Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science
Bakhmatskaya, L.S., Oleinikov, S.N., Perikov, A.V. (2016). Synthesis of aspiration and thermomagnetic methods of allocation and suppression of fire and electrical harm in the automated system of safety of residential bocks. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 88–95.
The object of this research is the existing fire protection systems of residential high-rise buildings which as the statistics of the fires testifies, aren't adequate to their fire danger. It is shown that the fire safety of the population living in "skyscrapers", caused by time of evacuation of people in cases of fires, is inversely proportional to the number of floors of the building and, despite the existence of isolated staircases in high-rise buildings, the probability of death in them is 4.16 times higher than in apartments and one to two story houses. As a result of system synthesis, the author offers a model which realizes self-organization of three processes: early detection of fire with the corresponding notification; existence and availability of an “fire isolated stairway”; suppression/delay of spread of fire by nitrogen separated from the air. The scientific novelty of this research consists in a combination of aspiration and thermomagnetic methods of detection and suppression of fire in protected rooms by nitrogen separated from the air. At the same time, the notification of residents about need for evacuation is provided, and the automatic fire alarm system transmits an alarm signal to the nearest fire station.
membrane complex, separation, aspiration, suppression of spread of fire, early fire detection, self-organization, fire prevention , high-rise buildings, thermomagnetic separator of air, evacuation
Zavorotnev, Y.D. (2016). Development of the BETA-method of testing and diagnosing of liquid, adhesive and hard materials including those with fire-proof coating (Project 2012-220-03-247). Electronics and Machinery, 2, 96–118.
Since 2010 the Government of the Russian Federation has organized competitions for financial support of scientific research projects, realized under the guidance of the leading foreign scholars for the purpose of achieving the high level research results and creating the “world level laboratories” in universities. But as early as in 2010 the implementation of the “Decree 220” practically broke down due to the large number of applicants (512 projects), while the money was enough only for 40 winners. At that, there were 15 “winners” in Moscow, 6 in St. Petersburg, 4 in Nizhny Novgorod, 3 and 3 in Novosibirsk and Tomsk. In 2011 the “history repeated itself”: 517 applications were registered for the competition, and money was enough only for 39, among them 14 “winners” were in Moscow, 5 in St. Petersburg, 3 and 3 in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk, 1 in Tomsk. In 2012 half as much projects came for the competition – 719, and only 42 winners got support: among them 15 from Moscow, 5 from St. Petersburg, 2 and 2 from Novgorod and Tomsk and 6 from the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Here the obvious questions arise: Where did the 1500 unsupported projects go? Were they really “undeserving” the government financial support? This article describes the application project of 2012 No 2012-220-03-247 under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Zavjrotnev Yu.D. from Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering. The project was aimed at the creation of a unique baro-electro-thermoacoustic (BETA) analyzer, which would leave behind all the existing synchronous thermal analysis (STA) mechanisms, and the interdepartmental laboratory based in Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering.
vector function of life cycle, electrometry of materials, synchronous thermal analysis, acoustic emission, liquid medium, aging of materials, phase changes, criteria of similarity, baro-electro-thermoacoustic analysis, magnetic properties of substances
Monograph peer reviews
Belozerov, V.V. (2016). The review of the “Development of the BETA-method of testing and diagnosing of liquid, adhesive and hard materials including those with fire-proof coating (2012-220-03-247)” Project (Supervising Professor Zavjrotnev Yu.D.). Electronics and Machinery, 2, 119–146.
The current journal item should contain the discussion on a question, and the Editorial Board invites scholars to express their opinions, which will be published and registered in Russian Science Citation Index as articles. It is generally accepted that via the “Editorial” item the journal expresses its position on the topical problems in its subject area. The Editorial combines the elements of reviews and commentaries with the author’s position. In this case the author’s position is preceded by four experts’ opinions. Therefore, the Review starts with the position of the Editorial Board on the topicality and scientific importance of the subject, and then it demonstrates the reviews of two Russian and two foreign experts, who had contributed to the rejection of the project. The text is concluded with the comments. The novelty of the given journal item consists in the fact that, unlike the review of a monograph, considering usually one subject area, the review of a project should assess not only the subject area, but also the method of organization and implementation of different works (construction, technological, educational, etc.).
expert opinion, thermogravimetric analysis, dilatometry, channels of course, synchronous thermal analysis, baro-electro-thermoacoustic method, instrument making, aging of materials, similarity criteria, thermodynamic capacity
Electrical Engineering
Voroshilov, I.V. (2016). On the issue of LED-based lighting. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 147–154.
