Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Jiang, J. (2022). Features of the development of Sino-American trade and economic tensions under the administration of D. Trump. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.36690
This study is devoted to the issues of the current agenda of bilateral relations between the United States and China. An overview, retrospective analysis of the relations between the countries during the period of D. Trump's tenure is given. The subject of the study is the Sino-American trade and economic relations of the period when D. was in power in the United States. Trump. The purpose of this study is to determine the contradictions affecting the development of Sino-American trade and economic tensions during this period. The methodological basis is a set of methods. A systematic approach to research is reflected in the use of traditional structural and functional analysis of individual elements of these relationships. The study uses a comparative historical method to identify patterns and trends in the development of bilateral relations during the period of D. Trump's administrations in power. In addition, the following general scientific methods were used in the study – analysis, synthesis, deduction, generalization and analogy. When preparing the article, the author used a wide range of sources from Russian and foreign authors. The novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive approach to analyzing the contradictions of Sino-American relations during the period of D. Trump's tenure. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the following conclusions: firstly, about the continuity of the problems that the US and China are forced to deal with at present, and, secondly, that the ties between both economies are so dense that a sharp "reversal" of either of them will inevitably lead to significant costs for both parties. The continuation of the situation of the "trade war" between the two countries may lead to a complete rupture of relations, which will eventually have a negative impact on the economy of the United States and China in the future. This study can be used as a construction of predictive scenarios by economists, sociologists and historians of different countries in the field of US-China relations.
foreign policy, trading, ideology, United States of America, People's Republic of China, Economy, international relations, economic zones, geopolitics, deficit
Identity and conflict
Khusainova, S. (2022). The role of Scandinavian mythology in the formation of national identity. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 15–23. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.37025
Special attention in this article is paid to the relationship between mythology and the modern idea of mentality. The conceptual foundations of national identity in the framework of the constructivist theory of international relations correlate with historical retrospect. The experience of assessing cultural characteristics suggests a close connection of the modern manifestation of identity with folklore, customs, histories and traditions of a certain society. The national identity of the people inhabiting the Kingdoms of Norway, Sweden and Denmark from the point of view of the soft power of states often refers to Scandinavian mythology. The role of the mythological perception of national identity helps to correctly interpret the peculiarities of the Northern mentality, contribute to building a cultural dialogue in the modern world. The main conclusion of the article is that the hermeneutical approach to the analysis of documents of Scandinavian mythology helps to understand the current trends in the development of Northern societies. The national question in the framework of constructivist theory is based on identity, which is closely related to historical retrospect, understanding the basics of which allows you to build a modern dialogue. The novelty of this study lies in the assessment of mythological cognition from the point of view of its role in the formation of the national identity of the Northern peoples. According to the constructivist theory of international relations, he argues that the modern world is built at the expense of invisible constructs, a detailed analysis of which helps to find a balance in the system of international relations.
constructivism, experience, tradition, culture, mentality, Scandinavia, mythology, history, identity, north
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Alekseev, Y., Anuchin, S., Zamaraikina, L., Surguch, S. (2022). The role of the Arctic Council in the management of the Arctic and Russia's activities in it. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 24–39. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38025
The XXI century is the era of the emergence of geopolitical disputes and disagreements between states. Such contradictions are caused by scientific and technological progress and an increasing number of international actors in the struggle for natural resources. Today, one of such spaces of geopolitical contradictions is the Arctic. It is here that the political, legal, economic, military-strategic, environmental and social interests of many powers are concentrated. The authors turn the attention to the international legal regime of the Arctic, the positions of the main participants in Arctic policy and the leading institution in the region - the Arctic Council (AU). The authors analyze the level of influence of the Russian Federation on political processes in the region. The article examines the strategies and concepts of the leading actors in the region: Russia, the USA, Canada, the Scandinavia countries, as well as declarations and conventions of international organizations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the AU documents adopted both at the ministerial level and at the level of working groups and the Committee of Senior Officials in the period from 1996 to 2019. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that, to date, the AU is the main legal mechanism in the Arctic, which over the history of its existence has shown itself to be a necessary attribute in regulating the activities of states in the region. Despite the fact that the AU has the legal foundations of an intergovernmental international organization, it still retains the status of a high-level forum with limited institutional capacity, remaining a relatively poorly structured organization of the founding States. In addition, the authors come to the conclusion about the high level of Russia's involvement in the political processes of the region. In conclusion, a number of assumptions are made regarding the future political development of the Arctic and the role of the Russian Federation in this process.
