Environment of populations and communities
Kruglov, S.M. (2016). On certain questions of limitation of land conveyancing next to water sources for the purpose of ensuring their environmental security. Environmental Research, 1, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8833.2016.1.20105
This article is dedicated to the examination of certain questions of limitation of land conveyancing next to water sources for the purpose of ensuring their environmental security. The author substantiates a position that changes in the current legislation of the Russian Federation and legal practice of the country’s arbitral tribunal of all levels pertaining to regulation of the problem of limitation of land conveyancing next to water sources for the purpose of ensuring their environmental security, carry an inconsistent and illogical character, which is not supported by the legal doctrine. The author suggests implementing the following measures: 1) cancel the restriction of land conveyancing, established by the Item 5.14 of the Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation; 2) introduce into the legislation provisions of the direct action of the Source Water Protection the normative definition of their boundaries, or to impose on the competent authorities the responsibility for the development and approval by a specified date project zone of protection for all water bodies to be protected; 3) abandon the provision of the Source Water Protection with regards to waters that are sources of domestic water, or provide for the immediate adoption of the appropriate sanitary rules and norms.
conveyancing, water sources, goal, provision, environment, security, damage, Russia, limitation, questions
Environment of populations and communities
Samokhin, A.A. (2016). On some issues of ensuring tourism security within the system of national standards. Environmental Research, 1, 6–11. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8833.2016.1.20109
This article is dedicated to the examination of some issues pertaining to ensuring tourism security within the system of national standards of the Russian Federation. The author believes that introduction and development of the new generation national standards in the area of tourism is one of the principles of realization of improvement of the legal regulation of tourism. The adoption of national standards contributes into the process of unification of the conceptual framework in this field. The author also notes that implementation of measures on ensuring tourism security must not limit the rights of citizens to leisure, freedom of movement, and other travel rights. An effective legal regulation of tourism is possible in providing a complex approach towards this service sector. The proposed services must correspond with the safety norms, as their quality aimed at international standards. This will allow ensuring inclusive security in providing travel services, as well as preserve the environment in a good ecological state.
security, tourism, system, national standards, environment, Russian Federation, services, classification, provision, issues
Ecosystem ecology
Kizim, A.A. (2016). On certain peculiarities of economic evaluation of damage from the results of the environmental impact of transport in foreign countries. Environmental Research, 1, 12–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8833.2016.1.20040
This article presents a research on certain peculiarities of economic evaluation of damage from the results of the environmental impact of transport in foreign countries. The author substantiates a position that environmental profit equals to financial profit, which is gained as the result of a specific economic activity that contributes to the improvement of ecology. And contrariwise, environmental damage equals to financial damage, caused by environmental pollution as a result of one or another activity. A significant portion of environmental damage caused by transportation is interlinked with the discharge of hazardous substances into the atmosphere. The assessment of profits and damage allows examining an extensive range of consequences that are the result of the use of systems of organization of movements, production technologies, and means of transportation. The author analyzes the consequences of environmental pollution by transportation, as well as the most relevant ways of its evaluation that can be implemented in practical experience in the Russian Federation. It will allow improving the environmental situation in the country and encourage the transportation enterprises towards using the modern technologies along with the new means of transportation.
abroad, transport, environment, contamination, impact, damage, economic evaluation, Russia, inventory, emissions
Environmental law
Evtushenko, V.I. (2016). Current issues in realization of the constitutional right of citizens to a favorable environment (environmental rights). Environmental Research, 1, 19–24. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8833.2016.1.20084
This article examines the current issues in realization of the constitutional right of the Russian citizens to a favorable environment (environmental human rights). The author believes that it is necessary to develop and adopt a special Federal law "On the Access to Environmental Information”, and subsequently the Environmental Code of Russia, which codifies the concept of "environmental information", as well as guarantees a statutory right of public to access any environmental information for the purpose of justified, timely, and efficient participation in the process of decision-making with regards to environmental issues to ensure the principles of sustainable development, along with the norms that regulate different types of responsibility for refusal to provide environmental information. The result of the adoption of the Russian Federal law "On the Access to Environmental Information" should be a notable acceleration of implementation of the Aarhus Conference, an absolute expansion and strengthening of the environmental human rights, and thus, further progress towards the expansion and activation of real public participation in decision-making with regards to environmental issues.
environment, favorable, Russian Federation, citizens, constitutional law, implementation, issues, current, environmental, human rights
Environmental law
Egorov, V.G. (2016). Features of the administrative authorization as a method of safety environment in the Russian Federation. Environmental Research, 1, 25–30. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8833.2016.1.20124
This article investigates the characteristics of the administrative authorization as a method of safety environment in the Russian Federation.The author believes that under the administrative methods of ensuring the safety of the environment should be understood only to those administrative-legal methods used by the subjects of the Executive authority to prevent, detect and eliminate malicious man-made and natural environmental factors related to lawful activities of citizens and organization, and also to prevent, identify and eliminate administrative offenses, emergencies, and other social situations contributing to the emergence and / or development harmful natural and technogenic factors of the environment.Depending on the direction of the administrative validation and the nature of the legal and administrative consequences associated with the use of this method, its structure is logical to allocate a number of typical types of administrative authorization: authorization security method; the method of identification of safety and security; conciliation security method, the registration method of security.In this scientific article the author used a number of scientific research methods, in particular: comparative law; formal logic; statistics; legal history; modeling; description.
features, ecology, technique, sanctions, administrative, security, safety, environment, Russian Federation, legislation