The author considers the advantages of LED-based lightning of streets, industrial premises and housings. The essential difference of LED lights and lamps, developed and produced by the LLC “Tegas-electric”, is that they are domestically produced. It means that they are produced with account for the fluctuations of electric supply in Russia; their longevity is guaranteed by the original constructive and circuit design, protected by patents of the Russian Federation, and high parametric characteristics, significantly exceeding the characteristics of the existing lightning devices, including their foreign alternatives. LED lamps and lights have significantly high characteristics due to the use of modern technologies of the complete production cycle of high technology products. The novelty of products, developed by LLC “Tegas-electric”, is confirmed by four invention patents and several useful model patents. It is important that these invention patents cover all components of products: printboards, power sources and constructions.
light-emitting diode, power source, radio-electronic components, printboard, durability, LED lamp, quality of lighting, safety, efficiency, payback
Informatics and Computers
Tarantsev, A.A., Belozerov, V.V., Kirlyukova, N.A. (2016). A synergistic approach to the transport and energy infrastructure. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 155–170.
The authors consider the problems of organization and functioning of transport and energy infrastructures, inflicting the most significant socio-economic losses both in Russia and abroad. The results of the system research allow assuming that if the “technological progress products” inflict losses on the nature and the individual, it means that some person or a group of people (designers, law-makers, managers, officials, etc.), interested in the development of such products or just not knowing about the damage, is behind such a product. The research methodology is based on the models of transport and heat-power engineering emissions; their correlation with the global warming model is evident. However, using thermodynamics and molecular physics for the interpretation of modeling results, the authors prove that climatic cataclysms are caused not by the “greenhouse effect”, but by the atmosphere volume growth due to the “geosphere burning out” (the recovered hydrocarbon fuel) and the wastes dispersing in the atmosphere. The scientific novelty of the study consists in, firstly, the development of bio-tunnels, implementing nature-like technologies of wastes absorption and the restoration of the burnt out oxygen, secondly, in the development of adaptive systems of transport and energy infrastructures management according to the functions of production of the entropy, restoring three nature oxygen, water and carbon cycles, and thirdly and most importantly, in the creation of adaptive taxation systems, allowing creating the proposed synergistic systems.
social and economic losses, traffic damage, nature-like technologies, bio-tunnel, greenhouse effect, transport and energy infrastructure, products of scientific and technical progress, noosphere, function of production of entropy, adaptive systems
Instrument Engineering, Metrology, and Electronic Measurement Devices and Systems
Lukyanov, A.D., Goryanina, K.I., Fam, D.T. (2016). The identification of the parameters of the transforming system of MEMS-accelerometer ADXL345 using the least squares method. Electronics and Machinery, 2, 171–179.
The subject of the research is the issue of ensuring the accuracy of measurements made with the help of small-sized MEMS-accelerometer for the purposes of orientation, navigation and monitoring. The object of the study is a transformation system of sensors of triaxial MEMS-accelerometers and the related mechatronic and electromechanical transducers, affecting the accuracy and introducing errors to the measured signals. The authors consider static errors, causing zero shift and gain errors in different channels. The errors are presented in the form of accelerometer response ellipsoid.To identify the parameters of accelerometer response ellipsoid, the authors apply the stochastic approach and the linear least squares method; using this method, the authors assess the size of the semiaxis of the triaxial ellipsoid. The novelty of this study consists in the stochastic formulation of the problem of the accelerometer response ellipsoid parameters assessment on the base of the cloud of experimental points. Besides, the problem and the study of the possibility to assess the response ellipsoid parameters using the least squares method on the base of a reduced cloud of experimental points, covering only the part of the response ellipsoid quadrants, is also of a great scientific interest.
accuracy, response ellipsoid, accelerometer, MEMS, calibration, least squares method, parameters identification, zero shift, triaxial sensor, mechatronics