Geopolitical disputes, Subarctic states, International law, Arctic status, Arctic States, Arctic Council, Russia, Institutionalization of the Arctic, The Arctic, Political development of the Arctic
International conflicts
Kryzhko, L.A., Kryzhko, E.V., Pashkovsky, P.I. (2022). Egypt in U.S. policy in the Middle East in the early 1950s. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 40–50. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38065
The author considers the problem of the role of Egypt in the US policy in the Middle East in the early 1950s. It is shown that a new political circumstances in the regions of the Middle and Near East forced the United States to act as a competitor to Great Britain. The United States understood the importance of gradually ousting Great Britain from the region, trying to prevent the increase of Soviet influence there using various methods. At the same time, the implementation of US's plan to form a controlled military-political bloc of Middle Eastern states in 1950-1953 proved to be untenable for various reasons. The decisive role in this regard was played by the position held by Egypt. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the focus on the project "Middle East Command", as the first failed plan of the military bloc of Western countries in the region. It was revealed that the US stake on Egypt as a conductor of its interests turned out to be unjustified. The US administration objectively saw in the anti-British movement, which was gaining momentum in Egypt during this period, an opportunity to strengthen its influence. However, with the approval of G. A. Nasser in power in Egypt, a new foreign policy strategy was being developed, which was based on efforts to raise the patriotism of the Arab countries and unite the Arabs in the fight against the colonial past. Also, US's efforts to achieve coexistence of Egypt and Israel in a single policy not brought the desired results. In the context of the unresolved Palestinian issue and the aggravation of the Arab-Israeli confrontation in Egypt's foreign policy, tendencies towards rapprochement with the Arab countries in the form of a number of military-political alliances were gaining momentum.
Harry Truman, Free Officers, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Middle East Command, League of Arab States, Israel, Great Britain, Middle East, USA, Egypt
Global issues of world civilization development
Koshmarov, M. (2022). The conflict of globalization of media consumption: from echo chambers to info capsules. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 51–62. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38030
The subject of this article is modern communication technologies. The purpose of the study is to describe the current processes taking place today in the field of information/communication technologies in generally understandable terms to form an overall picture; analysis of these results; forecast of development. The object of research is a modern society on a global scale. The article analyzes the main trends of information strategies, technical innovations in the field of communications, clarifies terminology on this topic. The methodological basis of the research is both general scientific and traditional methods used in political science and economics, using new terminology describing modernity – analysis, synthesis, comparative methods, etc. The main conclusions of the study are the thesis about the beginning of a gradual change in modern society through minor but permanent changes in the modern social contract with the help of new information technologies, as well as about the opacity of such a system. The scientific novelty is represented by the analysis of the concept of an immersive virtual environment that is actively developing today - the metaverse, which today is often called the Internet 2.0. Also, on the basis of primary sources – publications on this topic since the end of the twentieth century and up to modern publications, the terminology in this area has been clarified and systematized. The article points out the existence of a certain contradiction, a conflict inherent in new technologies, from the point of view of political philosophy.
search engines, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, sustainable development goals, metaverse, the singularity of propaganda, infocapsulation, social network, media consumption
Interpersonal conflicts
Sergeeva, A.A. (2022). Interpersonal conflicts motivated by jealousy or revenge as a condition for committing violent crimes. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 63–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38228
The subject of the study is violent interpersonal conflicts motivated by emotional states of jealousy and revenge or their combination. The research used a methodology based on the principles of dialectical cognition and including generally recognized scientific methods used in conflictology and jurisprudence. The author refers to moral norms in their relationship with the law, as well as in their perception by a person committing a violent crime motivated by jealousy or revenge. On this basis, recommendations have been developed that have scientific value for the further development of the theory of interpersonal conflicts and practical significance for use in the process of establishing the circumstances of the commission of violent crimes related to their subjective side. Author established the features of the intellectual element of the intent of a person committing a violent crime motivated by jealousy or revenge. Due to a distorted perception of moral norms, such a person has a tolerant attitude to violence, which in his mind is considered permissible out of jealousy, revenge or in the presence of a combination of these motives. The scope of application of the research results is practical conflictology and prevention of violent crimes. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the author's approach to establishing the peculiarities of the subject's perception of violent crime of moral norms, the distorted interpretation of which allows him to show aggression out of jealousy or revenge. It is substantiated that a subject who commits a crime out of jealousy or revenge violates generally recognized norms of morality, and his behavior in the event of an interpersonal conflict has an increased public danger equivalent to the public danger of hooligan motives. Taking into account these circumstances both in the development of methods for resolving interpersonal conflicts and in the prevention of violent crimes seems necessary.
