The tools for impacting a conflict situation
Gumbatov, N.F., Kong, X. (2023). Minilateral Alliances in the American Strategy of Containing the PRC in the Indo-Pacific Region. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 1–10.
The subject of the study is the consideration of the minilateral formations in the framework of the implementation of US foreign policy. The object of the study is the US foreign policy towards China since the beginning of the 21st century. The author examines in detail such aspects as the interaction of the United States and its allies in the Asian region, within the framework of the formation of the anti-Chinese coalition association, as well as analyzing and drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of a number of large minilateral organizations. Particular attention is paid to the reactionary perception of the top leadership of the leadership and the public masses of China on the role of the United States in building minilateral formations in its foreign policy. The main conclusions of the study are: • The minilateral unions only accelerate the process of dividing the Asian region into pro-Chinese and pro-American. Such a competitive policy to attract Asian states to their trade, economic and political space will only complicate the process of finding a compromise point of view between the two great economic powers, as well as damage peace, prosperity and stability in the region in the long term; • The growing popularity in the formation of minilateral structures is a consequence of the growing confrontation between China and the USA over the past decade, and not the primary cause of contradictions; • To date, most of the programs that have a "minilateral connotation" have little effective impact for the American government, nevertheless they cannot be called unfulfilled. Taking into account the relatively recent acceleration in attracting an increasing number of countries to existing and newly formed formats, Washington expects to get positive results for itself in the next decade, provided that China's economic and technological development is consolidated. The scientific novelty is determined primarily by the fact that the work analyzes the mechanism and evolution of interstate relations between the United States and partner countries, as well as the peculiarities of their activities in the minilateral associations.
USA, China, regional policy, strategy, mechanism, expansionism, security, alliance, minilateralism, Indo-Pacific
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Molokoedov, D.I., Sun', S. (2023). US-China Rivalry in Trade and Economic Relations with Latin American Countries. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 11–30.
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This article is devoted to the analysis of trade and economic relations between the United States and China with Latin American countries. This region is a sphere of competitive confrontation between the two countries not only for foreign policy ties, but also for trade and economic ones. The authors in this article show the peculiarities of the bilateral relations between China and the United States with Latin America and describe the process of changing US policy towards Latin America after 2017, when it radically changed after the Trump administration came to power, and Beijing, taking advantage of this opportunity, began to compete with Washington in this region. Also, in this article, the authors provide a comparative analysis of the indicators of trade and economic relations between China and the United States with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that, using the example of the transition of leading positions towards China, the authors, within the framework of the theory of "power transit" (Power transition theory), describe the competitive struggle of states in this region in trade and economic terms, which is inextricably linked with political relations. The main conclusions are that the United States is still an external force that cannot be ignored in Latin American international relations, while China has every chance of gradually displacing the United States from the foreign market in Latin America thanks to its economic projects with the introduction of leading Latin American countries in the economic sphere. The United States of America, in turn, is trying to maintain its position in this region by easing its economic and financial constraints and, thereby, inclining the political leadership of Latin American countries to its side.
import, export, trade, economy, trade and economic relations, Latin America, USA, Power Transition Theory, China, competitive struggle
New challenges and security threats to modern countries
Horbil, P., Korosteleva, E.I., Raad, F. (2023). Women's Terrorism in the Caucasus. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 31–43.
Throughout the history of its existence the phenomenon of terrorism has undergone changes in methods, approaches and means of manifestation, however, in the modern world terrorism is becoming a global threat to humanity. The object of research in this article is female terrorism in the Caucasus. The multinational region of the Caucasus encourages the peoples inhabiting it to fight for independence in order to preserve their identity and the right to self-determination. The article examines in detail the history of terrorism in the Caucasus, the role of women in terrorist activities, identifies the origins of the origin of terrorism during the existence of the Russian Empire, and gives the reasons for the emergence of terrorism in the post-Soviet period on the territory of this region. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that women's terrorism, like any manifestation of terrorist activity, is a difficult to predict threat, and in order to eradicate the problem of terrorism, it is necessary to study it and thereby prevent it. Throughout its history, the Caucasus has always remained one of the most unstable regions and was distinguished by high terrorist activity. This is facilitated by various factors that have led to the widespread development of terrorist activities in the territory of this region. The two initial factors are ethnic and confessional. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the study of women's participation in terrorist activities in the Caucasus region, identifying the reasons for their participation. In this study, the authors used the historical method, as well as the method of situational analysis, which was aimed at finding the relationship of women's participation in terrorist activities in the Caucasus. The article examined Russia and the countries of the Caucasus region: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. On the basis of a comparative analysis, the article revealed the characteristic features of terrorist activity and the place of female terrorism in the territories of the above-mentioned countries.
North Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Post-Soviet studies, Caucasus, Terrorism, Women's terrorism, Analysis
International conflicts
Kryzhko, L.A. (2023). The Suez Crisis in the US Foreign Policy Strategy in the Middle East: Risks and Prospects. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 44–58.
