Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Parlanova, A.T. (2023). Turkey vs Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 1–11.
The object of the study is Ankara's foreign policy strategy. The subject of the study is the positions of Turkey and Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The aim is to identify the possibility of a Turkish–Egyptian alliance in the region after the extremely tense relations recorded since 2013, the establishment in Egypt of a new president A.F. Al-Sisi, the ideological antipode of R.T. Erdogan. The relevance of the study is evidenced by changes in the rhetoric of Turkey's top officials and the demonstration of readiness to build a dialogue with Cairo. Particular attention is paid to Ankara's position on the establishment of maritime borders in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas on the basis of bilateral agreements. Research methods: analysis of strategies, official documents, logical-heuristic and system methods, as well as analysis of political events in the region. Based on the analysis of primary sources (foreign policy strategies 2020-2023), it was revealed: since 2020, the Eastern Mediterranean region has been the main vector of Ankara's foreign policy. As noted in the reports of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the country is 70% dependent on foreign energy supplies, which explains Ankara's uncompromising position on securing its right to extract gas from the depths of the Eastern Mediterranean. Attempts to restore relations with Egypt are a geopolitical necessity. However, Cairo found itself in the position of Turkey's competitor in an effort to turn into an energy hub when exporting gas from Israel to Europe. Egypt attaches paramount importance to the issue of energy security, which is confirmed by the Egypt Vision 2030 strategy. The most advantageous for Egypt is the preservation of the Egypt-Israel-Greece-Cyprus block. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that there is an extremely low probability of a Turkish-Egyptian rapprochement. The findings of the study can be taken into account when studying and forecasting Turkey's foreign policy.
continental shelf, Aegean Sea, Gas Forum, Blue Homeland, Energy Sources, Egypt, Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean, Maritime Law, energy security
International conflicts
Echimovich, M., Shchekich, S., Bra¼ovich, M. (2023). Features of Albanian separatism in Kosovo and Metohija. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 12–22.
Authors examine the formation and development of Albanian separatism in the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija. The article deals with the main aspects of the history of creation and functioning of the first armed extremist groups of Kosovo Albanians, in particular the activities of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the hottest phases of the Kosovo crisis in the 1990s, including the role of international actors in the development of Albanian terrorism in the Serbian province. In the article, the authors conclude that Albanian separatism is not a spontaneously organized ethnic group with the aim of fighting against "terror" perpetrated by state power, but is instead the embodiment of the idea of a "Greater Albania", projected in the First and Second Prizer Leagues. Western countries also actively supported the formation, training, logistical support and funding of the KLA. The leader among Western states supporting Albanian separatism in Serbia was the United States, which provided Kosovo separatists with comprehensive support. With the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the arrival of the UN Military and Civil Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (KFOR and UMNIK), Albanian extremists and terrorists used all-out violence to expel the non-Albanian population from Kosovo and Metohija. The separation of Kosovo from Serbia, which took place under the careful guidance of the international community represented by the USA and the EU, as well as the recognition of the so-called Kosovo's "independence" by, above all, Western countries, grossly violated not only UNSC Resolution 1244 and international law in general, but also created an international legal precedent which gave other proponents of territorial secession an excuse and right to seek the same as that of the so-called Kosovo.
KLA, Kosovo, USA, NATO, Albania, terrorism, separatism, Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija, extremism
Armed conflict and war
Salavatov, I.K. (2023). NGO-military relations in armed conflict zones. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 23–32.
The author studies the interactions between non-profit organizations and regular military forces within modern conflict zones. It covers the typology of observed relations and analyzes and makes an assessment of their impact on conflict dynamics and humanitarian response. The paper presents four major interaction modes: support, cooperation, neutrality and rivalry. The analysis of the available literature demonstrates a number of challenging issues such as the lack of communication between NGOs and the military, different approaches to similar tasks, information exchange, politicization and others. At the same time the article reveals the shift in the nature of conflicts and the emergence of new modern challenges and threats that require additional research. The study used logical-intuitive modeling based on institutional approach to cover the issue from a political realism perspective. The conclusions demonstrate the insufficient research of certain types of interactions (support and rivalry), specific challenges for the Russian Federation and the importance of bolstering cooperation between NGOs and the armed forces. Therefore, the article provides recommendations on how to increase the efficiency of interactions and reduce risks and threats.
conflict management, unfriendly states, instruments of power, humanitarian interventions, armed conflicts, civil-military relations, armed forces, NGO, non-profit organizations, peacemaking
Ideological confrontation and the war of meanings
Zhang, R., Bykov, A.Y. (2023). Chinese approach to democracy: the evolution of democratic values in China. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 33–43.