conditions for the commission of a crime, norms of morality, punishment, crime prevention, motive of the crime, base motives, revenge, jealousy, violent crime, interpersonal conflicts
The battle for resources
Sokolov, R., Rogozhina, E.M., Tikhomirova, A.D. (2022). Modern environmental policy of the European Union: the struggle for resources and conflict of interests in various market segments. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 75–86. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.37793
The object of research in this paper is the modern environmental policy of the European Union, while the subject of research is the relationship and mutual influence of the EU environmental policy in the context of the ongoing conflict of interests on this issue in various market segments. Also in this article, the authors tried to trace the dependencies of the mechanism of implementation of the environmental policy of the European Union, establishing what impact it has on the society of European countries and their economies, and what reverse impact these areas have on environmental policy. The "European Green Course" has become the central subject of research, since the effectiveness and mechanisms of its implementation at the pan-European and national levels reveal the essence of the modern environmental policy of the European Union. The authors identify the criteria for the formation of the EU environmental policy, as well as analyze the basic principles of the implementation of pan-European legislation on environmental policy. It is concluded that the environmental policy of the European Union has one interesting feature: it is one and different at the same time. The norms and rules of each specific country differ in their strength and target areas, while the result of the application of these norms, the targets, remain equal for all countries of the Union. The compactness factor of the European Union plays a significant role in shaping the principles of implementing and building a coherent environmental policy: any environmental incident has consequences for almost all EU member states, geographically the countries are located compactly, and the current relationship between the industrial concerns of EU countries makes them extremely sensitive to supply chain disruptions.
industrial development, EU Member States, European Green Course, European Union, environmental safety, environmental policy, environmental risks, private companies, energy efficiency, legislative framework
The battle for resources
Sokolov, R., Rogozhina, E.M., Tikhomirova, A.D. (2022). Current Environmental Policy of the European Union: The struggle for resources and conflict of interests in various market segments (Part 2). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 87–100. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.37970
This article examines the issue of the strategic development of the environmental policy of the European Union in modern conditions. The assessment of the "European Green Course" is given, political, economic and environmental risks are assessed in the context of the implementation of the EU environmental policy. The authors also identify the criteria for the formation of the EU environmental policy, as well as analyze the basic principles of the implementation of pan-European legislation on environmental policy. It is concluded that the environmental policy of the European Union depends on the so-called "compactness factor", which plays a key role in shaping the principles of implementation and building a coherent environmental policy. In general, in this part of the study, the authors reveal the technologies of the political and economic impact of the EU environmental policy on the life of the member states. In many ways, this influence can be traced in the activities of youth environmental movements, which form the environmental agenda in the union and the request for changes. At the same time, the authors note the high conflictogenic potential of these movements. In general, the modern environmental policy of the EU is a catalyst for the actualization of various economic and political problems, the mechanisms of formation of which are considered by the authors. The article presents forecasts regarding the implementation of the EU environmental policy in the next few years and likely trends.
pricing process, technology of political influence, environmental risks, the popularity of environmental policy, environmental legislation, European Green Course, EU member states, European Union, environmental safety, Environmental policy
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Fadeeva, E.V. (2022). Irredentist Secessions as a form of Territorial Conflicts in the Post-Socialist Space: eruption, intercourse, outcomes. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 101–115. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2022.2.38186
The dissolution of Yugoslavia and the USSR did not lead to the emergence of large-scale territorial conflicts between the newly independent states, but provoked the unfolding of a number of secessionist conflicts, nominally domestic for these states. At the same time, for many "rebellious regions", the real goal of the conflict was not so much obtaining broader rights of self-government as such, but reunification with another state, closer to them in socio-cultural characteristics; therefore, such secessions should be considered as irredentist. In fact, irredentist secessions have become the main form of political conflict in the post-socialist space, replacing the classic interstate territorial conflicts. This article analyzes the phenomenon of irredentist secession, identifies the reasons for the special significance of this form of conflict in the space of the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, and identifies the factors that determine the successes and defeats of the irredentist secessions under consideration. Qualifying post-Yugoslav and post-Soviet conflicts as irredentist secessions is an innovative approach for Russian science. Analyzing the normative parameters of the regional political context in the conditions of the dismantement of the socialist federations, the author identifies the reasons why territorial contradictions between the newly independent states took the form of irredentist secessions. Based on the synthesis of data on current and resoved irredentist secessions, the author formulates a general scenario of irredentist secession, identifies the factors causing such an outcome, and analyzes the possibilities for overcomimg this scenario. The main conclusion of the article is that over the past thirty years, the irredentist secession format has proved its inefficiency and inability to prevent the emergence of large-scale interstate conflicts: at one stage or another of its development, the irredentist secession underwent direct military attack from the mother state, which forced its patronage state to make a choice between abandoning the secession 'under custody' to be suppressed and open military intervention on its side.
escalation, post-Soviet space, separatism, dissolution, territory, irredentism, secession, conflict, Yugoslavia, balance of power