-1.6-19-02 about the development of technology solutions of the problem of recovery and burial of carbon dioxide using advanced technologies of fuel burning in chemical cycles (Program 1.6 – IV term). The authors suggest designing a synergetic model of restoration of oxygen, water and carbon cycles on the planet using the methods of generalization of fundamental and applied research in geophysics, geochemistry, thermodynamics, electromagnetics, construction, ecology, economics and law. The scientific novelty of these methods was obvious and covered by Russian patents. The developed nature-like technologies of self-organization of technosphere safety, particularly the technologies of optimal burning of natural gas, solid and liquid fuel and products of gasification, absorption and utilization of carbon dioxide and water with compensation of oxygen, burning in the atmosphere during fuel combustion, are also unique.
project cost, quality of a group of scientists, scientific and technical products, tender documents, utilization of carbon dioxide, thermobaric magnet air separation, nature-like technologies, innovations, synergetics, self-organization of safety