Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Ivanov, O. (2022). The practical part of denazification of Ukraine. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.38357
The article is devoted to the problems of denazification of Ukraine. Denazification is understood in the context of the transformation of the identity of the population of Ukraine during a special military operation and after its completion. The relevance of the formation of a new society in the territories of Ukraine, which have chosen the vector of cooperation with Russia, is substantiated. Based on historical experience, taking into account local specifics, key mechanisms for the formation of such an identity are proposed, in particular: the ban of all old political parties, lustration of officials, control over the media, the use of "soft power" of the Russian world, including the dissemination of its linguistic and cultural achievements, the restoration of historical memory. It is concluded that the meaning of denazification in the understanding proposed in the article goes far beyond the Ukrainian post-Soviet transit and Ukrainian-Russian interstate relations. The modernization and transformation of Ukrainian society, its total denazification should become the point from which not only the construction of a new system of European and global security will begin, but also a new, more stable world order that allows us to effectively respond to modern global challenges. The novelty and practical significance of the work consists in a systematic analysis of the problems associated with the formation of a new Ukrainian identity, taking into account the current situation.
Russia, Ukraine, the conflict of civilizations, soft power, history, identity, denazification, Donbass, socio-political, conflict
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Ermakov, D.N. (2022). Political assessment of the events of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1939) in the writings of German official military representatives. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 16–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.38105
The article examines the assessments of German military specialists of the processes of the initial period of the Sino-Japanese War. The authors are based on previously little-known documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, some of these documents are being put into circulation for the first time. The article reflects the struggle of ideologies on the territory of China during the latter's military clash with Japan. The authors show on the basis of German documents the harsh anti-communist nature of Japanese policy in the occupied Chinese territories, but they also address the problem of Japanese chauvinism in the late 1930s. In this regard, the failure of the strategy of the Japanese occupation authorities aimed at splitting Chinese society is justified. The author shows that Japan was not economically ready in 1939 to wage war against the USSR and China at the same time, in this regard, the article pays much attention to the economic issues of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The relevance of the article is due to the lack of widely published materials in the activities of German military representatives who turned out to be observers of the second Sino-Japanese War. It is important to get reliable information about the essence and origins of the Sino-Japanese conflict. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the role of Alexander von Falkenhausen at the initial stage of the Sino-Japanese War and during the preparation of the Chiang Kai-shek regime for it. The authors also touch upon the issue of strategic miscalculations of the Japanese high command at the initial stage of the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the problem of shortcomings in Chiang Kai-shek's strategy is also touched upon. The authors also touch upon the issue of strategic miscalculations of the Japanese high command at the initial stage of the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the problem of shortcomings in Chiang Kai-shek's strategy is also touched upon.
PDA, Kuomintang, Japan, China, Khalkhin-Gol, Japan-China political relations, Chiang Kai - shek, Japanese militarism, Japan's military economy, The Second Sino-Japanese War
International conflicts
Kryzhko, L.A., Kryzhko, E.V., Pashkovsky, P.I. (2022). Egyptian Policy in the Context of the Transformation of US Geostrategic Approaches in the Middle East in 1953–1956. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 33–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.38207
The authors consider the problem of the significance of Egypt's policy in the context of the transformation of the US geostrategic approaches in the Middle East in 1953–1956. It is shown that the approaches of the United States that have undergone transformation, which sought to create a controlled military-political bloc of the states of the Middle East region, were not implemented largely due to the policy of Egypt. Continuing the implementation of the military-political project - the Baghdad Pact, Washington not only did not achieve the favor of Cairo, but also caused its extremely negative reaction, which became a derivative of the understanding that American initiatives were an attempt to strengthen Egypt's traditional rival in the struggle for leadership in the Arab world – Iraq. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the designation of the role of Egypt as a regional power capable of creating alternative military projects to American initiatives. The circumstances preventing the inclusion of Cairo in the military-political bloc of states in the Middle East initiated by the United States, which directed a number of Arab countries against such initiatives, sympathizing with the anti-colonial sentiments of the Egyptian leadership, are indicated. It was revealed that the persistence of the initiatives of the Western states and the methods of their implementation prompted Cairo to seek protection in the face of an alternative center of power. Therefore, in the conditions of aggravation of Egyptian-Israeli relations on the eve of the Suez crisis, Egypt is drawing closer to the USSR. However, Washington retained the possibility of rapprochement with Cairo, not formally becoming a member of the Baghdad Pact, and also «staying aside» in the military anti-Egyptian action of Great Britain, France and Israel.
Dwight Eisenhower, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Iraq, USSR, League of Arab States, Great Britain, Baghdad Pact, Middle East, USA, Egypt
Domestic political conflicts
Pataraya, K.I., Krymova, K.M. (2022). National scenarios of digitalization of political protest. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 42–59. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.36736
The authors consider significant changes in the political landscape associated with the impact of digitalization. The aim of the work was to study the changes in the characteristic features of political protests due to the introduction of new digital technologies in them. National scenarios of digitalization of political protest are considered through comparative analysis. Case study and comparative analysis were used as research methods. The techniques of the scenario method were applied. The object of the study were five cases reflecting the nature of the digitalization of political protest: protests against the extradition bill in Hong Kong (2019-2020), protests of those who disagree with the results of the presidential elections in Belarus (2020-2021), protests in France against the bill "On Global Security" (2020-2021), protests of those who disagree with the results of the elections in the United States (2020-2021), as well as protests in support of A. Navalny in Russia (2021). The result of the study was the identification of common and special characteristics of the national models under consideration. First of all, the variety of technologies used allows activists to form an alternative information agenda and involve broad masses of people in the protest. Secondly, the harsh reaction of the authorities to protest activity damages any attempts at dialogue between the state and civil society. Thirdly, the network nature of the organization of modern protests determines the trend towards decentralized protest management. Fourth, large media corporations in modern conditions acquire the status of independent political actors. Fifth, the request for anonymity in order to minimize restrictions on the use of digital tools in the future may also become a new serious challenge for public authorities.
digitalization, political protest, digital tools, digital technologies, social network, messengers, internet blocking, collective action, smartphones, digital protests
Armed conflict and war
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2022). The myth of the "humanity" of non-lethal weapons. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 60–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.3.35062
The subject of the study is a non-lethal (non-lethal) weapon. The object of the study is the thesis of his humanity and safety, put forward by some military experts. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the correctness of the thesis about its safety based on the analysis of the features of the use of non-lethal weapons in modern local wars and armed conflicts. The relevance of the study is determined by the appearance in the United States and NATO of updated conceptual and combat documents defining the principles and conditions for the use of non-lethal weapons. When writing the review article, general scientific research methods were used – analysis and synthesis, implemented on the basis of studying organizational documents that are in the public domain. Based on the assessment of the use of non-lethal weapons during local wars and recent military conflicts, the features and consequences of its use are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn that the purpose of using such weapons is not the humanization of conflicts stated in a number of conceptual documents, but to increase the effectiveness of defeating the enemy in difficult conditions of modern conflicts. Thus, in the review article it is determined that the increasing role of non-lethal weapons in modern operations is determined by its physical properties, which make it possible to solve the tasks of defeating the enemy in difficult conditions of the background-target situation characteristic of modern local wars and armed conflicts
Modern conflicts, Comprehensive defeat of the enemy, Conflict condition, Impact effectiveness, Non-lethal weapon, Humanization of Armed Conflict, Non-lethal combat weapon, Types of non-lethal weapons, Impact factors, The consequences of non-lethal exposure