The evolution of democratic values in China has been a complex and multifaceted process that has undergone significant changes throughout history. From ancient times to the present, the interpretation and implementation of democratic principles have been influenced by various social, cultural, and political factors. The concept of democracy in China has evolved through different stages, including ancient China, feudal China, and the development of China's political system under the People's Republic. Throughout these stages, democratic values have been shaped by Confucian principles, the influence of Western ideas, the Chinese Communist Party's ideology, and the need to adapt democratic systems to China's unique circumstances. By conducting a conceptual content analysis of theoretical works and normative documents, comparative analysis and historical analysis, this study reveals that cultural values and norms shape the interpretation and implementation of democracy, while democratic systems influence and transform cultural dynamics within societies. The historical retrospective of China's democratic values offers a unique perspective, highlighting the evolution of democracy in a specific cultural and political context. The Chinese approach to democracy has emphasized people's participation, consultative democracy, grassroots democracy, and the combination of socialist principles with market reforms. China's ongoing efforts to improve governance, rule of law, transparency, and public participation reflect its commitment to further develop its democratic values in the context of its own historical and cultural framework. The findings emphasize the intricate relationship between culture and democracy and call for a comprehensive understanding of democratic values in different cultural and institutional frameworks.
collective decision-making, economic development, Minben, People's Republic of China, political system, Chinese Communist Party, culture, democratic values, democracy, Chinese approach
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Abdalla, M.M. (2023). The struggle for power in Egypt in May 1971 and its impact on relations with the USSR. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 44–52.
The subject of the study is the power struggle that unfolded in Egypt in May 1971 between President M. A. Sadat and a group of prominent statesmen led by Vice President A. Sabri. He had close ties with the leaders of the USSR. When the struggle ended with the removal of Sabri and his group from their posts, which was called the May Correctional Revolution. These events affected relations between Sadat and Soviet leaders, given that Sabri was a favorite of the USSR in Egypt after the death of President Nasser. On the other hand, at that time there were many attempts by the United States to expand ties with Egypt. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that more than 50 years after the end of the power struggle that took place in Egypt in May 1971, accusations, gossip and rumors still resound in the minds of many. This struggle had a great impact on Soviet-Egyptian relations during the era of Egyptian President M. A. Sadat. Therefore, the author of the article seeks to analyze the events and development of this struggle or correct the distortion of facts with the help of memoirs and works of diplomats and politicians published over the past 50 years in Russian and Arabic. This undoubtedly provides an opportunity for a clearer and more comprehensive conclusion about the reality of the relationship between Sadat and the Soviet leaders after the overthrow of the Ali Sabri group, which resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the USSR and Egypt on May 27, 1971.
Sadat, Sabri, May Corrective Revolution, Centers of power, Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East, USA, Egypt, USSR, Vinogradov
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Zastavenko, V.A. (2023). On the Methodology of Conflict Research: Some Reflections. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 53–64.
The subject of the article is the methodological foundations of conflict research. Based on the approaches and principles established in Russian science, author try to identify problems in the methodology of the conflict, which, according to the author, have become noticeable with a closer study of established ideas, and offer possible solutions to these problems. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical-materialistic method as a method of cognition, as well as systemic, synergetic and informational approaches. Theoretical methods were used in research activities: structural and functional; comparative; theoretical analysis of literary sources, as well as empirical methods: the study of experience and observation. The results of the study include: 1. Clarification of the place and role of contradiction in the conflict. 2. Clarification of the relationship between the contradiction and the object of the conflict. 3. The assumption of the need to expand existing ideas about groups of objects of conflict and to introduce into scientific circulation the concepts of self-esteem of a person as an object of conflict. 4. Conclusion about the need to include the information approach as one of the leading approaches at the general scientific level of methodological analysis of conflictology. The novelty of the study is as follows: 1. On the assumption that it is possible to consider the self-esteem of a person as an object of conflict and the statement on this basis that there are no "non-objective" conflicts. Any conflict arises as a result of a mature actualized contradiction and is based on an object and a subject. 2. In the statement that the methodological analysis of conflictology at the general scientific level should be based on three methods of scientific cognition: a systematic, synergetic and informational approach. The study of the information array available in Russian science on the methodology of conflict allows us to conclude that it is necessary to increase research work in this problem field.