The article is devoted to the US foreign policy during one of the most acute crises of the Cold War period. The issue of the Eisenhower administration's choice of a strategy of deterrence and non-interference in the military action of NATO allies is debatable and relevant as a historical experience in the development of geostrategic guidelines in the US foreign policy strategy. The purpose of the article is to identify the main risks and opening prospects for the United States in the choice of foreign policy strategy in the Middle East in the context of the development of the Suez crisis. The methodological basis of the study is the historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological methods. It has been established that the reasons that prompted the United States to form an appropriate strategy included geopolitical and economic motives: the desire to take a leading position in the Middle East, demonstrating an alternative to Great Britain and France; the desire to win the trust of Egypt, which has the potential of a leader in the region and military-strategic contacts with the USSR; readiness to join economic sanctions against Egypt with the potential to receive economic and political dividends and competitive advantages; preference to keep the possibility of balancing between the sides in the Arab-Israeli confrontation. The author comes to the conclusion that during the Suez crisis of 1956, the United States acted rationally, but in the conditions of the current moment.
Middle East, Israel, Egypt, France, Great Britain, USSR, USA, Suez Crisis, Cold War, NATO
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Farkhetdinova, E.T. (2023). The Current Geopolitical Position of the Republic of Korea: at the Crossroads of Interests of the United States and China. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 59–72.
The article is aimed at identifying the current foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Korea, taking into account the factor of its special geopolitical position, namely, being at the crossroads of interests and growing rivalry between the two world great powers – the United States and China. The definition of priorities and goals of the Republic of Korea's foreign policy is carried out in the article based on the concept of "geopolitical code" used in political geography. The article reveals the concept of "geopolitical code", traces the evolution of the geopolitical code of the Republic of Korea and characterizes its modern features. The article demonstrates the complex process of balancing the Republic of Korea between the United States and China during the first two decades of the 21st century, at the initial stage caused by different positions and interests of the parties in resolving the North Korean nuclear missile problem, and at the current stage – by the growing regional (in the Asia-Pacific) and global rivalry between the world's two great powers. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the Republic of Korea is striving to maintain a balance in its relations with the great powers and pursue a foreign policy independent of the great powers, which, however, is complicated by the need to maintain close military-political coordination with Washington due to the unresolved North Korean missile nuclear problem and the relentless growth of China's influence on the economy of the Republic of Korea. Preserving the central role of the alliance with the United States and strengthening economic relations with China as the world's second world economy is a continuing reality of the Republic of Korea.
foreign policy strategy, THAAD Missile defense system, Moon Jae-in, the problem of the Korean peninsula, economic sphere, security, the geopolitical code, China, USA, Republic of Korea
Prevention of conflict
Dianov, S.A. (2023). Political Science Education in the Educational Environment of University: Valuable Semantic Foundations. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 73–81.
Political science education over the past thirty years has become the most important element of the humanitarian sphere of the Russian university. At the same time, a discussion continues in the scientific and pedagogical community about the status of political science education in the professional training of specialists in demand for the country, masters and research teachers. One of the main questions postulated in the expert community is to determine the role of the science of politics in preventing the emergence of conflict situations in the educational space of the university on the basis of the "politicization" of the worldview positions of participants in educational relations. The transition in 2010-2020 to a competency-based model for the implementation of basic professional educational programs and the introduction of project technologies in the educational process led to a serious transformation of the architecture of education and upbringing at the university. The article presents arguments in favor of the author's hypothesis about the need to introduce programs of political and legal education at leading universities for all participants in the educational process. The author comes to the conclusion that the approbation of such programs will qualitatively update the content of the educational work of innovative teachers and methodologically strengthen the cultural component in the professional outlook of students. The educational component is also emphasized. The content of the programs should include didactic materials containing recommendations on how to quickly respond to typical conflict situations on the grounds of a mismatch of political orientations among the youth. The materials contained in the article are addressed to graduate students, young professionals and researchers of higher education.
personal and professional development, legal education, conflict situations, university, educational environment, socialization, political science education, mentoring, conflict prevention, youth groups
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Brambila Martinez, F. (2023). A Federalism-Based Comparative Analysis to Diminish National Security Threats in Contemporary Policy Transfer. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 82–87.
This essay reviews the source of national security threats embedded in contemporary policy transfer processes. The subject of this research are the processes within policy transfer tied to NGO’s and international organizations. The goal of this exercise consists on designing a replicable framework to policy transfer to be implemented by the state in all its stages in the absence of external entities as a mean to diminish the threats to national security. This essay begins by analyzing the worldwide demand for knowledge under the Dolowitz-Marsh approach to review the role of NGO’s and other international organizations involved in the contemporary processes of policy transfer. The author analyzes Stone’s concept of methodological nationalism according to evaluation of policy results in relation to international standards. Under this framework is concluded that NGO’s and international organizations can contribute to the production of knowledge, however their relationship with the state typically expands beyond the results of activity thereafter increasing the risks to national security by their influence beyond accountability and control. In order to achieve the set research goal, this essay provides a novel framework to policy transfer based on federalism-base comparative analysis due to the availability of multidimensional data. The author concludes on the need to disassociate external entities from policy transfer processes according to a federalism-based comparative analysis and provides a series of steps to perform it. In this manner, the state will remain interconnected to global sources of information and processes while retaining its sovereignty in a contemporary setting.
