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«Conflict Studies / nota bene» (18+)

¹ 2, 2023
Published since
2015 year

Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
P. 1 - 11
International conflicts
P. 12 - 22
Armed conflict and war
P. 23 - 32
Ideological confrontation and the war of meanings
P. 33 - 43
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
P. 44 - 52
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
P. 53 - 64
Classification and typology of modern conflicts
P. 65 - 82
The standoff between great powers
P. 83 - 97
Strategic communication in conflict
P. 98 - 111
Diagnostics of conflict
P. 112 - 124
Prevention of conflict
P. 125 - 133
Contents details