information approach, synergetic approach, the subject of the conflict, controversy, systematic approach, methodological analysis of the conflict, object of the conflict, methodological foundations of the conflict, methodology of the conflict, conflict
Classification and typology of modern conflicts
Novopashina, L.A., Savel'eva, T.G., Garibyan, E.R., Avdeeva, T.G., Smirnova, L.E. (2023). Value Orientations and Choice of Strategies of Behavior in Conflict by Senior Schoolchildren. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 65–82.
Adolescence is an age when very often, against the background of psychological and physiological changes associated with growing up, conflict situations arise not only with peers, but with parents and teachers. Constructive conflict resolution is an important step towards building harmonious relationships with others in the future, and one of the conditions for effective functioning in society, finding one's place in it. To solve these issues at the first stage, targeted psychological studies of the value orientations of young people and their connection with the choice of behavioral strategies in conflict situations among schoolchildren are necessary. The relationship of value orientations and strategies of behavior in conflict by senior schoolchildren is considered. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the value orientations of senior schoolchildren and the main strategies of their behavior in a conflict situation. We conducted a study to determine the relationship between the value orientations of high school students and the main strategies of their behavior in a conflict situation. With the help of Pearson's chi-square, it was revealed that schoolchildren who choose concession and compromise as the leading strategies of behavior in conflict situations put such a value as "health" in the first place. The relationship of value orientations with other behavioral strategies has not been identified. At the same time, schoolchildren do not choose cooperation as a leading and priority strategy. In order to purposefully influence the formation of value orientations and behavioral strategies of schoolchildren, we have developed a music lesson, the content of which includes the formation of the components we need. The purpose of the lesson is to give students an idea of values such as friendship, public recognition, love, happiness of others, good manners, responsibility and sensitivity; the formation of the ability to work in a team and to give students an idea of such a strategy of behavior in conflict as cooperation.
health, compromise, rivalry, conflict, cooperation, behavioral strategies, value orientations, values, family, interaction
The standoff between great powers
Baev, A., Rakhimov, D.&. (2023). Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Official Development Assistance of the United States and China on the Voting of Sub-Saharan Africa in the UN General Assembly. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 83–97.
The subject of the study is the development assistance of the United States and China to Sub-Saharan states and its impact on the voting of recipient countries in the UN General Assembly.The object of the study is the relations of the United States and China with Sub-Saharan Africa. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as development assistance, as well as voting in the UN General Assembly. Particular attention is paid to the impact of development assistance from donor States represented by the United States and China on the voting in the UNGA of recipient states on key issues of interest to China and the United States. The main conclusions of this study are the following: the more African countries receive more aid from the United States, the more they tend to vote for the same opinion as the United States in the UN General Assembly. On the other hand, China's assistance did not have a significant impact on the similarity of foreign policy between China and the recipient African States. The novelty of the study lies in the regression analysis. In addition to the amount of aid to African countries in the United States and China, the work includes variables that may influence the UN General Assembly vote on African recipient States in the statistical model as control variables based on existing research.
Politics, United Nations, Voting, Saharan Africa, China, USA, Competition, Development assistance, Economy, Regression analysis
Strategic communication in conflict
Borisov, D.A., Safarov, A.M., Goryacheva, A.I. (2023). The Evaluation of Effectiveness of Youth Extremism Countering Policy of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Context of Informatisation and Digitalisation Processes. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 98–111.
