Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Ruchina, V.M. (2025). European identity of the Scottish Nation: historical prerequisites for the formation and the modern stage. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 1–14.
The article is devoted to the formation of Scottish national identity with an emphasis on its European dimension. The 1999 devolution, which expanded regional autonomy and participation in EU affairs, allows us to talk about the close contact of Scottish identity with the European identity, that means self-identification of the Scottish nation as part of "Greater Europe". After the Brexit referendum, during which the Scots supported membership in the EU, the features in the differences between Scottish and British identity became especially evident. Brexit only strengthened Scotland's desire for autonomy and deepening ties with Europe, which plays a key role in its modern politics. The methodological basis of the study is the historical and genetic approach, which is used to analyze the process of formation of Scottish identity from the time of Norman influence to modern realities. The institutionalist approach involves studying referendums and parliamentary debates, which helps to identify the connection between the Scots’ desire for autonomy and European integration. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive analysis of the formation of Scottish national identity through its European dimension. Author combained historical, cultural and political aspects, which include the influence of the Norman Conquest, the Franco-Scottish Alliance, cultural transformation during the Renaissance, devolution of 1999 and the Brexit referendum of 2016. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between historical events, cultural changes and political aspirations of the region. The findings of the article emphasize that Scottish national identity, formed under the influence of both internal aspirations for autonomy and external European factors, plays a key role in the political dynamics of the region. Brexit has sharpened the differences between Scottish and British identities, leading to increased debate about independence. However, deepening European integration remains an important focus for Scotland.
National identity, Brexit, Devolution, Auld Alliance, Scottish nation, European identity, Identity, England, France, Scotland
Value conflict
Konstantinov, M.S., Pupikin, R.A. (2025). The cultural universals of Russian society in the context of the intergenerational conflict. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 15–28.
The article presents some results of two all-Russian sociological studies aimed at identifying the specifics and ideological foundations of intergenerational relations in modern Russian society. The object of the study is the consciousness of Russians, and the subject is cultural universals in the context of intergenerational ideological differences. J. Turner's theory of self-categorization was used as a theoretical basis, which is based on the idea of cognitive self-categorization of individuals as members of various communities - local, professional, generational, etc. The key cognitive mechanism of self-categorization is the principle of meta-contrast, the essence of which lies in the effect of a distinctive feature that determines either belonging to a group or not falling into it. These principles formed the basis of the questionnaire of the sociological survey. During the study, questionnaires (N = 1600) in 2023 and 2024 were preceded by a series of focus groups, as well as an analysis of social networks. As a result, ideological fault lines between generations were identified. The following meta-contrasts were identified among those specifying generations: projection of negative characteristics onto younger generation opposed to the older generation' positive qualities; impact of historical events: the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, perestroika of 1985-1991, Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the conquest of space and the Great October Revolution of 1917. General cultural constants included the values of efficiency, responsibility, faith in one's own strength, etc. The anti-values of irresponsibility, impulsiveness, etc., as well as specific attitudes toward two historical events: the Great Patriotic War and the collapse of the USSR were also identified.
cultural constants, cultural universals, morality, ideological concept, ideology, worldview, worldview model, intergenerational conflict, generations of Russia, questionnaire survey
Peacekeeping work of modern countries and international organizations
Oyedele, O., Yao Nikez, A., Reuel, E. (2025). Problems and Prospects of Foreign Aid in Third World Countries. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 29–45.
This paper examines the effectiveness of foreign aid in addressing the challenges associated with humanitarian crisis in third world countries. Guided by the dependency theory, the auhtors adopted the qualitative research method and relied on data drawn largely from secondary sources. Data were descriptively analysed. The study shows that although foreign aid is important, there is a great need to build local capacities that will run a long time even after aid has stopped. Aid works best when it is well-organized, tailored to the needs of the area and gives local organizations and people more control of the implementation process. Additionally, reducing humanitarian assistance may have a significant impact on third-world nations and may exacerbate instability in already fragile areas. This emphasizes how crucial it is to design a more sophisticated plan that places an emphasis on community involvement and local capacity building in order to successfully incorporate foreign aid into the framework of humanitarian emergencies in developing countries. The research highlights the limitations of aid in advancing sustainable development and emphasized the importance of a more sophisticated strategy with local capacity building and community engagement for properly situating foreign aids in the context of humanitarian predicaments in the third world states. Ultimately, the efficacy of foreign aid hinges on a comprehensive strategy that not only addresses immediate needs but also lays the groundwork for long-term resilience and self-sufficiency in aid-receiving countries.
official development assistance, Crises, instability, structural problems, aid, Community Engagement, Capacity Building, Humanitarian Crises, Third World Countries, Foreign Aid