Globalization, Government Performance, Transnational Administration, Global Governance, Production of Knowledge, International Organizations, Government Accountability, National Security, Non-governmental organizations, International Law
Theory, history and methodology of conflict resolution
Brambila Martinez, F. (2023). Conflict Prevention in the Framework of Contemporary Government Procedures and International Cooperation. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 88–93.
This article reviews the basic functions and interactions of the state with diverse stakeholders on a global level to identify the sources of conflict on a contemporary setting. The subject of this research is the measurement of state capacity as an outcome of governance largely influenced by the process of globalization and its repercussions on conflict prevention. The goal consists on finding possible solutions to the contemporary capacity-sovereignty dilemma under the relationship of the state with international policy brokers to shield its functions from foreign interference and threats without undermining its international participation and growth. The core definitions and characteristics of governance are determined to reveal the peculiarities and limitations of the state in preventing conflicts. The interactions of the state with a wide array of stakeholders on a global level are analyzed to assess the nature of their outcomes in relation to governance and state capacity. The capacity and legitimacy of international policy brokers in conveying the national interests of the state in the framework of international cooperation are reviewed. In order to achieve the set research goal, the author reviews the core functions of the state when interacting with international stakeholders of different configurations. In order to create the necessary conditions for conflict prevention, this work recommends the development of flexible government procedures to shield the core functions of the state as unimpeded cooperation is carried in all areas. This article provides a theoretical framework applicable to a wide array of contemporary nations for supporting the examination and elaboration of dedicated mechanisms in the conflict prevention area by reviewing the elemental processes of the state rather than analyzing particular conflicts and their causes.
Government processes, Regulations, Global actors, International development, State capacity, International cooperation, Globalization, Governance, Conflict resolution, Sovereignty
Classification and typology of modern conflicts
Rostovtseva, M.V., Dulinets, T.G., Trofimova, V.V., Polomoshnova, A.V., Desyatova, I.S. (2023). The Study of Strategies of Conflict Behavior of Teachers and the Psychological Atmosphere in the Teaching Staff. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 94–102.
The increasing tension of labor entails an increase in the number of social conflicts in educational organizations between all subjects of educational relations. In case of conflict situations, the main responsibility for their settlement falls on teachers. The purpose of the work: to study the influence of strategies of conflict behavior of teachers on the psychological atmosphere of the teaching staff. This study involved 25 people from the teaching staff of the school (21 women and 4 men). The study was conducted using the following methods: methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere in the team (according to A. F. Fiedler); strategies of behavior in conflict by K. Thomas. In the course of an empirical study of conflicts in the teaching staff, it was revealed that a favorable psychological atmosphere has developed in the studied teaching staff. The following influences of the style of conflict behavior on the socio-psychological climate of the team are revealed: cooperation strengthens mutual support, compromise increases passion and consent, adaptation is associated with consent, rivalry suppresses the manifestation of satisfaction, enthusiasm and entertainment, cooperation is not acceptable with coldness, the more compromise forms of behavior, the less inconsistency in the group, the more adaptation, the less inconsistency, the more often the withdrawal strategy is used, the less agreement (-0.330) and cooperation.
cooperation, communication, teaching staff, psychological atmosphere, team, conflict, teacher, behavior strategies, rivalry, compromise
Prevention of conflict
Smirnaya, A.A., Smirnova, A.V., Ivanov, I.A., Tyukanov, V.L., Morozova, T.B. (2023). The Influence of the Level of Subjective Control on the Tolerance of Older Adolescents. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 103–119.
The article deals with the problem of the formation of adolescent tolerance and examines the influence of subjective control on the tolerance of older adolescents. The education system, having unique opportunities to expand knowledge about other people who are different from us, their views, culture, as one of the most important tasks, puts forward the problem of forming tolerance among the younger generation. The relevance of this socio-pedagogical problem is due to the need to find effective means of forming tolerance among students. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution "General education institution Gymnasium No. 11 named after A.N. Kulakov" in Krasnoyarsk. The sample of the study was 133 subjects. The female sample is 71 people, the male sample is 62 people, students of grades 9-11. The obtained data and statistical analysis confirmed the dependence of the level of tolerance of older adolescents on sex differences. Girls are tolerant, they are characterized by tolerant forms of behavior, while boys, on the contrary, are more often intolerant, both to the outside world and to people. With the help of Kendall's rank correlation coefficient, data were processed and compared using the methods "Level of subjective control" and "Tolerance Index". The data confirmed the relationship between the level of subjective control and the level of tolerance of older adolescents. Externals have a low tolerance for others, internals have a higher level of tolerance. In addition, the data showed that girls have a higher level of tolerance than boys.
nationality, culture, identity, ethnic identity, conflict, installations, subjective control, locus of control, older students, tolerance