The process of informatisation of extremist activity is becoming a serious challenge to international security, which leads to increase in the negative effect spreading of radical and violent ideas in political struggle. UN calls all actors to search of effective methods of counteracting extremist activity, which should provide comprehensive communication in order to build trust between various social institutions and networks. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization engages in resisting extremism as key areas of activity, and the policy in the field of countering extremism has received separate legal support. The SCO offers a preventive approach to resist extremism: the use of the media and the Internet as a tool for propaganda against extremist ideas, promoting patriotic ideas and educating young people. In this context, the authors of the study applied the methods of the case approach to assess the quality and effectiveness of the Shanghai policy to counter extremism activity. Using a comparative analysis of the quantitative data SEO metrics of the SCO's resources on the Internet and social networks. The study showed that today, the SCO’s anti-extremist activities have not been able to go beyond declarative settings. The Organization’s activity on the Internet and social networks is limited to a purely informative one, and the number of subscribers, the content and the frequency of updating the content cannot have any noticeable positive agenda or counter-narratives effect. The SCO youth policy as an element of counter-extremist activity has similar shortcomings listed above.
digitalization, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, international security, analyses of SEO data, effectiveness of international institutions, youth policy, antiextremism, youth extremism, informatization, The SCO
Diagnostics of conflict
Novopashina, L.A., Gudovskii, I.V., Shepeleva, Y.S., Vladykin, I.V., Varfolomeeva, Y.S. (2023). The choice of strategies of behavior in conflict and emotional hindrances in communication among secondary school teachers. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 112–124.
Currently, the study of behavioral strategies in conflict situations is important for understanding, forecasting and correcting the interaction of all participants in the educational process. Having received data on the specifics of strategies of behavior in conflict, we can see the causes of this or that destructive situation and warn it in time. In addition, the choice of a particular strategy can influence the establishment of emotional contacts with a communication partner, which largely determines the effectiveness of interaction. The subject of this study is the relationship between conflict behavior strategies and emotional hindrances in communication among secondary school teachers. The following methods were chosen for the study: a test questionnaire by K. Thomas to determine the style of behavior in a conflict situation, a method for diagnosing "interference" in establishing emotional contacts by V.V. Boyko. When calculating the results according to the Thomas methodology, the following was revealed: there was a separation of teachers and their inherent strategies of behavior in conflict by work experience. Teachers with less than 10 years of experience have the following prevailing strategies of behavior in conflict – avoidance (34%), compromise (28%), adaptation (21%). The cooperation and rivalry strategies scored 7% and 10% respectively. Among the leading strategies for teachers with more than 10 years of experience, as well as for teachers with less than 10 years of experience, the compromise behavior strategy stands out (34%). Teachers with 10 years of experience to a lesser extent have significant "hindrances" in establishing emotional contacts. Teachers with less than 10 years of experience have a strong connection between behavioral strategies and emotional hindrances. For teachers with more than 10 years of experience, this relationship is expressed to a lesser extent, in some places it is not expressed at all.
avoidance, teacher, assignment, emotional interference, emotions, rivalry, compromise, cooperation, conflict competence, conflict
Prevention of conflict
Smirnaya, A.A., Smirnova, A.V., Tyukanov, V.L., Morozova, T.B., Tyukanov, V.L. (2023). The Influence of Personality Type on the Level of Tolerance. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 125–133.
Tolerance as the ability to understand and accept the others, awareness of the value of one's personality and the people around them, respect for them, a sense of solidarity and a desire for cooperation, are now of paramount importance. In many ways, the development of tolerance is influenced by a person's personal qualities, his characteristics. We assumed that the level of tolerance is influenced by a person's personality type. The classification of K. Jung was taken as a basis. The sample consisted of 52 people from dormitories No. 17 and No. 19 of the Siberian Federal University of Krasnoyarsk, located next to each other. The age of the subjects is 20-22 years. There are 35 men and 17 women from different institutes and training areas. The purpose of the study: to study the influence of personality type on the level of tolerance. According to the results, our hypothesis that extroverts and ambiverts are characterized by a high level of tolerance, which is associated with a personal need for communication and interaction with others for these types, and for an introvert – a low level of tolerance, has not been confirmed. The reliability of the differences between the groups of subjects was not confirmed as a result of using a nonparametric method of comparing independent samples using the Mann-Whitney U-test. We assume that tolerance as a complex systemic quality of a person should be studied using an integrated approach, which is based on the fact that three main levels can be distinguished in the structure of tolerance: biological, psychological, social.
individual differences, student, Adoption, conflict, ambivert, introvert, extrovert, personality type, tolerance, communication